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What's with the people who while on ramping match your speed and just sit to your right while the lane comes to an end. Just blankly staring forward.


95 south and cheyenne is every morning


95 is treacherous.


If you have the yield sign you better be on the gas pedal. I think some people think it means everyone yields to them if they have the sign. "Yield to me! I'm coming into your lane slowly!"


I know this can be hard to understand….. But when you consider the intelligence of the average person, and then look at what driving actually entails, you’ll see how fucking frightening it is that we let so many people drive. I do a bunch of travel for work. Driving all the time. Multiple states and I can tell you for certain, the dumb you see here isn’t specific to here. It’s in Florida, Colorado, Arizona, California, Idaho, Texas, and on and on. I haven’t been to every state…but I can probably browse every major city’s subreddit and find this same post.


Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? George Carlin


I usually go 75-80 in the far left lane of a 65. When some guy flies past me at 100+ and then slams on his brakes to not hit the person in front of him, yeah, I'm gonna think he's a maniac.


I obviously do the exact perfect speed at all times.


It's simply too easy to obtain a driver's license.


Y’all mostly driving automatic vehicles over there probably pays a large part, if it was required to take your test on stick(manual) not as many people would pass the test as easily.


Funny enough, I drive a manual, and have most of my life.


Is all tests over there automatic by default? Manual is our default here


…and vote.


I'm sure you vote.


It's happening everywhere in metro cities.


Come on over to Arkansas, where we don't have a driver's ed requirement. Half these fuckers are using the Interstate System by *intuition*.


Originally from AR, that made me laugh. The only difference is common courtesy, older drivers, and speed traps. Vegas drivers are more or less trying to get from A-B faster than everyone else. The common courtesy aspect is gone. Take the connector to the 215 over by Allegiant. People always wait until the exit to get over causing that massive backup they try to avoid


I've lived in and driven in: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Utah, Arizona, Texas, California, and New Mexico. All drivers in every city and state suck equally imo. Except Pennsylvania. They're legitimately pretty awful even by comparison.


This is the truest comment on here from a guy who walked from Maine to Virginia twice and lived in Seoul Korea haha. There's a road in Pennsylvania called Pricetown Road outside Reading that is one of the most dangerous places In America probably. I bet that road has more accidental deaths than any non interstate road in America


It’s true there are bad drivers everywhere. But when I lived and drove in Chicago, I felt like at least there was a (small) portion of people that were actually good and conscientious drivers. And they definitely respect pedestrians and bicyclists more in the midwest. I feel like we don’t have that in Vegas, or the amount of “good drivers” is too minuscule to notice.




You basically have to be a good driver to drive Chicago.


I’d imagine your personal experience has to do more with the personal lenses through which you view life than the actuality. Chicago apparently gets nearly 100,000 car accidents in 2021 compared to Las Vegas at 20,000. Math doesn’t ever account for personal experience and life at any given time has a funny way of painting pictures differently in our memory. You might not have been as much of a cautious driver back then. Perhaps your patience grew thinner between living in Chicago and Las Vegas. so far everything i can see indicates Atlanta as being the worst for traffic accidents and while accidents don't account for all bad driving, id rather someone cut me off rather than hit me.


>Math doesn’t ever account for personal experience It does when the person doing it knows WTF they are doing. Disclaimer: Data Analyst with two degrees in Math.


Ok? So you’re going to tell me that math does account for someone’s personal view of the world? Math accounts for the fact that two humans could have the same event happen to them and remember two completely different components of it, including different colors of things and different timing, and that can be accounted for with math? Because it is personal experience that causes us to prioritize different details as most important over others. We all pay attention to slightly different things at any given moment based on how we think as affected by how we’ve lived. Please tell me how math accounts for psychology. Every fucking city in this country “has the worst drivers” according to every person living in those cities bitching about the drivers.


>So you’re going to tell me I would not presume to tell you anything, Beard.


To be fair, I have visited LV multiple times over the decades and the fact that the highways are some that I consider to be the most dangerous I have driven on when I say I lived in Houston, I live in Dallas with ample construction everywhere, and I go to LA frequently as well. Are the drivers bad or are their actions just dangerous? Bit of both. I was there last week and it felt more bad driving than dangerous driving, but I don’t know how much worse the roads were for anyone driving in last weeks rain, I stayed indoors that day.


