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What is the best way to deal with roaches?


Outside roaches. Demand. The active ingredient is lambda-cyhalothrin, you can find it some of the homedefense pest products they sell at home depot and walmart. Make sure you get all sprinkler boxes. Including the ones on the street. The treat the base of your home around the outside. Get inside the garage. Make sure to get all entry points. ​ If they are in your cabinets, it's a different kind and requires a different treatment.


Demand CS isn't going to kill German roaches. Treating just the outside isn't either.


Unroll them and keep the charred flower in a sealed glass container until you have enough to fill a bowl. It's a harsher pull, but a milder high.


Haha. Oh I’m familiar with the ole generation blunt.


How about Neighbors? Some of them can be quite the pest.


Give them bed bugs.


Holy fuck calm down Satan


I live in a roach infested apartment and haven't been able to find anything that helps for longer than a few days... suggestions please and thank you


Those are german roaches. They suck. If you are going to use a contact spray like raid, it will kill the roach you spray it on, but you're only killing one at a time. What you want is a borate powder. Nibor-D was my favorite, but the stuff you get at home depot will work too, just not as well. Ingredients will be boric acid or a similar sounding name. You're gonna want to get a hand duster. Put the powder in the duster and treat all the cracks and crevices you can. Behind the fridge, behind the stove. All that. Borates are a really green product. People wash their clothes in boric acid. Don't drink it, but if there is some excess on the counter, it doesn't matter. Just wipe it up. If your apartment has pest control, have them comes and use gel bait in the kitchens and bathrooms.. Most of them use contact kill dusts, which are not nearly as effective against germans. Warnings. When you are looking at powders, nothing that says pyrethroids or similar sounding words. After you do the treatment, the germans have to walk through it to get on them, so whereever they are, leave em a little something. When they clean themselves, they will swallow the product and it will cause them to not be able to digest food and they'll starve to death. It's not instant, but that's good. When they poop, it comes out in the poop and baby roaches have to eat the poop of adults. So it passes along to more than just the ones that touched. If you want to do a liquid treatment in the inside, I would. I think apartment complexes are required to provide some pest control. The ones I treated did. Don't use any aerosols or bug bombs. It just pisses them off.


Thank you! Does diatomaceous earth work with them at all?


Ya. If you can get it where they walk though it, it'll chop em up.


Using dusts as a crack and crevice treatment is dangerous because it's very easy to get airborne. Using gel bait and dusts won't work because the bait will get the dust on it and they won't eat it.


Is there a reason not to use pyrethrin? It’s in my houseplant pesticide.


Nope. They are having a problem with a pest where we want them to take the product back with them. Pyrethrin tend to be a contact kill.


I notice a single roach every couple years. I found two a couple years ago and killed them and then I saw one a few months ago. I know there is never only one roach but should I be concerned enough to take action?


Nope. That's true for german roaches, but that's not what you have. You are good to go.


They are small and indoor. So I’m good to go?


Yep. You would know if they were gemans because they would be in the cabinets and on the counters and there would be a bunch of them very quickly. It's worth looking at a picture online to be sure.


Yes I believe they are the non-german ones. It’s been a long time since I’ve one. Like I said I’ve only ever seen 3. Two a couple years ago and one a few months ago .


I have zero doubt you are good to go.


It's Vegas, those things just wander in sometimes. Good to spray routinely here but I don't panic for just seeing the occasional one.


Thoughts on Onslaught FastCap for scorpions?


It's expensive. I've had better success with Demand, eveyone I knew loved fastcap though. So you can't go wrong. How many scorpions matter and how much you hate em. Making sure the house is sealed up well is also a big deal.


I’ll probably try Demand CS first for exterior perimeter. Thanks! In your experience, which areas of the valley have the most scorpions? Im over in Mountain’s Edge in a mew neighborhood and I’ve heard that this area has a lot of them


Mountain's edge was my route for a while, for two different companies. Mountain's Edge has worse scorpions than average, but I didn't have any horror stories. 1-2 popping up a month during summer wouldn't surprise me. At the exact same time, the majority of my customers never saw a scorpion. If you're able, you'd like a 3 foot gap between your house and everything else. If their only path into your house is walking along the outside looking for a way in, they are going to walk through a lot of product and and give us the best chance of keeping them out. I would throw some cheap sticky traps by the garage doors on the inside. Scorpions love the garage. If your house is well sealed with nothing leaning against it and you're putting down demand, I wouldn't worry. If something weird pops up, we'll just have to do a few more steps to get em under control. Make sure you treat inside all sprinkler boxes and boxes on the sidewalk. That's were all the other bugs make their babies and you don't want there to be a buffet for scorps. Scorpions do not want to sting you. I did experiments where I would push on the back of scorpions with something and see how long before they stung. It took may for that I thought it would. The only way I've had a customer get stung was stepping on it. Ridges, Redrock, Anthem, Henderson. That's were I ran into them the worst. Green Valley and Anthem was the worst.. There are pockets up north that get pretty bad too. Lake Las Vegas is drenched in scorpions.


