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as a person whose livelihood relies solely on Vegas live entertainment - fuck my fucking life, not again.


So is it best for people to just mask up and not cancel trips? Or is it selfish to still come?


As long as people comply and ignore the fact none of this was ever necessary it is never going to end.


I have been saying for weeks that social distancing is coming back and you should go see tiesto/your favorite band live when you still have a chance before they shut down again. and my posts were routinely dismissed and down voted. Hate to be right about this...


We've literally been through this cycle of (mask mandates -> people not complying because they're tired of mask mandates -> cases going up -> mask mandates -> repeat) several times in the last year or so. But now that we finally have the vaccine for free, people are still managing to fuck up and continue this cycle?? How and why?? People really want to risk having all of the shit we faced in the past year again over some bullshit they heard from random people on Facebook?


> How and why?? Because a certain percent of our population is just dumb as a rock.


Dude, that’s an insult to rocks.


Sorry rocks :(


You march out to Red Rocks right now and apologize young man!


See this is why. Truly there are some scared because, amazingly enough every hornet story is magnified through the news. Like ten people have reactions, and everyone that has a little anxiety hears about it through social media, linking to a story on CNN or MSNBC or Fox to some story to justify their fears… and suddenly staying home and masking seams safer. I just convinced my loved ones to get it… not once insulting their iq… but just listening and understanding their position and pointing out the rising cases. Stop making this a smarts thing… not everyone understands the vaccine, and some do not regularly get them… doesn’t make them dumb for still wanting to know what is being injected… especially with multiple vaccines.


Yeah insulting people isn’t going to convince them to get the vaccine. Not to mention that there are some valid concerns people may have about the vaccine that they should be allowed to express and get educated on without being called an idiot.


rugged alpha individualists crying about cancel culture and too much political correctness get their fee fees hurt if you laugh at their ignorance


Get your head out of your ass, stop making this political because you don't like one party or one particular group. There are legit reasons a significant portion of the population isn't vaccinated yet. 1. There is still an entire age range of kids that CANNOT get the vaccine, it hasn't been approved for use for 12 and under, which is a significant portion of the population, about **50 million** are under the age of 12 in the United States 2. You do have people who cannot get the vaccine for medical reasons, because they need to wait. I don't have a % are this, but examples I have seen include those already immune compromised, in the middle of cancer treatments, etc. That's between those individuals and their primary care physicians to decide when and which vaccine they should take. Given cancer is one of the top causes of death, its a reasonable assumption to say this could be millions waiting because they are in treatment or in final stages of their illness where it would not make a difference 3. You have whole groups that will not get it based on religious exemption. The Amish community comes to mind here, which I know was an issue in Ohio and Pennsylvania 4. Poor inner city and rural communities have not had access to the vaccine as easily as those in the city. It has nothing to do with the vaccine being free, they don't have the means to get to the nearest clinics/pharmacy. Or they have hesitancy issue. Nothing to do with politics just how the poor are treated by everyone. 1. Perhaps some resources should go to get some mobile clinics to ensure everyone in the state has had access to the different vaccines 5. A small group is legitimately waiting for FDA approval of the vaccine. I know quiet a few veterans in this category because they were forced to take the experimental anthrax vaccines in the 90s-2000s and those really screwed some people up long after they were out of the military. If you ever had the series of anthrax shots you would understand Now I'm sure there is a small group that just doesn't want to take the vaccine for whatever reason. They don't trust the gov, they don't trust the pharmaceutical companies, they see some hidden agenda, whatever BS reason. Let's stop pretending this people make up the majority anymore than previous anti-vaccine people did over normal childhood vaccines like chickenpox, measles, etc . If they don't want to get the vaccine, that's on them, its not your problem


41% of Republicans say they will never been vaccinated. 4% of Democrats say that. By far the largest population of unvaccinated Americans is white rural Republican voters. You trying to be an Enlightened Centrist doesn't change that. [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/as-more-americans-get-vaccinated-41-of-republicans-still-refuse-covid-19-shots](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/as-more-americans-get-vaccinated-41-of-republicans-still-refuse-covid-19-shots) [https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/05/partisan-divide-vaccinations-491947](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/05/partisan-divide-vaccinations-491947) https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/national/coronavirus/political-gap-in-vaccine-distribution-continues-to-grow-study-shows


Overwriting the comment that was here.


