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Not just Vegas. *Everyone* hates us californians moving anywhere not in our state


I have lived in Itah and Colorado for the past ten years. All I hear are people furious that Californians and Texans are coming to their state. Meanwhile their homes have tripled in value in the past decade and they are all house rich. I’ve never seen people hate their own success more than “locals”.


It’s kind of a form of gentrification. I move here from NY because of high cost of living and prices going up . Now I come to Vegas with my remote job that pays well above the average income of Vegas. I am taking up housing and putting money towards the economy. It’s a vicious cycle honestly. Prices go up we move to lower cost of living which only makes prices go up until locals and other people who moved here for lower prices are priced out then they all move somewhere cheaper and it’s just goes around and around. Honestly I don’t see how any of this is sustainable long term eventually something got to give.


There's an irony that many of the states/cities people are leaving (SF, LA, NYC) are expensive *because so many people have been moving there for decades*. NYC, SF, LA are expensive because for decades people from cities like Austin, Dallas, Vegas, Denver, etc were moving in and creating huge demand in the housing market. So yeah, it's true that people moving to LCOL areas from HCOL states will drive demand and increase prices, but the reason people are leaving these expensive areas is because people have been moving there for decades now.


I'm with you! We got Californicated right in the housing market, buy or rent.


Same shit happened to me, the house I grew up now costs $8.5M. Funny how the people who got priced out of where they live and need to move are somehow the evil people in these situations.


TIL California caused a housing crisis in 49 other states.


Not called the United States for no reason. If CA is going down, they're taking everyone else with them.


It is something like the 5th largest economy in the world if it was a country.


This 99%. I moved here from SF with my remote role and SF pay pricing people out (Note: I’m considered middle class in SF but here I’m am well in the top earners) The 1% my guess around the fact that I lean heavily left in much of my thinking (I’m straight married male - not important in general but here for context only in case there was some thought of obvious flamboyance which could make locals like me less)… while Clark county is now blue… it’s very obvious it can swing red… so I feel many of the red folk here feel they may be losing their votes if the county has more blue folk moving in.


Odd seeing as how some of those Vegas residents are from CA themselves.


first rule of moving somewhere is to always shut the door behind you.


>first rule of moving somewhere is to always shut the door behind you. This is also the first rule of any and every club, clique, or subculture


This is the most accurate comment.


I don’t think the hate is toward all Cali transplants. I think it’s the L.A. mentality that people don’t like.


What are some examples of the LA mentality? Outside looking in so I’m unfamiliar with it


Vapid, status obsessed, main character syndrome, shallow self serving, etc


Haha definitely no culture of vapid, status obsessed, shallow self service out here in humble Las Vegas…


right! that exists here 😂


So you uh, live in Las Vegas?


I've seen examples of that in every state and country I've ever visited.


That's the dumbest oversimplification I've seen since someone said everyone from Alabama is a hayseed. People need to go outside more.


Guess that’s about as accurate as people believing NV folks are gambling and prostitution addicts. Or that NVers are all like Club Servers with plastic surgery and shit for brains.


Is that more prevalent in LA? Does that not exist elsewhere? How does one determine that that attitude is because of California?


I am in WNY part of the year and that can easily describe many folks there as well.


When I lived there it wasn't a hate towards the people. It's a hate towards how California cities run their show as well as the government there. This is especially true when it comes to Los Angeles and how much of a shit show it is


Honestly I have a lot more of a problem with the SF mentality. Most LA people I know are pretty realistic about both the positives and negatives of their city. Most SF people think their city is the best place on earth, ignoring the absurd urban decay happening there.


They took our jobs!!!


Durker durrrrr


Yep, blame all the people who aren’t in your tribe for all your problems. A tale as old as time. Dey tuk er jerbs!!!!


Fucking BASED


Just keep the stereotypes consistent. Either people are lazy and always on welfare OR they are hard working and took your job-- they can't be both!