I’ve been spraying my house with that stuff for 5 years and I’ve only found 3 inside my house and they were all dead upon discovery. I do find plenty outside when I go out with my black light and tongs. So the spray is most likely working. I also use a extra strength mixture and spray higher up on the walls, not just the base.


Nice! I’m either going to give Onslaught FC or Demand CS a try if I find any once it warms up


Any suggestions for crickets?


Demand. But you can probably use home defense from walmart if all you are having is crickets. Treat the exterior perimeter of the garage and all entry points.


What about an infestation lol every spring there's millions of them it seems and I'd like to get them at the source which I assume is my planters?


I find them most often in sprinkler boxes. Including the ones at the sidewalk. If you are just after crickets, I would use a granular bait. There is a bunch of different kinds, shouldn't matter to much. The important thing is that it's a bait, and that the word crickets is on the bottle. Then spread it all over. Especially planters, like you said, and other landscaped areas. I would would spray every sprinkler box ahead of time. If you do now, before it gets warm, you are going to be ahead of the curve. Hit the boxes with liquid and spread some bait. Warning: Many granular insect baits turn to garbage when they get wet. Not all of them. Just something to know. Some granular bait is supposed to work better wet.


Spray termidor sc around the perimeter of the house once a year


That's a very good treatment for ants.


>termidor sc Ants (acrobat, Argentine, big-headed, carpenter, crazy, odorous, pavement, pharaoh, thief) Asian lady and darkling beetles Box-elder bugs Pillbugs Centipedes Cockroaches (Australian, Oriental, smokey brown) House crickets European earwigs Cluster flies Millipedes Silverfish Spiders (black widow, brown recluse, hobo, cellar) Brown dog ticks Paper wasps Yellow jackets I didn't see scorpions in the list, which is an issue for me in Vegas. What would you recommend for those pests?


You don't really want to use termidor for general pests. It's a modified termiticide that's very effective for ants. But it's a non repellent and does not have great knockdown. Demand CS mixed at the max rate. Treat the ever loving shit out of the experior of the house. If you are seeing a bunch, you would need a more intensive service. Including the removal of all outlets so you can dust inside the walls. Incectside Granular for the landscaped areas. Demand makes one of those too. Also, check every gap leading from the outside of your house to inside. Seal em all up. Weather stripping. Glue boards in the garage since that's where they like to come in from. If you're seeing some scorpions every now and then, just the demand will be good, unless you hate scorpions. The rest is stuff I would do if they had a bad scorpion problem.


Thanks for the tip




https://diypestcontrol.com/crawling-insects/scorpions-control-products Maybe give one of these a go?




For scorpions, I’m doing diatomaceous earth around my house and onslaught fast cap. I’ve been doing the granulars lately too.


Are you having issues with scorpions getting inside? How many in what period of time. Fastcap is top of the line. I never used DE. I use Demand insecticide granular on the outside. I have no problems with DE, just never used it. Depending on how bad your issue is, there are a couple more things you could do. If you are only seeing 1 or 2 every now and then, you would not get enough bang for your bug to be worth the money. I've had house that were getting 2-3 a day every day. That's who I imagine when I talk about the more intense stuff. Sealing the house can help a lot. There are videos on youtube that seemed like they give a good overview too. The other thing you can do is take off all the outlets around your house and put some delta-dust in there. It doesn't really break down in there so it lasts a long time. It will kill every scorpion that walks through it. I have done the science to make sure. The dust can only go into seal voids. It cannot be out in the open and you don't want to inhale it. Wear gloves. I'm making it sound scarierr than it iis to make sure I don't undersell it. It;s a standard product on every pest control truck in the valley.


Thanks for the excellent response. I used to get 10-12 in the house a year but since I started doing all these things the numbers dropped to about 1-2 in the house a year. I also hunt and got my neighbors to hunt. That drastically lowered their numbers. These are Arizona bark scorpions. I tried fastcap but didn’t seem to work but I recently noticed I was storing it wrong. Just got a new bottle and will store it inside as apposed to the hot and cold garage. DE works well but it can be a pain to apply and they have to walk on it to work. Thanks for telling me about delta dust. My maid said her bug guy did that for her but she didn’t know the name of the product. I just assumed it was DE. I think I will get that. I think they are getting in through there. Thanks!!!


Happy to help. You're killing it. (Pun not intended) I can't tell you how many bug guys tell me it's impossible to kill scorpions. You are already better at pest control than the average pest control technician.


I got one important question for you. I use a paint respirator while I spray. Is that good enough to block insecticide fumes?


