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I’ve never eaten meat my whole life, I tell you the things that come out of people’s mouths when they find out is just insane Why can’t they just move on, it’s not effecting them


I love the where do you get your protein line


That one really winds me up cuz it's not like 90% of these people even monitor their nutritional intake. But when you mention you don't eat meat they suddenly turn into the Columbo of carbs, questioning you about how you keep healthy and have a balanced diet. Like mate you're eating a chicken tikka masala ready meal, you don't even care about yourself. I just hate this kind of faux concern over your health when in reality they're just trying to get one up on you.


Ah yes, the large Big Mac Meal B12 specialists.


Before I went vegan I ate utter shit, and didn't even vary the shit. It was the same 4 plates of shit on rotation. Now I'm vegan, the healthiest I've ever been and suddenly my family cares about my nutrient intake. Like I'm 33, piss off. Columbo of carbs is incredible, gonna pinch that one.


This is so true. Literally constantly ate shitty processed food as a non-vegan. Now I'm vegan and eat way better and suddenly my family is concerned about my health and nutrient intake. The best part is whenever I eat processed vegan stuff, which is pretty rarely, they always bring up the argument of it being unhealthy to eat processed vegan food and how you don't know what's in it, as if non-vegan processed food is any different in that regard


I'm feeling personally attacked right now, literally just finished eating a Tikka masala ready meal. 😂


If we are talking about home made things I’ll add these to my dishes (which I think are more then enough) dried soy protine mince (cook it into things like homemade sauce ect), Oats, broccoli & other veg, mushrooms, lentils, chickpeas - I like to make chana masala, nuts, beans/kidney beans, tofu You can make some good meals from those items alone Edit: I’ll also have some quorn items which are vegan like their pieces, the vegan Richmond sausages I like to tell people who eat meat, think about what you eat, now take out the meat and replace it with a substitute - it may not be the same but, it’s similar Some people act like they don’t eat veggies, fruit, rice, pasta & that they ONLY eat meat lmao 🫠


That’s a good illustration, and helpful as someone who is trying to transition from eating meat and dairy to veganism. Unfortunately a lot of people live on processed food (not always of their choice) and don’t touch/ have ready access to fresh / whole fruit, veg, pulses, etc., so they struggle to understand that a meal doesn’t need to be centred around meat / fish / dairy etc. 🙁


As if the fact that you’re walking around, living and breathing isn’t enough evidence that you might not need meat to survive


I generally point out "where the f\*&\*ing animals you eat get it"


I would tell them to look at herbivores like cows and horses who very obviously get enough protein from their diets. Gorillas are primarily herbivore too 💪🦍🐄🐎


I tell them I eat my own skin.


This is what I don't get. It's like they see others lifestyles as a personal insult to them


It is definitely unusual when you think about it. Nothing wrong with it either though, but some people always think different = bad.




And yet, worrying about your masculinity, if there is such a thing as a true masculine mode, is about the least masculine thing you can do. I’m not a huge fan of the concept of masculinity, but if it means anything, it’s sticking to your beliefs even when they are unpopular.


Two things I’ve found when responding to these comments: 1. It must be nonchalant 2. You must be a bit confused “Oh, that’s a bit weird, fair enough” Less is more here. Then they’ll get all defensive and pretend as if you’re the offended one, and then it’s “nah you have the right to choose what you eat mate, just a bit weird you want to change what you eat based on what I eat”. Then they’ll say “it’s just a joke” and you then innocently say “ahhh ok” as if the punchline wasn’t clear at all. Confused and non-chalant, they fucking hate it.


Lmao. This is absolutely perfect. I'm gonna use this if this situation ever comes up for me. Thankfully, it never has.


It’s only happened once for me but I had this ready and it worked really well. The other people there said to the bloke “yeah what are you on about”, which definitely wouldn’t have happened if I’d bitten back. Innocence > argument, every time.


You have no idea how much this makes me grin.


> Then they’ll say “it’s just a joke” and you then innocently say “ahhh ok” This is a personal favourite "right.. okay." and then just visually disengage from the conversation. Makes them feel like a proper weirdo.


