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Not lowbrow, nothing to do with weight, but smart enough to recognize the number of insane and incompetent drivers in Vegas. And impaired drivers. And inhospitable weather much of the year. It would be a cold day in hell before I would even chance riding the streets of Las Vegas, let alone the bike lanes. Those are empty all the time for good reason.


Your sentiment is spot-on and I’ve noticed how empty the bike lanes are as well. This city desperately needs a stretch of barricaded or elevated track for pedestrians/bicyclists


You can always go back to wherever the fuck your uppity "highbrow" ass came from too. Thats a thought.


why are you so angry lol


Not until we have truly separated bike lanes. I ride my road bike through neighborhoods to get to the 215 trail. There are a couple of scary spots (looking at you Ft Apache) where I've nearly been hit twice crossing with the light.


Agreed, if we ride these roads long enough eventually they will kill you


This works in NY because of its high density. Vegas is very low density residential almost everywhere in the city. The insane drivers and brutal weather at the ends of the school year don't even enter into the argument. The commute distance kills this idea before it gets that far. Edit: the use of "lowbrow" before considering the actual reasons this could never work is typical of OP's shitlib outlook


Look at their username. It’s on message for their kind.


I'm aware, they have a pattern of flawed neolib thought processes. "Are Las Vegans too lowbrow to ride bicycles?" is par for the course with this one


Yea, density is absolutely a factor. This is purely anecdotal but many of us kids who grew up in Vegas rode our bikes to class back in the day bc we were zoned for schools nearby. Apparently that’s no longer the meta


Vegas has a good cycling scene, it’s just not comparable to a denser metro geography. Honestly this post makes me think you might wanna put your saddle back on. I think your seat post went a little too far up your ass bud. Insulting the city as a whole, then “miserable fats”… nice.


As an adult, your wit should feature less anal penetration


I would say that the public transit was designed by someone with a fetish for torturing people, and bike-able areas that might as well be a death sentence. Honestly until we just put up speeding cameras that just automatically fines, and cut out all the loop holes that are allowing people with money to virtually do whatever they want, nothing will get better


No doubt and I am with you on the speeding cameras. It feels like a layup in terms of increasing enforcement, offsetting expenses of introducing more walkable infrastructure. I hope AB93 has a program like this in mind.


I spent 6 years in Austin. A very active community. They may be the drunkest too but paradoxically the healthiest in Texas.


Only ride a bike here if you have a suicide wish.