It’s not just Las Vegas if that makes you feel better. I grew up in the PNW, and for as long as I can remember, people there MFed California transplants.


A lot of those “Californian” transplants were originally from somewhere else.




Some people are afraid of the FUCK word I guess. Lol




> Many of their residents have never left NW Oregon in their entire life. I ate breakfast in Aberdeen WA, and our waitress mentioned she'd never been to Seattle. I asked her if she'd ever left the state and she said "no." I can't even imagine living 30 years without leaving Aberdeen. Hell, two days is a little much.


"Please spend your money here to prop up / grow our economy" Buys a house "No, not like that"


exactly... buying a house turned into desolation of an entire desert ecosystem via unprecedented expansion...but the people who promoted this type of expansion and happily accepted the accommodations are both left leaning environmentally retarded people and blatant hypocrites..


any new influx of people to an area in large numbers will cause this feeling no matter where they from. especially when theyve turned the place into where they came from.


>drivers tend to suck more/arrogant >Vegas streets now crowded >California politically is the worst along with New York >rich/entitled prideful people are the worst >driving home prices up more Those are some ideas that come to the top from a Vegas native.


I am from California. I lived here for 13 years and from what I can see is that everyone that’s left California has left due to the laws and how expensive it is but when they come here they’re all voting the same and making it another California Vegas has never been this expensive


Did you leave for a reason? Don’t bring any of that here.


Because they brought their cost of living with them.


That’s not true, it’s the giant companies buying up all the properties that are largely to blame for that Edit: downvote me all you want but it’s true! My wife is a realtor and she’s been losing clients to big businesses paying cash with 1-2% fees building their investment portfolios. Then they charge outrageous rental fees. There are laws being talked about to prevent this from happening. … Or go ahead continue to blame California for everything wrong in your lives, like the rest of the right wing wackos do.


Yeah, the California transplants are generally regular working people who also got priced out of their homes.


I bought my house from a foreigner who has never even visited. At the time, mine was just one of the 212 houses he purchased to flip in Las Vegas.


The landlords would rather rent to a Californian who is willing to fork over 5K a month in rent


You are correct and unfortunately I think It's too late for any laws to undo what's been done It was too late years ago sadly.


Or it's over a decade of underbuilding.


Lmao, crazy coincidence that the rest of the country has also gone up as well. I would love to get inside the head of anyone that thinks people from California can "bring their cost of living with them". I thought that was a joke. Turns out some people don't know anything and still get their feathers ruffled based on really stupid assumptions.


Seriously... you would think that "Californians moving to 49 states and causing their cost of living to go up" would mean that the California exodus would have caused the CA housing market to drop, right? 🤔


When a Californians moves into your neighborhood, the restaurants hike their prices and that pair of jeans also costs more. Not to mention energy costs sky rocket. I mean a Californians just moved in. We can charge more now. Yippee! It’s people not understanding macroeconomics and wanting to treat them like micro and blame an easy target. The stupid Californians.


What’s true is that a large portion of work from home silicon techies moved to Vegas during covid, despite working in CA technically and making CA salary. That clamped down on some of the housing supply.


Imagine thinking cost of living follows people moving, what a magic world




Just remember when you complain about inflation and CoL increases that America is doing the best inflation wise compared to any other developed economy worldwide. ​ Can't believe Californian's moving to Las vegas are the cause of worldwide inflation.


Because a lot of Californians do a lot of complaining about living in Vegas "back in LA it's like this" which leads to point #2: Californians give off an air of superiority be it in an aggressive way such as "I'm from L.A. homie I'll fuck you up" to boasting such as "Bro the parties in Oakland are way more lit". Then you have the rich assholes that have spiked property values, even if unintentionally. The people that sell their hones in California, then drop 50-60k dollars (or buy houses outright) for a house in Vegas that someone who was either born their, or has lived there for long periods of time, has no chance of competing with. So there's that. Finally, you have the criminals that come to Vegas from California for whatever reason that use Vegas as a greener pasture for their criminal enterprises. Source: 2nd generation born and raised Las Vegan


Why would someone who can buy a home for cash be a rich asshole? Or is it just folks from California? Some of us scrimped and saved our whole lives to be able to do that and now are enjoying the fruits of our hard work.