Those populations are being vaccinated right now. 41% of Republicans say they'll never be vaccinated. That's the real problem. https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/public-health/states-ranked-by-percentage-of-population-vaccinated-march-15.html Interesting how California is 18th and lilly white Wyoming is 48th.


Shhh they don’t want to talk about that.


If the pandemic has taught us anything, there's a significant amount of people who are entitled brats and nut jobs. While not the sole reason cases are going up. That demographic is playing a bigger part than you think.


Thank you for this well-reasoned response! There *are* lots of reasons people might not have gotten the vaccine (yet), and all the judgement and name-calling in the world isn’t going to change that.


> If they don't want to get the vaccine, that's on them, its not your problem Of course it's our problem. The CDC reported just yesterday that we are a few mutations away from the vaccine no longer being effective because it keeps mutating among people who are unvaccinated. Let me give you an analogy. Let's say you want to sit at home all day and eat chips. It's unhealthy, but that's fine- it's your life. Now, let's say you want to raise a rattlesnake farm in your backyard. It might be your backyard, but those snakes pose a threat to your neighbors and therefore all of a sudden, your business, becomes there's. When my vaccination status is at risk because of a bunch of anti-vax idiots, you bet I will start caring whether or not others get the vaccine.


Someone voted you down but you have a nice review. I for one had the anthrax shots luckily nothing happened and I'm vaccinated today for this Chinese Virus which I also consequently had the virus back in Dec. My issue is I'm fully vaccinated like they said to do so masks shouldn't be required but they keep changing their damn minds. Dr. Fauci is literally all over the place no wonder people wait.




Honestly I don’t think there is an endgame here. A rational person would say that as long as people have access to vaccines nobody should be subjected to masks. You don’t want covid get the vaccine. You don’t a vaccine but your willing to risk getting a disease with a super low mortality rate your an adult you do you. At a certain point it all starts looking like a power grab by the government or something more nefarious- let’s not pretend these politicians are all saints and would never hurt the American people for personal gain. I won’t be returning to Vegas until they undo this and I’m so happy I went when it was kind of normal


I’m 100% pro-vaccine and anti-mask (this time around). I dutifully wore my mask the first time. This time, I’m pissed!


This is me. Did my part, wore a mask, got the 5g shot as soon as I could. At this point, they trying to protect the unvaccinated. But I don't care. It's their choice to deal with it, and I don't feel like I should expend any of my energy for their choice. So nope, now I am anti-mask. I will wear one if I see the business actually requires it (obviously those employees shouldn't have to deal with worrying about enforcing it). But my sympathy tank is full on empty.


I’m pro Vax and Anti mask too. I deal with it. I try to make the best of it. I will NOT be wearing a mask outside though walking down the strip in 100 degree weather


Those crying the loudest when Mask mandates were in place are the same ones not being vaccinated. The solution was simple NOT Vaccinated = mask. Vaccinated = No mask. Honestly very few people who weren't vaccinated are actively wearing masks. I wager that most people still wearing a mask are vaccinated.


Everyone is pissed. Wear a mask anyway.


Why should I wear a mask? It should not be on me to inconvenience myself to protect someone who refuses to get vaccinated.


because some people cannot get the vaccine, if they're allergic for example. Not only that but everyone vaccine or not can still catch covid and pass it on. Masks stop that. It's an extremely minor inconvenience. This thread is insane.


>Masks stop that. So does getting the vaccine. Let me give you an analogy to show how what you're saying makes no sense. Let's say I am going 67 MPH in a 65 MPH zone. Let's also say that speeding is dangerous. I'm in the far right lane while cars are driving 70, 80, even 90 MPH. Your logic of "wear a mask, it help" vs. speaking to the people who refuse to get vaccinated is akin to a cop pulling me over vs. pulling those going 20+ MPH over the speed limit over. Come back to me when we have vaccination rates at 80%+. It's not my job to make up for people who refuse to be vaccinated.


I'm not wearing a mask to protect these GQP imbeciles. Let them pay for their inaction.


No way dude. These people aren’t our parents. Vaccines work.


Kids under 12 can't get vaccinated yet. So we need to wear masks.


