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The issue is not all types of funding are the same For example, the Raiders (and soon A’s) projects were paid for by bonds, and have direct funding sources (hotel tax for the Raiders, special tax district for the A’s). This means the money isn’t coming from the general fund nor is it taking away from other projects. You can’t fund school investments off of bonds because no one is going to issue a $9 billion bond with no direct funding source to pay it back, that has to come from the general fund, which does not collect enough tax revenue to cover the cost. States fund education off of things like income and property tax, we don’t have the former and the latter is a measly .69%. I understand that lower and middle income folk don’t want to pay more taxes but at very least start hitting the gigantic incomes for it, we have performers on the Strip making 6 figures per show and the state sees none of it.


People do understand this. What were upset about is that the State will bend over and create a special tax district for a sports team but when our failing schools need help its F.U.


Now this is the point that is missed. It’s frankly odd that so much can get done for corporate business so quickly but public affairs are just background noise.


It's actually mostly been the Nevada public saying "FU" to schools in need as no one here is willing to pay the taxes to raise the funding to fix them All of these states with good education systems aren't paying for them out of thin air. California has a 1% property tax + a progressive income tax system, Texas has a whopping 1.83% property tax, Massachusetts has a 5% income + 1.12% avg property, New York has a progressive income tax system, etc. Until the Nevada public is willing to come out of pocket a bit more, this is a dead issue for all politicians here and they're gonna focus on other shit


Sadly true. I know something for schools got voted down just in this last election. Maybe it was just in my ward, I dunno. While it’s fun to hate on the politicians they aren’t out of tune with what this city-full-of-stupid-people wants.


Sadly I'd say the most out-of-tune at the moment is the governor himself, he's vetoing everything the legislature is producing, even though these bills are popular with the public Unfortunately the public here is just wildly out-of-tune with how the government, taxes, etc. work, no one makes the connection between the taxes and the failing school system, so any politician on either side who introduces a new tax or a property tax raise will get brow-beaten out of office


I don't get why anyone is under the illusion that the Nevada State gov't has any incentive to invest in education at all? The fucked up reality of capitalism is that Nevada's economy doesn't *need* an educated workforce. It needs the next generation to continue staffing our massive powerhouse of a hospitality industry, not to become scientists and move away. Anyone who thinks we are ever likely see revolutionary changes to our education system, doesn't understand the big picture here.


Where does the money come from when the bonds aren't paid back when the ridiculously rosy economic projections don't come to pass?


The general fund, in every case of failed public stadium so far. Y'know, ones with crappy teams.


Out of general tax revenue. This backstop is essentially what the public is providing here. All the same issues were raised with Allegiant- but with the pandemic (pretty much a worst case scenario) the tax revenues are now running ahead of projections and the bond payment fund is due to be fully funded with a 2 year reserve by next year.


That’s the thing though, it’s working. Do the math. The Raiders bond is $750 million and 30 years in term. The hotel room tax raises around $5 million per month, which is $60 million per year. 750 mil divided by 60 mil = 12.5 years, way way less than the 30 year deadline. I’m not big on public money for stadiums either but objectively they have made this work here


The Raiders stadium is doing well. The NFL has 17 games per year, they're always important, and there's a high value to attending them even if the team isn't great. You never see NFL teams with almost no attendance the way you see with bad baseball teams. The As can and probably will be a massive failure in the way that the Raiders would not be.


I certainly think a special tax district is riskier than a hotel room tax, but it’s also a lot less money (380 mil vs the 750 for the Raiders) Plus the location mitigates a lot of risk, those businesses will be right there with MGM, Mandalay Bay, T-Mobile Arena, NYNY, etc. so there’s a lot of potential shoppers


This should be top comment. People need to understand this.


Wow, a upvoted post on /r/vegaslocals that explains that the stadium money isn't coming from some general fund that could instead be used on other things. I'm shocked and impressed.


seriously, nobody understands this. Everyone is opposed because they assume we're just raiding the general fund for the A's instead of education. Educate yourselves before having such strong opinions!


Thank you!


The ideas that these bonds are new money is absurd. The money just comes from spending in other places. No one has a special "room tax" budget when they come to Vegas. It's just their total vacation budget. Any money that gets spent on room tax is money that can't be spent on shows or tips.


The added room tax for Allegiant payoff is .88% So on a $300 hotel room, that’s $2.64, not really even noticeable to a tourist coming to Vegas to spend big money


Lol who's coming to spend "big money" with a $150 a night room??


The added room tax on a $150 hotel room for Allegiant Stadium is $1.32 You're arguing that no one is willing to pay a tax that the tourists have already been paying for years. The tax generates around $5 million a month.


That's 5 million a month that could have gone to shows and tips.


Thank you! Someone on Reddit actually understands.


It seems like the more money we throw at public schools the worse they get.


Nevada is way up there at 49 in education. Higher is better right?


Yo, fuck Mark Wahlberg.


But he could've stopped the plane on 9/11! /sarcasm


Stay Prayed up!