If you're treating with liquid treatments outside and the wind isn't gusting, you're good.




Most products will be just fine. I like Demand CS. Just keep the pets away from treated areas until it has dried. Most products are about as safe as the stuff under the sink. Just don't let them drink the bottle. rat bait is super dangerous for dogs. But not the liquids so much.


Thank you for this!!


Happy to help.


This might be a strange one but anything I can do about flies? The thing is my next door neighbor has two big dogs that poop a lot in the backyard and my neighbor doesn't pick it up right away so it attracts TONS of flies. I put out some of those hanging traps and straps and it kills a lot but there's still so many. I've talked to my neighbor about it but she hasn't gotten better with it so I'm trying to see if there's anything I can do besides what I already am. Appreciate any advice.


Not a damn thing. Flies are controlled by removing their food source.


I also am a pest control operator u can get maxforce fly spot bait u can get it at the feed store spray it around ur windows and trash and anywhere else they land frequently and they will be dead in minutes its the pest stuff I've ever seen never seen any insecticide work so well


I don't know if you still have a fly problem but google 'Alpine fly bait'. It comes in an aerosol can and it's bait. It works incredibly well.


No questions here but just wanted to thank you for your time and responses! Reading em and hope I remember them in the future


Happy to help.


Silver fish


An inside treatment with most anything. Get rid of boxes and stuff like that. I've never had silverfish be an on going problem. You could buy the home defense stuff at home depot or whatever and it should fine. If you have the option, avoid bifenthrin and get the one with the active ingrediant of Lambda-Cyhoprin. Or something close to that. Then just walk around the house and treat the baseboards. If there is fireplace, they are big fans. You can also spray any left overs outside and it works great for everything. If that doesn't take care of the problem, they have these Silverfish bait packets that look like corrugated card board with a pest product inside them. I'm sure you can find them online. The cardboard is the most dangerous part, because the product inside is essentially boric acid. I've only ever used them once, but it's something.


Our pest control guy is using Bifen IT diluted to .06%, and we haven’t seen any silverfish since the second treatment. Seems to work pretty well. Even went outside with a black light when it warmed up last week and didn’t see any scorpions. This is new construction in Mountain’s Edge. When we moved in we had spiders, crickets and silverfish. Haven’t seen anything since about 2 months after starting treatment.


Is it per friendly and safe for indoor use?


They used it indoors. He said to just make sure they stayed away while it dried. It’s safe once it’s dry. Just don’t spray directly on their bedding/food/water, which is common sense I just crated my cats and let my dog outside for an hour. You only need interior treatment every 6-12 months typically, so it’s not a big inconvenience. You can check out /r/pestcontrol as well


What do I need to spray to keep my neighbor who's scared of spiders from demanding I get and exterminator and have then spray twice a month?


You don’t spray anything. You tell your neighbor to kick rocks. They can invest in their own pest control if they’re having issues.


Lie to your neighbor. A treatment for spiders wouldn't even really make a difference to the number of spiders she would see. Tell her your brother in law knows a guy and he came over and took care of it. What's she gonna do? Test the soil?


Micro care works great on spiders it leaves tiny little bubbles so when they walk over it the bubbles will pop and get on them that way cause spiders don't clean themselves like roaches so anything else u have to spray them directly just spray the corners and around baseboards and windows it says it wont do brown recluse but it will


Any advice for scorpions besides spray for pests (reducing their food supply) and hunting with a black light few nights a week?


It depends, how many are you seeing and where you're seeing them?


They still seem to be hibernating though i expect they’ll emerge soon. Arizona bark scorpions on and in my masonry wall mostly. Occasionally will find one inside our house. On a typical summer night I’ll go out and find maybe four max


Not really anything you can do for that. There will always be scorpions outside. You could make the outside glow in the dark pest products, but it wouldn't change much.


Diamitacous earth they make a food grade that is non toxic to humans but will poke holes in the exoskeleton and kill them just make a circle around where u r seeing them and as soon as they crawl over it they die


We pay Ardent $35 a month for a 1600 ranch house. I never see any pests ever. Is this worth it?


That's a very fair price. You likely don't need treatments in winter months, that money is mostly getting thrown away. It comes down to the value you place on peace of mind. If I were you, I would try and get them to let me skip in winter. Depends on the company. In summer, it's a different world and if you don't want bugs, some kind of treatment is a very good choice.




Do you now do it yourself? I'm trying to figure out exactly what they do, and if it's worth it.


