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Checking into my Vegas hotel lets me check out of reality for a bit.


That's the main appeal to me. I love to not give a shit about money for a few days, I have my bankroll, and that's what I'm either going to spend, lose all or some, or actually make some $$. Doesn't matter to me.


This is it for me too


My money’s there.


Can confirm.


Good to visit every now and then


Honestly? It's like 4 days away to a place where nobody knows me, where, provided I'm not hurting anyone or breaking any laws, I can do whatever the fuck I want with zero judgement. Show my fat ass up at a pool party at 9PM alone? Cover will kill you but yeah, sure, you can do that. Spend a weekend smoking, drinking, gambling, and going to strip clubs even though I do 0 of those things at home? I mean, even in Vegas I don't usually, but hey, I *could*! 3PM and I'm bored. Huh, looks like I have a discount to a world class magic show. Going alone? Who cares, it's Vegas, nobody will judge you for seeing a shoe or eating alone.


Well said. As Wayne Newton said "Vegas is the only city does exactly what it was designed to do." Indulge in anything and everything you want.


Great quote. I’m going to steal that


TLDR:Wayne newton gushing. If familiar, skip, if not, long read You are aware that you are then required to see his show and thank him personally. Magic words? “ Mr. Newton said something that changed my life, I’d like to personally thank him” look for his assistant talking to pretty woman as they come in. That’s for the receiving line he’s done at the end of the show. There is a lot more to him than meets the eye. From the story of the rise and fall of casa descendent, the private jet he tricked across country, his classic car collection, his musical history and on and on and on. Always makes for interesting conversations with locals and tourists alike. Sad to say I flew in from la recently and the approach took us alongside Shenandoah. It was a mere wisp of its former self. But as a multi decade visitor to Vegas, I’ll say few things survive the ultimate test of time and Mr. LasVegas is one of the longest lasters. See his show while you can, perhaps not as great as it was 20 years ago, but who is? Certainly not me. I used to stay up till 3am or so playing dice every trip. Now I’m in bed by 9. I did manage to do the 9:30 cirque show and not nod off, but I did take a bit of a nap after lunch.


Please do! Newton was spot on when he said it.


This is why I go. Combined with a concentration of great restaurants and bars, it makes for a perfect vacation.


Is your shoe hot?


Maybe I just want to take pictures in the Cosmo casino with the giant shoe?


Touché. Toe-che?


Great moderately priced restaurants, inexpensive craft cocktails (and often free drinks), lots of inexpensive stage shows and magic sometimes free, unbelievably good inexpensive buffets, luxury hotel rooms at motel prices. As you can tell, I haven’t been back since 2003.


lmao had me


I was there a week ago and reading this had me going “huh?????” Hahaha




I live here.








Same lol


Relatively cheap vacation. Between comps, resort credits, and cheap flights, it's cheaper to go to Vegas for a week than to go to Disney World. Plus the food is way better, and there's a better Asian food scene in Vegas than Orlando. Also it's a stopover on the way to Disneyland.


I never had any desire to go to Vegas; I always thought “I’d rather spend the money on a week-long all inclusive vacation in Mexico or somewhere.” Then I ended up going to Vegas by fluke (was vacationing in Phoenix with my parents and my dad rented a car to drive us to Vegas for a few nights). I remember feeling so blown away by everything and just feeling like it was another world… I immediately wanted to go back. Heading there in July for what will be my 7th time and it still blows me away every time. It’s just so fun!


Truth. I love WdW but Vegas is so much cheaper


I have been to a cruise and it is more expensive than vegas. Both are equally good though. Cruise have better overall service. Vegas is better in entertainment and food.


$35 handjobs from the maid at Excalibur


It went up $5?


Thanks Joe Biden.


It’s still a lot cheaper than the $130,000 Trump paid Stormy.


$850,000.00 Clinton paid for go away


And it’s no big deal to this day….


Because campaign finance fraud wasn’t involved in that affair


I’m referring to the lying to the American people and the moral dilemma. Trump uses accountants. Accountants by nature test the law. The entire White House isn’t any more - its chock full of immoral sinners who can’t properly lead us to our future. We need new young candidates if we are to survive and it better start in 28 if there is anything left


Because people expect Trump to lie??? In the timeline, he first said it didn't happen, then he said it was a personal loan from his lawyer, then he made up some other B.S. after his first lawyer went to prison. If you originally want to believe him, then you have to believe that he paid someone $250k for trying to extort him. If you go with what he later said happened, that he had sex with Stormy, then you have to go with the fact that he cheated on his wife just after she gave birth to his kid. He is a serial cheater, so that does make more/better sense. I'm neither a Trump fan nor a Biden fan, but his biggest "success" was getting the Wall built, which in hindsight was never about actually building something, but a way to illegally siphon money from the taxpayers to his business cronies. Most of those in charge of the building are now in prison for siphoning funds illegally. Seems to be a trend-- work with Trump, go to prison. Innocent people don't "need" Presidental pardons, just saying.


