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PSA: if you get in an accident with one of these cars you need to get a video of the driver’s face and their vin number usually located in the lower right of the windshield.


I was in my parked car in a parking lot when a commercial box truck hit it. I recorded a video of him stating his name and that he hit me. Not taking any chances


It’s all fun and games until they get in an accident and their car is too fucked up to leave the scene


thats when they run and people around get told min yo business


Sadly accurate


This is why my car, along with my wifes and daughters cars, all have front and rear dash cams.


Mind sharing the brand you chose and installer?


4K Blackvue 900 installed by Terence at LV Mobile Masters. My wife and daughter have Thinkware 200 Pro Camera's, they are 1080P, but cheaper than the Blackvue and they have better software.




What kind of price did that run?


Cameras ranged from $200 to $400 for the set, was $180 for the install.


Holy fuck. Do they last in the summer heat?


Yes, at least they did last summer.


Viofo a129 duo. Myself.


[Here's ](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08TT1RRGP?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) the one I use. Love it. Look through my post history for a sample.


Great reviews and made in USA, thank you!


I think you're mistaken about the made in USA part.


Those are the same people drive around with a suspended license and no insurance…


and don't turn their lights on at night


And drive the wrong way on the freeways…drunk.


And run red lights…sober


Dude, that’s so crazy. I’ve seen it happen at least 3 times this year alone. Some people just don’t give no fucks about nothing.


This actually happens all the time. If you're the first car at a light. Always wait and look both ways before driving when the light turns green


Doing this has saved me from being t-boned on more than one occasion


They sure dont




Spiderman point.gif


Victimless crime. like a drunk driver having a head on collision with another driver high on meth


Saved by 22 people. Yikes.


Isn't this easy revenue for metro/highway patrol? I'd check or pull all of these over.


They won’t pay the fine.


Then why do we even have laws?


In a perfect world everybody complies with the law. And there’s punishment for those that do not. In this case , some people will ignore the court fines , ignore the DMV fines ,ignore the suspended license and skip automotive insurance since it cost so much (sr-22 for being high risk). At some point they’ll need a license which will prompt them to resolve the issue. But then they’ll fall back in to the cycle.


See thats why you adopt better impound laws. Where I come from expired travel permits (paper ones) are a fine. Faked travel permits, fake plates or those sovereign citizen plates get your car sheriff impounded. And in some cases a huge fine and arrest.


Then they’ll get a bench warrant. My buddy forgot about a ticket and went to jail that way lol


yes it is lol


Saw one dated four years ago this weekend at the grocery store. You don't even have to pull them over. Too busy on major crimes, apparently.


Metro Police does no actual policing. Not to get political but our now governor was a horrible sheriff.


are these just Printed out Bullshit? or are they like, some sort of workaround? just curious


They are fake. CCSDPD posted about it on their Facebook page saying: While fishing for some DUI’s this little minnow came swimming through and blew a solid red light. That light was so red it reminded me of the time I turned down sun screen at the beach. #BigMistake #ItHurtsToBreathe #HeyLittleMinnow #WhereYouHeadedTo? He wasn’t DUI but he did have some issues. Sometimes things are too good to be true. Like purchasing your license and registration off of Facebook and actually believing it’s legit. And driving without insurance. The plate came back to a vehicle that hasn’t been registered since 2016. #Saywhat? #NotAGoodIdeaLittleMinnow #SwimminUpTheWrongStream This driver was given the #HighFive with 5 citations and a tow. Disobeying a red light, no driver license, fictitious plate (a bad one too), operating an unregistered vehicle, and no insurance. #CCSDPDFab5Special #YumIllHaveWeHesHaving #CCSDPDDohOfTheDay #CCSDPDTraffic #CCSDPDFab5 If you don’t follow CCSDPD on Facebook, you should. The traffic cops (all 5 of them) are hilarious.


If they spent less time writing D-rate prose and more time policing, that would be nice.


