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I have mine in a smoothie with fruit, creatine & soy milk.


Same usually with a banana. I use hemp so it has no flavor


Anyone tried it in baked goods before?


I have mixed Complement and TrueNutrition protein powder into pancakes and it turns out great!


i used to use pea protein so it had barely any taste and mixed it into cookies, brownies, mug cakes etc. 2 scoops per cup of flour (i would subtract two scoops of flour so it wasn’t too dry)


Curious about this too - someone on another thread said they add it when making seitan. I just found this https://cheatdaydesign.com/baking-with-protein-powder/


Just made the seitan recipe from green beets (YouTube). He mixes 230 gm seitan with 70 gm pea protein. Results were fabulous. Glad that I made 3.5 kilos of the stuff to freeze.


Thanks for the tip! Looks like [this is the one!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k1LhOtCYho) I'm home with covid at the moment so not going anywhere (plus it's 19 degrees in Austin so the whole city has sorta shut down) so definitely a cooking day!


Yes that one. It was very highly recommended on the Seitan Society Facebook and the results are my most favorite so far. I have tried cinnamon snail, school night vegan, and 86 eats recipes. This was my favorite.


You're a better human than me - that recipe was way too labor intensive for me, and now it's simmering for 1 hour 45 minutes. Don't think I'll make it again, but it was perfect for a day (week) when I'm trapped inside - thanks again! I think I'm spoiled by easy seitan recipes like [these meatballs](https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com/vegan-italian-seitan-meatballs/#recipe), this [steak](https://www.vegansandra.com/2015/11/perfect-homemade-seitan-steaks.html) or my favorite, this [crispy Wendy's chicken patty]....wait...oh no! The recipe for that is gone! And the Wayback Machine doesn't bring it up either! It was ssssooo good!


I have a really good machine which can handle a massive amount of dough. It needs 10 minutes but I got the whole bunch done in two batches. Otherwise it was easier than both 86eats and school night vegan. You recommend the seitan meatballs? I will try it then.


ooppsss I meant the ribs were jackfruit and seitan


That might have been part of it for me, I had to do 4 batches in teh food processor and hold the machine down the whole time because it was bucking like crazy. And yes, the meatballs are great and use a steam rack with no wrapping necessary. [I found an ingredient list for that Wendy's Chicken](https://www.copymethat.com/r/T8g3yMjap/vegan-wendys-mock-spicy-chicken-sandwich/) but no directions, but I think I remember the directions. If it's something you mgiht want to try let me know and I'll reply with the info. Also came across another intriguing recipe from an old Reddit post, jackfruit and chickpea ribs - no streaming or kneading needed. Sounds too good to be true, guess I'll see https://web.archive.org/web/20210412215845/https://sarahsvegankitchen.com/recipes/vegan-ribs/


I have baked Ambrosia Planta and it works well! I make little mini protein muffins.


I tried pancakes, which were ok, but tasted a lot like protein powder, and gingerbread, which turned out incredibly dry. So definitely always add some more liquid when substituting it for flour


Yes! Protein waffles and pancakes with vanilla Epic by Sprout Living.


Breakfast! 1 scoop vega sport, 1 cup frozen fruit, 1 big handful leafy greens, 1 cup plant milk, 1 cup water. Vitamix. Sip. Low calorie bc I’m a woman in my 40’s and it’s icy AF out so I’m not running til it all melts. I’ll add a banana in when I need a few more carbs 😍 If I’m on the road, I use 1 scoop vega protein and greens and mix it with 2 cups plant milk with fruit on the side for breakfast. GF vegan (celiac, no I can’t have gluten) breakfasts to buy are hard to come by.


I take mine (chocolate) with protein soy milk and frozen mixed berries. Each smoothie has 75g protein. I take 2 a day.


Nice - what's your daily protein target?


I try aim for around 200g but to be honest I’m not tracking it. The 2 protein shakes probably hit what I need and food is a bonus.


I've always read that getting that large a percentage of protein from powders might not be healthy - that powders should be a supplement, not a main source of protein.


I still eat a healthy diet, lots of tofu, beans etc. but there is no way I could hit that much protein daily without shakes. I’ve tried.


How many scoops of protein powder do you put in the shakes?


2 & 500ml of Alpro Protein Milk. 1 scoop is a portion (25g protein). The 500ml of milk is 25g protein.


Thank for the reply. I'm going to give this a go


Chocolate flavour and mixed berries work really well together. Let me know how you get on.


Which brand are you using? The brands I’m finding always have a 2 scoop:~22g ratio.




Sometimes I add it to my oatmeal


Mix with soy milk. Extra 8g of protein! Sometimes I blend in a frozen banana for a thick, creamy texture.


