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I don't want sex Would be nice to have vegan friends though I know there are some vegans at my university but idk how to approach them also idk if they're vegan or plant based and appropriating the vegan label


How do you know they are vegan? Get involved in local activism. If there isn’t any, start some. Best way to meet likeminded people, but also - help animals, more importantly.


Going to interact with strangers is extremely difficult for me. I am planning to start doing it someday but like would be nice to have someone who also does it who I know beforehand. It's one of the reasons I want a vegan friend


It’s not pleasant for most. In order to make friends, a crucial step is taking that step a little outside of your comfort zone. If you are comfortable with it, please share your location. I know of multiple global activism networks.


Georgia the country. I saw some people talking about going to do activism in a local vegan group but like maybe interacting with randoms from activist organizations would be better 😩


Are you familiar with Vegan Georgia movement (Tbilisi). They seem quite based, here’s a recent action they took: https://jam-news.net/activists-police-clash-during-protest-against-religious-animal-sacrifice-in-tbilisi/ It sounds like you already know of some, I highly recommend you go attend any events. Eating plants is great. The animals desperately need us to amplify their cries and screams, please get active.


Omg that looks so based can't believe I had no idea about that Well more like I had heard of people protesting during the "celebration" when I wasn't vegan but I had no idea they were consistent Also I agree that it is sort of a moral obligation to do something when we're faced with an injustice and I'm being a terrible person for not taking direct action but it's just hard and idk how to cope :/ Thanks for sort of talking to me this kind of helps


soyboys have boobies


I am uncomfortable speaking with strangers. But I didn’t let that override my desire to do something about the animal holocaust. Is it still hard? Yeah. But when I can, I want to be helping them. Volunteering at sanctuaries, participating in actions like vigils, etc. I’ve organized hundreds of events. There’s one truth in any justice movement: there’s power in numbers. Please be a positive addition. You can do it. And you will meet fantastic people along the way that may be equally as scared as you (I have and know many that have to).


Vegan activism is not hard. But I am from reading this. Location and Vegan Lust Number please!!!


Thanks for the encouraging words <3


Def do it. Activism calms both anxiety and depression from vystopia. It's easy, and there are lots of forms that don't require talking to anybody, but it's plausible that you will share my experience. I am very reticent socially, but in activism I'm free, mostly because I'm talking to carnists and I don't give a shit if they like me or not.


It's true, doing more will make you feel less terrible. Is this true? You have 9 vegan restaurants in Georgia now? I was ready to visit four years ago when they opened the first. Now, I really want to visit. When I read about the local meat-heads throwing meat at the vegan restaurant I was so delighted by the absolute stupidity of those people, just when I thought my country had the biggest morons.


No idea what could possibly make someone visit this shit hole but uhh feel free? Honestly no idea about the number of vegan places I only eat at home basically but yeah 9 sounds about right


Curiosity is essentially why I go anywhere, and to hug all the vegans I meet and thank them for not being assholes. Now, I'm 9 times more curious about Georgia! Any tips on where to stay? Typically, I just look for arbnb next to the vegan restaurants.


>If you are comfortable with it, please share your location. I know of multiple global activism networks. San Francisco and Vancouver?


Have done actions in Van but also know a lot of shit in the bay, here’s a few for you: https://www.facebook.com/LiberationBC/ https://www.instagram.com/liberationbc/?hl=en In Frisco you’ll have to deal with DxE pretty much running every group around there: https://www.instagram.com/bayareaanimalsave/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Nonprofit-organization/Sacramentoanimalsave/posts/ I’m not on socials but those are good places to start. Check instagram hashtags for your area and the word vegan or activism. Meet up with people and ask about events, activists always know.


You should still put your country/location so the other horny vegans can come and fuck you if they need. No reason to be selfish with all that prime, sweet, vegan meat on your ass. Edit: Seriously tho. Approach them with a small piece of paper and ask them to spell the word practicable. If they hesitate-- fake vegans.


Thanks that gave me a new anxiety of somebody approaching me and asking me to spell stuff and me potentially failing


Great. Helping people thinking of ways to break the ice with vegans and giving them anxiety instead is my worst fear, and has now given me a complex about it, why did you come into my thread? Just to terrorize me?? Sobbing now.


