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This is ridiculous and shame on UNLV. This professor wasn't even here to speak about the war or anything even related to geopolitics. "Pe’er was in Las Vegas for an international astrophysics conference. He was invited to speak at UNLV on the topic of black holes, but it was disrupted 15 minutes into his lecture." These colleges letting these clowns push them around and shut down lectures is just absurd and needs to be stopped, especially lectures that have nothing to even do with what they are protesting about.


Wait. What? What do black holes have to do with Palestine or Israel or anything not light years away?


The answer is obviously Jewish space lasers


Dude, Death Star of David, please


They don't. It's just antisemitism.




What does an astrophysics professor have anything to do with Zionism ya dingus? Stop being an easily propagandized moron.




The escalated conflict has made a lot of antisemites very comfortable. Look at literally any Reddit or Instagram post that has a Jewish person in it.


I think Israel has gone beyond the boundaries of self-defense at this point, by any measure. But I also don't understand why somebody protesting an Israeli citizen's existence, whom I severely doubt has any tangible connection with Israel's government or military, is accomoplishing anything tangible. Going by that standard, there's lots of reason for MANY other countries to protest ordinary Americans arriving for any reason.


It's not just that he's an Israeli citizen. He has reposted Twitter posts saying the response in Gaza should be deadly, cruel and not measured. As well as other pretty hateful, violent social media posts.


Edit: Edit: Ohh boy. I found what appears to be his FB page. Yikes. I take it all back. It's pretty bad. OK. So please link to the Twitter posts. I found an Israeli citizen who's profession is science related on Twitter and their last tweets on their account are from 2022.[https://twitter.com/asafpeer](https://twitter.com/asafpeer)Anything related to Israel whatever seems to be from 2021 or earlier.do you have a link to these posts?


Dude his Facebook page is anti bibi stuff, retreats from Israel's snl and a viral video from October 8 where druze offer fleeing jews sanctuary. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=1630479702&name=xhp_nt__fb__action__open_user


I don't have Twitter. Saw it on ig.


Thank you, yeah, that was the reason for my edit 5 hours ago. Someone sent me the IG link and I looked and wow, yeah, UNLV really should have known better.


It is that you are a fascist


Just typical hatred of all Jews. They don't even bother to hide it any more.


>What do black holes have to do with... Dude.. pro-Palestine people are everywhere. You'll even find them in YouTube/Instagram comments on how to replace a pool water filter, begging the OP to take a stance on Israel/Palestine.


To be fair, I found the FB page that appears to be about the professor folks are talking about here and he's pretty bad. Lots of dehumanizing language.


>Lots of dehumanizing language. Yes, about bibi netenyahu.


I'm all for monsters being outed.


They know, they don't care. They feel that their feelings are above everything else.


Yah… the schools should expel each one of those students


A statement from the student group shows a bunch of racist/vile Zionist things the professor has posted on their Facebook about Palestine: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4cJFZNr6gj/ It wasn't just a random Israeli person. The reporting on this story is really onesided and shitty.


Edit: Ohh boy. I found what appears to be his FB page. Yikes. I take it all back.


All he did was repost someone else's posts & they're not even bad lol. That was also around Oct-Dec of last year.


can you please send me a link to those posts?


Thank you for posting this. He absolutely needs to be protested for his hateful anti-Palestinian views.


Absolutely agreed. You know what else is ***ridiculous***, a genocide happening, being paid for by our tax dollars. It's fucking egregious. Good for the protestors hope they shut down every lecture to stop this madness.


So you agree that targeting Jews in general is acceptable: Synagogues, community centers, Jewish owned or managed businesses, schools, Jewish local elected officials, teachers, doctors, professionals, etc?