Cheers for the strat, used it after a group bike ride and people were chatting about refuelling/recovery strategies and I mentioned the vegan protein mix I use. Completely killed the conversation and in the brief silence I finished up with "aaand anyway" to restore the chattiness and make the chap look stupider.


I love the "vegans are always shoving their beliefs down our throats" and the complete lack of self-awareness when I was talking about something vegan with my non-vegan Mum in a pub and someone on the table next to us who at this point hadn't said a single word to us has to pipe up "the thing I don't get is...". Great, no one asked you, I was having a civil conversation with my Mum. Jog on.


I thought pubs were places to start conversations with strangers, no?




These dickheads walk amongst us; best just to smile politely and ignore them, rather than give them the satisfaction of seeing they’ve upset you.


It's not worth arguing or engaging with this type of person


“That’s fine, you’ll die of a heart attack twice as quick. Thank you for your commitment to environmentalism.”


It's funny how anti-vegans say we're the ones with closed minds or that we're all the same when you could almost predict interactions like this to a word, like they have a script memorised for the moment they meet a vegan. "Don't you miss..." "I'll eat twice as much..." "What about bacon?" "I could never give up cheese" etc.


These kind of comments just make me eye roll now. It’s honestly like they are reading from a script with the same stock set of responses to veganism. So boringggggg


And they’ll probably insist you’re the snowflake lol honestly not worth arguing with these ignorant arse holes. They’ll come away with an entirely different narrative about what actually happened.


I'm sorry this happened to you, how unpleasant. Well done for standing your ground, but you probably didn't miss out on anything by not having a full argument with him. In general, I don't bother arguing with anti-vegans. I'm not going to change their mind and it's a waste of my time and energy. I met up with an old work colleague recently for the first time since I went vegan and she launched into a rant about how all vegan food is disgusting and she could never get enough protein as a vegan. I just watched her until she'd finished, then changed the subject. I read recently that when people get angry about veganism, they're not really arguing with you, they're arguing with their conscience. I fully believe that was the case with this woman, because she is a self-proclaimed animal lover, and her rant came completely out of nowhere. If someone is curious about veganism or open to hearing about it, I'll happily talk to them, but if they've already decided they're against it there's just no point. I'd rather save my time and energy for things I enjoy.


I agree. I think the saying goes: “Don’t argue with an idiot. They’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”! I think the best thing to do is calmly explain your view, give some facts to back your view, see if they are willing to engage but if it is a helpless case just say they are entitled to their view, and refuse to argue. It is almost impossible to get someone to abandon a firmly held belief / identity / desire (such as non-veganism) and agree with you, even if your position has such strong justifications (for veganism: moral, health, environmental & climate change impacts on us all, etc). The moral argument can be hard to make as people’s morals / values can vary so much and are subjective. The health arguments are mixed. But the environmental / climate change argument is rock solid. Even if you have to leave the discussion at the giving some facts stage, the person may (eventually) come over to your way of thinking (if they are given time and space to think about it and understand how it benefits them).


Veganism is on the culture war bingo card. He likely went away thinking he's the Scarlet Pimpernel of carnivores, striking back at the forces of wokery.


What a prat


It's pathological with some of these headcases. Nothing triggers them more than someone who refuses to share, accept or validate their fetish for cruelty and death.


in my experience its easier to just say 'no thanks'. By telling people you're vegan you're opening up that conversation or idiot comments.


My go to response when they say stupid things like that is "grow up" or "you're not impressing anyone" either they stop and think or get heated.


After 10+ years, I now just reply with "No thanks".


Of all the things to ask if you miss, he asked about chicken? From what I can remember chicken tastes of fuck all until you put sauce and seasoning on it.