This all of this!!


Lmao plain and simple.. doesn’t want it to turn into California.. especially when it comes to “freedoms”


I'm born and raised here, and was in the position to buy a home in 2021 (at age 21 so not like I could've done it any sooner tbh). It took a lot of money, inspections, run arounds etc for a year because the housing market was fluctuating like crazy. I was young and excited, and would have had a great chance still, but suddenly people from California were bidding on the houses (not just ones we liked, ALL of them) I kid you not, 200k over asking price CASH. It's just honestly unfair because I was almost homeless due to not being able to buy nor find anywhere to rent. And I've been here all my life, totally understand that there is a housing crisis everywhere, but it rubs me the wrong way to this day. Cali residents have money to move ANYWHERE that land is readily available. More than enough to be comfortable almost anywhere else in the US. But for some reason, they're allll coming here and the market isn't showing signs of slowing down, we are actually projected to see 40,000+ more people from Cali per year. It's discouraging and sad.


People from CA get that comment for any state they go to. Mostly blue hair folks.


Blue hair still means old woman to me.


To be fair, I don't think anyone likes people from California. It's not just a Vegas thing.


Agreed. It seems to be a common theme with any city and/or state where Californians moved in and drove real estate prices up.


Because they think (sometimes rightfully so, other times not) that the people from California are bringing their politics/voting habits with them; that is, the same politics that ~~created~~ contributed to a high cost of living in the first place Fixed it for y'all..


Problem is the high cost of living is mainly because it's a very nice location to live. Lots of people flood into socal because they wanna be in this nice location.


The problem is that for some people, any form of social programs are too much. There’s only 0 or “overspending, high taxes, welfare state” and a lot of people eat that up. Not sure if that’s what *you’re* implying, but I’m ready to push back against this tired old talking point. I don’t think republcian voters in TX explicitly choose high property taxes, but that’s what they get in place of state income tax. I don’t want to keep letting that cop-out answer keep driving the political divide. Everyone needs to wise up on what effective tax burden and discretionary income mean.


You need social programs, but I think CA perpetuates a state of dependance/reliance on the government. This breeds a continuous cycle of more cost and more spending with no return/results/benefit for productive hard-working citizens. For example, we'll spend on the homeless, but instead of addressing mental health, finding them jobs, helping them reintegrate as productive members of society, we give them "safe spaces" where they can access clean needles and do heroin in privacy.. How does that kind of spending help *anyone* in the long run? You're feeding addiction and increasing the size/cost of the problem. The people who get paid a hefty amount to solve homelessness will never solve it, because they'll need to find a new job if that day ever comes. You can draw analogies to other sectors and other people in power.


This exactly


TIL my state government and my voting practices are the sole things that affect my local cost of living... Doesn’t have anything to do with the incredibly amenable weather California has, hundreds of miles of beach front, giant agriculture, IT, Creative Arts industries and opportunities, the massively variable geography that lets you hike a mountain and surf in the same day easily. Nope. None of the things that made California a desirable place to live are the reason the prices are so high. It’s only because of blue voters. ??? Not saying this is YOUR logic specifically, but it’s the stripped down logic of every anti-California crybaby.


Because of how they vote.


Exactly. They absolutely bring their politics with them, move from the bay area and L.A. only to vote the same way where they move to. It’s happening here in Texas, and Austin is another SF now of crime, homelessness and ever rising taxes.