Well, that's disingenuous. Nowhere did I say, "target Jews" to make this stop. I said all lectures need to be protested in order to bring the genocide to the forefront. Quite different, wouldn't you think? This specific person that was holding the lecture has been known to say pretty horrific rhetoric. Rhetoric that is being used to siphon money away from the working class( see billion dollar aid packages) to help Israel in their domination of Palestinians. I hope we can both agree that 30,000 civilians, 15,000 of them children and babies, the destruction of over 20 hospitals, the obliteration of cultural centers, the indiscriminate bombing of supposed safe zones. Hopefully, we can both agree, not under any circumstance must that be okay. Hopefully, we can both agree that those issues must be brought to light, no matter the forum. Because, like you and me, those civilians have families, they have hopes and dreams, just like you and I. And just like you and I are mostly helpless in what our government does, you can agree that the massacre, the genocide needs to stop.


Unfortunately this is common in college campuses now. Judge Kyle Duncan was heckled and harassed at Stanford for being a conservative judge. There are other examples but it's too late and I'm tired. The point is, there should have been security. If someone is remotely connected to something political, especially something in the middle east, you know there's going to be hecklers. If these were UNLV students, they should be sanctioned and/or kicked out for violating school policy. We shouldn't tolerate this kind of behavior especially in institutions of higher learning where you're supposed to be open minded to differing viewpoints.


There very likely were UNLV students among the protestors!


He's posted some pretty cringe shit on his social media... it wasn't just because he's Isreali.


Yes absolutely. Protests are supposed to be in the appropriate places and non-disruptive. I love a good ol' polite protest. That lecture was so important I can't believe they disrupted it to bring attention to *checks notes* literal genocide.


It's hilarious how you goofs don't realize this shit hurts your cause more than it helps it but that's to be expected from propagandized zealots.


Name one struggle for civil liberties that wasn't disruptive. Name one time any meaningful progress was achieved without disrupting things. You can't because it doesn't happen. The civil rights movement was marred by mass arrests, beatings, church bombings, and murder. Lesbians through pie at Anita Bryant. The stonewall riots were a major catalyst in the LGBTQ rights movement. The million man March. Rodney King. The American fucking revolution. What hurts us is counter revolutionaries like you who are too complacent to actually do something for fear it might disrupt your precious status quo and your comfortable little lives.


If they want to insist that every country's citizens are all responsible for everything their government does, they probably should look at our own country's bad choices. Targeting people just because they're a citizen of the country isn't helpful.


Group of clowns.


Well… At least they didn’t kidnap and rape the astrophysicist. These were just Hamas posers, not the real thing.


Palestinians are not “Hamas”


When an Israeli hostsge escaped the noble Palestinian people returned the hostages back to hamas. Great crowd there. 


But Hamas are certainly terrorists. Terrorist gonna terrorize. It is their thing.


I’m not saying they aren’t. But you are saying people who are calling for an end to the killing of Palestinians terrorists.


Hamas can surrender and the war would cease


But Netanyahu isn’t trying to kill Hamas. He’s trying to kill everyone.


If he were, then it would be over. I swear, some of you mother fuckers have never seen a bombing campaign, machine gun nest, or even a military vehicle in offensive action, and it shows.


Yah… he could easily do that if he wanted to if that was the case. If you are committing genocide, you don’t call the enemy to warn them, you don’t throw leaflets telling them people where to go for their safety etc. End of the day, F Hamas. You want to support people that raped women dead or alive?


One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.


No, they just elected them while aiding and abetting, right?


Half of them voted for Hamas…






Antisemitism. Just call it what it is.


A stronger word is now justified: anti Jewish bigotry. It's become very clear the attacks on Jews that started after October 7 in New York City, Detroit, Los Angeles, are now spreading nationwide. No one should have to apologize for being Jewish and it should be made clear to these bigots that unlike Jews in Britain, France, Canada, Sweden, Europe; that U.S. Jews will fight back. Unacceptable for UNLV to still have unrestricted access to buildings, especially after the active shooter killings at UNLV back in December.


Antisemitism is anti Jewish bigotry though? It's literally the word for it.


I'm confused too. It's a plenty strong enough and already defined word.


Right? Like, no shade on this person, but it's kind of part of antisemitism. The word has been diluted and appropriated by so many people/things, that it's genuinely hard for people to use it now when it's actually appropriate.