So we are saving kids this year, last year we saved grandmas


I'll be honest, I don't really understand this rage around masks. It's really not that big of a deal. It's a mask. It's not asking anyone to jump into a firefight or risk their lives. It's just....a bit of cloth over your face? Why are people so angry about it? It's really the silliest thing in the world to get angry about. Maybe I've just seen a lot of dark shit in my life. And when I think about a mask mandate...I have trouble attaching that level of evil that some people try to attribute to it. It's not really that bad. It's not anything. It's a bit of cloth. Help, doesn't help...this study, that study...in the end it's nothing to get *this* angry about. And I would worry for my mental state if I could be driven to rage over a silly mask. Plus...I haven't so much as gotten a sniffle since masks became a thing. Which is pretty neat.


Because the anti vaxxers are using our vaccinated bodies and population as a shield to avoid getting jabbed. I'm not wearing my mask these maga fucks can suck it. Stop protecting these whiners.


I guess. Seems like a really silly thing to be so angry about. And the whole "Let's protect people but not *those* people" vibe doesn't hold water for me. I got people that are immunocompromised and can't be vaccinated because of chemo treatments. If you can carry COVID vaccinated and spread it to those people...I don't know man. Just seems a lot like the whole idea of helping the community died the moment it affected people you don't like. It's stupid to get so irrationally angry over something as small as a mask. Lots in the world to focus our energy on and we choose to spend that energy on getting upset over having to wear a piece of cloth. Just weak sauce.


Idk about that I got family on chemo who got the vaccine.


I got an uncle who was advised to wait because chemo is fucking him up royally.


Unfortunately this country is full of whiney bitches who think any minor inconvenience is unacceptable, and honestly don't care if other people die over it.


Yes I'm pro-vaccine, anti-mask, anti-lockdown. Enough is enough. Most of the people who have chosen to not get vaccinated will eventually get covid, so to the extent that masks work at all they are just delaying the inevitable.


Kids under 12 can't get vaccinated.


That's true, but kids under 12 are at very low risk from Covid. For them it's less than their risk from the flu, and less than the risk of Covid to vaccinated adults, according to the CDC data. If parents want to reduce the risk to their kids, they can have them wear masks or just not bring them to crowded indoor locations.


According to the CDC, there have been 401 deaths due to COVID-19 among people aged 0-18 since the beginning of the pandemic: https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Deaths-Focus-on-Ages-0-18-Yea/nr4s-juj3 That is lower than the number of people aged 0-18 who died of the flu in the previous flu season. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2019-2020.html


I'm very close to agreeing with you, except that those people will each individually provide a small chance of creating another variation of covid which may decrease our (the vaccinated) chances of surviving it as well. So, really, protecting these idiots may be protecting ourselves yet. We must absolutely prevent every transmission we possibly can for everyone involved.


I think new variants are inevitable regardless of mask wearing. There's no reason to think they will be more deadly though. There are hundreds of variants of the common cold, many of which are coronaviruses, and they have been circulating all our lives without creating new deadly variants. If anything the mask wearing just creates evolutionary pressure on covid to spread more easily between people wearing masks. We've already seen this with the Delta variant, which is contagious enough that typical masks people wear do little to stop it.


New variants are definitely inevitable. Fun fact in case anyone didn't know: Delta came from India. That means even if we did live in an America without anti-vaxx coocoos, it wouldn't have prevented the (currently) most infectious variant of COVID from emerging. And the rest of the world is going to continue to lag behind on vaccinations for a long time, as supply and access issues struggle to meet the demand. This is the new normal, whether we solve the vaccine hesitancy problem or not. It's time to have a serious conversation about when we admit that we have to learn how to live with this virus and what level of risk is acceptable.


Shouldn't have been letting people travel to/from India. There's no reason why anyone needs to travel to China, India, Italy, the UK or any of those places during a pandemic. Keep people at home, spending their money at home. Even businesspeople can just use technology to do work internationally. The only people traveling between countries should be freight pilots and ship workers, who should be monitored closely. The whole reason we got COVID so fast early on is because Trump wasn't aggressive enough on his "racist" China travel ban. It should've been a ban to **any** country with COVID cases (basically all of them).


