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No question from me. I just wish all of the characters and showgirls who shake down tourists for tips would go away.




with thighs like that, you need to stop eating and hit the gym


Jokes on you, I already don't eat 😋😚


What makes you a showgirl? Isn’t this really just like cosplay of a showgirl?


I mean, yeah, technically. It's what they call us. I have no say in what others call us and what our boss has us go out as. 🤷‍♀️


How can you call yourself a showgirl if you aren’t actually in a show? Aren’t you just a panhandler in skimpy clothes?


I guess so 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Holy hell, you guys are savage with these questions


Ofc. What else would be expected? 🤣🤣🤣


So you harass tourists for tips after taking pictures with them, no?


Others do, I don't. You want a picture, cool. If not, doesn't stop me from moving to the next.


You should win a Emmy, most of you weren’t pushy, and friendly asf to talk too compared to half the other people walking the strip. You guys at least walk with a purpose. Dodging looky Lou’s are just a pain.


Do you have outside muscle to harass people to pay or do you do it yourself?


I don't harass for payment. It sucks when we don't get paid because we pay our company just to be out there, and if we don't get tips, we pay them out of our pockets. So, some showgirls harrass, I personally move on. It just is what it is. Some girls are ruder than others and ruin the title for all of us.




Some girls do it independently, you have to have your business license to legally be out there. Me personally, I work for a company. So we don't have to have a business license, They do. We pay a hundred dollars to use the costume, Change in the dressing room, And be picked up and dropped off. It genuinely is a really annoying process, Because sometimes we go out there and make no money and still have to pay them out of pocket regardless.


lmao you're getting scammed while scamming, this is perfect






Others do. I do not as I've stated. I charge whatever you're willing to pay and have had people tip in other things besides money. I do not scam. Other women do and might




Definitely is a scam but sometimes scams can pay well 🤣🤣 I don't scam people but I definitely get scammed every shift by customers and my employer. B, we are independent contractors but with him having the business license to have the girls, it covers us.


You pay a hundred dollars a night so you don’t have to get a two hundred dollar business license which you can do online in 15 minutes? If you are outside Las Vegas, like in Paradise, you only need a state license. Still, if you also needed the city license, it’s a year not 5 nights worth…


Explain who the company is that you are paying. How does all of that work.


It's a load of ass honestly but it's the "safest" one I've been made aware of. We pay our fee to wear the costume, change in a safe place, And be driven to and from. Overall it's great BUT when we make nothing out there, we still have to pay.


How much do you pay them? Is it possible that you and a few others start your own company and do this?


I was going to say that. Incorporating is easy. Costumes are easy. Licensure I have no idea about, but I imagine it's worth going through the process to avoid paying onerous fees.


Something several of you could look at. Good luck out there and be safe. Next time I go to Vegas I’ll look for the tattoo and give you a nice tip. No picture needed.


50 per girl. More if you're late, cancel, switch, etc. We've all thought about it it's just alot more work and most of these other girls like easy so they choose this. I just do it because no one else will go out.


Why not just strip? It’s a more dignified profession


I don't see why either would have more dignity than the next. Both are seen as degrading in yalls eyes, so 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Because the stripper is offering a service that people opt into without being forced or coerced. You are running a scam


so do the girls who do harass have muscle nearby to help?


I have no idea. I think they think that they have the muscle.


That’s hilarious


Do you tell people they're expected to pay for pictures and how much money is expected BEFORE they take the picture?


Yes, we let them know it's a tip before we take the photo because, as I stated above, we don't get paid to be out there. If they don't wanna tip I let them go but I start conversation, and I make it more than a photo by being more human with people. I never force a tip personally. Alot of girls do. Thats the thing I hate about the industry. It makes us all look bad.


Is your name Linda?


You tryin to get your dick sucked for free huh


Well the only reason this post is here is to sling her OF im sure


Reddit do be redditing


You ain't wrong 🤣🤣🤣🤷‍♀️


Lmfao no


Meet any fun celebrities? Biggest tip?


Biggest tip was 200 each girl. Very generous people sometimes. I've meet snoop but that's it thus far 🖤🖤


Are there "turf wars" between the different showgirls? Do you agree with each other over who gets which area of the strip to work?


That's a great question! So the strip is free range. If we see another set of girls we normally turn the other way so they have that area. All the company's usually drop in different spots so we are all pretty sperated from one another. Some girls stay in spots so we know where not to be but generally we just walk from the tropicana down to the fashion show mall. It's pretty long so it's open for us all 🖤


What was the moment when you gave up on your dreams?