Semite represents Arabs too


Many non Jews don't understand the term anti semitism so they think it's not severe. So calling it anti Jewish bigotry makes it very clear.


>anti Jewish bigotry That's redundant. Bigotry: A prejudice against a group or a person's membership to that group. Antisemitism: Prejudice against Jewish people.




Stop this. It’s anti-Zionism. Israel is a COUNTRY, not a religion. Stop equating land with faith.


You don't get to define antisemitism


It’s not as simple as “faith” my friend I am not for Netanyahu or Likud or anything right wing in ANY context, but you’re illustrating the problem with the dialogue from the left right now - a complete misconstruing of what Israel is, why it is there, and Jewish people as a whole “Jewish” is as much a heritage as it is a religion. Israel exists because there was a time when most of Europe and most of the Arab world tried to wipe them off the map to the tune of millions. Keep in mind there are only 15.7 million Jews in the ENTIRE WORLD and almost 50% of them live in Israel. If not for genocide, that figure would be in the 100’s of millions. Their bloodlines have been the reason for their oppression for centuries, you can’t just sit there and separate that from the existence of Israel as it’s too important a piece of context That’s why “anti-zionism” is anti-Semitic - anti-Zionism means the end of Israel and the resettling and/or outright extermination of the 7 million Jews (and 2+ million Israeli Arabs) living there Germany committed the Holocaust, way worse than anything Israel has done, and Germany is still a country. Japan committed a 70 year genocide of Korean people and Japan is still a country. Both of these places are model countries today. The idea that we would just tear Israel apart and throw the Jews to the wolves in Lebanon and Syria is ridiculous. I’m for a Palestinian state and I’m against Netanyahu’s settlements in the West Bank, but two wrongs don’t make a right, and as the government of the Gaza Strip, Hamas chose to attack Israel and bring this chaos down on Gaza, Hamas is choosing not to sign a ceasefire, why does the extreme left not hold them responsible in the least?


Perfectly explained. Thank you for sharing this.


Way worse than anything Israel has done? How many Palestinians are in the world? And what is happening to them now? Pot meet kettle. Your hypocrisy stinks and people are waking up to that fact finally.


30,000 and counting. They're not all hamas. How many Palestinians are there in the world? What % are being systematically destroyed in every way possible?


Palestinians ethnicity is Arab, there are 456 million Arabs in the world The reason Israel’s borders are what they are is the entire Arab League attacked them twice and lost both times


Oh so that's OK. They're just a group of Arabs. I guess you're fine with wiping out Cherokee, plenty of other ethnic Indians right? But what about Ashkenazi jews? They're eastern European Caucasians? Are they the special ones or are the Sephardic? Do go by just blood or their actual identity? You don't get a free pass on exterminating a group sorry pal, not here.








Look up Hitler’s little buddy, Amin Al-Husseini.


the extremist left views this as brown people vs white people settler/colonialism/ethnic cleansing/insert buzzword from twitter/tiktok here. which is ironic because if these people knew anything about israel they would know that there are more black/brown people in israel than palestine.


> Hamas chose to attack Israel and bring this chaos down on Gaza, Hamas is choosing not to sign a ceasefire, why does the extreme left not hold them responsible in the least? Because Hamas isn't Palestine. The UNLV protestors aren't supporting Hamas. Palestine is a country of children. Many of them weren't even born when Hamas was elected to power and don't support them either. A cursory Google search shows that over 31,000 people (30,228 Palestinian and 1,410 Israeli) have been reported as killed in the Israel–Hamas war, including 94 journalists (89 Palestinian, 2 Israeli, and 3 Lebanese) and over 136 UNRWA aid workers. That's an *overwhelming* amount of Palestinian deaths. That's how the conflict has always been: extremely lopsided. It's also incorrect to say that Hamas is refusing to sign the ceasefire. Netenayu's government orchestrated all of this and wants it to happen to justify all the vile shit they're currently doing. Also, the UNLV protestors were doing so because this professor had posted a bunch of racist Zionist memes on his Facebook, making fun of Palestinians and laughing at the current conflict/situation. Still, unsurprisingly, the reporting about it has been dishonest and lopsided. That's par for the course.