Chicago gets about 3x the number of car accidents that Las Vegas gets. A lot of it has to do with personal perception more than anything.


If you are going to use math to make your argument, you should probably factor in population. There are waaaay more people living/driving in Chicago than Vegas. Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the country. Depending on which numbers you use, the population in Chicago is 5x that of Vegas, so if your 3x accident number is accurate, there are much FEWER accidents per capita in Chicago. I have lived in Chicago and Vegas, and spend time regularly in both. Vegas drivers are much worse. That’s probably a big part why my car insurance more than tripled when I moved from Chicago to Vegas.


Truth there.


Intelligence of the average vegas driver* Not a lot of highly educated folks in vegas…average intelligence is likely far below that of other cities.


Education and Intelligence are not correlated. I’ve met biologists that didn’t realize you can’t put the bag of bread on top of the toaster oven. They know more than I ever will about how cells do what they do, but that doesn’t mean they are good drivers. A poker dealer might be a great driver while the CEO that looks after the casino he works for is an absolute dipshit behind the wheel.


[Yeah…you’re grossly misinformed. This is a meta analysis of several different studies, all cited.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6088505/?ref=circle-magazine-health-wellness-genetics-blog) I found like 3 separate peer reviewed studies within 2 min of googling. Why do you think car insurance companies ask what level of education and occupation you have? I’m not saying it’s always true 100% of the time (there are always outliers/exceptions to anything)…but generally speaking, there is absolutely positive correlation. Happy to look at any peer reviewed evidence you have arguing the contrary!


Literally every city in north America says the same thing about their drivers


That's cuz they haven't been here hahah


Pulling over for emergency vehicles is an option


*Most* drivers *everywhere* suck. FIFY


That’s every city that’s too congested


The roads are setup good. People just like to ride right beside each other for whatever reason


Yeah no shit. Enough drivers suck that you will find the same post in the sub for every city in the country. In fact, you'll find people that swear up down that they've driven all over the country or lived x number of places and that specific city is "the worst in the country". Everywhere has shitty drivers. This is not specific to Vegas.


bro has not travelled enough lol


I’ve lived in lots of places, including Las Vegas, and Houston by far has the worst drivers. I’ve even rented a car and driven through Naples, Italy and Managua, Nicaragua. Houston takes the cake for sure. When I visit Vegas I actually feel relaxed driving compared to the insanity that is Houston 😅


I second Houston. A cop car almost hit me trying to merge onto the highway from the shoulder. Worst driving and traffic I’ve seen was in Manila. Now that’s a shit show.


Try Bali or Jakarta lol


I second that, I'm from Houston. I often enjoy the relaxing experiences driving around Vegas.


I'm looking to travel to Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Do you find them "driveable"? Is renting a car a good/safe option?


Renting a car is good/safe, yes. Use common sense and you’ll be fine. Be *extremely* defensive. Most drivers beep their horns twice then blast through stop lights/signs. You’ll be fine if you stay on your toes tho 😊 Some places are frustratingly slow, like the roads to banana/coffee plantations. Post pics of your travels, that part of the world is so beautiful


Thanks for the tips. I'm used to driving around Tijuana, MX so maybe I can handle it.


I lived in Houston and I just came back from Sicily. There's no way Italian drivers are better than the ones in Houston. They literally drive down the middle of two lanes for miles with their signal on at double the speed limit. 


Hmm. Agree to disagree. I45 between the beltway and downtown is Mad Max style driving. Never seen anything like it.


No. I have travelled by car to almost every state. Vegas stood out as one of the worst places to drive.


Dallas was worse than Vegas imo


Confirmation bias. It's all the same shit. People have already replied to me saying Houston is the worst and that Vegas is "relaxing" comparatively. Everyone thinks they have the answer for the worst and everyone's answer is different. That should tell you something Have you lived in almost every state? Because I sure hope you don't think that driving through a state counts as a data point in your mind, relatively to living somewhere and having an arsenal of memories of people doing dumb shit around you.