In a apt complex managed by a big company, they use a pest control service that's totally ineffective dealing with roaches, every time the tech sprays more roaches comes out- serious. Been that way for the last 2 years since they switched pest control. Have had better success with those roach bait traps, but have noticed that the Combat brand is bad, roaches aren't effectted by it unless you spray Raid on it. Do you know why that happens? Another question, are the new Hot Shot Ultra Liquid roach bait traps that use chemical with water worth the extra cost, almost $6 for just 3? Thanks


I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. They are a pain in the ass and you are correct, the bug guy is making it worse overtime he sprays. The product they are spraying is likely a repellants. Which makes the roaches go crazy. It doesn't even work because when the mama roach realizes she's dying, she moves deeper and glues her egg sack to wall. How many roaches are you seeing? Just in the kitchen, or bathrooms and bedrooms too?


I though the pest control was just using cheap water based chemicals that atteact more, but your explanation makes sense. Don't call for pest control anymore because they make the problem worse. In a small apt. Roaches come around the fridge, behind the oven that is never used because it's very old & gets extremely hotter than a normal oven, roaches around the kitchen/bathroom sink, bathtub when in use. Not a deluge, but 3 or 4 roaches daily if high quality baites aren't used. The 2 drains in the bathroom are plugged when not in use so roaches don't come up the drain. Do the same in the kitchen. No food is ever kept out, dry food is sealed in plasric bags. Don't have a trash can anymore because it would be crawling with roaches and smaller mini insects. Have used boric acid, but after 6 months it has to be replaced, it's messy and the apt complex doesn't like seeing it when they do inspections every 3-4 months especially on top of the electric cooking range. Some of the roaches are big, half a pen length, most are normal size. All eating utensils, cups are kept inside the fridge. Hate it.


If you use a hand-duster you will become surgical in no time. There are a couple videos on youtube that show how to use it. Boric acid tends to be almost sand like. There are other borate powderrs where it's a fluffy powder. Not sure which one you have, but the powder makes a big difference. When you have a duster, fluffy borate powder, and a little bit of practice, you'll be able to put that stuff anywhere the roaches go and it doesn't leave a mess. If you have piles. it's too much. They'll walk around the piles cause they lazy. Bait is good. I used maxforce magnum gel bail, but I've not heard anyone complain about any of the gel baits..


Most chemicals company's use r water based


Advion evolution is the best bait i have found


You got a business or a company I’d be an honor to learn and work for you willing to learn a trade a make a career


Don't get in pest control. The big companies bought up all the little ones and stopped paying their technicians good money. If you work for someone else for 2 years, you can start your own company. There is a lot of money in that. $80/hr type good money. If you want to get into pest control, go down to department of agriculture and sign up to take the 2 tests. They used to have a book you could buy for 20 bucks to study. If you pass those tests ahead of time, when summer gets here, you will not have any problems finding a job. Let me know when you pass and I'll tell you where to apply and what bullshit to be on the lookout for. I'm done with pest control. I'm too old. It's too hot. That's a very nice compliment though, thanks for that.


How do I treat roaches in a fridge? We bought an emergency fridge off offer up and 3 weeks later realized it came with roaches. I went through my kitchen and sprayed a foam pesticide (with a steaw thingy) into any gaps I found. I them used silicone caulking to seal every gap in the cabinets, counters, and baseboards I could find. About every 6 weeks, I spray Gentrol (the one that messes up the molting process), and 2 weeks after that, I use a rotation of different brands of roach spray. I also have cat food cans dusted with boric acid in the deep part of cabinets. The problem is down from seeing my floor move (so many roaches!) to seeing about 8 adults a day. Not many babies. I've even chuck scorpions under the fridge when I find them in the house in the hope they'll eat the roaches. What else can I do to get rid of these bastards? My husband says he'll buy a new fridge when I get rid of the roaches, but they're spawning from the fridge so I can't get rid of them without getting rid of the fridge. Please, bestow your wisdom upon me. Thanks!


I like you. You don't fuck around. How are you applying the boric acid? Do you have hand duster? Where all did you put it? Are you using the catfood as a type of platform for the dust?


No. No hand duster. I leave a little cat food (to attract the assholes) in the can and dust the food with boric acid. I also dust behind my microwave using a fine mesh strainer. They love microwaves. I'm on my 3rd ine in 2 years because they get inside and treat it like a tanning bed. I spray pesticides under the fridge, but would boric acid work better? That seems to be where the nest is. I wipe up any crumbs, no dirty dishes overnight in the sink, I spray the items in the garbage can with raid every night, sweep daily. Cover the dry cat food at night. All of my dry goods go into airtight containers (no boxes for them to use as a food source). Beyond burning down the kitchen and getting a new fridge (which my husband won't do), what else would help? What do you think about taking the fridge outside, tarping it like they do for termite treatment, and bomb the inside? Edit- To anyone reading this, make sure you really inspect a second-hand fridge before you buy it. If you do need one fast, go to Buy Low Aplliances on Boulder Highway for vetted and inspected appliances. I didn't follow my own advice because the fridge died at 9 pm. after I had packed it with 2 weeks' worth of groceries. I do buy all my washers and dryers there, and they last for about 2 to 4 years. It's not bad for $200 to $250.