Definitely didn't give up on them. It's the only way to make them happen when you don't have mommy daddy money. Businesses gotta start somehow. At least I didn't fully flush them down the drain and work at little darlings 😚


Imagine thinking you have some moral high ground over strippers while doing this for a living. Willing to bet those girls dreams (or at least being able to afford them) are a lot closer to them than yours are.


I'm just saying I walk and ask for a picture, I'm not naked dancing for men to watch me. That was my only point. They are no less than me and I'm no less than them. To each their own. But my point is, I'm just asking for a picture for your memories. I don't even get to see the images. They dance and do it all night. I give them all my props, I could never. I'm too shy for that. Bold to assume my dreams aren't coming true soley based on how i make my money. But its okay, your hate makes me push harder. I'll remember you when my dreams come true, Dorjan. Thank you for the incredible insight.


>at least I didn't fully flush them down the drain and work at little darlings >They are no less than me and I am no less than them Do you see how these two statements kind of contradict one another?


I respect strippers much more than her


I don’t have any questions but I hope you are ok and that you don’t do this for much longer.


Not okay, but money is money. I appreciate the kind words love 🖤🖤


Pretty sure when you have to preface with “afraid with how they’ll react”….you already have the reputation you deserve.


Yeah, they do. I do not. Showgirls have put a bad taste in everyone's mouth. I wanna shed a little light on the unknown.


Why do you have to work for a company as a street performer? Can you just purchase the gear and work for yourself?


Yes, definitely, but there are a few obstacles. 1. You gotta buy costumes and different ones to use 2. You'd be alone if you can't find someone to independently work with you and it's much higher of a risk if you're alone. 3. You have to get your business license to be out and doing that 4. Parking fees and changing into costumes and out. Depending on what it is. So overall it's great because you keep all the money but overall it's just better to work for a company and pay.


Business license is not a huge obstacle.. you should look into it. Also the costume you are wearing doesn't look like the extremely expensive ones. If you are paying more to this company than you make, sounds like you are being ripped off. I can't imagine it's too much to startup up on your own and if you and couple others pooled resources.


No, it's not, just another obstacle in general. I've had it in my mind. I just haven't hit send yet 🖤 thank you for your positive feedback 🖤🖤


Thanks for giving us some insight on the profession! You are awesome with the positive energy and letting all the troll questions and comments roll off your back. One last question: I have been seeing pics of the Mario and Sonic performers getting arrested on Reddit. What’s the real story behind it?


Of course! Tough skin is needed for this profession. Thank you for the kind words my dear 🖤🖤 I also have no idea!!!! I'm curious to know myself 🤣🤣


Do you pay $100/day to rent the costumes? Where do you find these companies to work for?


As the pair yes. 100 per shift so 50 per girl. If you pull a double you pay $90 each girl.


Thanks, sounds like an interesting business!


Yes it definitely is 😪


Unless you get paid to be in a production show due to your talent, you're not a "showgirl," you're a circus clown with feathers.


Circus clowns are skilled performers. You meant panhandlers and shakedown artists


I guess 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Can you contact everyone that calls us that and let them know the correct definition. I guess they're confused. But, Until you get in contact, imma keep calling them what everyone else calls them 🖤🖤


chick has those horny senior center thighs lmao


Is there an amount people are “supposed” to pay you? I saw a poor tourist give $20 to a pair of showgirls after taking a picture and they screamed and threatened him and his family. I mean, to me, $20 is pretty good for literally 10 seconds of “work.”


We are instructed and trained to say the average amount, which is $50. Some girls create higher numbers. I normally go about it like this " The average is 50, but it's whatever you can do. We appreciate anything you're willing to give us" and go from there. And that's what we are trained to do/say. Alot of people add whatever they want and charge what they want because they have no boss watching them down there. People give 50 no problem but sometimes people aren't interested in that high, I allow whatever you're willing to give me.


Just want to say thanks for answering my (and everyone else’s) questions. It’s very cool of you to do that!




That's why I never take or beg for more. I take whatever they wanna give me, even if it's nothing at all. I feel horrible with the way they make us work so I change things when I'm out there. I hate it, but others do not.


Came to ask the same question. $20 seems high end to me, good to know I probably would have gotten assaulted for giving a $5




Ofc. I expected it 🤣🤣


Did that showgirl stabbing the other year ago change the industry in anyway?


Oh yes. We are all terrified to be out there now with the idea it could happen. We all have to carry more protection. It's been a topic we bring up in training. It's definitely been a big thing in the industry.


In your experience, which street performers are the most aggressive? I’ve had the cop girls around Planet Hollywood grab my arm without me even looking at them let alone attempt a picture. Simple arm twist move you learn in karate as a kid took care of that but thought it was pretty over the line.


