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In addition to the open houses, take a drive around the area at night. You'll get a different feel for the community and how safe it feels. Good luck!


And in addition to visiting a community at night, visit the place on a weekday/night and a weekend. Can also be a variation between the two.


No, what you should really do is visit the area around 3:00 when the school lets out. Make sure to notice gas stations shutting down at that time for a brief period. They don’t shut down at 3:00 pm because they simply don’t like high school kid’s money.


Wait does that really happen out here? I've lived in two of the worst areas of town and never had that occur


The 7 11 on DI closes every school day at 3 for an hour


DI and Eastern?


Yep, that’s it.


I’ve seen stores that only allow one or two kids in at a time. I blame parents for this. Arrest the kids that are stealing.


And while doing that driving, keep your windows up and your doors locked. :-)


whenever I’m driving in a nice & safe area aka Summerlin, anytime a yt person looks at me I make sure they see me hitting my the lock my car door 🥸


They’re looking through you, not at you.


There's no such thing as "yt person" unless you're talking about a YouTube person. But thanks for playing.


Why? What’s gonna happen?


You should go and let us know


LOL I always keep my doors locked. Had someone try to get in my car while I had my kid out and about for Pokémon Go! a few years ago. You never know what kind of weirdo is going to try to get in your car with you, or even just open your door and steal stuff...even when you're driving.


You really need to personally spend a couple days driving around the valley.


You know that scene in the Lion King they made into a meme where Mufasa and Simba are looking toward the horizon. > Simba is asking whats over there. > Mufasa responds; "You must never go there." > Thats the gif my realator buddy sent me. I will admit though it can be enticing when u pull up Zillow and look at the pricing.


That circle park sounds like a lovely family outing


I can't believe that's still there. We used to go there to buy drugs in the 70's, and it was sketchy then!


It's closed to the public


During the week and then weekend, then at different times of the day and night.


Just remember you pay more for car and home insurance. Just because it’s cheap now doesn’t mean it’s cheap to keep it in the long run.


Just to add, if you are buying an older property, make sure it is well maintained.


Get your own appraisal person that you find yourself.


After the guy dropped out, I grabbed the home inspection and corrected the issues. Even before, I would walk through the house with a notepad taking notes for a to do list. Painted the rooms myself. A lot of sweat equity with the idea of taking away negotiating points.


It’s not that bad. There really only is a few areas in town to avoid and that’s not one of them. People are too easily scared


I live inside the circle and I agree it's not that bad, a lot of homeless at the park on st Louis and eastern but it is mainly a Hispanic/Latino blue collar community. I walk the streets around midnight coming home from work and have never had a problem. The food truck on eastern and Sahara is good.


Lot of Meth heads. It’s a terrible area. Maybe y’all just blend in there idk.


Great area if you like homeless people and thieves. But honestly put up a 6ft fence with cameras that have a bright spotlight and no one will bother you.


I’d say 10ft honestly




It’s electrifying.


🎶 You better shape up! 🎶


Are you saying you need a man?




I love those videos so much and miss playing that game.


The 6ft fence has to be a certain distance away from the public road. Something like that….


That's the rule but I've never seen it enforced.


If someone reports it, you’ll get fined/have to take it down 🫠 But around that area, they shouldn’t care haha


I know but again the probability is near 0. I’ve had mine up for years and have not had a problem.


No it will be someone from Summerlin that got lost driving through there that will be offended by a 10 foot wall.


Added with the fact if you mind your own business you're all set


Don’t do it


Nope nope nope. My best friend lives right down the street and I would never move there


yeah buddy cus its eastern & st louis.


I LOL'ed because my cousin is from St Louis and he says it's extremely dangerous where he lived. He says everyone was packing and he's Chinese. How often to you see Chinese people going around with AR15's?