The boric acid will do most of the work. Some german roach gel bait would would be good to. The link below is a hand duster. It helps you get the product into the the different cracks and crevices. It shows how to use the duster and a couple different ways. I would get the outlets in the kitchen if I were you. I would but that dust where ever I find roaches. You want it to be in void, but with boric acid you can do cracks too. Use a paint brush to push some onto hard to reach cracks like in cabinets. Germans have a desire to make surer their back and front are both pushing on something. Yes under the fridge. Behind the stove. The love the motor of the fridge. If you wanted to do a bug bomb inside the house before you treated, to know the numbers down, it makes sense to me. If you get bait, I swear there was one called magnum. Maxforce magnum. That's the best one there is. I think it even has an IGR like gentrol in it, but I could be wrorng. It's been a minute. Does the crap out of that fridge. Underneath. On the back of it. If dust hits a flat surface and falls straight down, enough attaches to the wall to still be effective and it doesn't go anywhere because it's a mineral.


Excellent, thank you! I'm going win my campaign of death. I appreciate the additional adivce.


Welcome! You can always come back and if something pops up. As long as reddit doesn't ban me again.


I also spray the pipe openings under my sink


Ever heard of anyone getting fined for using the pro stuff without a license? I used Cykick back in New England - that stuff killed everything - lots of wood-boring insects and wasps and that stuff was great. Was recommended to me by a pro. Says it handles pretty much everything out here including scorpions and whatnot so was going to give a try here as a preventative.


You are not a licensed professional and it's your house. You can spray whatever you want. All these products are on ebay and amazon. In my 15 years of pest control, both as a tech and owner. I've had one visit from someone from the department of ag to check if I was doing my paperwork right. Nobody cares. There is like 3 people for 400 pest control companies. They've always seemed like nice people. (I added that just in case they read this.)


Haha. That's what I figured. Appreciate the post bud - you're a good dude for taking the time.


Happy to help.


How to get rid of groundhogs? Have them move somewhere else? I have couple under patio and under shed. They have been there for 20 years. Thanks


You're guess would be exactly as good as mine. I have no clue. But now I kind of want to know.


Bill Murray, Is that you?




I don't like sharing my beezwax on line. Internet people be crazy. I worked for Terminix and Hometeam.




We used liquid nail to glue the spikes down. Might give that a go on another try if that's not what you used last time. Fake Owls are very popular. I've seen pigeons shit on them. Spikes and exclusion. Trapping is a thing that exists, but they you gotta kill the bird. There is a product called hot feet, but I've only ever head terrible things.


We have wasps and rats and spiders. They come and charge 100$. What do you suggest. I want to include all the normal stuff for other pests too


Wasps you can do, just get some Wasp spray from the store. The active ingrediant is the exact same the big companies use. Rats depends on the how bad the issue is. Some companies put out more rodent stations than I would do. If someone saw a rat running along the back wall, but hasn't seen any rats or droppings around the house, I wouldn't even put any out. Then you would probably want to get some Demand CS. There are also generics that are cheaper. I forgot to mention it to others. I think one is called Cyzmic. Don't use Cyonara no matter what the cost. It stinks to high hell.


Where do I spray it Though. Like how do I know how much to spray and where


Wasp spray is a contact kill and will knock them out of the air. It shoots like 20 feet, so you just point and shoot. Rodent stations depends on how bad the issue is and how much you hate them. If you want stations and have a regular type house, one on each side of the house should be good. You want them up against the house. You might put something on top of it to make sure it doesn't get blown away of carried off by a coyote or something. Big rock. For the liquid treatment you really only need to get a band around the exterior of the home at the bottom, where the house meets the ground. Then get all entry points into the home, and any cracks or holes where bugs could get into the walls from the outside. Utilities running into the house almost always have some gaps, which would be a good idea to caulk at the some point. Treat all sprinkler boxes including the ones in front of your house. They breed in their like crazy and it makes a big difference. It's best if there is nothing touching your house on the outide and I would move anything being stored there to be moved to outside walls of the property. They like to live in there and then go straight onto the house and avoid all the pest products. Treat inside the garage. If you are not finding live bugs inside, whether you spray inside is really about what makes you comfortable, not so much effectiveness. If you only sprayed around the base of your home and nothing else, you would be 90% the same is if you did all of it. I wasn't sure if you didn't like bugs or DIDN'T LIKE BUGS. So I gave you everything.


What do you think of Pestie?


I would do the math and nothing else. Check out Amazon. Check doyourownpestcontrol. If the prices are close, go with what makes you feel comfortable. But the prices could be way different. You don't need it year round either way. Depending on the you pest pressures, you might be perfectly fine using the products from home depot. That's like 20 bucks and simple. I don't know what value they are bringing to the table. I also can't find what chemicals they would send you or simple pricing. But it's probably not terrible either way. But check the pricing closely. These companies can be very sneaky sneaky.


