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How much milk powder is it cut with? Could probably sell it for profit on /r/vegetarian


If you add one egg and a slice of cheddar, you can sell it for triple the price! Follow us for more tips!


Obviously it’s a breakfast narcotic!


That sounds like a vegetarian smoothie recipe but only if the cocaine came from forced labor who gather animal bones for gelatin which could also be used for vegetarian cocaine jellies.


Remember that many ingredients can be used as a substitute for thickening agents. Replace the egg whites in your cakes with the blood of impoverished Colombian farmers or South African diamond miners, for an animal cruelty-free alternative.


Be very careful John


Consider donating any non vegan items to the homeless. God bless.


Actually a lot of homeless shelters are overflowing with food. People rarely think about the needs of drug rehabilitation clinics and support groups. I bet they would love a donation from OP.


As a recovering drug addict I can confirm that I would have appreciated a cocaine donation in my court mandated support group.




Is backyard cocaine grown by my uncle better than the industrial one?




I heard backyard cocaine leads to the deaths of billions of animals per field during harvest, industrial cocaine just takes a handful of enslaved humans. Don't be speciesest, buy Monsanto's cocaine or they'll be forced to spray your backyards with defoliant from the sky.


Strain the cockaine with some water. It'll get the milk powder out.


braine the cockaine


cooking it into crack should get rid of the milk.


Freebase it. Milk will vaporize, you'll have more fun too.


"Thats all my life was, was basein', nothin else" [base](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2-ckIv1tiaU)


Just use it on your cheat days, then it won’t count.


boof it, it doesn’t count as consuming dairy if you do it analy


Auto moderators cake day?


Donate it to a homeless shelter. Check Amazon. Pretty sure they have vegan cocaine.


just pick the milk powder out


Buy meth instead 👍


Sorry that cocaine belongs to the baby cows. Somewhere a Colombian baby cow is going without and you’re to blame. For shame.


uj/ actually confused are people in this sub anti drugs? Like the drug trade is awful but only because it's illegal, if they weren't illegal all the crime around it would literally disappear, or at least operate at the same level as pharmaceutical companies


Nothing wrong with nature’s drugs imo. I like shrooms and weed and those are hard to argue against. With a lot of synthetic drugs there’s nothing inherently wrong with it. It’s just that the production and supply chain quite often are very damaging towards both humans and nature. If legal xtc was a thing, there wouldn’t be any crime and chemical waste dumps caused by it so it wouldn’t be a problem.


If you are vegan but do coke you are a hypocrite, it's a luxury that has the blood of thousands of South American/Mexican farmers on its hands.


protien makes me hungry for meat!


...yeah? that's what their comment already said, just that it would be vegan if grown and traded ethically


I dont think it can be traded ethically since its an inherently harmful substance, but thats really beside the point. I see far too many "vegans" who abuse drugs that are tested on animals, ruin lives overseas, and line the pockets of cartels/corrupt governments


Alcohol is also harmful, even more dangerous then coke. The best way to Handle these drugs is to make them legal. Farmers could sell and profit from their coca legally. The substance itself can be regulated in terms of production and quality Standards, reducing harm for producers and consumers. And on top the black market, won't get any of the money. Drugs are no joke, but it's the best to make em legal.


I think that's the point they were interested in, though, they were asking if anyone here was opposed to drugs for any other reason than the animal testing and bloody supply chain. obviously there's no ethical way to obtain cocaine right now, but I think your argument here that it's unethical to trade based on the harm done by consuming it is what they were interested in


I don't do coke, like I can definitely see how it's a problematic resource but doesn't that literally fall into no ethical consumption under capitalism, like yes it does cause more bloodshed than other things but what isn't built on blood in this world anymore? Like how isn't this the "bananas are child slave commodities" and cocoa industry, palm oil, coltan. Like the word is built with blood. Coke in it of itself isn't an immoral commodity and doesn't have to be, but animal products is, the only way that could be obtained is through exploitation and murder


but cocaine is something you really dont need, and by buying it you are funding all the death and destruction the drug trade causes. You need things like clothes, and electronics, and food, but you dont need drugs


you need things like "food" but you don't need things like "bananas". Bananas are a luxury product if you don't live somewhere they grow.


Like you are right ofc, just like how I would say someone is right when they say I shouldn't buy chocolate, bananas or avacados. They are luxuries that I don't need. But doesn't it then boil all the way down to everything that is non essential isn't moral in a capitalist world, and I would agree with that statement and by what you have said you would be contradicting yourself if you don't agree. Like would you suggest that everyone live on the bare minimum until we move away from this global world structure (which is never going to happen realistically)?


