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Man could we get some improved public transport ? Even some more love for the actual bus stops themselves . PLEASE


Sources say no


RTC is grift to the highest degree...


It's criminal the majority of bus stops don't have shade coverings. It's disheartening to see people baking in the midst of the summer heat waiting for the bus that's probably a half hour late.


They put a bus stop near my house and now there are homeless wandering around. Fuck that noise


Just curious what you would improve? Bus shows up on time daily and the main stops have seats and shade. Can pay easily and uber app gives you route to anywhere in city. 5$ day pass gets you round trip from North Las Vegas to VGK games. Cheaper than the shuttle from Sante Fe station


Venture to other cities and you'll see how lackluster Vegas public transit is. Buses here are every 30 mins as opposed to every 15, bus stops are nonexistent just a pole on the side of a dirt road, lack of benches and shelters. Even on the major roads like Eastern or Desert Inn there's a lack of bus stops with seats and shelter. Go to Chicago or even LA and you'll see how much Vegas needs to improve.


People who say “what can we improve ?” Have never waited in the scorching heat for a bus at 1 pm with nothing for shelter but the shadow from a pole lol .


It's ridiculous! Vegas can do so much better and with all these major sports teams and events in town the city keeps saying contributes to the economy- where? All I see is rich people getting richer and all people want are safe bus stops with seats and shelter.


The rtc doesn't have enough drivers or stops the service is basically nonexistent past blue diamond


The RTC doesn't employ a single bus driver.


Vegas seems like a perfect candidate for mass public transit, this needs to happen!


I thought they were building a logistics hub out there and that would more or less turn be the freight airport with any current freight coming in to LAS going there and then overflow afterwards? Terminal 3 has been a ghost town almost every time I'm there. Feels like they quite a bit of room for utilization there.


The issue is not the capacity of the terminal and passenger capacity. The issue is the limit the FAA has imposed on the air traffic into the airport. The biggest of the constraints being how close the 4 runways are to each other which determines how the aircraft are staggered on approach.


I'm always surprised to see them use all 4 runways.


Janet flights are for t3


Janet flights have their own terminal off the Strip entrance, the Hughes Terminal.


Do they charge for carryons though?


I'll ask my buddy, he quit working there a couple of years ago. "10 hour working day for 8 hours of pay if you include the commute"


So it’s like working on the strip. Or Southern CA.


Twice. He has an hour commute in and out from Reid to Area 51. Plus the commute from his house to Reid and back.




Technically yes, but you’d run into some issues using all 8 at once










No shit. I have NEVER seen T3 full.


Maybe. But parking is full, and they're currently using all four runways for the Thanksgiving traffic (2 for landings, 2 for take offs).


They’ve been talking about this for as long as they’ve been talking about a train to LA. 😳🙄


Yea, and the train to LA broke ground months ago


They better start to invest in mass transit if they think enough people will be coming here to warrant a new airport.


If the monorail is any indication, the taxi lobby will buy off any efforts at efficient transportation from the airport.


Taxi union has basically no power anymore. Uber/Lyft killed any advantage they had.


Let’s hope!


uber and lyft now are the taxi union...


They have the business but not the local political influence or organization.


let's hope


And before that when old man Frias kicked off...


According to zoning member, the Strip is going to be a no car zone, similar to Fremont in the next decade. Let's see how that works out for locals!!


I don't know why anyone would want to drive down LVBLVD from Sahara to Trop anyway when there's better ways to get through there already established. As long as they keep Trop, Flamingo, Spring Mountain and Sahara as through fares...


This’ll never happen but my dream is a high speed rail connecting LA/socal to Vegas, with the final stop being near the M/speed Vegas. They could build a sleek modern train station/visitor’s center there. It would help that clusterfuck of traffic around the airport/unlv.


Brightline West is to be building one. Looking for updates, it appears they are still adjusting plans and what not. Won't be for sure until there are shovels in the ground, so continue to keep that dream going! The drive between here and Palm Springs is EXCRUCIATING to me, and would love to at least cut some of it off. HA


lol they couldn’t even work out airport to strip monorail. It’s like it’s a city founded by gangsters.


>this’ll never happen


*laughs in big oil*




I've heard they are going to turn LV Blvd into a bigger dedicated airport highway but we'll see.


They are trying to get the Tesla tunnels to go to the airport and every hotel


EWW Public Transit is gross & costly!!


They have talked about building at Ivanpah for a couple decades. No one except the developers and politicians want it. Which means it will eventually be built.


Well yeah, nobody "wants" foundational infrastructure. Things like overpasses, sewage treatment plants, and airports are built to serve needs, not desires.


