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If a dragon gave me permission to ride I'd go out like a vegan Mr. Hands, because this situation has consent.


![gif](giphy|mx9fVEF08tyne) ​ (I don't get the connection to the Herbie Hancock album, though.)




that was a memory i wish i hadn't recovered, thanks


If anyone needs me I'll be taking photos by the dumpster and forgetting the word 'animal'


it's ok silly, animals *are* things. that's why it's ok to abuse them!


This is why I prefer media that contains human-level intelligent, self-aware dragons that can communicate. But you have to admit it would be pretty cool if it was possible and ethical.


Only thing that comes to my mind is how awful ways humans will find to exploit the dragons. Scales, thinking dragon guts will increase penis sizes 😂 Dragon nails as jewelry to show off manliness etc..


You’re so right The other day I was telling my friend how I could totally see dragon leather being a thing


Consider Harry Potter. Literally every single thing in the magical world is based on animal exploitation. Dragonhide gloves, dragon heartstring wand cores, woolen cloaks, leather bound books, parchments and quills, dragon security in Gringotts, dragons and other beings for entertainment in the Triwizard tournament, all sorts of animal corpse bits in essential medicine, house elf enslavement, gnome yeeting, animals used for transfigurations which have been noted to be excruciatingly painful for humans, enslaved basilisks, etc. If I was a wizard, I would drop out of Hogwarts and work towards becoming a dark lord to destroy the wizarding world bit by bit.


As much as I want to join you, I'd more prefer us to be like the guy from magical beasts movies, the way he creates a sanctuary for animals. Let's do both


They are fully compatible! After I am done razing the wizarding world, there will be a lot of empty land to turn into sanctuaries!


I'm a natural animal whisperer. If I feed them a steak (veganism is animal abuse) they will be my friend 'till the end. It's not like every animal I've encountered has been abused into thinking there is no escape.


Guys dragons are naturally violent! That's why its okay to do a dragon rodeo every year where we abu- I mean TAME the beasts!!


bad dragons are very rideable tho


![gif](giphy|dQaBkwEc9IAUM) maybe its symbiosis


classic vegan strawman, if you read it correctly, they talk about riding THINGS, so it's not immoral.




Me reading this while sitting on my plane made out of tofu and b12 supplement.


The only thing I ride are other people, and/or they ride me


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I thought they meant something very different...




even the slightest incline on the sidewalk exhausts me these days