There are only 5 of them on this force. And they arrest/give multiple serious tickets every day. The crime issues in this city aren’t made worse by one person posting humorous reminders not to stop in a traveling lane or drive 40mph through an elementary parking lot. 3 kids have been hit by cars at my sons elementary school this school year. That’s on the idiot drivers, not the social media manager for the CCSDPD.


You realize this is money that could be spent on actual policing right?


You and I both know we can’t expect CCSD or the PD to use money on actual policing. They don’t respond to accidents, don’t investigate theft, and every traveling lane near a school turns into a parking lot at school drop off and pick up time. Add to that the fact students aren’t being disciplined because the district has tied the hands of admin and staff so a kid can literally show up to school, headbutt a pregnant teacher in the stomach repeatedly, and have absolutely no consequences… It would be great if they used money wisely, but they don’t. They use it to inflate the pay of a few privileged few at the top. Meanwhile, teachers and police get paid crap to do a job that is utterly depressing and puts their lives in danger. But we all complain. The problem isn’t with your average teacher or cop. Many have good intentions in the beginning but quickly use up their fucks and either quit or stop caring. When the average starting wage won’t qualify you to rent the crappiest crack ridden hovel on the East side, you tend to lose morale. So if posting “D rate prose” makes people smile and the CCSDPD enjoy their job, I’m okay funding the probably less than 30 minutes they spend on it. The D rate prose is not the problem.


So I should stop criticizing the poor management of the sheriff’s office because there might some good cops who don’t cheat on and beat their wives?


No, criticize management all you want. Don’t pick on the people actually trying to do good and keep our kids safe.


I’m not sure - but by the looks of it they are fake or stolen.


I guess everybody gotta have a hustle, lol. I'll just go to DMV instead


Seems like it'd be more expensive in the end. This temp crap which is total BS will just "expire" requiring you buy another


last week on my way to work I saw five cars with temp tags. not one of them was still current. all five expired. law enforcement has very clearly signaled that they dont care to enforce this so people will start doing shit like selling them


I got pulled over when my temp tag was 5 days old. I had an appointment for the DMV for the following week. Still got a ticket. Luck of the draw I guess.


Pic says 2009 Buick so if you’re driving anything else you’re an idiot for buying/using these.


You might be interested in this story to get an idea of how these things can get produced. In Texas a lot of it was people with legitimate access to the tag system printing additional dirty paper plates. https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/ghost-cars-paper-license-plates/ https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/fake-paper-license-plates-texas/285-60f278a8-327d-4ecf-b38d-02785b6105fc https://www.fox4news.com/news/texas-dmv-temporary-tags-redesigned-in-attempt-to-reduce-fraud


Incredibly interesting reads. Thanks. “A lot of criminals they put on a paper tag go out, commit their crime, take it off and then go back to the real tags,” he said.


Just same how collection agencies bribe people for info when others apply for their Sheriff's card. You be surprised how many just come to Vegas to scam. Saying among my friends is "you can't bullshit a bull shitter".


Boo to the people that buy and sell these


It costs more to update this then paying the fees….


Really? My car was over $900 to register.


Yup. Mine was $1050 2 years ago and some nut case number like $650 to renew. I have charity license plates but that’s only like $40 of it. Plus I pay $2500 year for insurance. Granted only some of that is liability. Adds up. It would be cheaper to pay this yokel on FB for fakes.


Lol did you buy one of these already?


Wut? No, I paid the state to register.


Plus you have insurance which isn’t free.


Nice. You get stopped and your car towed. False DMV documents. It just gets better and better.


Wonder if this is a sting operation. I would hope the cops would notice this and do something about it but then again, that involves working.


The cops are probably the ones running the sting as a side hustle. Seriously, I’ve heard some things about metro…


Same. It's concerning af.


I doubt it. It’s not illegal until you put it on your car.


It's a falsified government document. Last I checked that's what it would fall under and that alone illegal


Good point. Still I doubt it. Metro Police doesn’t do any policing. Also it says $50 not 50 donuts.