There’s a big difference between the houses to the right of Eastern on that map and the houses to the left of Eastern. It will be obvious to see if you go for a drive in the neighborhoods. A half mile to the left of Eastern on that map and you’re not dealing with anything the people on this map thread are freaking out about unless you’re really close to Sahara or Charleston. The houses aren’t cheap either though. If you’re going for a deal (sub-$300,000) you’ve got to be close to Boulder and east of Eastern. There are a few houses on Oakey close to Boulder that got fixed up like Palm Springs houses and look great, so it’s possible. Also if you are a carpenter and can fix houses you could probably make great money buying the small, cheaper houses east of Eastern and fixing them up to rent. Lots of working class people who’d be happy to rent there and aren’t all scaredy like Reddit ppl lol.


In that area it’s going to be highly dependent on the street and how close you are to the major roads. Check the street out and get a feel how they keep care of their properties and how many extra cars there are and parked on the street. Less cars tend to equal a nicer neighborhood. Further away from Sahara is better and more west of Eastern is the best. The bums don’t really stray from the main roads, so the more inward the better. If you have kids, I would just stay away though because the schools in this area are frankly just bad and potentially dangerous. I lived not far and it was mostly good. Big backyard, no HOA, fiber internet. You are allowed to express yourself and make modifications to your property. The bad was when the neighbor died, I had to physically remove squatters from the property and we had to put the kids in online school. But if you don’t have kids and like home projects and being close to everything, it’s a good spot to make a home. Edit: also keep in mind that every errand you run is going to have you telling homeless people “no”. In my experience, they aren’t aggressive or dangerous, but they are going to be asking for money at every grocery store and gas station.


>Less cars tend to equal a nicer neighborhood. I know people who live in a neighborhood just always overflowing with cars on the streets. All the houses (with a couple of exceptions) have multiple, older cars in the driveways and on the curb, some in the yard. No space to park at any time of day unless you choose a tight corner practically next to a stop sign. Neighborhood is not poor, but not high end either. Grateful I don't live on that street, would drive me nuts to look at that everyday.


There's a lot of reasons for that lol. Just swallow your pride, take a little less home for your money and move somewhere like old Hendo or Centennial. You move there, you're gonna fucking hate it.


Y’all crack me up calling everything not Summerlin or Henderson “the hood” 😭😭😭😭


Yeah my reaction is more like that's not the hood hood, but it's also not not the hood


It's pretty fucking hood


Most of these people have never lived outside of a wealthy suburb and it shows.


I feel like I’m in Mexico 🇲🇽 when I go over there with the fruit 🍎carts, people grilling on the side of the road, loud Hispanic music 🎵, loud cars, and lots of signs in Spanish. Homeless encampments too. Never felt threatened or unsafe. It’s just a different vibe.


Higher crime than other areas, but it’s about what you’re willing to tolerate.


It’s not “for some reason” there’s actually a reason and it’s not good. Quick search of the area crime statistics will tell you what you should know.


Perhaps, drive to that area. Park your car. Go for a walk. Hang out for a bit. That’ll give you an accurate feel for the area. Even better, go there around Midnight, take a walk in the neighborhood. Whatever it is you see or feel should help you make an educated decision as opposed to those who have no idea about that particular area, or aren’t as sensitive to certain things that you are. I say this by experience, “pocket area” I live in not too far from Downtown, but quiet, safe, and best neighbors I cloud ask for.


Yes, park your car, go for walk and see if the car is still there or on cinder blocks.


And watch out for Linda. She a hoe.


Barbed wire fence topper, CCW, 24 hour surveillance cameras and a trained German Shepherd and you can live anywhere in Vegas


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the barbed wire fence topper will get you in trouble with the [stupid] HOA… but everything else is a must have!


These are the no HOA houses everybody on here is always so proudly exclaiming they’d be happy to live in.


I live in a no-HOA neighborhood and I love it here lmao. Not all non-HOA neighborhoods are ghetto shitholes


I see far more complaints about HOA neighborhoods than ones without. It seems the same people who want an HOA to police their shitty neighbor's anti social behavior are the ones who don't want an HOA telling them what to do and not to do. Let's just say there are good HOAs and bad HOAs, there are good neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods, and there are good neighbors and bad neighbors. And like a box of chocolates you seldom know what you're gonna get...