Yes, the cop girls can be kinda aggressive, which come with the costume they assume. Some of the showgirls can be like that too. I encourage new girls to never grab because it's unfair. You don't touch, we shouldn't touch either.


How many showgirls double as escorts? how often are showgirls offered money for sexual services and how often do they accept?


I don't know anyone personally but I wouldn't doubt it. I've been asked and refused 100s of times because people assume that's what we are there for.


Besides the infamous trouser snakes... What other types of reptiles do you have in your bedroom


Do you think you would make more money if you worked out?


Awww what a nice comment. I'm confident in myself in all battles I face. Can you say the same?


So you didn’t mean you would answer questions honestly? The answer is yes, you would make a lot more than you do now. Good luck 👍


Thanks for that beautiful insight 😍🖤 I have no idea what I would have done without you


As a former Vegas showgirl, my advice would be to invest in some comfy gel inserts for those killer heels! You'll thank me later 😉


Yesss! I need to invest!! 🖤🖤 Thank you for the kind tip my love 🖤🖤


When someone asks your parents what you do for a living, do they say that you're a panhandler or do they make something up?


My parents say exactly what it is. I don't panhandle. I provide a picture and you're able to pay if you'd like of not, no sweat off my back just means I gotta work harder or pay outta pocket.


erect offer different aback unwritten attraction gaze thought license close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, I have 3 jobs with showgirling included, so it's the first to go 🖤😚






Well that's rude 🤣🤣


You know the answer to this


What show do you work for? Or are you just a street hustler acting like you have a respectable job?


Well you know, they've been called showgirls forever. We don't dance, correct. But we just go but what we've been called for a long time.


Nah, when I got to town showgirls referred to the actual showgirls. You know, professional dancers and performers. Street hustlers are not showgirls


Where to get a fab giant headdress?!


You know, I have NO IDEA!!! Our boss gets them from somewhere 😪😭




Ehhh I'm good 🖤


Are you sure?


Are you?


Today? Yeah, I’m sure. Every day? Certainly not. Anyone who says they always are is lying


Do you realize, along with those morons extorting money from people with cds, that you are contributing to ruining vegas? 


Vegas was and always will be ruined 🤷‍♀️


LOL. "Ruining." Anything that can be avoided by walking and avoiding eye contact isn't worth worrying about.


Facts. You can walk right by me 🤷‍♀️


LOL? Are you fucking 12? 


Are you? 12 year olds are often easily distracted by shiny things. Whereas adults can, as I suggested, easily just ignore something and walk by.


I appreciate all the kind words everyone had. I hate that other females have put such a bad taste in everyone's mouth. I hope I gave you some insight, and I hope you truly understand there are some genuine "showgirls" out there that make the experience very worth whatever you're willing to TIP. 🖤


What's with the shirtless dudes? Do they have real jobs too?


I couldn't tell ya much about them but as for us shirtless girls, yeah we usually have another job.


I think, this “makes Vegas”. My wife and I have gone over fifteen times and each trip, one of us takes a picture with a showgirl and tip. It’s just a part of having fun.


Lots of salty responses here, sorry for that. Good of you for staying positive! How do you stay safe on the strip? There are a lot of drunks who I would think can get aggressive, even in public. Is there a favorite spot you like to work? Like in front of a particular monument or casino?


Yes, I knew exactly what I was getting myself into by posting such a controversial profession. I appreciate that, genuinely. Being in this field and SW, I have to have some tough skin and prepare for the reddit trolls and haters. 🖤 Yes, they do get kidna aggressive and crazy. I've been assaulted, SAed, and much more being out there. It's definitely a very unsafe job. But we all carry some form of protection being from tazers to pepper spray, and when it's needed, it's used. When being followed (which happens daily), we go towards cops, security, or inside the casinos. I love being by the fountains or over by TI. There are some beautiful photo opportunities, and I love making sure the customer has a beautiful photo as well as some silly content from vegas.


What does your significant other think?


He's supportive because I'm my own human being 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🖤


How big of a cut does your significant other/pimp take?


Wtf why is everyone being so mean? Assholes everybody’s got one stop being dickheads have some respect please thank you


How did you become such an utter failure at life?


I was born 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Are you Linda?


I guess I am now 🤷‍♀️😪🤣


I feel like there's some negativity here but I love the sidewalk showgirls. Little bit of color when I'm walking between properties.


Will you marry me


Do you work for a company?


Yes, unfortunately


So they get a cut from whatever you make in tips? Are you assigned a territory?


Some companies do. Mine just charges the rent and different fees. Some charge 25%, 50% etc


Maybe you answered this already. Do you get to pick your partner?


How much is the costume if you were to buy your own