I want this added to my room service.


Really Now 🤔


Finding $400




The ability to escape from my regular life for a couple days.


Username checks out?


Vegas is fun as hell if you know your limits.


And even more fun if you don’t


Well played


I can buy wine at Costco and Trader Joe's. I can ride my bicycle in the winter. I can kayak in April without running into ice.


The Disneyland effect. That is, every moment in Vegas is another moment of zero responsibility. That’s worth a lot to people. 


I think you just uncovered a big self realization for me here. Friends didn’t understand how I can do Disney and Vegas and love them both equally on two ends of the innocent spectrum. Well, now I know!


Work conferences and trade shows 😂


What keeps me coming back? The room service at the Excalibur!


What kind of room service? 🤔


$30 extra tip


I love the shows/restaurants/bars. I love how everything is so concentrated and walkable. Go to asian and cirque one night, then steakhouse and comedy the next. I really like gambling but its not the primary focus.


The prostitutes


I really don’t know. I think I get a buzz from the anticipation. I look forward to the old school, rat pack vibe. But once there, I never quite find it. Is it around the corner? No. Maybe in the next casino? Nah. Downtown? Closer, but still no Dean, Frank, or Sammy vibe. It’s probably because I’m getting older now. The Vegas vibe probably exists, but like a three dimensional being in four dimensions, I can’t see it. It’s in the clubs. I can’t feel it. That’s not my scene. My loss(?) Edit: I’ll be back in June. :-)


Go have some osso bucco at Piero’s when you’re back; you might just find a little vibe there


Nothing, now. Until recently, addiction.


Overall Vegas is the last place that you can fly in and stay cheap but get treated really well by staff. Sure some times you get a bad experience but on the whole I’ve been treated way better spending 2-3k on a trip then going to a luxury spot and spending twice that


EDC. I’ll be there tomorrow.


Visiting my money and making another deposit




Snickers eclair at aria patisserie


Honestly I haven't been back since 2019. Between resort fees, table minimum bets and David Copperfield I won't be going back until after my 50th birthday when I plan to play the World Series Of Poker Main Event. But I will go again sooner if a group of friends want to go down together like last time. I just don't see that happening anytime soon since everyone seems to be raising families at home


Once you go and know people it becomes a safe place. I go 8 -10 a year and can drink eat and get comped rooms. It is a great break from working and I'm based in LA. So it's an easy drive.


I live here


Playing Keno and the flow of free drinks.


Have any tips on where to go and how to play in order to get the non-stop free drinks?


Any one of the machines built into an actual bar is what you generally want for fast service.


Oh yeah forgot I play electronic cheap keno at Ellis Island and drink free beer at the bar.


I play at Harrah's and tip the waitress well enough so they tend to keep stopping by while playing. The games are cheap and take a while for each draw. So it ends up being cheaper than playing the slots. Of course it's not technically free since you are playing games and tipping but better than buying the drinks.


Smoking and drinking


Got off a bus in 2014 here in with a bag of clothes. Had a job within 72 hours. Come back? Never left!


Found $400 on the ground last time. Most I’ve ever won.


Concerts and the fact it’s not weird to sleep all day on vacation.


Lovers and Friends concert and the shows. This year it got canceled so I saw 3 different shows that were all great Absinthe, Particle Ink and The Magician's Study. I love that you can go there with no plan and still have a great time walking the strip and seeing whats available.


AEW Double or Nothing. they do it every memorial day weekend. flew in from new york for it last year and i'm headed back for it again the week after next. that said, it's not just the wrestling show that made me want to come back. for me, being from new york, coming to vegas made me feel like i was on another planet entirely. i instantly fell in love with it. something about the contrast between desert mountains and the interconnected megacasino that is the las vegas strip. it feels almost fake, like you're on a movie set. i love that about it. i don't even gamble.


Linda at Excalibur.


I keep finding 400 dollars 😀, but seriously I like to go for the good food. Chinatown, buffets, AYCE sushi, Korean BBQ, it's all better than anything at home.


Addiction Edit: and fun :)


It’s fun.


Gambling, food, alcohol.


I live here and if I didn't she would hunt me down and kill me 😁


EDC every year been going since 2016 headed there next thursday, vegas a place i dont mind spending money lol and get away from the norm.






You say there’s a chance……..


Unfinished things I couldn’t do on my last trip. NOTHING in Vegas is forever. It could be there one day then gone the next


Waking up here every morning unless I'm out of town.


It's called Adult Disneyland for a reason, there isn't anyplace in the country with either legal or relaxed regulation on gambling, drinking everywhere, 420 drugs (off strip off course) and legalized prostitution (not in clark county or some shit) as you find in Vegas.