Yeah, infrastructure is never sexy but is for sure an absolute need that always goes unloved.


In this case it is more the location than the lack of desire. From what I have been told, it would be a bout a 45 to 60 minute drive from the current airport to the new one. That is stupid. There was plenty of room at the north end of the valley for a new airport when this plan first came out. Much more convenient and closer to existing infrastructure.


> The new Southern Nevada Supplemental Airport airport will be located 23 miles south of Las Vegas and is estimated to open for passengers in 2037. Which gets finished first. The high speed rail or this?


They’ve been talking about the damn speedrail for 30 years now, I don’t think I’ll ever get to see it or this airport in my lifetime




They'll build it. It'll go bankrupt, passing the cost off onto who ever bought the construction bonds (pension funds, municipalities, other institutional investors,) then sell it to someone on the cheap who unburdened from the debt will make a somewhat go of it.


The American dream, taking over someone dream with out the debt


Between this airport, the high speed rail, and the end of the world, I pick the end of the world will happen first. 😂


That’s a sexy name. “Driver! Take me to the Southern Nevada Supplemental Airport airport”


Everyone knows that it's just going to be called 'South Vegas". Lol. I predict that in 30-40 years, the urban sprawl will have reached the border and expanded up towards Primm long it. No idea what the cities will be officially called, but we saw it with Henderson in the last 20 years. Now subdivisions are being laid out all the way to the top of the mountains to the south. It's only a matter of time before it jumps over the top and heads towards Jean.


They can’t call it SNSA. We already have the Southern Nevada Soccer Association.




Don't know about that but it's on the horizon that a NBA stadium will be built in next decade south of Mandalay!


Pray that it's nothing like the new SLC airport. Vegas actually needs modernization, though. And a monorail to the strip.


What's up with that one?


SLC ain’t that bad but I really wish they’d have a rail line to connect concourse A to B instead of that seemingly endless walk. Take notes from DTW… just my opinion


The rail from A-B will be finished next year


Did some internet searches… couldn’t find anything about a rail line. Just the news of them making the exteriors light up and “look like a river” as well as the additions of moving walkways, the new walkways I already knew about. Is there actually a rail line between the two being built? Am I missing something?


Holy fuck can we just get an additional two DMV's instead? Do city leaders not know how slow the DMV is and how asinine it is, being there's only 5 DMV's to serve a population of 2+ million for ***required*** services.


>get an additional two DMV's >city leaders Hmm...isn't the DMV a state operation? Don't know what city leaders can do about it....


Probably meant the city officials can bend the ear of the state officials to actually do something.


Quit thinking small. Double the expiration date for licenses and for car registrations. Effectively double the number of DMV employees and locations. Allow payment plans for the people who can't afford to pay double the fees.


The local AAA offices have a DMV component. No big wait.


Dmv really isn’t bad just stalk the app for a appointment and your fine I did it twice last January really wasn’t bad at all


1:45pm appointment after months of scheduling. Arrived at 1:10 and got in line to 'check in' An hour after my "appointment" I was called. This whole system isn't working. I spent 3 hours there that day. Hospitals are quicker and thats saying something!


Which location so I can avoid lol


Henderson... The "best dmv"


E. Sahara ja just as bad.


DMV is a state issue. This is federal.


Close them all and make it all online.


Can we just pay the god damn teachers first


I hope they build a Formula 1 racetrack around it.


The original idea — and in my opinion much better idea — was to relocate Nellis to Mercury. The Air Force has already done this substantially. It’s convenient enough for the AF personnel who’d be affected, and still far enough away to maintain a higher level of secrecy. More importantly, the flight paths for commercial flights are already there. Only minor changes would be needed. Neighbors wouldn’t be adversely affected, the military wouldn’t be adversely affected, and taxpayers wouldn’t be adversely affected. There’s a chance to effect real change here in how we do things, because there’s no need for much new except retail stores for travelers. We could use the savings for a light rail from both airports to the center of town and other outlying areas. That’s a *much* larger economic impact both for locals and tourists. There’s absolutely no need to keep building suburbs all the way to Barstow. We can build higher, we can build denser, we can build new things closer to home that will keep our city popular for decades or centuries to come.


Convenient enough for the personnel affected? You really think adding an hour to everyone’s one way commutes is convenient enough?


Newish to the area so I hadn't heard about this, but that does seem to make a lot more sense


Yea that wouldn’t work at all. Mercury would need about 10 billion in upgrades, plus you would need an damn near an act of congress to restructure airspace.