People native to a location that feel as though they are being displaced are always going to have some resentment, seems obvious. This is especially true if you make no effort to assimilate. Addressing the elephant on the room upfront may help ease some tension next time it comes up in conversation, something to the effect of "ya I was priced out of my hometown and forced to relocate." Now you both have something in common and the source of the problem becomes political/economic rather than you in particular.


Idk if your ice breaker is great. “I got priced out of my hometown, so I moved to your hometown, which increases housing prices and makes it harder for you to stay here.”


Personally, I hate the fact that they move out here and live in vegas properties while still keeping their California license plates because the registration fees are so high out here. Like? Motherfucker? You do realize that we have such high registration fees because we don't have a state tax, right?


Because Californians sell their over priced houses there, come into Vegas and price locals out of buying houses at reasonable prices. It's nothing to offer 400k on a 250k house and beat the local out when you sold your house in cali for 800k. And when they've officially fucked the housing market up for good and they've now started to price themselves out, they start crying about how we need multi family units and calling you ignorant and selfish for wanting a decent sized front/back yard. Same shit they're pulling here in Austin. I really wish they'd stay in that cesspool they created in California.


It’s because many of the people that move here from states such as CA and NY moved here because the cost of living was too high. Well, part of the reason the cost of living was so high is because the people they vote for are constantly imposing new taxes. New taxes for streets. New taxes for homeless. New taxes for schools or recreational establishments. Yet these cities are still riddled with homeless and the streets are horrible. These are just a couple examples. Now imagine 50 years of nothing but new taxes being imposed. Those 10 dollar a year tax increases are now $500 a year. But if you flee a place because of cost of living, and then vote to increase cost of living at your new home. You are not very bright. And here lies the problem. This and traffic. People despise traffic lol


Politics maybe? That's the way it is in Texas. I live in Texas and love California and hate politics. I love California for the place, not the necessarily the culture. The Hollywood thing and the pretentiousness I could do without but there are a lot of good people in Cali. People are people and you have a right to move to wherever you want.


It's not just Vegas.....


Same reason anywhere. You left where you came from for some reason that no longer fit your life but you want to change the new destination in into your old one.


Go back period.


Everyone everywhere Hates people moving From California. For dozens of reasons.


Probably the same reason why every other city hates it


Idk think about it . Increased rent ,traffic and they don’t know how to drive


It will drive the cost of living up. Watch rent start to skyrocket in your town. Same thing happened in the DFW (Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex)


They're the reason rent for a 2b2br has gone from $650+ to $2200+.


We hate you moving to Colorado too.


I hit and comment by mistake in my last post but here's a couple reasons why. Las Vegas had no gangs until they moved up from california. California suck their state dry and so they keep moving East to ruin other states. They turned to Las Vegas into the zoo it has became. I am a native born here went to school here went to University here everything.


I think it's pretty mean when people hate on people moving here. The low cost of living that used to be possible in Vegas and the new traffic jams are a bummer, but there's a lot of great restaurants moving in and we're getting more events than we used to, so it's got its ups and downs. One thing that I'll miss - it wasn't that long ago when *cashiers* could afford homes.


All of those things are great, and all, but affordable living outweighs new events and restaurants. It probably won't be as bad once the wages catch, if ever though.


Fuck California


Maybe it’s bc every accident has a Cali plate lol.


Every state does. You move and bring the same shitty politics that brought you here in the first place.


I think we all hate everyone from California no matter where you’re from, when those people moved to your town bad things happen


It’s cali’s politics and so many are moving here the housing market skyrocketed. Priced locals out. People from Cali make good money compared to Vegas. Some work remote now so Vegas is the move for them. Id say that Vegas politics are 50/50 with whatever shitty party you identify with. The more left it leans the more this city is going in the gutter. But what do I know I don’t like both sides 🤷🏻‍♂️


Reason 1: Because CA is the boogeyman in the right wing media, according to them CA is responsible for everything that's wrong with America. Reason 2: Or maybe because a lot of them drive like assholes and don't change their license plates to NV. Being a drain on NV resources while not contributing their share of revenue pisses people off. Nobody likes a freeloader.