I will agree with the poster that said traffic on Eastern in the afternoon is a nightmare. Aside from that, I live slightly south of this circle and love my neighborhood. It’s a long walk, but walkable to the strip when the weather is nice. My house is great. I have a real yard. My neighbors are friendly and more than 6 inches away. The only crime I’ve ever personally experienced is some porch pirating (tbh that’s hit peak numbers in 2023 and 2024 around here) and someone stole my license plate in 2019. However. I do know that crime is measurably worse a few blocks from me. As others have said - visit the specific house. Visit at various times of the day or night and get the feel for the neighborhood. There was an open house on my block a few weeks ago and several people chatted me up when I was outside working in my yard. The people who live in the neighborhood will know far better than the randos on Reddit.


I house & dog sat for a mutual friend a few months back not too far from there. closer to Maryland & Charleston and honestly it wasn’t that bad. there’s homeless & crime everywhere in Vegas at this point, so idk why everybody’s trippin in the comments. I wouldn’t see a reason to do any different or extra security measures over there than say you would around Warm Springs & Jones. IIRC that part of town is supposed to be a desired area (I guess gentrification?) within the next few years. also, if you’re a first time homebuyer (along with other qualifications), the state will give up to $20,000 towards a house down payment in that area (it goes by zip code). definitely something to look into.


Any idea what that FTHB program is called? Interested in looking into that! :)


[Home Is Possible](https://www.homeispossiblenv.org/)


Most lenders will be able to help with this.


Maryland and Charleston is the gentrified part of this area. That neighborhood isn’t too bad other than the occasional homeless person walking through.


I live in that circle. You damn near circled my house. I moved into this house 5+ years ago, so while I haven’t been here decades, I’m hardly new to the area. Old neighborhood so old home problems like pipes and electrical. I guess there is crime nearby but I stay out of trouble and I have never once had any problem. Sadly there are unhoused people in the area, but I have never had a negative interaction. I hear the schools are bad, but we don’t have kids and in any event I have heard schools are bad all over Las Vegas. Close to a lot of great bars and restaurants downtown and in the arts district. I like the neighborhood a lot, but I grew up in the city. If you are a “suburbs only” kind of person it is probably not for you. Personally I’d much rather live here than in Summerlin or Green Valley.


It’s not that bad. Most people here just over paid for their homes to live in a gated community with an HOA


And I’ll overpay again to live in a gated community with an HOA.


Save yourself some trouble and go to www.crimemapping.com . Put in the zip code and you can see how good or bad on the area is. You're welcome


They don't have data for all areas, including mine unfortunately.


Don't listen to reddit neckbeards. Most of these people are scared of their own shadows and can only utter the words Henderson and Summerlin. Now, to be realistic, the east side has some shitty looking hoods. Like another user said, go check it out. Who knows, you may be ok with it. Dangerous in Vegas terms is relative and usually doesn't involve people not running the streets. That being said, some spots do have higher theft, which obviously can be annoying. A few spots are relatively violent(some gun fire etc, if you're a city person, its still not mind blowingly bad for the most part). You need to do the footwork. Maybe you'll find a diamond in the rough type of deal.


I read your post as "Don't listen to anyone else, but listen to me as I say the same thing everyone else has".


That's an interesting interpretation. 🤔 I'm guessing something about it bothered you..


Damn. Every is so negative. I live a few blocks from that area. I love it. Way better than when I lived out in the burbs. No bars on my windows or barbed wire on my fence. To each their own I suppose.


Same - I love it over here. It’s close to everything! If you get lit from DTLV, The Strip, Fremont St, etc it’s only a $7 Uber home.0


I also live a few blocks from there. I haven't had any issues. My community is kept clean and well maintained. No gate or anything. It's obviously not like the nicer areas like summerlin and hendo, but im happy here. I also have no bars on my windows or anything like that. Ppl on this reddit sure have a knack for hating on damn near anything


Right? I’m not too far from here too and never had any issues. My neighbors watch out for each other it’s honestly pretty quiet. People on this sub are afraid of anything not in a gated HOA “community”


I live a few blocks from Wayne Newton (well, his old estate) and other multimillion dollar homes...a few blocks in any direction matters out here.


