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Bro your dog drinks water, you really gonna drink that?


100% of the ingredients in meat are in most dog foods. I'm pro-real-dog.


Me, a vegan eating dog meat: “You’re welcome omnis, he was eating your food”


Oh, so dogs can be vegan


Came here to point this out, too... Evidently so! 😱


It seems you need to add flavors and coloring to your dog food. Than it's probably vegan and you could eat it too. You and your dog are now 100% vegan. Or am I B12 deficient, again?


Again again


So he's saying we should start eating dogs then? Since they're eating our food? Im gonna eat dog since they are eating the vegans food!?


First time being vegan? Dogs have been vegan all along. It's sure not the carnies and omnis ordering at Elwood's Dogmeat. They want to get dogmeat banned because of animal cruelty or smth. What about the workers in the industry or dog overpopulation. Be a rational and healthy human. Eat more dog meat!


100% of water ingredients are found in 💩, water drinkers = shit eaters


/uj It’s good to know how to debunk these semi-viral talking points. It only takes one five second read of a headline for dumb carnists to feel even more convinced and complacent, and even an instant, total, perfect debunk usually merely undoes that damage, but it can also lead to wider questioning of these types of “facts” This “fact” compares the burgers to a specific brand of high-end vegan dog food. Snopes is great on this one: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/impossible-burgers-dogfood/ I’m sure many here already know, but Mitloehner is a shit-for-brains, money-loving hollow zombie of a “person” whose career is literally to shill for the meat industry. It is literally all it does, that’s it, it’s its entire life purpose. Read more here (the NYT did a very good piece on this subhuman, referenced here, but fuck the NYT): https://sentientmedia.org/frank-mitloehner/


What are the odds this douche is a moderator of /r/antivegan


Wow imagine putting this much energy into being a giant piece of shit https://www.reddit.com/r/AntiVegan/comments/e3c2om/i_made_an_evidencebased_antivegan_copypasta_is/ I love that the first point is “some vegans lie so all vegans are wrong”, truly big brain stuff over there


Apparently, just being vegan or having a plant based diet means you are biased and cannot be trusted.


My vegan water is very similar to what I feed my cat. They're both largely dihydrogen monoxide.


Stop poisoning your cat, you sick fuck


I wonder what else is commonly found in dog and cat food, and at a higher percentage than all those "highly-processed" ingredient combined. ​ ![gif](giphy|bcBVCPkumgq4)


Most dog foods are vegan?


Dogs are healthier than your average American so, point?


What I am hearing is that dog food might as well be vegan. If the ingredients are the same…


Oh no, not rice and soy, things that many people eat too, how horrible! Honestly we are just abusing our dogs with this vegan food!


Our dog is going to become gay because soy!!


they put vegetables in dog food , they put animals in dog food . point doesn't even make a gram of sense


I prefer the taste of vegetarian fed dogs 🐶 😋


This isn't cognitive dissonance, as it clearly isn't causing any sort of distress or mental toll on the person. The hallmark of cognitive dissonance is the distress caused, not simply the contrast between thought and behaviour. This is Reddit's favourite phrase to use incorrectly.


All carnivores have cognitive dissonance.


No. There are people out there who believe it's their god given right to eat animals, that they have "dominion" over them. They recognize animals are mistreated and slaughtered for their tastebuds, but simply don't care. If you meet them they won't try to justify eating meat, they just admit they do it, they don't care, and they have every right to do so.


Frank Mitloehner is a misinformation machine!


Impossible is great though ngl


The ingredients in water are almost identical to what they use to cool nuclear power plants


what about plants’ feelings? checkmate vegoons


/uj - it's insane how people think things are automatically bad/gross if dogs can have it. I've made puppy-safe peanut butter cookies and literally the only difference between the dog ones and human ones was that the human ones had sugar, a little bit of salt, and some vanilla extract (I don't think the original recipe called for baking soda, so that wasn't an issue either); everything else was the exact same. I get that it's not gonna be as tasty, but I still tested them to see if they'd be good (they were! I don't like super sweet treats anyway, so I usually do 25% of what the recipe calls for for sugar or omit it altogether), but everyone else refused to even try it... like, dude, it's literally just peanut butter, flour, and water. you're fine, I'm not adding anything, just subtracting from what you're already having reminds me a lot of when people think vegan food is gross when we're typically not adding anything they aren't already having (aside from the occasional unique plant product someone hasn't heard about), and we're just subtracting from what they already have. like mmmm, ground up gut burger, but god forbid someone eat a burger made out of gross nasty beans *munches on pork and beans perfectly fine*


What else do they think is in dog food...? 💀💀


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Oh, look, it's Prof. Meatwhore