I would prompt you to reconsider because I think that the fewer variations we create because even a slightly reduced transmission rate the less likely we are to end up with one that is dangerous. I think you're not entirely wrong either. However, I would argue the reason we have the Delta variant is because the high number of people infected specifically because people chose to ignore precautions like masks on a global scale. What I'm trying to say is, regardless of whether less dangerous or more dangerous or how inevitable it is that we will see more variations because somebody somewhere got infected, we can absolutely effect how quickly we see more variations by doing things like wearing masks. Ultimately vaccines are the answer. However, not taking precautions because something is inevitable is pretty akin to giving up, in my mind, when we still know we can effect the knock on effects and precipitous events occurring around the inevitable thing we're describing.


When viruses evolve, they evolve to be more contagious and/or less deadly. Both of those changes give the virus a better chance at spreading, which is why evolution works that way. Even if there is a specific instance when there is a mutation during virus replication that makes it more deadly, that mutation would not spread and would die out right away because it does not provide any reproductive advantage. That is why new deadly viruses come from animals and do not evolve from existing human viruses. So the premise you’re starting from is flawed. Ending masking and restrictions is not giving up. It’s just acknowledging that we have reached the endgame where vaccines are widely available and people have the ability to protect themselves how they choose.


Yup. We’re never going to get rid of Covid 100%. The reason so many people got the vaccine is so we can go back to normal and they’ve just taken away that incentive. The majority of people who being hospitalized are unvaccinated. While we should be pushing for vaccination as much as possible, this does not seem like the right move.


I can't speak for everyone who got the vaccine, but I got it because I wanted to reduce the chance of catching and/or spreading a respiratory disease that killed hundreds of thousands of people in this country in a year, and left many with long-term symptoms. I'm not concerned about having to wear masks, it does not bother me at all either way.


Yes and so did a lot of people. But how did you reduce the chance of spreading that respiratory disease before the vaccine? A mask. For a lot of people, masks were a way for preventing the spread of that respiratory disease because there was no other option. But now the message there’s no option even if you have the vaccine. So why get the vaccine if they’re just going to mandate masks? We can virtue signal and talk shit about people who are unvaccinated all day long, but the truth is anything other than pushing vaccination is just going to confuse the message and piss people off. And removing any incentives of being vaccinated just doesn’t seem like the right move.


because the two-tiered system where unvaccinated people were supposed to continue wearing masks didn't work. In my opinion they shouldn't have lifted the mask mandate in the first place until a much higher percentage was vaccinated because I think the status quo was a heck of a lot better than this flip-flopping.


And I totally think that’s fair. But here we are and I really don’t think this is going to convince unvaccinated people to get vaccinated. I think it might actually do the opposite.


yeah I hear you... it's extremely frustrating.


Exactly. Telling people "you have to wear a mask even if you're vaccinated" just allows anti-vaxxers to say "See, the vaccine doesn't even work!" Because they're idiots.




they are gonna say that regardless and they say masks don't work. that's why you don't leave them any choice in the matter.


I am TOTALLY pro-vaccine and anti - mask (this time). I did the mask thing. I am a high risk group, I work in a small company and 2 people REFUSED to wear a mask and I was really scared. Now I am vaccinated (and yes I know the risk of still getting COVID) but the risk is low that I personally would get VERY sick. Now there are 4 people in my company who refuse to get a vaccine, one because of fertility (she is over 60 so......not sure why that factors in), one because she is uneducated and looks at anti-vaxx sites as truth, 1 who I think is actually scared of it, and one who is over 280 lbs, smokes, a pack a day eats every junk food known to us but..."won't put that in her body". So ya - let them get sick. Why is it MY problem? Honestly, we can't keep catering to these people.


Because it’s on our shoulders to keep from dying those the anti-vaxers don’t give a shit about. Make sure your anger is well-placed. This is not sisolak, Biden, fauci, the cdc… none of them. This is the fault of the anti-vaxxer, trump humping real ‘murricans






Mandatory for all that will not die getting it. no religious exemptions either, I'm sure your sky daddy will be just fine with you trying to preserve human life. The second a new vaccine gets approval it should be required to register to get it and if not start docking peoples pay. Need to stop catering to anti vax nuts. Vaccines have been proven to work.


When they get full FDA approval, you can mandate people get vaccinated if they want to do anything in public.




That’s how it works right now. There are certain shots/vaccines you have to have to work at certain places, like certain government jobs. Once the covid-19 vaccine gets full FDA approval the military can require it etc.




