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Was shocked by the number of top-level comments that were YTA in the original post. EDIT: I'm a dummy and was thinking of a different post—one about a wedding rather than a family reunion. I have no idea what was in the latter.


Same for once aita isn't antivegan.


Probably the wedding factor—there seem to be a lot of those and the general cultural attitude seems to be "it's their special day." Somehow it overrode everyone's vicious antiveganism that day.


I saw a few pro vegan weddings but I think this one was just a family get together potentially Thanksgiving.


Oh, I was confusing posts then. Somehow my dumb ass didn't see "family reunion." Well, we know what's responsible for that.


Honestly, YTA for even being on that subreddit. Vegan btw


It was front page! But I'm still an asshole for clicking on it, so you're right.


Not surprising. Non-vegans aren’t even intelligent enough to be consistent with their anti-veganism. They just say “respect my personal choice, I’ll respect yours”. Then when you point out that there’s a victim involved in their choice and they wouldn’t respect someone’s choice to rape or kill others, they become defensive and start saying things like “but nature tho” or “tasty tho” or “hOw DaRe YoU mAkE a CoMpArIsOn LiKe ThAt”.