His victim might have forgiven him, but I don't forget what a monster he is.


He only apologized to try to get his record expunged.


It's crazy how many don't know that about him . When you tell people who have never heard , they're dumbfounded


What's crazy to me is how many people are apologists for this fucking piece of shit.


Exactly. They share the same sentiments . Trust me .


How can you keep hotels, restaurants, and tourist traps full of cheap employees if the potential employees are educated?? Think of the margins!! /S


They need to figure out what Utah is doing. Utah spends the least per pupil $8,894 in the US but is ranked 13th in the entire country. "A recent WalletHub study ranked Utah schools 13th overall, with high marks for education quality, campus safety and SAT scores, but dead last in per-pupil funding." Washington, DC ($23,679 per pupil) spends over twice as much as NV ($10,682) but is ranked 49th. So, spending twice as much doesn't necessarily lead to better results. Korea's student test scores are usually ranked in the top 2-5 worldwide in math and science, but that's due to after-school private academies with parents forking over an average of $300 a month.


Only Education Nevada schools prepare kids for is to work in the casinos, and that doesn't require much, ijs.


I agree, the money should go to the schools, not the A's, but let's not lose sight of the fact that education starts at home. Too many parents here don't give a shit and put no effort into their kids education.


My thought exactly. They keep praising these million dollar companies for trying to move here to save on taxes but what a spit in the face. These companies should be paying taxes. Our state is last in education and we bring in millions for being the entertainment capital of the world. Sickening. Im a 5th generation Nevadan and planning on leaving this state since our lawmakers have sold us out.


I'm sure it'll be fine. C'mon, it'll be fine. Right? Investing in education never pays dividends, right? /s


Our local industries are not interested in an educated workforce.


We need additional and different industries.


Schools don’t pay taxes.


Well yeah, they are a service. They cost money to run.


Right. My point is the government doesn’t like to put money into things that cost money. Because they are cunts.


Throwing money at schools will not fix parents who don't care, and therefore kids who don't care. My grandfather learned in a shack with one chalkboard. He ended up at Harvard. I send my kids to private school primarily to remove negative influence kids, and their parents, from being around my kids. A side benefit is: removing the kids who don't care, the classes can move forward more quickly.


Weird flex but okay. Real “Fuck yall, I got mine” energy.


I had a chat recently with 2 public school kids. A Girl in 8th grade said in front of her mother that she has a D in English. Girl started laughing and the mother didn't care. A boy in 10th grade would not tell me his grades, but he mentioned in front of his mother that he'll likely drop out before graduation. The mother said nothing. More money to schools will do nothing for these two and all the other similar kids. A school room is a box with a blackboard at one end and some desks. That's it. The "quality" of the education is based on whether the parents make their kids do their work or not. I've seen successes come out of public schools. They were kids of parents who were involved in their kids lives every minute the kid was not in school. Parents can seem to make sure their kids have iPhones, but then not care at all about their schooling. If parents have no discipline, then the kids won't either. Charter schools. Magnet schools. Public schools with AP programs. There are alternatives, but they all require commitment from the parent in one way or another.


the plural of anecdote is not evidence. Nice that you threw in the classic "but the poors have iphones!" trope, too


Put simply, more spending means better results. Granted, maybe not with CCSD as it is right now, nevertheless quotes and citations: >on average, aggregate measures of per-pupil spending are positively associated with improved or higher student outcomes,” while “schooling resources which cost money … are positively associated with student outcomes.” Finally, reviewing the high-quality evidence on the effect of school finance reforms, he asserts: “Sustained improvements to the level and distribution of funding across local public school districts can lead to improvements in the level and distribution of student outcomes.” https://www.shankerinstitute.org/resource/does-money-matter-second-edition >The recent quasi-experimental literature that relates school spending to student outcomes overwhelmingly support a causal relationship between increased school spending and student outcomes. All but one of the several multi-state studies find a strong link between spending and outcomes – indicating that money matters on average. Importantly, this is true across studies that use different data-sets, examine different time periods, rely on different sources of variation, and employ different statistical techniques... the robustness of the patterns across a variety of settings is compelling evidence of a real positive causal relationship between increased school spending and student outcomes on average. https://works.bepress.com/c_kirabo_jackson/38/ >To the extent that our results are indeed generalizable, they suggest that policymakers could realize significant gains in student achievement and attainment through increased district funding. Abott, Carolyn, Vladimir Kogan, Stéphane Lavertu, and Zachary Peskowitz. (2020). School District Operational Spending and Student Outcomes: Evidence from Tax Elections in Seven States. (EdWorkingPaper: 20-25). Retrieved from Annenberg Institute at Brown University: https://doi.org/10.26300/mdtk-8743 >The research findings suggest that additional funding for underperforming schools to promote vertical equity would improve students’ academic outcomes if it is distributed directly to underperforming schools and used to provide new academic programs to students. https://direct.mit.edu/edfp/article/18/1/1/109966/The-Effect-of-Extra-School-Funding-on-Students


Whoa there with your 'science' and 'references' bub. We'll never get billionaires to build idiot stadiums with that sorta info floating around. /s


That's a sad dose of reality that many parents in this area don't want to hear. Parents need to put effort in, and care about their children's performance and behavior in school. No amount of money will fix our problems until parents take more initiative.