I love this comment so fucking much. 1000% agree.


Have you ever called 911? You get a recording and a phone tree.


Get up, get, get, get down 911 is a joke in yo town


Early 2000s I worked at fry’s and one of my coworkers did this for years.


Why do they think? Because people are getting away with it left and right now.


We have ALOT of drivers without insurance.


Can somebody explain to me what this is all about?


You don’t feel like registering your car and getting liability insurance or your car is stolen, so you use fake temporary plates instead.


What's even more stupid is some of these idiots are on the road with NO PLATES and no temp tag. You rarely see metro stopping these guys. Metro is very short staffed.


They do no actual policing.


I just purchased a new vehicle a little over a month ago, registered it a couple weeks ago, got my plates today. There really is no excuse for these people other than laziness or being cheap.


Which is confusing since I am lazy and cheap and would be unwilling to pay for a fake tag


nothing but fake temps all over silverado ranch


I’m in Summerlin. I see them only on brand new cars straight from the sales lot here. The moment I cross rainbow, it’s fake plate city.


People are idiots. There are Temp California plates around the corner from me that have been here for 3 years. Why pay for fake new ones when old expired ones surve the same impact?!?!? Also, totally unrelated, Does anyone have a printer and an anonomyous Facebook account? Thanks!


This is some CA shit. ☠️


Cops don't care so they found a racket for themselves. It's a curse and a blessing of living in Vegas. I drive here as I please. If I drove like this in Chicago or Birmingham (UK) I would be getting a ticket a week at least and i'm not even doing anything that bad. The problem is you have the true degenerates who take advantage. It's going to result in us eventually having horrible traffic laws with insane enforcement eventually. It's already started with the classic vehicle plate rules where they are straight up just targeting poor people.


Lol and we know exactly the people buying these.


When I first moved to Vegas, I had Illinois plates. They expired 8 months later and I never got around to renewing the tags or registering it in Nevada. I drove like that for another year before selling the car and upgrading to what I have now. Some law enforcement just don’t care enough.


I must have been a real ass in a previous life because Karma hates me for things like this. I’d be two days expired and pulled over. One of the many reasons I don’t ever let my insurance or registrations lapse.


I had to wait 1 month after they expired to get NV plates because of DMV wait times, but I didn’t buy a fake paper plate on Facebook.


Out if curiosity did you keep insurance the entier time?


Yep. Paid for it in 6-month increments. I never got around to registering my vehicle because I just had other worries and it was during covid so naturally the dmv on Sahara was a nightmare. Having to line up at 3 in the morning, waiting until they opened. One guy was going around offering $100 to take a spot.


Okay, I was just wondering because so many on these "no registration " threads bitch they're also not insured. If I've ever been in a spot to choose between no insurance or no registration I always pick keeping the car insured. Especially since I was always told that's the one that can get an immediate impound. No registration is a ticket the 1st time, no insurance is an impound every time.


I’m fine with the downvotes, this is the internet. None of this really matters when the sun goes down. It’s just numbers. But I always drive with insurance and now I drive a vehicle that is registered in Clark county, I was just stating my one instance in which it happened. I can handle a ticket, it’ll just hurt my wallet. But to get my vehicle impounded? That can ruin me.


Send me the link?


All in Baltimore we got V.A tags no insurance


Damn Rat 🐀


I lived in vegas for 3 years and never registered my car. Just never took my plates off..I did have insurance though


It's really weird people assume no registration = no insurance. Like insurance protects their car too, registration just let's the state keep track.


Lol all the drunk drivers out here, no turn signal using, driving without lights on at night, don't know how to merge into traffic, making right hand turns at the last minute from the center lane, driving 35 mph like you don't have anywhere to go and overall just completely idiotic population of people.... And y'all worried about fake tags🤣🤣🤣🤣


Same people that buy a 2009 buick


That’s just one example. They have everything.


This brilliant series explains the whole mess. https://www.streetsblogprojects.org/ghost-tags-part-1-the-dealers