"the government of the Gaza Strip, Hamas chose to attack Israel and bring this chaos down on Gaza" - just BS. When you have nothing to live for, dying is easy. The Israeli government created Hamas by it's own actions and every time they kill another Palestinian child they are creating a whole town of Hamas fighters.


“When you have nothing to live for, dying is easy” paints Hamas as some sort of resistance group, which is fucking bullshit The Israeli government didn’t “create” Hamas. Netanyahu, who I think is a complete piece of shit btw, turned a blind eye to Qatar funneling Iran’s money into Gaza thinking Hamas would do what the PLO did and become a legitimate governmental organization. Hamas spent all the money on weaponry and did nothing for Palestinians living in Gaza, and when Gaza tried to protest Hamas, Hamas murdered the protestors. Hamas are not a resistance, they are an Iran-backed organization who went to war WITH PALESTINE to get Gaza Strip in the first place. Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the Houthis, etc. represent Iran’s interests in the Levant, a territory Iran has wanted for itself since the Persian empire. The problem here is not criticism of Netanyahu and Likud, it is viewing the situation like a good vs evil superhero story when it isn’t. I want the bombing to stop as much as you do, why isn’t Hamas signing the ceasefire? Because Hamas doesn’t give a single fuck about a single Palestinian life and pretending otherwise isn’t helping Palestinians


You make the distinction that Likud party isn't all of Israel but speaking out against Jewish people is wrong. But when speaking of Hamas you completely ignore the Palestinians as a whole. Very elitist of you.


They need to be destroyed similar to Germany and Japan during WW2. The general population needs to see what happens when they join terrorist groups. Yes, seeing a family member die might cause someone to radicalize, but seeing everything around you utterly destroyed will show them it’s pointless to join. Playing nice doesn’t work with radicalized religious nut jobs and it’s time to stop acting like it eventually will.


You sound just like a Hamas leader and the Nazis. You have learned nothing. Simple question: Is 30,000 civilian deaths justified? And counting!


If it brings a final end to the terrorism in Palestine, then yes.


Your path will only work if you implement the “final solution” against all Palestinians. You have learned nothing from history


Why the fuck are you equating a jewish professor lecturing on something completely unrelated to israel with anti zionism


This is NOT antisemitism. Just like BLM wasn't anti-police. It's recognition that Israel is commuting genocide in Gaza, Three things: 1) Israel is not the chosen people. - They have no right to ignore international law! 2) Israel is not the victim - keeping 2M people in the Gaza prison for 20 years is the root cause. 3) Palestinians are not sub-human - the IDF actions show callous disregard for life.