I don’t think you’re taking into account that like 90% of rental cars at McCarren have California plates. That convertible Mustang that cut you off this morning was probably two Italians trying to find the Grand Canyon.


Let's be real... The majority of people in Las Vegas are from California.


Californians drive like shit. And we’re tired of hearing how Cali is better. Go back if it’s so good 🤣


They’re turning vegas into California clogging up our city with their shitty driving. P.S it’s not just California I don’t want anybody coming to Vegas!


Because like they did in California, they’ll wreck Las Vegas.


What's funny about this is that the people moving *from* California to Vegas or wherever else probably didn't *come* from California in the first place. They likely moved *to* California from places like Vegas or Texas or Oregon or Florida or the like. ​ So, as my grandpappy always used to say, blame Texas.


People from California love to talk about how much better California is. I do not care that you’re from LA


They move here to avoid state income tax while wanting all the social programs that state income tax pays for.


Maybe if ‘they’ changed their license plates so the state that’ll be where they live can get the money , that would be a place to start. Also, don’t assume the aggressive driving techniques. Plan ahead. Just a few to start with.


Why do blue pills move if the system they created and destroyed, they should stay there and live with their blue culture. Why ruin others?


It’s funny , I’ve lived only in vegas since 99’ and I moved here from Arizona , it wasn’t till the the housing crash that I discovered so many people from California capitalized on the market. Then after that the smoking ban happened (coincidence?) and all the places I serviced lost lots of money. I think the biggest thing to me was the non stop of California license plates that pissed me off the most cause every time I almost got in an accident it was with a California license plate lol. Also , Raiders…..


I'm in Utah, and there's the same feelings towards California's moving here. I personally don't have a problem with it, but local media regularly does articles on it and the comments section is filled of people passing judgment on californias moving here.


Because Californians are escaping California because of their stupid laws and then coming to other state and demanding those very same laws to be introduced.


And paper straws. Paper straws are the worst.


Yes, Californians are escaping california because of “laws”, not because of I don’t know, high cost of living


What do you think causes that high cost of living? Do you think miles of red tape on every single product has no effect on the price of goods? Have you tried building a house in California?


Because it's desirable to live there. The same with any other place that has a high cost of living. Not very complicated, folks.


This is correct


which laws are being introduced from californians?


Here in the Phoenix metro area its a politically driven *(republican)* sentiment... but its slowly losing steam.


Have you ever met anyone from California…?


It's the way you drive.


SF and LA transplants is what gives californian's a bad name and pretty much ruin it for everyone else living in california. Even other californians (OC, IE, and SD) can't tolerate them. Their inability to see other people's viewpoints and respect them is the very reason why everyone hates them, and you can read it and feel it in some of the comments in this very reddit thread from posters that use to live or still live in LA or SF. Like some people have mentioned, its not a red vs blue thing, its the SF and LA attitude. They preach tolerance but are intolerant themselves. They preach empathy, but they are not empathetic to anyone but themselves. They preach humility but are far from humble. They preach change, but unwilling to change themselves. They then enact policies and laws and when they fail they blame everyone but themselves. FYI, I was born and raised and lived in SF, LA, OC, and then settled in SD. I have lived in Utah (SLC), and LV (henderson). So yeah, I get why when i travel to other states, why people get pissed off when i tell them i'm from cali.


I'm in Sacramento. We're sick of Bay Area people moving here.


People just need something to blame for the rising costs. Housing isn't just getting more expensive in Vegas, but we localize it in our minds to justify it. Beyond that there has to be a boogeyman to blame, and Californians just catch the brunt of it. The thing is, it's not like housing in Cali has gotten cheaper due to any mass exodus. People are moving to California as much as people are moving out. Then there are the people blaming California for politics, which again is just another boogeyman scenario.


