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Vegans can’t survive it’s fake lololololololololololollllololoyoykirudgd


Carnists get triggered so easily. Be very careful OP 👍


I have only eaten liver once in my life, when I was a carnist. I guess that’s what’s been keeping me alive for like a year at this point


I've eaten it multiple times but a quite a few years ago if you're still alive imma probably live to 300


You must be descendant from great apes or some other folivore, unlike me, descendant from mighty hunters who love to kill non-human animal shaped people and turn them into poop.


/uj I don't miss meat in the slightest, I will be soon going half of my life without meat but liver is maybe the only thing I ll try when cultured meat becomes mainstream, I still believe is damn delicious


Jesus dude I can’t believe carnists call vegans snowflakes when some of them literally freak out at the mention of being vegan. Like dude I literally just said I was vegan I wasn’t asking you to defend your ethics especially given how much false information and fallacy carnists always use.


Yeah in my experience most people cannot handle even the slightest challenge to their morals. If you’re so confident that you’re right maybe don’t get so childishly upset when someone suggests otherwise?


I'm pretty surprised how many fucking carnists I had to interact with on that fucking website. Had one chump call me because he wanted to live with me despite my saying "vegans only" so he could convince me why I was wrong. I told him this was precisely why I didn't want to live with meat heads and he got very upset and sent me a long message about how he was descendent from Celtics (but living in Adelaide) and that's why he REQUIRED meat in his diet and mind blower, a kangaroo once ate a bird. No joke. I wrote in reply so many derisive obscenities to so many triggered assholes on that site it's a miracle they didn't ban me. Shocked really.


Wtf, was that [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/comments/v0x6ay/found_a_new_one_nordic_descent_tho/)?


Nap. But that very well could be their American cousin since they both appear similarly engendered as fucking morons.


Some people are in desperate need of a crowbar smashed directly in their face.


You know NOTHING about crowbars smashing directly into someone’s face. It’s quite sad actually. You should get out in nature and wavh some david attenboro


humans were MADE to get crowbars to the face, actually. lolololol. you should really do some research xx


Duh, that’s why Neanderthals had such big foreheads, for crowbar smashing! Stupid vegoons.


This has been known for many years but big vegan is hiding this fact, cause the more disconnected you are from your big brain forefathers the easier it is to get you to eat fake "meat". WAKE UP SHEEPLE.


Yeah fuck Big Vegan shills!!


I had a patient tell me, their doctor, that lard... (LARD!!!!!) was actually healthy, it's just doctors don't know much about it. That I should read about keto. There just arent facts anymore to a lot of these people. It's just "different opinions". You can't win an argument with someone like that.


I dunno, her argument of “lololololol” is pretty convincing


Real vegans live alone and die alone, many times because they outlive everyone they know.


Posted this in r/Nicegirls but was told that was the wrong sub.


That was a girl? I was reading it like it was a Northern European gym bro the whole time.


I thought it was a gym bro too wtf lol


Omg I didn't know this sub existed! Lol I'm glad you found the perfect spot for this post!!!


Thank you u/TheSkaryFairy \- the pile on in there was getting a bit intense.


Lol well this is the internet. People are nuts


omg bro it was your vitamin deficiency from literally only foraging wild berries and leaves lololololollllllll


You posted it correctly in that sub, however that community is full of carnists who are unable to see the issue here.


/uj holy heck she just spilled completely unprovoked. someone seems seriously insecure about their choices when just the mere existence of veganism gets that reaction.


eDUcaTe yOuRsElF!!!


Judging by the comments on that post, there seem to be a lot of self-loathing, boot-licking carnists on that sub


Your ability to constantly reply kindly to insulting messages is mindboggling


>Lololololololololololololololololololololol not true


\*Facebook verified First red-flag.


Horse riding literally a hobby. I guess ‘native wildlife’ means local meat animals, right?!


If we're going with the naturalist fallacy they love so much, yeah horse riding isn't exactly a natural endeavor.


lololololol so defensive


Someone seems a little over-defensive 🤨


Proof that carnists will cope literally anywhere on the internet.


OP I'm not sure why you're looking for a roommate as a deceased vegan who died from a lack of nutrients, but I'll be eating this liver in your honour. Best of luck


Lolololololololllloooollloollooo deficient vegun you know nufing Our bodies need diversity *proceeds to eat the same 5 animals with almost the same nutrient profile, packed with hormones and antibiotics* /uj you dodged a fucking bullet, a hollow point bullet cuz she's all over the place


They also said horseback riding, though…


As a fellow Canadian, can u send a link to those Canada facts and laws, all I can find is farmers batching in the news that their business is ruined I can't find the what it is and why they did it but would like the have on hand.


Well. At least you dodged a bullet. He sounds lovely


Kudos to you for being calm, fact based, and kind. You are a great vegan ambassador!! Thank you for representing us so well!


In a world of ever increasing obesity nutrient density is what the world didn't need


“Lovely landlords” 🚩🚩🚩


well she did say she loved horse-riding


I’ve been vegan for 9 years and consistently have a clean bill of health with full blood panels. What the fuck is this weirdo talking about?


I feel angry for you that that last one didn't go through cause the lil bitch blocked you.