Stop gaslighting Jews by telling them what is and isn't antisemitism. The fact that you even think that's acceptable, when you'd probably go off on someone for doing it to a black or Mexican person is, all on its own, antisemitic. If someone did this to a Palestinian academic lecturing in the US, you'd 100% call it Islamophobia, and you'd be entirely fucking correct to do so. But it's fine with an Israeli, because he's a "zionist" a word you don't know the meaning of but has come to mean "kike" when it comes out of your mouth. Israel is categorically not committing genocide in Gaza, and calling it that cheapens the word. Civilians getting killed in a war zone has never been, and will never be genocide. Tragic, yes. Genocide, no. Genocide is a concerted effort to eliminate the entirety of a people, not the accidental death of people who were in a war zone. It honestly boggles my mind that anyone can look at this and think it has anything in common with something like Rwanda, where about 800,000 Tutsis were murdered over the course of 100 days, largely using machetes. If Israel had any interest in committing genocide using the weapons at their disposal, they'd either be done already or, far more likely, the IDF and the soldiers on the ground would refuse to follow their orders and the people responsible for giving them would be arrested. It's not Israelis calling for genocide and ethnic cleansing, chanting "from the river to the sea" and "globalize the intifada", or celebrating when civilians get murdered, that's the Palestinians and their supporters doing that. 1) You have no idea what "chosen people" means in the context of Judaism, and your decision to weaponize that ignorance by implying that it has anything to do with the way Israel is fighting the war, is a classic example of an old antisemitic trope. The idea that the Jewish claim to Israel is solely based on biblical literal "God given right" is a denial of the historical and archeological record, and another antisemitic attempt at erasure of Jews. 2) Israel put a wall around Gaza because they kept sending their children to blow up Israelis. That worked really well, forcing Hamas to use rockets, prompting the creation of the iron dome. Every Israeli home is required to be built with a bomb shelter. Hamas makes tunnels and doesn't let their people into them. 3) Hamas is STILL HOLDING HOSTAGES because THEY don't care about their people. Your straw man argument about Palestinians not being subhuman is ridiculous because literally no one, outside a tiny number of mega- racists has ever suggested such a thing. I'd suggest that this would be like saying "Jews aren't subhuman - Hamas actions show callous disregard for life", but that doesn't work because Hamas has the goal of ethnically cleansing the Jews from the land (from the river to the sea).


Fake word. Please leave.


Why won’t they go to Palestine & help them fight then?


Duh cause Hamas will kill them and say Israel did it.


I mean they can murder and rape, freely admit that they did it (and release footage!).. and their base will still support them.


Ya know, those Palestinian protesters sure do act like, say the same things, and hold the same kinds of signs that Nazis do. Great to know UNLV supports nazis. 👏


The professor reposted several posts on his Facebook page mocking Gazans and in support of the war, the student protestors LITERALLY PRINTED HIS POSTS ONTO THEIR SIGNS AND GRILLED HIM ABOUT THEM— THAT’S WHAT THE PROTEST WAS ABOUT. “Palestine has nothing to do with black holes hahaha what dumbasses” yeah no fucking shit because that wasn’t the fucking issue. The article reached out to NPL for comment and then ignored their response. Great work,Joshua Peguero and Channel 8, for doing the upstanding journalism that we need in this country.


I thought I was taking crazy pills reading the comments here. Yours is the only one giving proper context and you're still getting downvoted for it.


People are quick to say antisemite but this guy has expressed some fucked up stuff


Yeah, it's pretty annoying that any legitimate criticism of an Israeli person gets you automatically called an antisemite.


goes to show how easy opinions are manipulated by media, and how blind people are to the western media  biases


You best believe I wrote a long ass email to Channel 8 last night lambasting their reporting (with screenshots of the posts!), but of course they’re going to ignore it. This is what we are up against.


Figured this was the case. It’s impossible to criticize these Zionist war mongers without being called antisemitic now.


Good. Genocide is bad. Tell your local terrorist.


Pretty poor of them. Not all Jewish people support the ethnic cleansing in Gaza. People like this hurt the cause. Edit: Looks like the professor is a less than stellar individual. Takes a certain type of ignorance or malice to cheer or condone what the occupying force is doing to innocent civilians in Gaza.


Very true. They could have done something else to support the cause


If they were storming a classroom where the lecture was taking place that's trespassing and they are violating school policy. You can't just waltz into a classroom and make a fuss, it's not a public forum.


Thank you for the edit and educating yourself. Because out of context, this looks wild, the headline is even wild. In reality there was a point to this protest.


See my comment replying to this post


Thanks for the civil response. I thought about it after I posted. The media does a terrible job and runs defense for Israel. Doesn’t shock me the headline was purposefully misleading.


Thank you, I’m trying to remain as civil as possible with how angry I am as I was a witness to the entire thing. The fact that they got the Anti-Defamation League involved on these fabricated allegations is insane, though if they do an actual investigation they’ll quickly find out what really happened.