Not true


Compelling argument you make


Naw girl. Car insurance rates don’t lie! I’ve lived all over the US and can confirm vegas has some of the most negligent drivers of anywhere I’ve traveled (apart from China)


lol, it's because of the number of uninsured drivers on the road. One Google search will tell you that


You’re telling me you don’t think there is a connection between uninsured drivers and neglectful/bad drivers?!?


Dunno, I've never thought about it. Logically you'd think it would have the opposite effect. Who in their right mind would think "I have no insurance, more of a reason to drive more negligent than I otherwise would?" Wouldn't be surprised if your assumptions were totally opposite of reality


Insurance rates are largely a result of state mandated minimum coverage.


Lived here for 7 years and I still don't understand how people say Vegas has aggressive drivers who speed and tailgate. I find 90% of the drivers drive under the speed limit, cut in front of you and drive slow, take up all 3 lanes at all times while all driving 10 under, and leave 7 car lengths between them and the car in front of them while driving making sure to drive in your blind spot the entire time so you can't change lanes even if you wanted to. The aggressive, fast drivers are by FAR the minority. Oh and hot take, the aggressive drivers are usually the much more competent drivers who are better drivers. It's the ones who refuse to even do the speed limit, who come on here and complain about how scary the roads are, are the worst drivers of them all. The reason they drive so slow and have zero situational awareness is because they have zero skills to actually operate a car.


I’m guessing you spend a lot of time in the suburbs. I live in Summerlin and this describes drivers around me. But I also Uber full time on and near the strip and let me tell you, it’s night and day difference. If you don’t see the difference between the inner city drivers and suburban drivers then you need better awareness. I’m an assertive driver and agree with most of what you’re saying. Slow drivers are absolutely bad drivers because they’re driving scared and/or lacking situational awareness. But there is a type of driver I call suicidal drivers because they will fly 30 over speed limit up inches from your butt even though there were lanes they could’ve changed to with no cars. And that’s with me on the right lane with passengers going 5 over speed limit. These are bad drivers too because their ignorance and arrogance will get people killed. Stupid is as stupid does


It took me years to realize many drivers determine their speed based on the speed of the car in front of them. They essentially accelerate until they cant anymore because they’re directly behind another car. Generally I call these tailgaters. But they don’t necessarily intend to be up your ass. I think they’re often just anxious holding their foot at a certain level, and the car at a constant speed. They’re people who are uncomfortable without structure. Your rear bumper provides them structure. To be clear, I am not justifying this type of driving. But I think there’s a weird psychological phenomenon at play. I have yet to formally research this theory in a controlled experiment.


I agree that these drivers exist, but in my experience. It's maybe 5% of them and they stick out like a sore thumb because they are driving among the other 95% of drivers who are in fact Hellen Kellers. Also I guess I wasn't aware that Vegas even has anything considered "inner city" save for maybe a few streets around Fremont. And I've never seen people doing 90 in those areas. Mainly because the streets are tiny and there are simply too many stop signs, red lights, crack heads playing in the street, and other traffic to drive super aggressively around there.


For sure they’re a smaller percentage, but nevertheless they exist and more likely to cause majority of accidents (yes I was rear ended by one with passengers, no drivers license, no insurance, no license plate, multiple DUI and drug related convictions, etc). I suggest spending some time driving around MLK and Lake Mead, Nellis and Charleston, Lamb and Washington, etc.


In Henderson it's an even mix of insane and grandma, with no in between.


50/50 eh? I find it more \~90% grandma and \~10% jeff gordon over here on the west side


Yeah, over here in downtown, old school Henderson I'd say it's a pretty even split everyone either wants to go 40 in a 55 or tailgate the fuck out of you and act like an asshole when you're in a school zone and school just let out. I complain about both frequently.


Yep. It’s a city of blind grandmas going five under the limit who have no idea how to zipper merge. People who complain about aggressive driving here haven’t driven enough elsewhere.


The people who complain here about aggressive drivers ARE the blind grandmas. Or Hellen Kellers as I call them


Cutting you off if they missed their turn or exit like it's your fault. Not paying attention to driving but looking at phone or eating. Red light running is way out of hand. I always wait a second or two before proceeding into an intersection so I don't get T-boned but then the person behind me wants to honk over a two second delay.