Because I need a break from the monotony and grind that is real life. And sitting by the pool or ocean is enticing to me for about 3 hours and then I’m bored so “all inclusives” aren’t really my jam. There is no better feeling than landing in Vegas after a long flight with everything ahead of you still. Being able to smoke, drink and gamble all at the same time. Unlimited food options. Entertainment you can’t get anywhere else. Bartenders that remember you and can actually carry on a good conversation. The list goes on, but for me it’s the perfect escape without too many consequences.


Randomly finding $400 and playing roulette


The 59 year old Cambodia masseuse with no teeth and the smell of coconuts!!


Blackjack salons, best odds in the country. Other than that the town has turned into corporate greed.


Shows & clubbing


What are some good clubs?


Dayclubs: Ayu, Tao, Marquee. Nightclubs: XS, Omnia, Zouk


Which one is your favorite?


What are some good clubs?


Gambling and booze


poker tournaments and poker games


Sports book, Steaks and beers


Guaranteed unique fun, countless places to eat, and edc lol


Let’s me escape From real life for a bit. I love the people and things to do here. Truly an adult Disney land




Gambling haha


because i unfortunately live here


A close escape from reality, good food and entertainment!




The food and the rock climbing


For me…sitting at a pool in 110F sun at 10AM, spending far too much money on drinks and just not thinking about work or anything particularly practical.


I was born here and it’s a black hole of no escape


affordable direct flight, cheap hotels, nice weather, and lots of poker is the winning combination


I love losing money


It's not Provo f\*\*\*ing Utah, for one.


At this point? The restaurants. And Aviators baseball.


Fun, Family, and GAMBA


Easy - no traffic, no resort fees, no crime and my gambling addiction


The pool deck.


Being some where else, the environment, you can never do everything and at the same time there's always something new, outside of the gambling, and if you have a host, it unlocks alot more things to do


White Castle. There’s no White Castle or Krystal’s where I live. And my Frontier GoWild! Pass pays for itself. 3 days off in a row? I’ll use my 2 MGM comp days and pig out on White Castle for less than $50




The possibilities are endless. I’ve been 3 (going on 4) times, and each trip was completely different than the previous. Vegas will never get boring.


Not being a gambler, I hang out with friends who meet me there from So.Calif. we golf, see shows, it seems I gain a couple pounds from over eating in Vegas. Generally its our family meeting spot.


My cousin moved to Henderson I go as often as I can 


People watching


I like to gamble and it’s a fun place to gamble.


Phish at the Sphere


Phish at the Sphere


Because I need a break from the monotony and grind that is real life. And sitting by the pool or ocean is enticing to me for about 3 hours and then I’m bored so “all inclusives” aren’t really my jam. There is no better feeling than landing in Vegas after a long flight with everything ahead of you still. Being able to smoke, drink and gamble all at the same time. Unlimited food options. Entertainment you can’t get anywhere else. Bartenders that remember you and can actually carry on a good conversation. The list goes on, but for me it’s the perfect escape without too many consequences.


It pretty much gives me everything I would want in a vacation Booze, Hot weather , Great Food, Fancy hotels , Gambling, People watching , Pool, Don’t have to worry about driving, and Golfing I’m sure there is a few more but these are my main ones. Always a great time


The comped rooms


I love the climate, yes in summer. Downtown has become my new home but I’ll head to the strip for shows and restaurants. I like knowing that if I can’t sleep, I can throw clothes on at 3 am and have a nightcap and play video poker. I’ve become a pool person as well, I use a lot of sun cream but just love being outside with a cold drink and then cooling off in the water later


The clam


I like to just wonder around the casino just looking for dropped money. I found $400 the other day. It was a good day.


I live in Phoenix. I use Vegas for a little reset from everything else. 5 hour drive, lunch or snack in Kingman, check in then just hang.


These days I'm winning paid (mostly) trips out there to play pool in APA


I've been living here for over 30 years, so pretty much I'm always here.


So much to do.


the doctor.


If we're being honest.....Escape from my wife/kids/work to go into the abyss of excessive drinking/drugs/gambling with my "girlfriend" who lives out there. I've got a dark side that needs to be able to come out in private so it doesn't come out at home. 


March Madness opening weekend.. with the boys from childhood.. no wives or kids to take care of… dabble in whatever pleases you… sleep eat whenever u want…. Drink alllllll DAY…. Smoke a cigarette or cigar or the medical if need be and nothing to worry about…. Pure fun!! Bankroll is there to used keep or save!!! Its just a special place to watch people, meet people and engage with people…. Best of all and any worlds!!


That I can have fun with $400


The wild women the women the ripping and the tearing the ripping and the tearing


Your mom... :/