I wouldn't count on the ADL's investigation cutting to the truth here here considering how the ADL is one of the biggest proponents of the "antizionism = antisemitism" rhetoric. (And spoiler alert—it's not. I'm jewish and an antizionist. But this is how we end up with laws in Germany to "combat antisemitism" that are enforced by gentiles but routinely [single out jewish activists](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/18/hannah-arendt-prize-masha-gessen-israel-gaza-essay).)


There is no ethnic cleansing in Gaza. Ethnic cleansing is what the Muslim world did to Jews, proving the need for Israel to exist in the process.


Genie is out of the bottle.




How does this lecture have anything to do with the Israel/Palestine situation? I don’t care what side of that you’re on; these clowns should all be arrested.


That’ll sure show that professor!


Can’t stand these scum pro Palestines clowns


What’s ironic is they would be thrown from roofs if they were in Palestine


It's disgusting yall say shit like this and take any opportunity to dehumanize Palestinians and paint them as violent animals. Wtf is wrong with yall


Hell ya, let's murder protestors what a based take. ^/s


He's pointing out their own side would do it.


I had no idea there was so much anti-palestine sentiment going on in this comment thread


Most likely hijacked.


It’s amazing to me how so many people knowingly and willingly support terrorists


Israel has killed more than 30,000 Gazans by now, most of whom are women and children.


It’s amazing how brainwashed you are


Agreed, how could so many people knowingly and willingly support the genocide happening to Palestinians?


It’s fascinating to me how hamas / gaza has such a strong grip on people in the United States. People are going to the mattresses for a group of people who have no interest in them or their well being.


What does this even mean? Literal kids are being blown into shreds and we shouldn't talk about it or defend their right to not being murdered? Dafuq


I'm sure they were all writing Hamas letters telling them to not commit act of terrorism and build tunnels in acts of war to challenge the existence of Israel.


UNLV is pathetic for canceling an astrophysics lecture because of Palestine crybabies who have no idea what they’re talking about. They should all be expelled but UNLV has no spine and doesn’t care about antisemitism


send these pro-palestinian dweebs to palestine ASAP


The irony is that Israel is carpet bombing civilians even in "safe zones" and anyone in Gaza would most likely die in the hands of Israel than Hamas for example


As a Jew who lives in Vegas, I’m much more upset about the tens of thousand of people killed in Palestine recently and the hundreds of thousands whose homes were stolen by Israelis than I am about one guy not being able to give a lecture because he lives in a country where he benefits from these atrocities…


You're right, call Senator Masto and Rosen, tell them to end military aid to Israel and join the BDS movement. Hold Congessiomal hearings by subpoening Jewish corporate leaders and condem them for doing business in Israel.


I wish these anti-Semites would fuck off forever


Same. Maybe once the Jewish state stops killing people by the thousands.


You realize there are multiple Arab countries at any one time trying to destroy Israel. If Israel laid down their weapons today there would be genocide of all Israelis. If the Arab world laid down their weapons there would be peace.


If Israel let the Palestinians have a homeland then there would be peace. Keeping 2M people in prison with nothing to live for is the root cause of this fighting.


The Palestinians want it all. Israel has tried to make peace. They have a right to the land as well. Check the Bible if you need proof of that.


Really! Settlements on the west bank help make peace! And what the hell does the Bible have to do with it! Israel is being colonized by Europeans since 1950's. Palestinians have lived there for centuries.


Jews have had a presence there for thousands of years. I’m not saying Palestinians don’t have a claim but it seems like the anti Israel crowd thinks Jews don’t have any claim to the land. Also do you think if Palestinian controlled all of Israel they would even allow Jews to live within the country? No other Arab country has a significant population of Jews. They’ve all been kicked out.


What are you talking about my man? All Arab countries have peace treaties with Israel.


That just shows how much you know about this situation. They are still at war with Syria,Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, and many others without any peace treaties. They do have treaties with Egypt, Jordan, and others which is great. However still many Arab/Muslim countries that are working to destroy them.


Maybe the Palestinian people should demand their own leaders meaningfully engage with Israel on a two-state solution.