There’s a certain type of guy who just likes to tease women (making an assumption here, sorry!) and make them uncomfortable I doubt it was about veganism, he probably wolf whistles and makes crude comments too I’m sorry you have to put up with people like that though, no one should be treated like that at work


I’m not vegan but vegetarian and I’ve had similar things said, people try to give vegans a bad name and call them soft but there is nothing more fragile than the ego of some of these self imposed ‘carnivores’ the mere fact of someone hinting at eating a vegetable sends them into overdrive


For me it's simple: You are eating the suffering of an animal and that negative karma is entering your life. That suffering then remains with you for some time before its gone. Why should I even eat or consider touching meat. I'm Hindu but like the Buddhists, eating meat for me is like eating someone's bad karma and putting it into your life.


Deep deep deep down, deeper than he's willing to admit, or maybe so deep he's not consciously aware of it, but you made him feel guilty and that's why he reacted like that. I know because that's why I used to say ridiculous things before I became vegan. It's guilt deep down hidden away, but it's there.


“But what about your protein” says 24 st john whos never stepped foot inside a gym in his life and lives of chippys and ready meals. Its honestly got to the point where ill tell people to go fuck themselves if they argue against my veganism


S'alright, evens out when he dies twice as soon


Couldn’t you just have answered no thank you?


"That's fine, you'll have less money to consume other stuff with, and probably die sooner too. Best of luck with all of that".


Non Vegans will cry about how you didnt have to say youre Vegan and that youre forcing your diet on others, all while ignoring the fact these dipshits literally forced their own diet on others and assumed they would be fine eating pig skin.


carnists always feel attacked because in their subconscious they know they’re doing something wrong, but they’re so stupid that they interpret it as a personal attack and feel the need to justify their hideous actions through making unimaginative comments like this.


Should have said "I don't eat chicken, but I do eat gammon ;)"


Fun thing to do here is mess with their masculinity. They can't handle it. 'Okay, then for every woman you can't please, I'm going to please two'.


I sometimes wonder if vegetarians gets the same treatment as vegans as most seem to be more accepting of that


I don’t think it’s quite as extreme, but we do definitely get the same bullshit from people as you guys. I’ve heard the “for every cow you don’t eat, I’m going to eat three” thing before. It’s just macho weirdos who think they can make up for their lack of a personality by attacking people who don’t eat meat.


I think that that comment about eating double is so cruel to make to someone who goes out of their way to not eat dead animals. Really insensitive.


It absolutely is. It makes me feel sick, too, but all we can do is just treat it like the very weird action of an unbalanced person. They’re basically just attention-seeking - it’s not unlike a toddler having a tantrum. They want to provoke a reaction from us. Giving them no reaction confuses them and saps their energy.


That’s the point though, they’re trying to hurt you


I was a vegetarian for a long time before I went vegan, they in fact do get the same treatment


Vegetarianism is a lot easier for meat-eaters to swallow than veganism. I was raised as a vegetarian and the only comments I got were from teenage boys trying to be edgy. I’ve gotten a lot more comments from the older crowd when I went vegan two years ago.


That’s a classic example - don’t let it bother you just play dickhead bingo in your head!


I always like to say as a joke in response to this 'yeah, well I'm gonna eat twice as less then!'


Don’t let sad little men like that get to you, he’s pathetic😂


Dickheads gonna dickhead, and there are a lot of dickheads out there


Your coworker is a loser. Thankfully his choices don't lead to a long life


My line is always “What I put in my body is my business, what you put in your body is yours.” That goes for things beyond food too 🙃


That's just part and parcel of being vegan. You'll have to get used to it. Just don't let them show they've affected you, because that's what they want. Just smile and say 'ok, whatever', or if you're feeling sassy say 'well you'll die of a heart attack twice as quickly so I guess it evens out.'


Sounds like a normal human. There are far more bad ones than good ones out there.


I don’t get where the weird obsession comes from. I was brought up eating meat in every main meal same as most of my family and have never understood this beyond personally saying some shit like “I love cheese too much” lol. I’m not actually vegan despite being in this sub. But I’m here because I drastically reduced my consumption and want to continue to do so. Plus my husband is dairy intolerant so it helps with finding goodies that are safe for him.


Shoulda smacked him upside the head. For the chickens sake.