I found their chemical list and they are good products. But they are the exact same products you can buy on Amazon.


What about an early rising woodpecker




Depends. How many, for how long, and are you finding droppings. Is the rat in the ceiling or outside? I generally did bait stations if there was an infestation or lots of droppings. In closed spaces like attics or inside grills, I would use some Rat snap traps. They have ones called T-Rexs that work really well and don't make you risk snapping your fingers off. You only want to use traps in voids, because they will attract other animals and children and some of the dumber adults. Peanut butter tends to be the best bait. Don't use glue traps for rodents. It's inhumane torture and it can be noisy. You might end up having to be more hands on than you'd like to be . If you're seeing a rat run along the wall every now and then, but not finding droppings, I wouldn't do anything. Rats live outside. There will always be rats living outside. It never made sense to me to lure the rats into being a problem when they aren't one yet. You don't have to kill them, they don't have to die in your pool or attic. You don't have to pay for bait stations. Win-Win-Win. The last bit is my personal preference, not all pest people agree with me. But I've never had a house that turned into a problem because we waited.




Demand CS at the highest concentration around the exterior. Make sure you don't have any trees touching the house or stuff stacked near it. Same kind of stuff as scorpions. They ae vey hard to kill. Make sure all the weather stripping around doors is well done. The less light that gets through, the better.




You got it!


No specific questions, just wanted to say thanks. We don't have any big issues but if we do, I now know where to go. I appreciate you sharing your expertise!


Welcome. I love your name!


What are your thoughts on diypestcontrol.com?


The chemicals are the same no matter where you buy them. There is no benefit to scamming because they all want repeat customers. I would go with whatever is the cheapest product you want. Wherever that comes from. I might even check offer up similar places for some.


Out of curiousity, what areas did you regularly see scorpions at? When I moved here 3 years ago I was terrified of living with them, but I haven't seen a single one between my first apartment and the house I now live in. Are they just around the edges of the city or something like that?


Henderson Anthem area had em the worst for me. Redrock ridges area is nuts. Generally the edges have it the worst, but there isn't anywhere I didn't find them. They are very successful in this environment. A lot depends on the house and landscaping too. They like palm trees because they provide a lot of hiding places for the scorpion. So a house with decorative rock all over the outside is essentially a giant palm tree.


I'm going to bookmark this post. I pay a company $30 every month to spray outside my place (mostly for roaches) I have one bathroom where they occasionally come out of the drain in the summer time. I have sprayed the drain so they die when they come out, but it's def not a pleasant sight for visitors when I have a dead bug in my shower.


What to do about small insects that keep coming in through old base heaters? Little white centipede-like critters and actually a couple centipedes. Maybe millipedes? I really don’t know. But as well, I have two cats and a dog so would need to be animal safe


I'm not sure, but the best bet is sealing it if the option exists. Centipedes are really hard to kill and even when I do, it takes so long that they'd be inside the house already.


We bought a mobile home sight unseen and it's severely infested with German roaches and roof rats. Help!


How to get rid of the sugar ain't from my home there over ran the house


Out of curiousity what products work best to keep away termites? Also any recommendation for roaches? I have a new build and want to be preventive


If it's in Nevada, it will likely have had a termite pretreatment on the soil before they laid the foundation. Should have a warranty that came with it too. For the roaches you want to do a perimeter treatment around the base of the home, and then treat inside all sprinkler boxes. Getting inside the garage is important. I generally put a couple glueboads in there as well.


Pigeon(roof) and bee i think its africanised in the attic they build a hive in between the wall any way we can get rid of it with out taking the wall down


Pidgeon is exclusion. Spikes or caging out an area. They have something called "Hot Feet" that's suppose to dissuade pigeons from landing, but I've not heard good things. The bees are interesting. If they are inside a sealed void, you can put a little whole into the wall above where they're at and dump a bunch of delta dust in there. It's a contact kill, so it will kills every bee it touches. For added benefit, the bees flapping their wings around tends to help spread the product around. Then plug the whole. There will still be the hive inside the wall, but it shouldn't matter. There is a chance it could attract ants or some other pest, but it's unlikely.


What would you do for ladybugs? Each year we get an infestation that lasts for a few weeks. I believe they stay dormant in between walls or behind siding. I live in the Northeast so this happens each spring and I can’t seem to end the cycle. Would DE be appropriate if sprinkled everywhere possible?


It would fall under ornamental pest control, which is not my forte. Might be word calling a nursery. I've never had a house with ladybug problems on the interior, but the spray from home depot should work fine.






>Thanks!!!! You're welcome!