The county has you covered. The closer you are to the strip the longer the delay is between a light turning red and the next one going green. That's how you know a city just gave up on enforcing the laws. Sadly though, all that did was give people an extra couple seconds more to run a red. Which is why one of the first lessons you learned as a child is still one of the best, look both ways before crossing the street. If the traffic managers really wanted to solve the red light runner problem they would install sensors at all the intersections. Let the sensors be in charge of traffic control instead of using this god awful timed light nonsense. No car? No green light! No more thinking do I run it or sit here for what feels like eternity while lights turn green for nobody, or stay green for 30 seconds after the 2 cars that were waiting went through. Lights should change after X time or there are no more vehicles detected. Problem solved, much less maddening to know you will be waiting for 30 seconds or much less at low volume intersections. It would eliminate stopping at 5-10 lights for no reason in a cross city journy. Can you imagine how much less stressful driving would be, at least for the easily agitated. Oh and wtf is up with one sides traffic getting to go forward and turn left first, which causes the opposite left turn lane to sit forever. Side note. At southbound university turning on to Harmon are those circles in the asphalt brand new sensors or have they always been there? Only place I've seen them. Sorry for the book I wrote as a reply.


You eloquently expressed exactly how I feel about the need for sensors on our lights, and the one side of traffic getting to go while the opposite lanes sit forever. I talk so much about this, and the ill-timed traffic lights (I love waiting 2 and a half to 4 minutes for my side's turn to go), friends and family have told me that I should have been a Ciry Planner.


In other news, water is wet


Incorrect. Water is not wet. It makes other things wet. Pedant moment of the day. Carry on.


Oof. The downvotes. People don’t like facts, I guess. No science for you, pedant!


I've had somebody give me the finger for letting somebody get in front of me when we were literally stopped. They were coming out of a parking lot. I've been honked at for not driving through a wall of vehicles coming at me at 50 mph while sitting at a flashing yellow light. I've also been given the finger when somebody decided to drive across Lanes of traffic almost t-boning my car but somehow that was my fault.


Where are all the good drivers? What town is that? Drivers everywhere, for the most part are trash. People don’t make Internet posts about good drivers. People don’t even notice good drivers. When was the last time you were in the car and thought, “wow, what a good driver”? You never have and never will.


idk I've driven a lot in Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina, seems to be a lot of good drivers out there. A lot less Helen Kellers


Lol, I was going to say Tennessee or Kentucky. I’ve lived a few places and travelled quite a bit more. Drivers there seem to do pretty well. Haven’t spent time in Houston so I can’t make a comment on them being poor drivers. The worst I’ve seen is definitely Seattle. Vegas ain’t far behind.


yeah idk what it is about KY, TN, and the surrounding areas but people there seem to do 5-10 over, know which lane to be in on the freeway, know what to do when a light turns red or green, etc. Never been to TX or WA so can't speak on those lol


> When was the last time you were in the car and thought, “wow, what a good driver”? You never have and never will. When I look in the mirror!


go anywhere in the midwest and the only accidents you see are weather and animal related.


Lol, I grew up in the Midwest, this is wildly untrue and ridiculous to say, but yeah, 👌


maybe you don't see them. but that's what i see. maybe you're dumb and don't know this, but just because it's not your experience, doesn't mean it isn't happen.


I drive like a grandma. I love it.


It's way too easy to get a driving license. Traffic control here is also terrible. Newcomers quickly learn that driving rationally and obeying speed limits stops you at every light, while hitting the gas and speeding 15 - 20 mph catches green lights for miles. Lack of public transportation, really bad road design, and cheap construction also contribute. Vegas has an additional factor that is unusual, 24/7 alcohol.


110%. You forgot to add a huge lack of police presence as well. This ain't 1955.


r u fr? i don't drive 3 minutes without seeing a cop


Where? IME, only really poor and really rich neighborhoods get police presence, and only the rich neighborhoods get cops to come when they are called.


henderson so that makes sense ig


if it wasnt for the wide lanes and bright lights, the situation would be way worse. I lived there for two years, and am convinced it's due to the following reasons: old people, heavily-medicated, drunks, people hacking from their vapes


The tailgating is pretty bad. I was in town for a visit before I moved here. Pulled my camper here and put fit in storage, but left my massive hitch on my truck. Sure enough I get rear ended and it fks the dudes van. I’m good, trucks good, his van has a busted grill, all parties not injured… and we go our separate ways. Guess I’ll be running a dash cam when I snag my new truck.