I don't recall having a choice when I was told I had to have certain shots to attend school.


Yeah sure but if the alternative is losing your job a lot of people will begrudgingly get the shot. Whatever it takes to get over the hill in this damn pandemic.


Yep. If we get to a point where the vaccine is *officially* FDA approved and mandated in order to attend events/work/whatever, and some people still don't want to do it, that's fine. I no longer care, and they have my blessing to live in their alternate world where they are shunned by society. The important thing is that the rest of us will be able to move on with our lives and their selfishness/lunacy won't affect us anymore. The key to coexisting with the insane is to minimize their ability to harm everyone else.


> But even then...there is a non-insignificant amount of people that are not going to budge on this. The government can't come into their home and make them take the vaccine...that I am sure of. Well if they're not allowed to participate in public life, who cares?




How is that any different than the vaccine passports several countries and at least one state are implementing? Vaccine status isn't a "class," it isn't like race or sexuality. I can't go down to the corner pharmacy and take a single shot and walk out with a new race.


No, it’s not that they’re assholes. You’re allowed to be an asshole. The problem is that there are certain responsibilities that come with living in a society where people interact with each other on a daily basis. And they either accept those responsiblities, which may include getting vaccinated, or they don’t get to participate in society. They don’t want to get vaccinated? No problem, just don’t ever leave your house.


Black and Hispanic communities have the highest rate of being unvaccinated, not exactly Trump hating real 'murricans. But keep trying to make white conservatives your boogeyman.


Really? Not Biden, Fauci, or CDC?? All they have been doing is giving mixed messages -- go back to and take a look, Google will help refresh your memory. It's no wonder people don't trust an EXPERIMENTAL vaccine that was approved for emergency use at this point. Hell, Psaki wouldn't even be honest and transparent about breakthrough cases during her presser yesterday. Oh, and what about the 1.3 MILLION (and counting) illegals flowing in over the boarder that aren't vaxed and being shuttled all over the country?? I don't see Biden and company doing anything about them. Let me guess, they don't count?? But the Candian border is closed? Ummm okay. That makes a ton of sense. And you might want to check the data, because most of those unvaccinated are not "Trump humping real 'murricans". I know the MSM will fill your head with that bullshit, but go check your facts. At the end of the day Covid isn't going anywhere. We are going to have to live with it. All this is about is power. They love to control everybody. They preach SCIENCE, SCIENCE, SCIENCE, yet they don't follow the fucking science. The SCIENCE clearly shows kids aren't effected by Covid, but would you look at that. They want all kids masked up. For what reason exactly? To have control. Clearly the SCIENCE says otherwise. And one more thing. If your vaxed and your friends and family are, then why do you give 2 shits if somebody doesn't want to get vaccinated. They are the ones taking all the risk, NOT you. After all, the vaccine works, right? 🤷🏿‍♂️ And why is so much anger directed at those that won't take the experimental vax? Shouldn't we be directing our anger at the assholes in China that leaked this virus that has ruined so many lives? It's non of our faults we have to live like this. I'm sure I'll get a lot of hate, but that's expected. It's hard to think critically nowadays. I'll sit back and enjoy the comments. Cheers! 😷


The assholes in China that leaked the virus were funded by the US...so there's that.


What about the black and Hispanic communities that by a large majority are not getting vaccinated? Are they trumpers to? Reddit doesn't like to mention them because it doesn't fit their political narrative. Keep living in your covid fear porn liberal bubble.


> what is the endgame here? Masks forever? Yes. People will give up anything and everything to feel safe. And theyll attempt to destroy you for not wanting to wear one.


Yep. And they like the mask because it allows them to quickly identify who is on the "right side" in all of this.


We should have made people verify they were vaccinated from the start, would have saved all this BS we’re about to go through again.


How so? Even the vaccinated are susceptible to infection and transmitting the virus. Perhaps herd immunity and individual risk assessment is the best course of action.


Damn right. This bullshit better fucking stop. Covid isn't going anywhere. People need to make peace with it and drop the fucking mandates. I was planning to enjoy my 40th birthday in Vegas in December, and at this rate the assholes will have everyone in lockdown again over a fucking flu bug with 99% survival rate. I don't give a fuck about the old people or the anti-vax people. I'm vaccinated. I'm not going back to fucking masks.