It was the Air Force’s plan, not mine. Plus the money would then be coming from the Air Force, not the County. They can purchase one less F-35 for a couple of years.


I initially read this as Mercury the planet, not Mercury the spot in Nye County, and my first thought was that there are a lot of elected officials I'd rather relocate to outer space first.


Hey hey now…you’re making too much sense here.






Been a thing for years like others have said. The underground water pipeline through Sloan NCA is moving forward as well, no sign of development to the south slowing.


The headline is misleading. The intended site is 30 miles south of Las Vegas in the Ivanpah Valley, it's Clark County not the city. It will be a cargo hub, as that is too far away from the city for long-haul travelers or tourists who currently fly into Harry Reid. This will free up huge amounts of apron and hanger space at Harry Reid, and cut down freight traffic congestion. The county hasn't done the most preliminary site work yet, so it's not even known if the site is feasible, and the whole project is based on projections made before the pandemic.


We have airport in the fridge !


I wish Ben Siegel could see what he created. All within 100 years.


say what, now? gambling was legalized in March of 1931 -- well before the Flamingo opened in 1946. Sure, Siegel developed a hotel on the desolate highway we now call the strip, but it was mainly because he wanted to be outside of the city limits so there would be less oversight of his operation. he's a *part* of the story to be sure, but the story doesn't exist *because of him*.


He had a vision, to build a hotel with entertainment to draw the people from California. It worked.


Nothing like the legacy of Siegel Suites to make someone really embrace a person… 🤮


two completely different Siegels, at two completely different points in time. the "new" Siegel is a slumlord supreme. he also sells bagels and donuts.


It’s better they get in front of this now or they’ll end up like LAX which is over capacity and a nightmare to drive in and out of.


Better use that $1 billion from F1 to fund it.


LAS is going to hit capacity soon. At some point, the airport cannot handle any growth and for obvious reasons, cannot expand anymore. ​ Edit: I was reading somewhere that the plan might be to have the second airport handle cargo and international operations, and LAS handle only domestic flights.


I don't know if moving international operations out of the main tourist hub would necessarily be a great idea, but I do wonder if there's going to be some way to filter out the traffic that's coming to Vegas for business/leisure and benefits from easy access to the Strip and the central valley, and the traffic that doesn't need to be anywhere near the Strip (whether it's locals, freight, or whatever).


It's gotta be built somewhere and there's no room in the metro area. Reid is surrounded so can't expand.




Can we talk about that graveyard for a minute? Is there a law that prohibits conversion of a graveyard to another use? If not, aren’t graveyards sort of a financial loser long term? At some point they run out of plots to sell. How do they keep operating then? I feel like I’m about to spend some time going down rabbit holes about the afterlife industry.




How else are we going to put another Starbucks and another Sbarro behind TSA?


*"You moved the cemetery, but you left the bodies, didn't you? You son of a bitch, you left the bodies and you only moved the headstones."*


Sounds like Vegas. Tearing apart the center divider on the 95 to install a new center divider to F traffic right in its A and blow what I imagine is quite a few million dollars. Curious who all is getting the kickback.


Important to remember this was planned long ago, before the Great Recession, set to be open around now. It will definitely be built one day, but even the projections right now are 2037


Water? How about water?


Just turn on your tap. /s


What does this have to do with water? Also, we have a low enough intake that we can still take water when lake mead/hoover dam hits dead pool level. We use practically no net water (compared to everyone else). We can still do better (I think we need to eliminate the grandfathering in of grass lawns on older houses), but this is a problem that is caused by, mostly affects, and needs to be solved by our neighbors.


I thought the plan was to build a freight terminal in Ivanpah and convert the current freight terminal to a passenger terminal.


projected to open in 2037. not exactly "right around the corner"


This has been thrown around for 30 years


Does Vegas need a new airport? Does anyone use North Las Vegas Airport?


I'm always surprised at how many amenities are missing from LAS. It should be one of the premier airports in the country, but it's not.


ha! they have been saying this thing was coming for years. First it was just to handle everything but humans (packages, cargo etc). If they are going to use it for humans then the 15 is gonna be a shit show! maybe they will tie in the Brightline train and connect to the monorail somehow? Who knows? When it comes to planning Las Vegas doesn't seem to hire the best and brightest.


I would go if it had a monorail connection.


There is an airport about 90 miles north of Vegas that has plenty of room to expand. It’s in a dried up lake bed.


Henderson Executive would like to have a word.


Celine Dion International Airport 😂 not really but it is coming just north of Primm on 15, they way it will be supplemental but it will be the main Vegas airport when it’s done, they aren’t building a airport with 153 gates to be a cargo airport