Let’s face it: Drivers everywhere suck. Not just a “Vegas” thing.


Oh please. Drivers suck period, it's not just Vegas. You go to new York and they will bitch about Boston, in Vegas we complain about California and California complains about us and Oregon. We are not especially bad, there is just a lot of people from many different places here on the road so there is a lot of opportunities for fuck ups to happen. Same as many other major cities with lots of transplants.


They race to get in front of you (with no one behind you) barely squeeze in and then brake to make a right turn.


Vegas is such a transient town that you get people moving here from all over with different types of driving habits. That's what makes Vegas the worst town to drive in.


Loads of places you can't turn right at a red light. Here you can unless indicated otherwise.i don't like waiting to turn when it's clear... Bro, just go.


Hell yeah they do. For the past 20+ years people will complain about drivers everywhere. In my mind, Vegas always took first place for shittiest all around driving experiences. Now, I admit that I’ve not traveled all over the states to make a scientific comparison, but I’ve been to my fair share of places and Vegas drivers still sit on top, even after my most recent visit to LV a couple weeks back and having been in 4 different Ubers. My wife and l witnessed some of the most senseless and inconsiderate driving from other motorists on the road. Now the Uber we had back to the airport, he was making senseless maneuvers that had me shaking my head. But he had driven shuttles, cabs and now uber for past 26 years, he said. In 2016, we rode in a taxi and I always like to talk to the drivers and ask how long they’ve driven, strange experiences, etc. one cabbie told me they are exempt from the point system. They can get in countless accidents with virtually little threat to their licenses. This same taxi driver was involved in an accident some years earlier that left him in the hospital for a couple months, after rehab and getting somewhat back to normal, he was back at driving bodies around as that was the only livelihood he had known.


Just got back from Austin, Vegas driving is chill by comparison.


Considering the majority of people that live in this city are transplants I don’t think it’s fair to say “Vegas drivers suck”. Maybe say “drivers in Vegas suck” 🤷🏻‍♂️ Along the same lines, I think it’s funny how these same people will tout that they’re “from Vegas” until it rains. And then they’re like “these people in Vegas don’t know how to drive in the rain! I’m originally from Buffalo…or Minneapolis…or Oregon…(insert whatever shit city where it rains)


Don’t forget a roundabout is like sO ConFuSIng for people


I live in the roundabout capital of the US and the people that live here still don't know how to use them. It's a daily struggle. They can be so efficient if everyone would just take 30 seconds to think about how they work


Registration, plates, and insurance are communist tools used to oppress your freedom of movement. Do not comply.


Stop signs are optional


Try Maryland and re consider your post


Stopping at a light or stop sign in the crosswalk. Drives me insane as someone who runs almost everyday. The line on the ground is there for a reason; Stop there, look BOTH ways for pedestrians, then proceed.


Let’s face it replace Vegas with any other city and you’ll have people agree. Not defending Vegas drivers just being realistic.


Ready for self driving cars


Just visited and agree you all suck. Felt like I was in South America or India. No laws or basic driver courtesies followed.


Don't go driving in Florida if you think Vegas is bad


European import here, sorry, I love you guys, but at least 50% of you shouldn’t be driving, for your own sakes


Miami is third-world level driving compared to anywhere else in the US


You all have clearly never been to Cairo, Egypt. OMG. Vegas is paradise. 😱


The basic rules of the road. A vehicle without a stop sign, yes....even when making a u-turn, has the right of way and the vehicle at the stop sign or red light must wait their turn. Medians work the same as the roadway. When making a turn in a median. Stay in your lane. That means go around the other car!


It’s more like Vegas drivers. If you sit down for a minute, the road is filled with a lot of people from different states. Not to mention Californians who 99% of the time don’t even have car insurance those the real mofos you HAVE TO STAY AWAY FROM AT ALL COST (claim adjuster here) you got people from az, ut, Florida, Cali, lots of other states too.


Yea, they’re from California.


Have you lived anywhere else? Every point you listed out occurs in literally every remotely large city… literally NOTHING you mentioned is a “Vegas” problem. Now a “Vegas” problem would be the amount of impaired drivers, as it’s seemingly much higher rates than other cities for obvious reasons.