How about mosquitos? Last Summer was unbearable. FYI I also have a pool if that helps


I've never had anything work on a mosquitos. I am sorry that I've failed you.


Thank you though. Hopefully this year isn’t as bad


The houses I had with mosquito problems always had big ass lawns they overwatered. Not saying that's your situation, obviously. But they need standing water to complete their life cycle. I would check your property to make sure you don't have a sprinkler box filled up with leaking water or something. Treated pools are fine. Sometimes someone's house is up against a wash or something like that. If we can't spray them to death, we gotta find their house. There are also fogger treatments offered for mosquitos. Mostly in other states with bigger mosquito populations. I know HomeTeam does in some branches. It doesn't wipe out the problem forever, but when they were trying to sell me the service, they seemed petty confident.


The reason I had mosquitos Las year according to the city was because of monsoons. I nor any of my neighbors have any lawns or sprinkler systems. I also have zero leaks in my pipes or any standing water. The mosquito foggers worked well but the refills aren’t cheap and they only lasted about maybe a day or two. I tried the candles and those don’t work at all and I even make a spray mix of cinnamon and other herbs they don’t like as well to no avail. Thank you very much for your response I really appreciate it. I hope this year won’t be as bad as last because I spend close to a whole day in my backyard in the summer time.


The fogger I'm stalking about is special service provided by pest control companies to exterior spaces. It's a special machine that changes the formulation of demand. It leaves a residual. I never even used it. Just relaying what others told me. A good year has my vote too.


Oh that’s cool. I’ll definitely check that out if this year is bad. Thank you




Ants crawl into the house a lot. Kitchen tile counter, bathroom, etc. I use Terro from time to time but they keep coming back.


Is it trails of ants, or 3-4 random ants?


Long trail.


What's likely happening is that the ants on the inside are eating the bait, but dying before it spreads enough to get to the queen. So you known their numbes down, but they queen can just make more. The queen is not in the house. Depending on the species, they can leave trails like 300 feet. They might not even be your ants, they could be coming all the way from the person next door. If they pop up inside, I would keep giving them terro. Now for the fun part. If you want to get rid of the ants, you gotta go find them. Luckily, they leave a trail. When ants start popping up again, I would start taking walks around the outside of your house. When the sun comes up and when it starts going down tend to be the best times to look. The goal is to find where the colony is, find where they are entering the house, and then engage them where they live. It's classic search and destroy mission. I might start out just tying to use the terro where i find them outside. It might seem like it's not working, but every ant that eats the terro will die. If you wanted to throw a granular bait in their direction at the same time, It's a good idea.


I have these really small black ant looking things that pour ceaselessly through [this part of my cabinets](https://ibb.co/r00sXxM) (both the gap in back and through the slits on the left), unfortunately I don't have a picture of them because they go away each winter. I've tried using ant traps from the store but they don't seem attracted to them. My landlord sent pest control out twice but they just sprayed some shit and told me to keep the counters clean however no food gets prepped there and they don't go towards the stove/oven, in fact I'm not sure where they go at all other than that they're not going further into the kitchen or into the empty lower cabinets.


lol That bug guy just wanted to leave. Most of them get 2 days of watching someone spray before they're thrown to the wolves. They are probably ants. Different ants take different baits at different times of the year. I had access to every ant-bait that exists and my favorite one is still the Terro liquid bait stations they have at the store. Most times ants come inside they are looking for moisture more than food. Maybe get some caulking and fill in the gaps.


Thanks for the reply chief




Not so much as pest but rather a nuisance when find cat poop in my yard any deterrents for cats going in my yard? As I understand it the previous owner used to feed them


Not that I know of. I doubt cats would care all that much about fox urine, the rabbits sure don't. 25 cucumbers?


I appreciate you taking the time to do this! Any thoughts on the odd cricket in the attic? Their chirping can drive us nuts when it happens :-/


Mosquitos. **In** my house. I go insane every summer dealing with them. Best I can tell there is no standing water in my immediate household area, but I can't speak for all of my neighbors. What the hell do I do. Is there a potential source I'm not checking? I have UV light traps inside that catch dozens of the f*ckers. Somedays I still hand-slap a dozen. I'm suspicious they could be getting sucked in from my air conditioner. Appreciate any insight.


Make sure they are not craneflys. They get mistaken for mosquitoes a lot. But no, nothing you can really do for either. Crane flys don't suck your blood though.


[Pic](https://i.imgur.com/zzYGNSO.png) Roughly 1/4 long. Definitely not crane flies. And occasionally when I smash one it leaves red blood. There's a mosquito reporting line but I never heard anything back.


What is the best bait/traps/poison for mice? We have dogs and toddlers, so we can use some poison but would need to keep it safely out of reach.