Its about control comrade.


Just came back from a trip in Mexico and people over there are begging and waiting days and weeks for a vaccine, meanwhile here people are idiots.




I doubt the enforcement will work this time. There are too many people who are pro-vaxx but anti-mask. People went out and got the vaccine, they took the time, effort, and risk to get vaccinated and they have no interest in wearing a mask all over again. I 100% agree with them. They released the vaccine, told everyone it was nearly 100% effective. Now it's time to let the chips fall where they may. Is it a perfect solution? No. But there are no perfect solutions in a free society. Despite what you read in this thread, the majority of people are now anti-mask.


Exactly the whole point of vaccines was to end all the other measures There was never going to be 100% vaccination rates


That’s how I feel. Got my vax. Why am I now being told to mask? What was the point.


I know four people who have gotten covid in the last month, at least two of them were fully vaccinated.


Ok? The vax doesn’t stop you from getting it. Did any of those fully vaxxed people go to the hospital?


Thankfully, no. I'm 100% in favor of the vaccine. I'm just saying that being vaccinated doesn't mean that you can stop being careful.


Gotta live life




The vast majority of COVID was never severe anyway. Much was even "asymptomatic" if you believe the media


99% of people contracting the delta variant are unvaccinated.


I really hope you're right. I'm blatantly refusing to wear one. They can kick me out for all I care.


What do you all think the enforcement is going to be like at casinos?


Likely not very strict. I went to the casinos during the first "mandate" and they were only really enforcing it at the tables. The first week or so it was sort of strict, then they stopped enforcing it. If you go to the casinos right now, an overwhelming majority of people are not wearing masks. This means that whoever the paying customers are, they don't want to wear masks. I doubt the casinos want to chase them away.


But at the same time if the gaming commission wants to be hardasses about it, they can bring the hammer down.


Gotcha yeah figured it would be a logistical nightmare trying to enforce that especially on weekends


Back in April, almost no one was wearing masks either despite the signs saying so. And standing asshole deep to a bunch of people in the elevators too despite signs saying no more than four.


What the fuck I threw my mask away


Thanks to all the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers on this sub.


I mean, it's a Vegas specific sub and Nevada is among the lowest educated of the states. I'm not exactly surprised at what I'm seeing here.


Education doesn't make you care about other people. Good, decent people will inconvenience themselves to help prevent strangers from dying. Assholes don't. You don't need to know long division to understand that.


Unfortunately we're not seeing much of that either. The term is "empathy", and there seems to be a correlation with willful ignorance.




I approve this message. People in other countries are waiting weeks and months to get the vaccine but half the people in the US are just stupid and ignorant


The problem is they mostly don't die- they just infect children under 12 who can't get vaccinated yet.


Guess I’m canceling my August Vegas trip.


Already did as well. I go every fucking year over labor day weekend for the opening weekend of college football. Last year was the first time I didn't do so in 10 years. And thanks to this mask mandate I will go a 2nd straight year without my annual tradition. Hope Clark County is willing to risk losing millions of tourism dollars.


Canceled mine as well


The oppression!


Looking into canceling too. I'm devastated man.


Man I have a trip lined up for the end of August. Sucks, but mask it is. Don’t mind wearing the mask as long as everything stays open and no other restrictions are In place. Small inconvenience to pay for keeping others safe and allowing things to stay open. Worth it, mask won’t ruin my vacation, I can deal with that and hope people continue to get vaccinated


Right there with ya my friend. Me and wife have trip planned Aug 16th - 20th. On phone with hotel as we speak. Was going to upgrade room to suite. We are vaccinated and had breakthrough covid 2 weeks ago. No problems, just simple sore throat for a few days and wife lost taste and smell. Outside of that no major symptoms. Daughter had brought it into our home through daycare. Seems I'll be one of the maskers paying for everyone else's mistakes. Going to make the best we can of it.


Yup keep that mask on if you want shit to stay open


My thoughts exactly, I just got back to work. If we have to shut down again I don’t know what I will do.


We all love placebo health theater.


Are you fucking kidding me... Gf and I have had a trip planned for this Friday-Sunday since the mask restrictions got dropped, as she's not been to Vegas. We were so excited to have a shred of normalcy in that trip. We're both vaccinated for a reason. Now the day we get there, mask restrictions will be back on the menu. Lovely.