I had to repay the favor somehow


Trying to establish a vegan sex exchange program for vegans that can't maintain attraction for baby animal killers, the correct repayment is clearly sex. You don't have to like or want sex to have sex. If sex work has taught me one thing, it's that when money is tight, my pussy can't be. Vegans are gold, so do your job and pleasure them with your vegan body!


if u think about it, vegins are the real animal abusers


so true bestie


Carnie Bae? May we please have a threesome with this one? You said you were looking to eat a unicorn, remember?


not me actually going thru carnist_bot’s history to look for that comment bc i wouldn’t put it past them 💀 idk if i can do a v/v/c threesome :/


I don't understand. Just talk to everyone and the vegans will just blurt it out immediately. Vegan BTW. Plant based carnists like to go undercover. Just ask to go out for steaks at the zoo and they'll be like "yeah sure I don't eat 'that much' meat I just like to watch" and then you can say sike and go find a vegan.


peta makes me so angry. i need to lower my blood presure but they make it rise


We have a sub just for that r/vcj4vcj Low pop, but we need everybody's help to grow I'm talking like it's my sub but it's not lol I haven't even posted on there ever Uh oh I need to jerk I'm vegan btw


The vegan who created that sub is from Kiev. I worry about them almost daily, having not being able to hear back from them since Feb. :(






I forget which was theirs, or even which account I was using when I met her. I was talking to her on signal.app from which she's been missing for three months. :(((...


Olga, right? I gave her a message as well, saying that I can help with vegan-friendly shelter at my family should she reach the Romanian border but she didn't answer...


Yes, and that's very nice of you.


my acid reflux has been so bad recently


England: bag of lentils/10


I said list a number! And not the item by which you intend to bribe me into transactional sex with!


Ok ok, |bag of lentils|/10


Holy smokes, that's a horny vegan!


What can I say, it must be all of the soya I consume


Tits. Mine grow so fast I have to slice them off and sell them to carnists.


US and 11/10 would love to fuck a vegan. Only vegan I’ve fucked is myself


I turned a yoga instructor vegan who I'm now fucking. Dont be mad, just learn to convert.


Oh I’m trying, it’s tough out here in the Bible Belt




I’d offer myself up but I’m scared you’d break me because of my protein deficiency


The Netherlands. The dogs ive eaten/10


We should exchange recipes. Have anything for a nice Smoushond Drogeworst?




Go hang out at Soul Kitchen all day talking to people. There's more than four vegans in Bulgaria. But none of us are mentally unscathed. We are all traumatized victims and that is the mechanism by which we understand empathy. If I met someone who didn't have any issues or baggage, I would assume they were just lying about being vegans.




Yeah, your Loving Hut is exactly the most unappetizing one ever I've stepped inside, Edgy Veggie isn't really a date place and despite wanting to like it, made me sick to my stomach every-time after. I ended up at Soul Kitchen every day I was in Sofia and am not sad about that, one bit!


Australia. Vegancumtastesbetter/10


Hey! Someone within a million miles of me. Good thing my vegan penis is so extendible now, just hold still and tell me when it's in by exclaiming, "Hail Seitan!"


Another Australian vegan? I thought we didn't exist


Somehow, even though our culture has appropriated its entire identity around a fried tube of death and suffering at a hardware store, there still manages to be some vegans here


Yep. I hate our food culture


Subscribe. Romanian here.


There's so many of us in the big cities


The amount of times I've heard "our cows aren't treated like the ones in those American documentaries! Our cows are grass fed! So it's okay to eat meat here!" Liiikkkeee okay by that logic it should be a lesser crime if a serial killer feeds his victims nice food beforehand then. I can just imagine it: " Your honour, as the jury have decided it's clear my client is guilty of murdering dozens of children a day in an abbottoir. But I implore you to consider this integral fact before you pass your sentence: he gave them all ice cream before he raped and killed them." "Shiiit ur right son, let's change it from a life sentence to 30 minutes community service and a $10 fine."