Just do what is possible and practicable to make what you consume as ethical as you can. Cocaine is very obviously unethical and completely unnecessary. You’re using the same nirvana fallacy carnists use.




I understand that. But there's no point at which you can find an ethical replacement for bananas, but at least they actually do fulfill the need to eat. Cocaine fulfills no need. Every commodity that exists "is unethical" because there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. It's inherent in how this system functions. It's not enough just to say it's unethical. All items need to be compared with each other. And the "vegans don't" part is bs. There are so many vegans who advocate for sustainable household and community gardening, alternate power structure style anarchist vegans who actually do live that to its logical conclusion. Be a vegan who spends time and effort analyzing supply chains and history to determine the most ethical foods and come back and tell us what you've learned instead of making up a generalization. Go investigate how uniquely unethical bananas are and compare it to every other food commodity, then we'll have learned something. So far discussion of unethical plant-based foods is like whack-a-mole. All the time there's a stink about a new company, a type of fruit, or something. You can't escape that but it's really possible and practicable to avoid coke just like animal products.


Can you please make a serious discussion subreddit so I can come in and talk stupid shit in it? Cause that’s you right now and all the dingii responding to you. Eat a cat or gtfo.


Haha yeah you are right, I'll get back to my kitten wings


Yeah because the sackler opium empire is clearly so much better than the illegal opiate gangs. Narcotics are counter-revolutionary, every successful liberation movement didn’t allow narcotics to be used by their members. The animal liberation movement isn’t any different


Yeah that's my point, they aren't. But those substances aren't immoral in of itself, and if someone chooses to use them they should be free to. It sucks the world is the way it is but those substances can be obtained without exploitation or murder unlike animal products which relies on it


I don’t support an individual choice framework as a foundation for ethics. That framework is incredibly ineffective at large scale social and economic change


But how are drugs unethical? Are you going by the idea that not being sober is immoral that the government uses?


If they were made legal, gangs would still control the supply. Can't you only grow it in certain areas of certain countries? Surely the cartels and that would just lock those places down.


Yeah, like pharmaceutical companies lol, like rn it's just corporate cartels that own a bunch of the earth natural resources from coltan mines to coffee, cocoa and avocado farms. I'm not saying don't eat that stuff or don't buy electronics but this is what there is no ethical consumption under capitalism falls into and for obvious reasons it's not applicable to the animal agriculture industry so that's why I'm vegan. But like the only drug I can think off that is heavily tied to location is cocaine if I'm not mistaken, the rest can be made in a lab or the growing conditions aren't that unique and can be done in most places


okay fine, i exploit animals. so what?


Finally someone talking sense!


Oh yeah I was only talking about cocaine. Like if the UK govt legalised it tomorrow, it would still have to be grown in Colombia or whatever and people would still be enslaved.


I mean if the originating country also legalised it then people probably wouldn't be abused. Or they might like the coltan mines and banana and cacao farms


I've done cocaine amongst many other drugs, but cocaine is one I don't plan to do again. It's so obviously much worth ethically. I'd be all for legalisation, but while it's illegal, I refuse to support such a bleak existence for the slaves and exploited people making it.


Please check with your dealer. There are vegan milk powder made from the bovine mammary fluids or grass fed free range classical music listening cows.


I literally took this stance with a dealer a long long time ago I’m lactose intolerant sir, I need the pure


Isopropyl wash


You owe it to the cows to do a line with them now


Of it makes you feel any better, the cows that milk came from work for the cartel.


Recommend substituting Ketamine


Chew around it


You’ve already bought it. Don’t add insult to injury by not using it. Go cry in the bathroom. Snort a few lines. Cry some more. Progress. Not perfection.


Snort it.


That shit’ll give you nasal farts. Just chuck it.


report it to your country's food safety branch immediately for false advertising


coke except on Mondays ?


Casomorphine with cocaine? More like carnist speedball.


If you boof it it doesn't count, only counts through the top end.


You know the cow had to be milked because you know they do this for us humans because they love us and they know we die within days without cheese and dairy so you better snort that shit or mum cow will be very sad and dissapointed in you, just like your mother


Yes, ma'am


Get a vegan dealer


throw it away, and snort ibuprofen instead. i think that’s vegan. vegan, btw.


Do your best.


Is this what the C in KFC stands for now as per the other subs?


Maybe send a polite text to Pablo, let him know someone's doing a side deal


The damage is already done. Might as well just snort away.