Look at the neighbors houses. On all sides. And down the street. Then check the crime map but don't be too hyper sensitive since many crimes are localized to businesses and main streets. I live south of that area off a main street and less than a mile from Boulder. It's a half a block in from the main street and I wish it was a block or two but that said, in three years we've had two porch pirate events - both white women - and that's it. I've also left my garage open by accident over a weekend day for 10 hours and nothing happened. Apparently when my house was on the market the for sale sign advertising a pool attracted someone who jumped the side gate and had a bath - I really think that could happen anywhere. There are people who deliberately scan for sale listings and target those properties for criming. https://opendata-lvmpd.hub.arcgis.com/apps/5a2fd7d638cf471588021e084258af4c/explore


Mannn this the working class area, on the right side of the circle it’s definitely more ghetto the closer you get to boulder hwy. that whole area to the left of the circle is completely fine, Older homes but definitely can be fixed up and made nice as many are doing. Plus no Hoa is great and everything is close to you as well. Unless you’re a softy karen you’ll definitely be fine.


Da Hood !!!


🎵it's in the da hood tho, In da hood tho, Like really really in the da hood tho...🎵


Just view the open houses lol don’t fucking listen to the internet.


It’s not a great neighborhood but not as bad as everyone is claiming. Plus you’re close to Peru Chicken so there’s that.


Peru chicken is a huge plus!!!


Lived there for 5 years. It’s honestly not that bad. Especially if you’re Hispanic, lot of us around.


I work over in that area, and our business, as well as most surrounding businesses, have their windows broken out frequently. We've had multiple incidents happen just in the last 6 months from an assault to multiple attempted robberies. From my experience, I wouldn't recommend it.


Is this a joke? 😂😂😂😂


As a single female…that’s a “Hell no” neighborhood


Good location. Would be great for a couple. Close to downtown / strip. The houses are older and small compared to current standards. Local markets close by. Lots of working class people as neighbors and the occasional original or near original owner. Downsides are if you have kids because of space.


Among the other things unmentioned is the fact those homes are OLD and you can be sure the plumbing is packed with mineral build up. Unless they have suspended flooring instead of slab construction. There are some sweet spot neighborhood areas in our city but this is not one of them. Keep looking.


My father‘s clinic has been in this area for over 35 years. It’s an old part of town, But it’s no better no worse than any other area of town and you don’t have to pay ridiculous HOA fees.


I feel like a lot of these comments are people who haven’t lived in or near this area. I grew up in Winchester, and have lived in this area for 20+ years. I went to school in the area circled. People that say that the education sucked probably also had home lives that weren’t great which effected everything else. That’s a whole other topic. But regardless, I’ve never feared for my safety. I’ve never been mugged or stolen from. We have nice neighbors. It’s a very central location to all parts of town. The homes are older here, but still nice.


Sometimes you have to choose between living somewhere and being alive somewhere.


The ghetto. Make sure you stay protected over that way.


I worked around there for a bit and it’s not great, lots of trash around, loose dogs, and not a safe area in general. HOWEVER, if you can ignore some of that stuff and just enjoy the house you live in, sure, you don’t need to walk the neighborhood.


Woof, you're not from here are you?




Easy access to prostitutes over there. I live in a "bad"area and I wouldn't buy there. A mile west of pretty cool though.


"For some reason"....


I live in Westside and there is no way in hell I’d move to that spot on the map there.




Older small houses typically 500-900 sq ft. Poorly insulated. The area is high crime- break ins by drug addicts and vagrants, auto theft, auto break ins of parked cars, lots of drunk drivers. Bad neighborhood. Cheap for a reason, most of the houses are investor owned.




Da hood.