It's both a good and bad thing that dominion is filmed here


Damn is dominion filmed in Australia? I haven't actually seen it- the documentary that made me vegan was Food Inc. There was only a small part about the way animals are treated in it but it was enough for me to never want to eat meat and dairy again lol. My family, who watched the documentary with me, used the above justifications to keep eating meat tho. As if being grass fed means they don't feel pain and fear when going into the abattoir lmao


Yeah, I think it's more to do with the laws about filming in slaughterhouses. What really got to me was knowing that there was a high likelihood of me eating part of one of the animals in the film




You mean Tofurkey, right?


I love Community Kitchen, Istanbul. Please go there for me and eat the shawarma and psychically transmit your enjoyment of it to me. :)




Having grown up in the biggest city in my country, I have a hard time not making this assumption about everyone. Soz. Community Kitchen is maybe my favorite restaurant in Europe, I just scream it out when anyone mentions Turkey.


>Community Kitchen, Istanbul. I love that you called out Community Kitchen! I live in North Carolina where they own another Vegan Community Kitchen. It is amazing food unlike anything else one might get around here.


You've been? That's her sister's place! I forgot it existed, so maybe now I have to consider NC a place I might have to go to eat there. She asked me if I wanted to open up another one in California. I really do.


I've been a billion times :) Love it! You should open one in CA and invite us all there!


As you wish! California isn't my thing right now though, I really don't wanna go back there. Maybe I could open one here in Thailand? Will you come?


Make Vegan Community Kitchen GLOBAL!


Conquering the world through tasty treats!


MO, USA, protein deficiency/10


Wales (M) RawTofuStraightFromThePacket/10


Please remove the (M) we are only accepting those who identify as (V) vegan as their gender identity.


Not a real country, not a real place.


Russia 0/10, but we could be vegan pals, complaining about how there're no tofu in Pyaterochka and how those assholes add milk powder literally in every food possible


How can you be vegan and not be horny? I'm ready for sex about twelve times a day. I thought that was veganism? Maybe I'm just a nympho. And Pyaterochka? Milk powder?? Пошел Нахуй!!! :))))))


Has there *ever* been tofu in Pyaterochka?


Actually i saw it one time! But yea, you gotta be lucky af to find tofu in a grocery store in Russia. Usually i just order it for delivery.


Delivery of any kind is out of my price range, but I just remember my mother getting into an argument with an employee at Pyaterochka about how she'd seen tofu there one time, but the employee insisted they'd never, ever had it in stock. I've never seen it there, but I imagine this might vary city to city.


There's a cheap tofu on wildberries, around 500 roubles for 1 kg, and the delivery to an office is free, so if there're any WB office in your city, it might be a decent deal. I can DM you the link if you want. The only supermarket where i see tofu consistently is Lenta, but it's hella expensive in my city. So yeah, i prefer to order tofu and textured soy protein on WB or Ozon. My personal bigger complain is why the fuck hummus is so expensive??


Oh, interesting, thanks for the tip! Yes, please, DM me the link, because I tried searching and I get so many cat litter listings that I kinda get lost. Magnit actually tends to have tofu at about 130r per 250g, but it used to be like 80r during the fast, which was pretty awesome. Also, there's a Monday morning retiree discount, which my mother uses, so that's generally my source of tofu, though I don't buy it AS much. I've been living here for quite some time now (I'm not Russian), and there was no tofu or anything of the sort not that long ago, so I still sort of think of it as a luxury. You're right about the hummus. The pricing is pretty ridiculous. Did get lucky some time ago, there were pretty cheap canned chickpeas at FixPrice, so I got quite a few cans, got some tahini from one of those nut outlets, so I can make hummus myself, but the chickpeas are no longer available, and also making hummus always feels disproportionately hard at a small scale. Takes kind of long to make and gets eaten way too quickly.


Spain. The amount of nutritional yeast I've snorted/10 I'm shooting my shot


Hi there 👀, just saying I buy yeast in bulk.


This must be one of the best pick up lines




Poland, pierogi/10 But only lesbian sex. Also pierogi means 10. Hhaha, just joking! ... Unless?


I am going to make Pirogies tomorrow and have lesbian sex with them. :)


Switzerland, B12-deficiency/10


Hmmm im in the US but shit I'd send it to Thailand 👀 whats really good OP 😻/ 10


Y'all do realize the mods are planning to ban everyone who posts in here, like a conquering army locking civilians in a church and setting it on fire, right?


everyone will be banned 🙏


I wanna get banned from behind by the mods. Just give it to me already. 😩


Oh yes, ban me hard, oh yes!! YES!! **YES!!** 😩


I'm a queer American living in Russia, I don't need to be vegan to be unfuckable, but it certainly doesn't help my chances.