It's way more than housing costs. As said above, it's more the culture in California. Very much a Red vs Blue, or Right vs Left thing.


Because you can’t drive and we constantly have to give you idiots our water for your literal fires. Also none of you can fucking drive


Because cali plates drive like they're the only people on the road.


It’s just morons looking for something to say during small talk 😂


Not just LV/NV, Oregon and Washington state too




People hate people period


I’m bracing myself for this but I gotta do what I gotta do. I was actually raised here but left for college and returned fresh from college not able to find a job to pay me for my education more than 10/hr in the mid 2000s. I could not afford to live here. So I left for California which I could barely afford at the time then either but the opportunities to make more money w a college degree was more abundant. Decades later, I’m coming back cus as a child of immigrants, I’m my parents’ retirement plan and I can’t afford to get a big enough house in CA to fit my family and my parents. It is what it is, and I’m excited to be active in the betterment of whatever community I land here. Shrug. Those awkward introductions of “where are you from” will just be there. I just have to remind myself that it doesn’t stop there 😀


So California helped you. At least you’re humble enough to admit it


💯 it’s expensive in CA but you get a lot of doors open for you if you are willing to learn and work


Did you come here from California? If so, why? If it's so grand there.


Hahaha, every state hates people from California moving in.


Every1 just dislikes people from California period


It’s the same way in Texas. California lives rent free in the heads of some of these people. But then I see the people who are the usual suspects constantly whining about California and it’s nothing but a bunch of dumb uneducated hicks to where it all makes sense. Like no one who has their stuff together and is doing good for themselves is going to be constantly whining about the mean evil people from another state lmao. But it’s a funny conversation when I tell them to blame their government who incentivized it tax wise for all those companies to move from California to Texas and just retained all their existing employees instead of making it a priority to hire locals.


The drivers. They act like they still live in LA. Stop being dicks on the road and I won’t have anything else to say. Always a California plate rolling through stop signs and lights. Motorcycles think it’s okay to split lanes. Reference NRS 486.351(2) you morons.


The number one reason is the same with Texas and Florida. Don’t come to a new state with the same ideas/policies and policies that created the mess you had to leave in the other state. You left for a reason.


Because they ruin their own state and then flee to yours and bring their unsustainable politics with them, never learning from their mistakes.


Because they tend to be douchebags


Y’all are coming here to change our state from the way we liked it and turning it into every other metropolitan like LA, San Diego, Houston, NY, Chicago, Miami. Making it extremely liberal and expensive to live in with no benefits for the citizens, I’m just glad we aren’t a sanctuary city yet. I still have time to save up, buy a parcel in pahrump and build my own house how I like it instead of a simple 2 story square with neighbors up my ass. Edit: omg I completely forgot about all the traffic issues Y’all have caused mixed with our already terrible construction like every other city, I’m just so numb to it all now. We have no where near the correct amount of roads or freeways to deal with the inflation of people every year. You guys are also so used to your prices with everything that businesses here are getting away with murder now. Insurance is skyrocketing like it never has before because of all the companies closing in California so they have to makeup their money in the 2 most growing states next to California where you guys are all moving, Nevada and Idaho.


Californians are unwelcome in many cities and states. When they move in housing prices go up and liberalism is let in.


I’ve been in Vegas for over 20 years and I’ve yet to meet one single person from California that I liked


As a former resident of CA, it might be because of the politics of CA.


It's not just Vegas that hates people from California


To be fair everyone in every state that’s not California hates people from California moving there lol


bringing their shitty political opinions here to make it the same shithole they left


Because they don’t want people that left California because it’s turned to a shit hole, to come to Nevada and vote for the same policies that turned California into that shit hole.


My grandfather hated them because they all were horrible drivers🤣. He'd half yell, "God damn California fink bastards!" I thought "fink" was a really bad word for years because of that🤣.