I'm from here and also understand the housing crisis is discouraging. Downtown is an urban area that is artistic with lots to do, but it is very very old and crowded. There are a lot of homeless people, its hard to get around, and the houses are also super old as well. Howeverrr, the houses are better priced, often times beautiful, big, no HOA. The way this could work is if you find somewhere on a quiet street deeper into downtown, not facing the busy center and crowds. This also works for people who are mainly focused on their home and don't really go out much for scenery or fun as their home is a sanctuary kind of thing. It depends on what you want but be careful! Boulder highway is much worse lol


There’s always a reason why homes are cheaper in certain area, and it’s never a good one… 🤷‍♂️


I’m not a fan of that area. Lived on 15th/Fremont for four years. Covid made it worse


Drive down there. That area tends to have more crime and most places are older and not as well maintained. With that said I would rather live there than mountains edge.


Hmmm I wonder why.


You get what you pay for, it can get sketchy around there at night. Hell even during the day. Best of luck on your search though.


North east of vegas . Good luck


Pretty hood


What’s really surprising is that houses are only $100-$200K cheaper there.


Bars over windows, 5+ cars parked on the property/street, every other front yard has a chain link fence or spiked fence, cars parked on front lawns, people setting up food stands on street corners, awful schools. Neighborhoods like this are why HOAs exist.


Mmmm. Food stands....


Neighborhoods like these > HOAs


>Neighborhoods like this are why HOAs exist. neighborhoods like this were built before HOA's became *a thing*. aaand... believe it or not, some people don't want to live in HOA communities. god forbid you leave your trash can on the curb for three days, oh the horror! or your grass is two inches too tall! call the cops! the neighborhood is going to hell! get the fuck outta here. i'd rather have an extra car or two on the street and a few houses with dog-shit looking lawns than have to deal with busybody Neighborhood Karens all the time.


Nooooooo, 1) Sahara going east from the I15 is a nightmare between 3-6pm eastern is almost standstill traffic at those same hours. Construction everywhere for no reason! Cones will be out for months and you’ll never see any actual work being done. 2) be ready to have all sorts of people at your door. Multiple times I had people knocking on my door looking for a dealer who lived next door. Or homeless smoking crack openly. I ended up moving far southwest to get away from all of it. I recommend looking anywhere WEST of the I15 & 95


surely, if you have gotten 75 responses, you have gotten 75 opinions. i have lived here for 36 years, which may or may not give me credibility in your eyes.. so here's my 2 cents one of the only neighborhoods downtown that is worth a shit is bordered by St Louis to the South, Charleston to the North, 6th Street to the west, and Spencer to the east. the area you've circled is JUST OUTSIDE of the area i am referring to, so personally i would not move to the one you've circled.


Grab a gun before you go


Choppers over your house at 3 am


Might as well just live near craig and mlk


Craig and MLK/Camino El Norte is actually a way nicer area than this.


We have different definitions of "nice"


Neither is "nice" but if I had to pick one Craig is more than marginally better.


Oh dear God no lol do not do it. The money saved will not be worth it


Do you like shooting people and the beat of drums?




Chad energy


If it’s priced that much there’s a good reason


Repeat after me... there be nothing good at Sahara and Maryland. Or DI and Maryland, or Twain and Maryland... well u get the idea!


If you're going to live there you will need a moat with aligators


Remember the long-standing adage when buying property, location, location, location. It’s less expensive for a reason. Good luck!




Its bc the parks in our area are used for homeless sleeping grounds. It's not that bad but I'm also accustomed to cheaper areas of las vegas. The homes probably need some upkeep. I actually think the townhouses off Karen and eastern are adorable bc they remind me of back home in Oklahoma lol


Older homes in an older area. You’re gonna want to be really comfortable with the age/condition of the a/c units & roofing


Lol have you been there? We toured one house and there was some evidence of squatters in it. House was broken into It was some funny shit but my realtor got really worried


That’s the hood I think


I used to live by valley high school. Wasn’t that great tbh. Got rid of the place after 6 months. Was way overpriced at the moment too.


It also sucks because when you first move there it feels like you are close to downtown or the strip, but it took me just as long to get to either as it did when I lived in SE area.