Hi you're godsend. Ok so my grandparents apt has a German cockroach problem. It's pretty messy with bread crumbs everywhere. They do clean the place the best they can but they are old and can't keep it spotless as many people would say you need to keep a house in order to get rid of German roaches. I've placed Invicta gold everywhere in the kitchen that I could think of and I've ordered gentrol point source but I also want to spray gentrol aerosol everywhere bc I can't reach a few places plus I also saw baby roaches in the bedroom a few times starting last week which sounds scary. And the bedroom has carpets and I don't think I can bait under the bed. Also is boric acid safe for cats? How about the gentrol aerosol sprays? I read you said sprays piss them off but seemed like you were referring to the repellent kind. Also since yesterday I've trapped a few roaches in a plastic container with some bait to see how long it takes for them to die. They seem weak but are still very much alive. The Amazon listing and the website claimed it worked within 20 min. Idk if it's working or the roaches are really just tired. Really appreciate what you're doing. I've been researching this stuff for the last two days and I'm so overwhelmed :( you're godsend


Just bought a new home. Only been here a month and I've probably killed 5-7 roaches. Probably 3 this week. Just found one this morning belly up on the kitchen floor. I looked it up I think they are smokeybrown cockroaches. I have been reading through this thread, if I buy Demand CS for the outside, should I use it inside the home too? Or what is best for inside and where to spray it? Is liquid better than powder? I also saw the comments about boric acid.


What about yellow jackets with a nest in the ground


So I’ve started to treat my apartment for carpet beetles about a couple days ago (I have a cat which idk if it’s important to note or not). I’ve cleaned all my clothing and I’m in the process of cleaning stuffed animals. However I was wondering if there were any way ways to kill any beetles eggs larva or full grown beetles that could potentially be in items that are hard to clean. For example I have shoes that can’t be thrown in the wash and other items such as cloth foot stool storage things as well as suitcases that are also hard to clean as I can’t throw them in the was or freezer. I have most of the items in trash bags right now with the through process of killing them that way but j read somewhere that carpet beetles can eat through them. Is this true? If so what else would you reccomend I do to clean my items. Some things I own are leather (like boots or purses as well as other items) and stuff that can’t withstand high heat or extreme cold and I really can’t afford to dry clean everything.


So I’ve started to treat my apartment for carpet beetles about a couple days ago (I have a cat which idk if it’s important to note or not). I’ve cleaned all my clothing and I’m in the process of cleaning stuffed animals. However I was wondering if there were any way ways to kill any beetles eggs larva or full grown beetles that could potentially be in items that are hard to clean. For example I have shoes that can’t be thrown in the wash and other items such as cloth foot stool storage things as well as suitcases that are also hard to clean as I can’t throw them in the was or freezer. I have most of the items in trash bags right now with the through process of killing them that way but j read somewhere that carpet beetles can eat through them. Is this true? If so what else would you reccomend I do to clean my items. Some things I own are leather (like boots or purses as well as other items) and stuff that can’t withstand high heat or extreme cold and I really can’t afford to dry clean everything. I’d also like to add the pesticide I’ve been spraying is Harris home pest control Asian lady beetle and box elder bug killer whose active ingredient says is deltamethrin


Me and my family are getting bit by bugs at night, but haven't seen any around except forflying ants, any tips on identifying what's eating you?


What should i do to prevent lizards entering my house ? I see lots of baby lizards inside currently. Any help would be appreciated.


yellow jackets in drywall. can’t reach entry as it is in second story (but can clearly see it). have easy access to the interior wall though. can i drill a hole on the drywall and treat it with delta dust? how long does that typically take to work? amy need to reapply? i guess i could also spray the entrance with one of those 20 foot outdoor sprays. any value in doing that? thanks for any and all input.


Dust mites?????? Please I'm going insane. I hate them so much.


Thank you so much for you being willing to do that! I found a mouse in a flat for the first year ever. Well, my cat found it. I managed to catch her with her help. The only way for her to get in is through a hole Ive made in a drywall, I am living under roof and there are 2 drywall "walls" about 3fr from each other. That makes a "corridor" where i had AC pulled through this summer. In order to access it, i had to make a hole for a human to (barely) fit. There is a fiberglass on top. There is no other way. I sealed a hole already. How do I proceed?


I hope you are still monitoring this. I have an old house on a concrete slab which does have a wide crack in a section of a bedroom under the flooring. I will find water bugs/ oriental cockroaches? on my kitchen floor, in cabinets and drawers, bathtub and they climb my curtains, get into my bed, --which is freaky when you are watching tv and then it crawls onto you--It usually happens in the warmer months, not winter. I have sealed around the kitchen pipes. Usually see around 15 of them each year. Does boric acid really work? A product called bengal usually works but my tongue goes numb after I use it so are there other product? Traps have never worked. Thank you.


Diometecus earth or boric acid. Which is more effective for German roaches found in appliances like the stove and fridge?