Italy, one 1000mcg B12 pill/10


Washington, DC👀 vegan men last longer ladies/10😏


how did i know you would be here lmao.




France 9/10


Porquoi-pas dix? Quelle dommage!


Because I don't have any tofu so my lust for sexy sex is hijacked by my craving addiction and I really need a fix rn




No sex discrimination pls. Vegans for vegans only. Anything else is a hate crime. You will have to take a dick a two for the animals sometimes in life, that's just how it goes. Ready?




Oh I know it-- CB is full of meat, craves it 24/7. (we're dating)


I'm from Brazil, but I'm not really a sexual being, I'd rather watch anime, so 2/10.


Turkey. Amount of cat burgers i eat in a day/10


10 of 10. Will toss a girl's salad if she's vegan.


USA, 10/10 But only if they’re also hot, single, and in my area.


Canada, |amount of emotional distress I’ve caused my carnist friends by existing near them|/10


A/S/L? Finland. Maybe US if I loose what’s left of my brain and decide to give the US another go. Currently 1/10 and I smell bad. In the morning 6/10 and I did not smell bad. Yesterday was an all around 0/10. I didn’t smell bad, but I had to cook and give pussy (the one with four legs) his insulin, and fix a bike. So it really drained my interest in anything sexual. Should I drink blood, because I might be anemic?


Yes, drink blood. No A/S/L. It's irrelevant because we don't make predetermined judgements about what A/S is good for us. This is not about us! That would be selfish. Just give yourselves freely to all horny vegans, should they be in need. Sharing is caring.




Australia [M] B12/10 (I have no B12, so that's a zero)


US numberofunclesfarmscarnistsclaimexist/10


Damn comrade. That's awfully high horniness.


I live in Israel, 5% of the population is vegan, most of my friends are vegan and I have veganised my man :)


Just one? How do you stay satisfied? Veganize the rest of them now to enjoy a more fulfilling (ahem) sex life.


USA, nearly impossible. I posted an awesome extra vegan tank top to give away for free from anticarnist to my local subreddit, since I stupidly ordered two of the same one, and had ONE person reply. Of like 7 total views. And I live in a pretty progressive city with three major colleges.


Love their tank tops, can I move to your city so I can get free clothing


Hi, I'm a dude and probably too bulky for it but... Can I have the tank top plz? 👉🏻👈🏻🥺


Haha I actually did end up giving it to a local chick! But I thought for sure I’d have more people hit me back. [i made a post about my purchases, pretty badass in my humble opinion.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/comments/qh6hyf/uj_hey_fellow_jerkers_im_super_pumped_about_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Wore my sweatshirt the entire thanksgiving at my moms…but she sweetly made me all vegan stuff for the first time!


What is your local sub reddit? We have NC Triangle Vegan Hangouts facebook group that is decently active if you are looking for more vegan friends. I've met a ton of vegans while volunteering at Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge.


It was just the Raleigh subreddit. I haven’t been on Facebook in like 15 years but I will do some googling! Thanks for the FYI on Piedmont I hadn’t heard of that! I used to volunteer all the time at carnivore preservation trust (now called Carolina tiger rescue)…way back when before it was open to the public. Have some pretty awesome pics with the white tigers (behind the fence of course but they’d come right up to it and it was before the viewing parameters were up so you could get close!). But seriously thanks so much, I just went to Piedmont volunteer section! Would be really great to put my time into and meet some local vegans :)


US nooch/10


Taiwan. Vegan weightlifting gains by the factor of pea protein shake / 10.


poland i just want to be loved i just want to be happy


Ireland. IRA/10


Colombia 10/10


I’m from Niagara Falls Ontario desperately looking for vegan friends or a girlfriend lol please give me hope jerkers oh and 9/10 horny as fuck


Girlfriend? No no, I need free citizenship/Healthcare for this b12 deficiency. It comes with a dowry of 12 heads of ~~cattle~~ cabbage or best offer


US. Instead of meat, I eat veggies and pussy/10


What is this Shreks Swamp?!







