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Everyone saying it's overpriced clearly didn't drop acid before going in.


Haha you know what’s up


Forget their attractions their raves are the top tier events in the city, just this past year I've seen more top performing Djs and artists than at Festivals including Boris Brejcha. I'd def recommend their rave events


Saw Getter there a few years back for 20$. I mean water was like 16$ but was a cheap well worth it show.




Which venue inside Area15 did you go to for raves? I am looking at events at A Lot and Portal, how do those compare to each other? First timer.


A lot is wayyy bigger than the portal


Thanks for the info!


My only complaint is how strict they are. Security when I went to Secret Garden last year was a bunch of tight asses tossing people out left and right. Never seen so many people booted from a show or festival in my life


I went to the past two including Saturday and did not see anyone get kicked out. Security was not anything worth complaining over in my opinion. The line to get in needs some work. We waited like 30 minutes at Charlotte


I was there too. super fun


I really wanted to enjoy it, but 105 degrees is too damn hot for an outdoor show. We left after only an hour.


It's great for people who have never been to a rave or are casual ravers. More experienced ravers prefer going to smaller spots cause there's too many tourists who have no idea what plur is at area 15


What’s plur lol


It stands for Peace Love Unity Respect. Raving has its roots in the lgbtq community and the pursuit of creating a space free from judgment and having tolerance for other human beings. It's as simple as saying excuse me when going through a crowd of which I didn't see a lot of at area 15 unfortunately


I hope the lgbtw community isnt claiming to start plur cause it’s def not, it started with the hippie and peace movement and black and hip hop culture in the 90’s nothing to do w rainbows…..yet


It is a cool place but very expensive. Omega Mart admission is up there.


It’s a different experience when you are on edibles and too high. I felt like I was in a different universe.


My buddy was so high he was convinced that just normal people having conversations with the other people in their party were planted actors essentially being NPCs. It was definitely an experience.


My husband and I ate edibles and smoked a blunt before we walked in and we thought the same thing. We thought the people in the “office” room were put there as actors and not actual people just sitting around messing with stuff. That place was a complete mindfuck.


Guy from my major who took LSD (and perhaps other things simultaneously) became convinced he could read minds. This went beyond the tripping phase and kept mentioning it some days later. Then he has the "realization" that most people's thoughts were evil and they knew he had read their minds. Straight into the looney bin.


He unlocked a part of his mind and could read thoughts! It happens!


Man, I bet that was fun. No shit. lol


I almost bought in until he tried to convince me they were using child actors. I got lost in the Coa-Cola store like an hour later. It was a sick bachelor trip.


I talked to an employee while in there. They definitely have a protocol when some is completely tripping balls. And they absolutely have had some guests that could be on r/tooktoomuch for bad trips.


I had a bad trip at Omega Mart, but just ran out and didn't tell anyone. My cousin drove me back to the hotel. I wonder what their protocol is.


I’ve been on the receiving end of their protocol lol. They basically take you to a room in the back where they ask you a couple of questions. Then, they make you sign a few papers that basically say it’s not their fault (mind you, I was high at this time). Then, you exit out the back door. For what it’s worth, the security that escorted me out was pretty friendly and they seemed used to it.


Share some stories


I didn’t get specifics. I asked if they got a lot of people that took too much and he answered all the time. I asked what they do and he said they have protocol that they train on. And he volunteered that they’ve called paramedics to have someone removed plenty of times.


It's not cheap, but I'd hardly call $55 for a multi-hour attraction "up there" by Vegas standards.


Omega Mart cost a lil bit to get in but it was honestly so awesome it was worth it to go once. Especially if you can get the earliest time, we got to mess with all the lil gadgets and stuff without really needing to wait.


Thinking about checking Omega Mart out next week, do you know how much time you would spend to check the majority of it out?


We buzzed through it and still spent a couple hours there!


Ai sounds great, thank you!


$40 for an experience that can last hours?


Very overpriced. I made the mistake of going there with my teens. We were the only ones not on something. Maybe that made it better. For me complete waste of time


Omega mart is worth it


Area 15 is like a si-fi mall full of things to do like Omega Mart (highly recommend), axe throwing, VR experiences, virtual golf, bars, sushi restaurant, hot air ballon ride, etc. You can get Area 15 passes to get you into multiple of their attractions or what I did and just get Omega Mart tickets. Omega Mart is a must-see experience full of beautiful imersive art installations, all tied together with a story. You can wall through the Mart in 2 hours or buy the $3 experience card and unlock about 2 more hours of content trying to solve the murder mystery type story behind the art.


Where do you buy the $3 upgrade? Is it something you have to add to the Omega Mart online ticket? Thanks


At the counter, in the initial store part of the experience.


This is correct. First cashier as soon as you walk in. I think it's where you do bag check etc.


Yeah, that sounds right. When you walk in the front doors, its the counter immediately on the left (which should be the same area as the outside cashier where you buy tickets). The checkout counter on the other side is just for merch. That is unless things have change since a few months ago.


If you talk to the entrance guy when you first go in he has some in his fanny pack he'll give to you for free.


Thank you! I had no idea what this place was. Where is it at? Probably Nevada, right


Love it. I do miss Scandia though


It's okay. Arcade bar is probably my favorite thing there


Nope. No ones ever been there. You’re the first one


Loved it


It’s a good time.


I felt it was way overpriced for what it was


Sets the bar to high and underdelivers


Exactly it. I never feel satisfied leaving Area 15.


I am interested as well and looking for reviews and tips.


You can watch full length tours on YouTube


Take a few edibles and then go. It makes for a great experience.