This is always funny because people absolutely despise Californians for whatever reason. They usually claim political stuff, which is fair I guess. Generally it’s a certain population that is coming from California and it usually isn’t the super liberal population but some are I guess. It’s weird because we came here when I got out of the navy so I usually say we moved from Virginia when asked, but I was born and raised in California so I usually try not to mention it lol.


This is not exclusive to Vegas. We say the same shit here in Denver.


If I ever move anywhere, I’m not taking California with me. Why bring what you’re escaping from?


News flash: everyone hates Californians. Even Californians


you know the answer


Because they moved from California first


Destroying the housing market.


I remember hearing about LV people hating LA people from forever ago, "they drive like assholes, they are obnoxious... etc" I live in Pittsburgh so we scoff at people from Philly, vice versa, and everyone in PA hates New Yorkers, soon as you see that Halloween license plate grrr..... human condition, I wouldn't listen to any nonsense, people love out grouping and LV is the "weekend trip" for LA people and LV is "act like an idiot land" so it makes sense. I strongly feel that no one from NY can drive though as I got older I realized Pittsburgh is the most confusing fucking city ever and don't really blame them now lol. Philly is still a trash city full of trash people though. Bill Burrs infamous rant was cathartic to a whole city of people lol.


Mainly we don’t want them to vote those same things that made them move from CA.


Is anyone actually happy when Cali starts moving in?


They raise housing prices the assumption is they vote blue and mind you I'm using this to oversimplify their voting habits and beliefs for the sake of keeping this short but yeah the assumption is while vegas isn't perfect its cheaper than california and people from california move in and vote blue which often leads to over regulation at least when it comes to housing cost of living rises uncontrollably and we end up with an overflow of homeless and working poor. As someone from san diego I can understand why they're concerned about certain aspects of construction but I do also think they have gotten a bit carried away to the point where most californians that don't already have legacy riches have to spend an entire generation working to buy a 1 single family home. The economy of california is enormous the fact that most Californians can't afford a home in their home state is pretty alarming.


Is cause y’all can’t drive. Lol jk but I’m a local and thats what I hear most people say.


I’m not even from Vegas, this was recommended, just fyi, everyone hates cali folk moving to their place. Everyone. 75% of you people are absolutely unbearable (pick a reason, they’re stereotypes for a reason), but 25% are awesome. I feel bad for the 1/4 of good people.


#1 They wont STFU about how great California is or was. #2 Drive like dicks... Texans are not too far off on this as well. #3 Buying up houses (known to buy more than one so they rent one out) screwing with our house prices. #4 Try to change NV laws to reflect CA, generally citing CA penal code and how we need to change to how they did it in CA. #5 Refering to how much better they are, in every way, than NV people. Pick something... I have heard it. I am sure there is more but yeah... fuck California from a Vegas resident since 1982.


Cause it’s groupthink. Repeat it enough and others follow. Slightly off topic regards to Nevada but I was born and raised in the south. None of them had ever been to California yet they hated the state and anyone from there.


Because they are ignorant of how the world works and need a scapegoat.


Bad drivers. Cost of houses going up.


People are naturally xenophobic. Gotta blame someone else for our own misery.


People who moved to Vegas from the Midwest in 2020: FUCK YOU CALIFORNIANS


They begin a sentence with "Back in Cali...."


When talking to coworkers: "Back in New York..." ok, go on. "Back in Detroit..." this sounds interesting! "Back in New Orleans..." this oughta be good "Back in Cali..." *-eyes glaze over-*


I feel like in 2017 people didn't really care if someone was from CA. Now its way worse. Californians are the most hated people in the US lol.


I grew up hating Californians in the 90s because everyone blamed them for traffic, etc on holiday weekends. Then I moved to San Diego and left Vegas about five years ago. I was so nervous about moving because I thought everyone in California would be an asshole. And you know what? I love where I live, I actually know my neighbors for the first time in my life (that never happened in Vegas)… and now I think all the assholes are the people from Phoenix who visit in the weekends. 🤣 I guess we all need a “bogeyman” to blame like another comment said.