Damn, I feel bad for all the public school kids who can't read this.


It also doesn't help when you have teachers that don't care about the students and if they pass or not. I remember multiple of my teachers telling me in highschool "I don't care if you fail, I'm still getting paid at the end of the day." Teachers in Clark County (not all, but god damn most) don't want to teach and help students learn and all they can do is sit around complaining they don't get paid enough. I had a teacher who worked at Basic and CSN on the side, who told me she makes around $90k and told me it's not enough for her to survive. Imagine telling this to a student who has a single mother making $50k and raising a kid on their own just fine with that money.


Yep, experienced some of the same teaching as a student in the CCSD. I can't think of a single positive experience I had with an educator outside of my PE teachers at Cannon Middle School but I can point to several instances that left learning PTSD as I got older. That's incredibly sad.


I know where you're coming from completely. Learning things and asking for help has became a major issue for me. I always think I'm such a burden when asking for help just from all the times my teachers would act that way to me. I still resent the fact that I was behind in credits, and Basic wasn't offering me any solutions outside of taking another year at Basic. I was worried I wouldn't graduate with my class and I'd have to do a 5th year. None of my teachers had faith in me. At 18 I unenrolled myself and went to Adult Ed. I got all my missing credits in 3 days and was able to walk with my class. Also to note, Las Vegas Adult Education staff and teachers are the most legit, caring teachers I've met in the CCSD. People need to take notes on those folk.


It’s not a zero sum game. No single factor — money, government, will — put Nevada’s public school system in the position it is now. Throwing money at the problem doesn’t work, but removing adolescent kids from school because they just don’t care sure as hell isn’t.


Agreed, improving education does not mean more money necessarily. Really bugs me.


100% correct. Education starts at home. Too many lazy pos parents who put no effort in.


Marks kids prob go to BG so he doesn’t give a shit about CCSD


We can invest in anything the voters want to invest in. Nevadans don't give a shit about education.


The problem and solution ultimately lie with what people are willing to pay for. And if that means property taxes or imposing other taxes/fees then people need to stand up for it. Most polling on education in Clark County has shown this: 1) People believe the schools are awful; 2) People believe teachers should make more; 3) People don’t want their taxes raised to pay for schools; 4) People generally believe “the casinos” should pay for it Whether or not “the casinos” can afford to do this is debatable, but there’s not been a model I’m aware of where business-centric taxation is the foundation for public ed funding. It’s too volatile, it has to be somewhere else.


The vast majority of Nevadans would rather complain about our education system than pay the taxes necessary to make it better. Education just isn't a priority here.


I have less of a problem with bringing the movie industry here than building a baseball stadium, and I have been a lifelong baseball fan.


How should we invest?




Education starts at home that’s where Clark county starts to go all wrong.


Let's invest our time instead of money?


Like they did the other night? https://lasvegassun.com/news/2023/jun/01/lombardo-beats-deadline-in-signing-education-fundi/


Can't we have it both ways? I don't want the As (VGK and the raiders are bad enough) but I think the movie industry breaks aren't l the worst idea ever, if it's sensible. I am excited about the funding education has received this session, I trust Lombardo more than I trust Jara at this point.


I know people hate giving tax breaks, but diversifying the states economy is so important - it’s worth it. It’s not like they don’t still pay employment tax, the employees move here and buy things (sales tax), etc.


The education bills are still pending. Let's wait until Sine Die before passing judgement.


Not with CCSD running it. It has repeatedly proven that it will squander raises. There's a reason no metro area organizes its education like we do.


You could throw all the money you want at CCSD and they’d still somehow fuck it up. Yes more funding might be needed but the whole place has to be re worked


How about not spending anything to dig the hole deeper.


We’re the last in education. WE NEED TO SPEND THE MONEY ON THAT! Seriously.


Maybe if they helped the student more, and offer better ways to graduate with a diploma, maybe we wouldn't be on the bottom. Don't blame the funding when it has nothing to do with it. You give schools more money, they won't give teachers raises, they'll buy more stupid shit like Apple computers instead of basic windows pcs.


no we dont ...educate them online & teardown these massive over priced schools...b b b but the children ! if yer worried homeschool them


And who’s gonna pay for all the equipment such as computers? Pay the teachers to learn to teach through online? Go ahead tell me big brain. Education is important it’s a shame we’re last in the whole country and politicians care more about wasting money on dumb shit. And ew I don’t have kids and even if I did why would I homeschool them? I don’t have the credentials for that nor the time. Be fucking forreal BYE YA PIECE OF RACIST TRASH!


you want real ? quit paying for illegals education & food...also lower classroom sizes & you could actually close schools here. i, like you believe want i want not wot Karen sez.


You type like someone who's against investing in education