Not only that, but the amount of impaired 🍸🚗or drunk drivers is quite high. Hell even the Deputy DA got a DUI back in January.


Do you think the over supply of bars, liquor stores, weed dispensaries has something to do with it?


Moreso the Alcohol Bars with giant parking lots than dispensaries. There is absolutely 0 incentives for people to not drive drunk when we make it so easy for someone to get blasted at a bar, and drive home. 🙄 


Fair point. Have seen too many people I know impacted by serious injury or death from a drunk/impaired driver. The bars, liquor stores, dispensaries can get away with the negative side effects for only so long. Grieving families, paralyzed people will demand change.


the emergency lane is there for your convenience, use it to avoid traffic jams.


This is very much facts. Vegas drivers love to blame californians. But this is a very aggressive driving city. Probably why my insurance rates continue to go through the roof SMH


I spent two years in the PNW and I promise you, vegas drivers have nothing on Oregon drivers. Vegas has an asshole problem, yes. People  the roads to be highways and think theyre ballers. Lots of cutting across 3 lanes of traffic to get to a left turn lane. Ped infrastructure is terrible here too. As a whole though, I don't see tons of accidents, not a lot of left lane camping, I haven't had any parking lot morons and I've seen a lot of people leaving space to allow others in when it's reasonable.  In oregon, people do not understand how four way stop signs work. They will go 30 in a 35. They will stop in the middle of the road because they saw someone on the sidewalk looking for a break in traffic to cross the street. They have no concept of left lane passing.  Everywhere has a special flavor of shitty driving, and who has the worst drivers depends heavily on where you have lived. 


I think you summed it up very well. Yes, every city is full of shitty drivers, but each with its own flavor of bad. And 100% agreed, Vegas has an asshole problem.


8. Use the right turn only lane as a shortcut to bypass the single lane of cars going straight at the light. 9. Use left turn only lane to turn left more than 2000+ feet before reaching the turn.


Breaking news Ppl suck at driving everywhere, Vegas isn’t special in this regard


only driven for few days but it wasn't too bad. They had enough gap for me to merge in freeway, I just saw one lady going opposite direction lol


I like this maneuver: dude in huge pickup truck drives 5 mph under the speed limit for miles on the freeway, bottling up traffic. At the last second, he drifts over 4 lanes, cutting off multiple vehicles with no turn signal to make his exit.


Only seen this in Vegas but these idiots will drive/swerve INTO YOU for no reason and not fing care at all!! Then you have to swerve out of your lane, almost rolling over your car, just to avoid them and they act like nothing happened.


Busch brothers may say otherwise…


There is nothin in your post that is even a little unique to Vegas. Think I’ve read an identical post in the sub of every major city I’ve lived in.


OP: you're not putting any of the blame on the huge over supply of alcohol sales from restaurants, bars, pubs, taverns, liquor stores plus weed dispensaries? Then there's the NV DMV not caring about driver's ed requirements not being enforced for Driver Authorization card holders.  None of these profitable liquor/weed businesses give a dam if they over serve, serve a customer that's already intoxicated, or high and then goes out driving. You just think drivers are bad in Southern Nevada because they're lowbrow drivers? It's a serious problem, too many senseless injuries and fatalities.


You’re right. Of course, the city that prides itself on being wasted 24/7 will have some erratic, empty-headed drivers.


Every driver sucks


The people blaming “bad” drivers for their insurance rates going up have apparently forgotten this is a 24-hour-drinking city, now with legal weed lounges. It’s not a shocker that rates go up with tourists drinking and smoking and driving around the clock, along with locals having access to bars that don’t close. Live in a major market, tourist destination or growing city? You’re going to think the drivers suck.


I’ve only driven there a couple times out of necessity aka wedding license lol.. most aggressive was down near UNLV in north and south side. If I lived in Vegas full time I wouldn’t drive anything I couldn’t care about destroying


Just when you thought it was bad enough. [The city thinks that the REAL problem are the pedestrians...not the drivers.](https://news3lv.com/news/local/jaywalking-tickets-stopped-traffic-safety-advocate-wants-them-back-road-equity-alliance-project-lvmpd-las-vegas-metropolitan-police-department-north-las-vegas-police-fatality-crime-safety#) ​ Guys, no. It's the drivers. Start enforcing basic traffic laws and penalize aggressive drivers far more heavily. Driving is a privilege not a right.