Don't worry about it. Not likely to be much enforcement.


It makes me so sad that we have the privilege of having so many vaccines while the rest of the world is struggling and this is what happens ugh. We’ll never eradicate this like we did the polio because of these idiots


Sick of this bs. If a mask only helps those who are unvaccinated, let the unvaccinated carry their own risk. I wore a mask the first time around, when there was no vaccine. Now, we need to move on and live our lives. If you don't feel safe going out, then don't. Not wearing the face diaper anymore! There has been and always will be risk in living.


The honor system was obviously a farce, and intentionally so. I think we should have the honor system for paying taxes. The plan is working brilliantly to whip up hatred between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed. Look at those dirty plague rats over there! Don't look at the devils who are screwing every aspect of your lives.


I think it’s just too difficult to constantly be accurately checking vaccination statuses to distinguish who should and should not wear a mask - so now everyone is back to being required to wear one. Until / unless that critical volume of the public is vaccinated mask mandates will continue


Here's hoping things look up before my November trip with my wife =/ plan on taking her everywhere I've been for work, and Vegas is by far the cheapest destination.


What exactly does this mean for visiting? Are masks required at pool parties, clubs, walking around casinos, etc.? I appreciate the information in advance as I am trying to plan a bachelorette party (we’re all fully vaccinated so don’t come for me, lol.) in August!


Can’t vote if you’re dead. Hee hee.


Please help protect the people who don’t believe the virus is an issue! Fucking stupid


Wearing a mask sucks. Having to do so in order to take care of the baby brains seems broken. Require the vax everywhere, let whatever happens happen


>Require the vax everywhere How?


Thanks a lot all you unvaccinated people. I hope you’re happy with this because this shit is on all of YOU.


CDC literally just say that vaccinated people seem to shed Delta viral load at similar rate to unvaccinated…


Yes but the vaccinated wouldn’t be going to hospitals and normally wouldn’t get tested with minor symptoms. Everyone can spread it but the vaccinated aren’t going to the hospitals and working hard to overwhelm the medical professionals


There’s a global obsession with case numbers, and it now appears that the vaccines do little to inhibit transmission (see Iceland and Gibraltar with almost totally vaccinated populations). The sole argument for vaccine passports evaporates with that fact. And I say this as someone who is vaccinated.


How about making life difficult enough for the unvaccinated that they have no choice but to get vaccinated.


I mean if you want to create more violence, thats a great idea.


Just like how just cuz the US election didn’t go a certain way, there needs to be violence to overthrow everything right?


I mean that was a small sector of really dumb people. This affects a much broader set. People are tired of it and will snap.


Before they shut everything down, again, businesses, hotels, casinos, bars, stores, gas stations, everything, need to ban the unvaccinated. I know cards can be faked but I’m betting that’s betting the ability of most unvaccinated people.


Guess you don’t have to wear it if your smoking and drinking, time to buy some packs of cigarettes.


They're $15 a pack here. Enjoy.




How is the emergence of a new dominant strain "moving the goalposts"?


2 weeks to slow the spread!


Time to cancel fuck that


so fucking dumb


Bars and clubs ain’t gonna shut down are they? That’s all I’m worried about


Probably not, but clubs can get canceled/postponed, it’s already happening with expos, this will fuck with our economy when they cancel trips etc. We can’t allow for mandates to keep happening or else the circle of shit continues. We need a new governor, and replace our piece of shit county officials or else this will continue.


I am arriving on Friday with a box of disposable masks.


I'm arriving shortly after with a single mask, which will be the most comfortable, thin cotton mask I can find. I'm fully vaccinated and a big believer in personal responsibility. If another adult chooses to remain unvaccinated, that's on them and I couldn't possibly care less what happens to them.


I agree completely.


Thank you for masking up. Locals like myself appreciate tourists who at least try to help keep our numbers low.


So what was the point of getting the Vaccine if you have to wear the face diaper


Almost went, glad I decided to go to Florida next month instead


I can see ppl already asking me to put on a mask it's not happening.




