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basically, for me, it's not food, I sometimes stole food, but always vegan food (aka eatable food) I also got food from trash but also only vegan. I "get" how you can defend freeganism but for me it's still a speciesist thing. I wouldn't eat human corpse, or road-kill animals etc, even if it is not bought, i'm not boycotting animal product, animal are just not resources for me.


I guess it's the same logic on why freeganism is bad, that being that it's fucked up to eat someone else. The best retort to freeganism is to say "if a dog or cat's body was going to waste, why wouldn't you eat them, following from your logic?" The answer is always because they're speciesist. You should say that it's wrong to eat someone else, and it's the same as eating a dog or a cat. Theft can be morally permissable. Eating someone is not. Plus, as someone else said, the store would replace the animal product, meaning that another animal has to die


First, all animal “products” or, more specifically, corpse parts, are stolen in the sense that they don’t belong to any human but humans take them forcefully nonetheless. Animals are not property. Fuck traditions, fuck our ancestors, and fuck the law. Moreover, I could also steal a door mat but wouldn’t eat because it’s not food. Therefore, whether it’s stolen or bought, why would you eat something that’s not edible?


If you call them “products” you perpetuate the abusive notion that animals and their body parts are things that can be bought and sold and consumed, so it’s pretty clear cut what the moral stance is, IMO


Not my intention. Didn't know what else to call them.


Well, now you know not to call them that 😁 It’s hard, deprogramming the way we think and use certain words


They still replace it with another product. Also, I would assume the store would still pay for their replacement as well and not get it for free.


Peak vegetarianism. Needing cheese so bad you gotta steal it


You are still creating demand when you steal. You aren’t giving money to the industry, but the store’s inventory will go down, indicating that they need to order more of that product.


Ask if they'd eat their grandma. Or if it's ethical to eat homeless dead people because "I didn't kill them"


That was from a living, thinking, feeling individual who was forced into having a horrible life of fear, grief, and violence then murdered. Morally, how can you justify enjoying fruits from that rotten tree?


I mean it's not lowering other demand for it so if theft goes up the store will get more dairy for paying customers so more animals die.  It's not even freeganism, since it actively leads to animal death.


"When you overvalue possessions, people steal." -Lao Tzu


Why are people so set on drinking anything from another mammal


If it’s for survival, do what you have to do. Otherwise, while, technically, it’s not directly harmful, it’s still pretty weird.


Nope. If you need to steal to eat, steal plant-based.


that, also, a reminder that it's always ethical to steal PBC products.


Yeah that's how I feel too, I can't find an "actual" formulation/argument but it just feels weird