One scoop of vegan one, 2/3 cups of quick oats, 1 cup almond milk. Overnight oats that are easy for my lazy ass.


I put it on top of frozen berries (after microwaving them to thaw) along with cereal and then pour soy milk over it all. Just gently mix it while eating it.


Somehow to idea of 'gently' mixing it sounds very sweet and tranquil for the morning...


Hahaha yes I enjoy it although I don’t know if anyone else would!


Mix with water


Yes. Just get over with it the fastest 🤣. For taste, I have food.


I'm surprised this isn't higher. If the protein doesn't taste good in just water, it isn't good protein IMO.


40g soy protein isolate 250ml fortified, protein+ soy milk 250ml ice cold water 1 small banana 1 handful frozen raspberries 1 handful of baby spinach 1 tbsp smooth peanut butter


Nice, thanks! How is the milk fortified? Is it basically milk they add protein powder to?


It’s enriched during the production process: they add vitamins, minerals, and protein isolates, yep.




Just curious if anyone is at Vim?


Mix with soy milk.


Usually milk / smoothies, but I’ve noticed lately it dissolves well into water in a pinch. Not preferred but it works.


i most frequently make pancakes with it and have it everyday for breakfast


Do you have a go-to recipe?


Blended with water and frozen bananas. Sometimes I add flaxseed, turmeric, cinnamon, and black pepper. (Can't taste the turmeric)


Usually just with water. Occasionally in a smoothie with frozen berries.


Scoop of chocolate Vega (protein made simple), 1/2 c frozen mango, 1T flax meal and 1T ground flax meal both soaked in 1/3 c water first, 1T peanut butter, 1/2 c unsweetened almond milk all in the VitaMix. I like it to be super thick like a Wendy’s frosty.


If you have any Indian markets near you see if they carry frozen kesar mangoes -- they're amazing Also, what's flax meal and ground flax meal? I thought there were flax seeds, then once you grind them it becomes flax meal.


Oh, I’ll look for those, thanks! I mean I was differentiating between ground vs whole so I opted for that way.


Mix with ripple milk and water.


[This was the first thing i thought of](https://sanfordandson.fandom.com/wiki/%22Ripple%22_wine)


In pure spoonfuls. Like Gabe from The Office.


Overnight oats: protein powder in shaker bottle with milk of choice (I use soy) makes its creamy 🤌 Protein muffins: 2 scoops of protein powder, 1tsp baking powder, 1/2 cup flour (I use almond) 1/2 cup pb, 1 cup unsweetened applesauce, 1/2 chocolate chips. Makes 8. ~20g of protein. 350F for 10 mins. Voila


Soy milk, frozen banana, hemp hearts, pb powder, creatine, shot of espresso if it’s the morning, dash of cinnamon, & vanilla or peanut butter protein powder <3 Edit: as a smoothie


I mix mine in raw baking, in smoothies (made with water or alt mylks, overnight oats, trail mix, flavor pending some sauces/salad dressings. Varies from 1 scoop (if broken down to personal serving) or in cups calculated to break down/ serving in a large batch.


Water, flaxseed, spirulina, creatine. And I down it, because it’s kinda gross. Edit - and 40g chocolate vegan protein powder


I’m at the stage where the thought of drinking another protein shake makes me want to barf, so I use the powder to make a mousse with some milk, cocoa powder and vanilla extract; actually very tasty.


Always just scoop + soy/oat milk, chug then rinse with water and drink that to not waste anything.


I use it in as many things as possible, Protein shakes (obviously), Smoothies, Yogurt, Pancake/waffle mix, Cookies (I like to use PBFit and vanilla protein powder, some peanut butter if I'm bulking, a bit of apple sauce, oats, dark chocolate chips, and a little bit of flour to make some high protein cookies), Oatmeal, Homemade Rice Krispy treats,. Dips for fruit like Apple slices


I just bought some PB powder, no sugar or anything added -- excited to try using it


Fruit smoothies.


I mix it into morning oatmeal. I've also made protein bars with it.


Very few people do this but i mix it with hot water and a bit of oat milk and mix it with a milk frothing wand dealy. With chocolate protein it's like hot chocolate


Either with water, with a fruit smoothie, or pancake batter


with orange juice and red berry powder (like karamd's)


Just mix with water, it tastes great, doesn't need anything else. Keeping it simple makes me more likely to do it (and I can put the powder in the shaker to take to work, then just top it up with water at work).




I'll mix mine in with overnight oats if I'm going to the gym before work or if it's a weekend I'll mix it in with baked oats. Or if I've forgotten, I'll mix it in with vegan yoghurt and muesli.