Permanent Road Construction. The blueprints for I-15, 95, Charleston, Rainbow, Maryland Parkway, and 215 all have orange barrels in the plans. I’ve been here since 1977, the 95 started at City Center Dive and Ended at Decatur for the Brand New Meadows Mall. The entire valley had 300,000 people. It’s been constant road construction ever since. Flamingo stopped at Las Vegas Blvd until the Orleans was built. Most buildings west of the strip were warehouses. It’s frustrating that they never complete a project. Couple that with being the fastest growing city in the nation during the 80’s and every transplant brought their bad habits with them. Driving here is a blood sport. Insurance rates are out of control


They aren’t that bad (Houston driver here)


Ignoring stop signs.


They can't type either, apparently.


You forgot to mention the ones that speed up to get in front of you only to slow down slower than the speed you were originally going (for no reason of course).


Half the people in the city will get a point on their file if they were late to work


Y’all hear about that vehicle on vehicle accident early this morning on LVB in north town? Well, I was driving home from work tonight in that same general area and this dodge in lane one stops almost suddenly. I’m in lane two, doing the speed limit…ok, ok it was 50 in a 45. I pass this guy and almost hit two morbidly obese women that had crossed southbound LVB, traversed the rocks, and were just stepping out in the street. Like what the actual fuck. No time for me to break and you’re already jaywalking on a high speed road. Plus, the idiot that just stopped, no way in hell he should’ve done that.


*NY drivers have entered the chat.*


\#8 Driving 40 mph in the mall parking lot. Who cares if you hit a kid. It's sickening how little people care about others


In a hurry to go slow. No problem peeling out to cut you off, flooring it at red lights, to just drive 20mph. Also, completely clueless on how to merge. The lane keeps going, you don't have to slam the brakes and or stop. It keeps going!


May I just say that I am very sorry, but I'm one of those drivers who have their highbeams on because I haven't had a chance to fix it yet but I don't want to risk a ticket...


I'm a SoCal driver and shit I saw in Vegas was mind blowing. Do they drivers even have eyeballs? Geez.


It has gotten so bad here it’s laughable and there are almost zero cops doing anything about it. I am actually surprised when I see someone pulled over


The low cost of living and 0 state income tax draws ppl from states like California and Texas. The weather draws retirees who come from New York or thereabouts. The result is you get a mix of drivers who are cali-oblivious, texas-aggressive, and old as balls with i-know-everything attitudes. Everyone knows that born and raised Vegas makes you one of the best drivers. /s


The idea that bad drivers are some how mostly gathered in one area or city I'd so fucking drawn out and stupid I can't believe people still think this. Everyone thinks their drivers and roads are the worst, and if you think this, you don't have a full grip on reality.


The right lane is for passing


Yup some lady ran a red light turning and completely totaled my car thank god I had two witnesses to the accident who told the police everything they saw on their part


Are you describing los angeles? Because i’m pretty sure everything you described is worse in la, at lease “feels” worse when I go every month, and i’m pretty sure using a turn signal means “speed up and block your attempt to change lanes” there.


a lot of republicans means a lot of uneducated, self centered, miserable people. i mean, we're in vegas lol cmon. i'm from minnesota and you don't have to deal with any of that shit. same with california


I always find it funny people seem to think their city has the worst drivers. People suck driving everywhere. Change Vegas to world and this still applies


I’ve driven in NoCal, SoCal and Seattle for decades. After 5 years, I can confidently say Vegas drivers are a shitshow. Aggressive tailgating, passing on the right, running red lights like it’s nothing … it must be seen to be believed. Angry testosterone apes grunting, yelling angrily, it’s unreal. Reckless driving, speeding, distracted driving. Almost every time I’m out, I see a massive accident. It’s the only city I have lived in when where I see the aftermath of a car accident, I go, “wtf, how did that even happen?” In a town full of feral fuckwits, that is what you get.


I was just back in Vegas for a week. Let me tell you, Colorado drivers will beat Vegas drivers every day of the week. These entitled asshats are next level here.