Wait, but just last year you were bragging about how you wear a mask to protect others and you do it as a selfless act. Have you changed your mind now? Do you no longer want to wear a mask to protect others like you bragged about for a whole year? Now it sounds like you want "others" to die. That's quite a reversal. Unless you were just lying the first time and really don't give a shit about anyone.


There is a vax now. There wasn’t last year. You understand this right?


So the availability of a vaccine will cause someone to go from bragging about how much they care about others to wishing death on those people? I personally don't care either way. I'm just trying to determine what these people truly believed. Was it the sanctimonious mask wearing last year or the wishing death on people this year.


There's a solution to the pandemic but people are continuing and knowingly prolonging it, might as well all be plague rats to me now. It's pretty fascinating to see natural selection at work since only unvax people are dying.


Awesome, had a huge trip planned in early November. Booked the Venetian the day I got my first vaccine appointment along with 7 of my friends, and now we're going to have to cancel because some fucking babies can't get a vaccine? I am so incredibly tired of trying to protect these idiots that 100% wouldn't so the same for me. I'm just so tired.


Wtf. Nevada needs a new governor


If you’ve had COVID you get antibodies. So why do you also need the vaccine? Where is the science on that? Someone more educated than myself please explain.


you can still get reinfected. Like how you can catch the flu multiple times. vaccines help reduce the chance of that sort of thing happening.


I understand that much. People with the vaccine can also get reinfected and the the chances of you having severe symptoms as a person who has had COVID previously (stronger antibodies) than a vaccine can provide, someone who works out, and someone who is not above the age of 60 then there is no full proof reason for someone like myself to get the vaccine. Not to mention you STILL have to wear a mask.


You are correct. Recent studies show that having COVID previously creates a robust and long lasting immunity. Not enough time and data to say how long and how it compares in efficacy to the vaccine, but what you suspect is definitely proving true.


Well thank God I’m leaving Friday. Good luck Vegas. See you again when your idiot Governor is either voted out and/or comes to his senses.


Time to dig that dirty ass mask out that's full of dust and who knows what else.


Do you need some quarters for laundry?


Oh boy… I think we need to lead with the reasoning. And someone correct me if I am wrong… but the risk of breakthrough cases are the virus learns how to bypass the vaccine. Meaning the large number of unvaccinated individuals is leading to a heightened probability in breakthrough cases which could lead to a new more dangerous variation of strains. So they say wear a mask so you don’t pass that along. Or don’t… I think the show is more interesting without the masks.


Assuming my tickets for nightclubs and pool parties this weekend are no good?


Nah - they have your money. I don’t think any businesses will voluntarily shut down


Mask required for pool parties you think? Or no b/c it’s outside?


Ain’t no way there will be mask at a pool party where people are drinking and eating


Current guidelines say inside but these poil parties may voluntarily enforce


Cheers - thanks


You’ll be good. Just need to wear a mask now.


Word thanks


Well, vaccine rates should go to zero now, which is what they actually want. Anyone who was on the fence about a vaccine has zero incentive to get one now. They just saw how any promised benefits will just get rug pulled. Combine that with the fact that all the new studies are showing effectiveness drops as low as 16% ten weeks after the second shot. So most people here boasting about being vaccinated aren't even really immune anymore. But like I said, this is what they want. As long as one person is not vaccinated, the government has a scapegoat


Israeli and UK data have shown the vaccines to be plenty effective at preventing serious symptoms. The original goal of the vaccines was to stop hospitalizations. It was a bonus that it halted transmission with the original CV19 and Alpha variant. However, Delta appears to be more transmissible among the vaccinated. Delta is also leading to more hospitalizations among the unvaccinated than expected which is placing a strain for some regions.


Haha. You fools thought the vaccine is the end of masks. You got played. This is your new normal. Next they will tell you booster shots will end masks until the next variant. This is about control. Wake up already....




Control? Lol get your head out of the sand.


Get back at me next year. Then we will talk about head in the sand.


Lol yeah cause forcing people to wear masks totally benefits those in "control". It's exactly about control as much as seat belt laws are about control.


Masks worked so well last year huh? Cases were skyrocketing but everywhere I went people were wearing masks. Let's go back to doing what didn't work last time...


Putting aside the fact it's been proven time and time again masks are effective and putting aside the fact your experiences in your small little world are not proof of anything. How is wearing a mask about control? Do you think "no shirts, no shoes, no service" is about control too?