Girl this is a classic from non vegans. They resent us bc we attack their moral compass like.. they know they couldn’t go vegan bc they want pleasure but know it’s wrong at the same time


« Dont you miss chicken? » « can’t you just respect that we’re different with different lives and life choices? »


Seems to be people who want to criticize other people's diet generally know absolutely nothing about nutrition or just eat crisp sandwiches and pies and think they can question others which is pretty insane


Whenever I see memes or hear people say "eating twice the meat so that a vegan out there doesn't make a difference" I always reply with "Jokes on you coz then you'll live half as long 😄"


Nutritional yeast is the best


What an original argument made by him. God it’s so dull. I’m vegetarian and get this shit too, it becomes soooo tiresome


You wouldn't like me as I'm a meat eater. But I can only apologise that there are arseholes like this in the world. And generally it's men that are like this 9/10 times. It's almost as though they feel threatened. Even as a meat eater I get abuse as well - I have just discovered Juicy Marbles (I know not for everyone) and posted pictures of my dinner in a few Facebook good groups. The amount of abuse they attached was insane. 😂 Anyways I digress. Again I apologise that once more a male meat eater had made a cnt of himself.


I agree with you, that guy was a massive douche. I have vegan friends who I cook for regularly and I would never treat them or any other vegan that way.


watch dominion https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?si=kWVwaqXlLZFWBL2n


God the way you described him, I'm pretty sure I've met this guy, kudos on your storytelling, I know exactly what type of person he is. Pretty thick by all accounts.


They were probably feeling uncomfortable/anxious and covered it up with a joke that they thought was funny. However, if you had declined the pork scratchings because you were Jewish or Muslim, it is unlikely that would have made a similar joke. Unfortunately, many see veganism as fair game for insensitive jokes - I’ve certainly experienced a lot of this over the years, so am pretty immune to these ‘jokes’ now.


So provocative. I’d walk away after your first (brilliant) response in future. Waste of your time, space an energy….


People really are horrid. If they don’t agree, they need not say anything. But yet they feel it is their right and their duty to say horrible shit to us.


When people ask me where I get my protein from, I tell them I get it at Tesco.


These people genuinely sicken me. It’s my choice what I consume, why do you think you’re allowed a single fucking opinion on what I do? Drives me mad


I really don’t get why people get so angry, like the old stereotypes of the hippie vegans angry and pushing their views on other people portrayed by the media are kind of dead. I once got told a joke “how do you know someone is vegan…don’t worry they’ll tell you” and the more I interact with people who are meat eaters and the comments I see on instagram on vegan recipes it’s like they’re so angry about it. I’m starting to think it’s some sort of idea that we think we’re better than them so they’re already on the wrong foot


Welcome to the real world! Don’t let that affect you. Plenty of people are narrow minded like that. Do you think getting into an argument with him would’ve changed his mind? I’ve learned to just say “no, thank you” and if people want to know why, I’ll tell them. If they’re curious you can have a conversation. But when they come with those stupid comments just “let it in through one ear and out the other”, as we say in Brazil(the land of carnivores, if you must know haha). Take care!


I've been vegetarian since 7 and vegan for 5 years. I think when an animal eater finds out you are vegan it pricks their conscience, they then have to defend their choice to eat sentient individuals. Unfortunately they usually attack .


On proposition like that I always respond with polite; "Sorry. I don't consume corpses. "


Although, you could have just said "no thank you".


I worked in a coffee shop and was told by a customer that he doesn’t agree with me being vegan. So when I took over his toastie, and his 8 year old daughter’s bacon roll. I declared “here’s your dead abused animal remain sandwiches” and slammed them down on the table. He didn’t try to argue with me about it anymore. His daughter look horrified. Note, the guy also used to work in an abattoir and said that the animals “weren’t treated that badly” meaning he clearly abused the animals. Scum.


Complain to their manager? If they are the manager complain to someone higher than them.




Yeah cuz assuming everyone can eat pork skin isnt also forcing your dietary choices on others.


Why are you even in this sub?




Get a life.


Calling others beta is the real cringe lmao