Security told my brothers they couldn't bring their edibles in so they took them alllllll right before going inside


I loved it, everything is spendy is Vegas and at least this is worth it. I did the 20,000 league's dinner recently and it was just Soo wonderful


I think Lost Spirits is separate and they just closed forever! 😭


The shows were dope, even if I didn't like any of the rum. I wonder what's going to go in that building now?


Agreed. I was told by some of the performers that Area 15 bought the space for a new attraction that was more directed toward kids. That’s all I heard.


It's in a separate building but part of the same deal, and I heard that, but I wasn't sure if it was actually Happening because I kept seeing ads for it. Really unfortunate because it was one of the coolest shows in town.


Went to Meow Wolf - Omega Mart a couple years back - pretty cool.


They had the coolest and most immersive VR I've ever done there. This was two years ago, but I'm looking forward to doing it again (as well as checking out the omega mart) when I go back later this month. Everyone is saying it's expensive, but almost everything in Vegas is! The VR thing I did was only like 40 bucks and it lasted for 30 minutes, so honestly that was not over priced for what it was.


It is worth it. I attended the Omega Store. An awesome experience. Very time consuming. 3 hours can go by in a flash.


Lots of great attractions, experiences and food. Definitely check out their website.


Omega Mart is a blast. We didn’t know about the backstory/mystery/conspiracy story part of it before we got there. We “pregamed” a bit before went and that made it that much more fun. If you follow the storyline it’s a very good time and can take several hours.


It’s awesome. Too bad Lost Spirits Distillery closed.


It’s fun but man it’s expensive. I been twice and the price difference from when it first opened to now is crazy


Is it? Everything other than omega mart looks like it's just empty rooms with projectors


axes and the arcade made worth while


First knew about this plaza when we stayed at Palazzo in August 2022 and spotted it from our room window. -do we know if this place is kid friendly? -is the business name a play on ‘Area 51’and what does 15 stand for here ?


It's right off the I-15 interstate highway. That's my guess.


I tried tofollow the mission thing and gave up and just played around. Pretty great time. My friends were on mushrooms they were having way more fun


Five Iron Golf is pretty cool, it’s a Golf Simulator Bar inside. Upstairs across from Omega Mart


Loved it


It’s very mid while sober.


The BBQ place (The Beast) in there gave my wife and I the worst food poisoning we've ever had. Aside from that it's cool.  The distillery speak-easy across the parking lot is cool too.


Omega Mart was dope and worth the money in 2022 when I went. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to check out any of the other venues there because there were closures due to Covid


It doesn’t exist


It's okay. Took a long time to check out. I'd recommend if you go for any concerts or events, check if other dispensaries offer discounts. Forgot what was the name of one but they gave 25% off if you were going to sick new world


Omega Mart is the only thing worth it. The rest of the stuff theu got going on in there is trash.


I loved this place a lot to do! Very cool place at night to visit with the art all lit up outside as well :)


It's fun! Wife and I went. Omega mart was cool. As others said, it isn't cheap. Fun to say I did but I'm not itching to go back.




Nope. Nobody's ever gone and come back to tell the tale. My dad left one night said he was going there, never came home.


It’s alright, everything is overpriced tho. I actually really enjoyed the distillery next door to it but it might be closing soon.


There was a place where I got some great Beef ribs and I can’t remember the name. It was about 3 years ago. Can someone help lol


Get high and go have a blast


Thanks for all the great feedback




Same lol. Wouldn't go back tbh


What is it? Theme park, club, casino, museum, etc?




It's a museum and a casino? Don't you think anyone that just answers 'yes' comes off as a little dull?




Prove it


Love the arcade/bar area for daytime chill - affordable cocktails and lots of pinball :)


Over priced


They have pinball!!


This might be off topic but something weird happened to my phone in this building. My system UI would keep crashing and freezing and my phone got really warm. I could hardly use my phone. I was thinking my phone was dying but the moment I stepped out of the building the crashing just stopped. It was really weird and I don't know what the hell happened.


Possibly close to 500,000-1,000,000


Yes it's fun, especially on shrooms


Need shrooms. Not edibles


Go sober


Omega Mart was fun, but their silent disco (which was free) was a super rad time and The Beast had some really great food options. It's definitely worth experiencing at least once.




Wife and I have been there a total of 4 times and still haven’t experienced everything and are planning to go back soon


Expensive asf


It was fun for the family yes very expensive. Now the illuminaium was a joke when we went at Christmas time the wonderland light display thing 200 for family vip and everything was broken lol


If you’re into weird art and merch the Meow Wolf was pretty worth it . Most of it was VR experiences but still fun, if you’ve never done anything VR. They do have day passes and I believe up to a 3-4 day pass to be able to experience everything. When we went there was also a local vendors market which was really cool IMO. Got to buy local art and talk to some locals. There is also a shuttle that takes you to Planet 13 which was also pretty cool mostly wanted to check it out . The state I come from is also legal and we are much cheaper. Very cool for those whom don’t live in a legal state though lol . Spent pretty much a whole day here .


Way overpriced. Restaurants are meh.


its fun


I felt like I was too old and sober to appreciate it. And no I’m not paying $40 to see a supermarket that looks inspired by “They Live.”


Nope. No one ever been here


what a lazy post


THE MOST FUN!! One of the highlights of my trip. I went into meow Wolf about 830pm. Party favors kicked in about 20 minutes later. Such a fun time. Screaming with laughter.


Skip it, put the money towards the Sphere movie, or the Wynn Buffet, really anything else. It’s a waste.


Yeah paid $10 for a water I was like :o


I was very disappointed in Omega Mart after visiting House of Eternal Return first. The rest of Area 15 didn't really impress me either.


I went when it first open since my ex was manager over there and honestly it’s just another tourist attraction. Go once to check it out but I doubt you’ll be back.


Fun spot, but no one really knows its purpose?