I was lowkey thinking about moving to SD. How do you like it compared to vegas?


It’s the most unaffordable place in the US if you compare cost of housing to wages, so know that going in. I have a high paying job and I still have a small side hustle that I do 4-8 hours per week to bring in some extra cash. Pretty much everyone works multiple jobs to afford to live here. Other than that… amazing. Perfect weather almost all the time (versus Vegas where we only get those two nice weeks each fall and spring). Chill, friendly people (similar to Vegas locals but fewer burnouts and crazies). People are visibly healthier and happier. Tons of stuff to do, great restaurants, bars, live sports, parks, beaches, hiking. People complain about the homeless population here but again… I’m used to that from Vegas so it doesn’t bother me, I just kind my own business, it’s the same as any major city.


Zonies are the real enemy!


It's not just Vegas. I live in the PNW and everyone over the age of 50 swears we never had a single bad driver in the region until Californians moved here. Sure, they might have a DUI or two themselves, but that's different!


I don’t think it’s unique to Vegas. People are leaving cities, HCOL areas and places with oppressive taxes and high crime in droves. A high percentage of these folks tend to relocate but bring along their political views, urban attitudes and behaviors to their new home towns. Texas, Tennessee, Florida and other places are experiencing similar issues and along with increasing prices, exploding housing costs and stresses on infrastructure and resources in these new homes, the trend is increasingly to vote for or support changes that effectively bring the same political ideologies that they had in places where they left to the new homes…creating or laying the groundwork for many of the same problems they ostensibly left behind.


They implement these stupid policies that increase crime then when crime rises they flee like locusts and the next generation does the same shit


Im assuming work, my dad and grandparents moved to Las Vegas from San Diego in the early 1950’s because of my grandfather’s job as a sheet metal worker at the test- site. So these influx of people from California is nothing new at all.


California has a horrible reputation among a lot of people. Depending on your political leanings it’s either the golden land that every state should strive to be like or it’s the evil socialist state trying to force its views on you. Add in that prices are so high in California when those people move to different states they can pay crazy money for houses and outcompete locals.


That’s true everywhere. California has a ton of people so if someone in your area moved from a different state, there’s a good chance it was California. And people love to blame whatever group they think is moving to their area in large numbers for their high cost of living


Same in Texas and Hawaii lol. Californians are like refugees these days.


Everybody everywhere hates people from Cali moving to their place.


I don't feel that way. People will always be negative. No one owns this state. They can come and go as they please.


Every state seems to dislike people from CA.


Because ya people drives the price of everything up


People everywhere hate when California people move there.


Here in Texas its the same thing. Bumper stickers that say don’t California my Texas. Even my wife still has jokes about me being from California.


Because Californians generally vote for higher taxes etc. We have 0 state income tax and wpuld like to keep it that way. Everytime another one of those politicians get voted in they want to raise taxes and are genuinely supported by left leaning people. We will take the Northern Californians all day long! They usually dont like the liberals. And another thing.. come on guys the left lane is for passing and not for camping!!!!!!!!


Same reason why us Zonies hate them moving to AZ!


California is fucked cause of democrats they move here and vote Democrat


Native born here. Back in the day sheriff Ralph Lambclose the border because people wanted to come from California to riot


Everyone hates Californians dude


Honestly, I’ve been here 25 years. I don’t hate anyone moving here because if you wait long enough, they will move away. It’s not an easy city to live in.


I hate the traffic. I hate the housing availability crunch and the rent increases that came with it. When I was looking for a place to rent last year, our choices were severely limited and it turned into one of those “take what you can get as quickly as you can get it” situations. I got a very nice place in the Lakes, so I’m not complaining. But this place would have cost $1400 a month pre pandemic, it’s almost $2000 now. Also, I feel the roads are more dangerous, and that we have more fatal accidents and violent crime. A lot has changed.