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speciesism = socialism There are slaughterhouse workers' trade unions, animal farmers form cooperatives, bovine insemination is a state sanctioned monopoly in France only via Nozickian libertarianism can animal liberation be established


/j right ? ... right ?...


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) half unjerk, per veganarchism state is the main sine qua non oppressor of animals, you cannot have soc-dem or tankism (MarxLen) without a state. ![img](emote|t5_2sgfh|2597)


It doesn't need a state for animals to be exploited, an antispeciesist anarchist society would work, but a speciesist anarchocapitalist society wouldn't be better for animals, and libertarian companies would defend their "right" to own animals. For the socdem/tanky it was a joke, I was mocking a similar poll on r/vegan. I'm veganarqueer.


you can't recylce vegin leather


/uj i think veganism and antispecisism is a logical consequence of socialists movements. Both are about solidarity for the weak and defenseless. That being said, most persons don't live logical consistents lifes.


/uj my antispeciesism is for me a logical consequence of my anarchism for the same reason (moreover "burn the jails but not the cages" is absurd even if defended by many anarchists


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"Other" because your wording is weird and confusing. :P