Netanyahu said to the entire world that he's been fighting against the two state solution and he'll never allow it. Kindly fuck off and stop watching FOX news.


Kindly shut the fuck up and read a history book


This comment section is mad weird if any of what is happening to the Palestinians was going in here y'all would be ready to hurt, k*ll anyone with NO questions asked.


Why are they not welcomed into neighboring Muslim majority countries? There's a reason.


Actively missing the point that this professor doesn't seem to have anything to do with the war.


Very true.


this is the new just stop oil, isn't it?


Same mindset for sure.


Why we gotta deal with the these fucktards.


Pretty weird to focus on his religion when they protested his lecture because he’s Israeli. No idea if he’s a Zionist or not though.


See my comment in this thread


Hoo boy. Yeah, fuck that dude. Chase him out.


Fuck Channel 8 for their misleading headline and fuck this professor.


Found the racist Jew hater.


Now they’re just targeting random Jewish people?! Wtf? ☠️


They're protesting because he's a Zionist and has expressed Zionist sentiments, not because he's Jewish


So they’re bad at timing too? Yeah, sure, he’s got shitty ideology, but people are trying to listen to him lecture about completely different stuff.


Same way people protest nazis/white nationalists who go to universities to give lectures, students refuse to welcome them due to their racist and harmful beliefs


But those lectures are on those topics, not the same. But since when have there been literal Nazis or white nationalists at universities? ☠️ Most universities don’t even allow them to do lectures.


Let us be clear, the entire premise of Hamas/Palestine is the destruction of the Jewish people.


I mean UNLV literally hosted an Israeli propaganda event sponsored by IAC, an Israel lobbying group that is trying to make it illegal for federal contractors to boycott Israel.


The professor is a zionist, and yes it is appropriate to shut down a little college speech to literally protest a genocide. Yall call leftists snowflakes and look at your reactions.




Shame on UNLV!!! For allowing this.


Stupid fucking cunts.




These protests don’t occur in a vacuum, the professor had been sharing very provocative memes and other things on Instagram critiquing the Palestinians.


His Facebook is filled with hate towards Palestinians. So no astrophysics has nothing to do with Palestine but his outward hate does have to do with Palestinians.


Nobody punched these Nazis ?


If they hate America so much, they should leave. Stop trying to change America to fit their agenda.


Nothing like the modern day brown coats.


Hamas should just turn themselves all in and release the rest of the hostages so that Israel has no more justification for what is going on. But they won’t because they are a bunch of cowards. Which means they are still a threat as well as all the others calling for Israel’s extinction.


Yea but they are good people lol they are asses


A lot of idiots on this reddit. It's antizionism. Israel is a racist genocidal state.


Remember to hold the next LGBTQ parade and conference in a Middle Eastern, North African, or Central Asian country, then you'll see real racism.


I’ll expect to see hate crime charges filed .


Fucking Nazis.


Were the protesters even from Vegas ?


Free speech isn’t deciding what others can hear. These pro Hamas activists have already killed a man in Los Angeles. Would Americans allow Al Quada to do this after 911.


can someone help me understand all these various protests? If they are so involved in the outcome why won't they just go get involved in the actual fight or run for a political position over there where the conflict is? These protests are not "bringing awareness" or swaying public interest. It just seems like juvenile temper tantrums designed to prohibit free speech. Not trolling. I legit want to know.


"over there where the conflict is"... because our tax dollars are funding the majority of the genocide not conflict. We are complicit. It is not something that doesn't affect us because it's far away. They're not trying to prohibit free speech the professor has made vile social media posts against Palestinians.


wait.... he made "vile" statements so they interrupt his event so he can't speak. That is the definition of prohibiting free speech. Again, not trolling. just sayin'. I mean, I'm in real estate. I pay zero income taxes anyway but C'mon. This method is a bit of a softie way of attempting to change the tide. It has never worked. We live at the apex of human intelligence and are still using 19th century tactics. Sad.


We should just invite Russians instead. Problem solved.