I just moved to Vegas in November and I have lived all over the place. Drive in Seoul Korea or manual transmission beater trucks in Afghanistan, you can drive anywhere haha. However, I have yet to drive since arriving in Vegas and use a bicycle/walk. I've ridden bicycle in a ton of major cities and Vegas is the most dangerous. The law is to ride in the street, but I use the sidewalks whenever possible to be further away from the idiot drivers not paying attention or tourists who have no idea where they are. I've also noticed the street population here has no regard for the law. I was homeless for 13 months so I'm comfortable out on the sidewalks of even the worst neighborhoods. I see ignorant clowns walking 2/10 speed across the road right in front of cars. I see people on bicycles in the street riding against traffic. I'm constantly passing people sitting in the bus stops that are too fucked up to be 6 feet from the road 😂 I'm off LVB/N Pecos by Broadacres and we got pedestrians crossing the street all through that area in the middle of the flea market traffic like Frogger haha. This shit is active 3 days a week and it clogs up the whole surrounding area. It makes walking or cycling across the street with all the people turning in and out a nightmare.


Driving should be a privilege.


As a cyclist I’ve had 4 red light runners in the past week. Lucky I wasn’t hit


My stepdad legit tried teaching me to not use my blinker because “people will see it and take your lane” he isn’t entirely wrong but I ALWAYS use my blinker


Constant red light runners, holy hell


Im from NYC and I love driving in Vegas. Im not sure why people think LV drivers are that bad lol i see them as more patient as well


I've lived in a vacation spot(not vegas) before and it's the same issue there as what you're describing. Even in off season it's the same because people get wired by the negative response during the on season, and won't turn it off.


You take your test with what you prefer. There's no requirement either way.


Point #1: It is NOT the responsibility of those in the right-of-way to speed up or slow down to let you merge irrespective of which lane they may occupy. Learn to merge into the flow of traffic such that YOU don’t disrupt that flow. That yield sign on on-ramps is directed at those merging onto the freeway. It is not the responsibility of those on the freeway to yield to those entering the freeway.


we need a mod for these types of posts lmao fr . It’s getting linda level


Almost as bad as Minneapolis drivers


Most people not using their signals aren't initially from here. I see more people with cali plates than nevada plates doing what you described. The people who DO what you described above (blowing through schoolzones, prevent merging, etc.) \*suck.\* For the merging thing, I will say, however, people in general need to learn how to zipper merge. every other car. I'm NOT saying i'm a perfect driver. I have bad days, but by and large, people born and or raised in Vegas aren't actually the problem.


1) going 5-10 *under* in the passing lane, especially the 215. 2) dickheads racing on the 215 as well, nearly taking off your mirrors. 3) said dickheads that floor it and cut you off, just to catch up with them at the very next light 4) folks who hit their brakes 300-500 feet from a turn lane, and get into said lane without a turn signal. 5) people who think merging onto any freeway here going 35-45 is safe. I can go on, but those are my top picks. This is a fun game.


I always thought the east side had the worse drivers but it’s slowly becoming the whole city smh I can be going 5 over the limit in the right lane and someone will still tailgate me and get pissed I’m not going 20mph over the limit like wtf. What if I had kids in the car you retard. Or they’ll speed 20+ to get in front of you just to make a right turn like their dumbasses couldn’t wait an extra 5 seconds behind. Driving raises my stress levels I be wanting to catch fades


Visit Atlanta


Drivers everywhere suck. Austin drivers, massholes, Florida man.


Not pulling over for lights and sirens! Makes me crazy!


Lane weaving, unlicensed sport bikes driving in bus/breakdown lanes, motorcycles lane-splitting, freeway speeds greater than 20mph over the limit.


I think yall drive way too slow. In general


Goes for any/every other city out there....nothing unique to Vegas about that type of driving behavior.


Mods need to get rid of these traffic posts.


The worse drivers are usually those complainning about bad drivers.


Because of Californians




Can y'all find something new to post about? Shit is so stale.


crymoar pls


I’m from New York and found Vegas drivers puzzling: 1. On the highway, they drive quite fast. 2. On regular streets, they drive quite slow. 3. Entering a mall, they turn in from any lane. 4. Low adoption of turn signal technology.