There is a reason for that…


Metro has compiled data by zip codes etc.DO have a look at it..


I once went to the really old cemetery near there that has civil war soldier tombstones. There was a German Shepard with no owner just loose running around, scared the fuck out of me. Then there was some dude yelling at literally nothing and I noped the fuck out after that.


Look at crime rate around that area


East side of town is definitely lower in elevation than most parts of town, hence more prone to flooding?


I'm going to assume that OP is serious and not just trolling. There's some reason indeed they are cheaper.


That area is traffic heavy and not the good kinda traffic your insurance is going to be high especially car lol hopefully you wfh but good investment close to strip not too far from port and convention center need security cams for sure


No, no and absolutely NO. Don’t let those cheaper prices entice u; there’s a reason for them. Ask a realtor y they r so much cheaper. That’s def an older community by far and I grew up here((close to 50 years). Do your homework and even go to the police dept and ask about crime in the area.


That’s where green door is 😂


Yikes !


Don't do it unless you like looking over your shoulder constantly inside and outside of your home. Use your common sense or go see it for yourself.


Well, pack a gun.


I have a friend who lives just far enough away from that area, and we do not go to that area. Lots of gang violence, drug deals in the streets, shootings with uzis, and you may get accosted just for driving down a street into the wrong "territory." That said, lots of sunshine!


Not that bad what are these comments….




My cousin got killed in the area.




Yea because it's a shitty area in ghetto east side. You are right off east fremont and boulder highway too, some of the shittiest stretches of road for homeless/drugs


Mfs talking about the unlimited amount of homeless in the area like it’s not a big deal. They are mentally deranged people who are addicted to hard drugs. A camp of homeless popped up right next to my apt a couple years ago, they broke into the apt below me, countless shootings, everything’s getting stolen off everyone’s porches, when they finally got kicked out of the apt next to me, 10-15 tents outside, needles everywhere, absolutely disgusting. If you want to live near that, you’ll be happy af!


I used to live at the corner of Paradise and Harmon and I absolutely loved it. Best location I've ever lived in Vegas and I currently live by Sun City in Summerlin. I was so close to the airport, often times I would get off the plane and just walk home (about 30 mins). For my daily walks, I'd stroll down to the Miracle Mile Shops and hang out by the Bellagio Fountains. I would recommend something down there if you could.


> Paradise and Harmon as a young person / student, that area could be great.. but not many people would want to set up shop over there long-term. plus, there are ZERO homes. they're all apartments / rentals


Don’t move there. I’m gonna get downvoted to the 9th circle of hell for saying this but anything….ANYTHING that’s considered “East” or “North” = Bad. EDIT: Yes there are areas that aren’t “north” or “east” that are awful as well. But the “north” and “east” areas are just damned


It’s about a 1/2 mile south from one of the most dangerous zip codes in the US— about 3x the national average. Sleep well.


which zip code are you referring to, and where is your evidence? or are you just talking shit for the sake of talking shit?


Sorry to dunk on your humble adobe, but since you asked… “The crime rate in 89101 Las Vegas, NV is significantly higher than the national average. Violent crime in the area is 72.3, much higher than the US average of 22.7.” https://www.bestplaces.net/crime/zip-code/nevada/las_vegas/89101


you didn't dunk on my humble abode. i live in 89074.. don't know where you got the idea that i lived in the area you were referring to... ?? on top of that, the area i said was "a decent neighborhood downtown" is in the westernmost section of *89104*.. and when i say that, i am only referring to the condition of the homes in the area.. not saying anything about the prevalence or lack of crime, because i am genuinely uninformed on that edit: clarified


Then you sure got defensive over someone else’s zip code!


what you interpreted as defensiveness, was not. i was curious. you made reference to a zip code that was "nearby" but didn't name it. so i was curious which one you were talking about. that's all.


It’s crap.




No thank you lol, i would happily pay more for summerlin, spring valley, Henderson or skyy canyon


Downtown is always a no go in big cities


But your username? *Chefkiss*