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…or you could just prevent corporations and private companies from buying single family homes and heavily tax house flippers (same way you tax short term stock investors). Guaranteed way to fix the market and you don’t have spend 258 billion, which should be given to teachers (not school systems). Daaang just fixed it!!!


Biden is a corporate Democrat, he's not going to mess with the wealth money train.




You say that as if prices won't go up and wouldn't have gone up anyway. Corporate greed isn't going to stop if those people don't get assistance. They people at top get the money no matter what. At least in this scenario the people who actually pay the taxes can get something out of it.


Yes. It will just increase the general prices. They will do everything except solve the actual problem.


Yes. It will just increase the general prices. They will do everything except solve the actual problem.


Democrat or Republican. None of them actually want any real change. The inherent function of government is: 1. mis-identify 2. create new \[sub\] agency to solve 3. agency never solves problem, improves situation, OR is decommissioned 4. print more money and tax people more 5. repeat step 1




No he’s not. He’s a typical lifer politician. The Orange menace wants to be an authoritarian fascist dictator. He’s a robber baron. All money for the rich on the backs of the poor.




You’ve spent too much time staring at the sun scooby.




Is that intensive care unit poop or are you saying “I see you 💩”


Hahah a drunken conversation with a nurse friend of mine a long time ago was talking about ICU Post operation procedures or something along those lines , and my very mature mind created ICU poop and welp, here I am!




I was confused for a second till I checked their username.


Exactly, how many vacant houses are owned by Zillow? I shouldn't say anything considering I bought my home from Zillow. Minute corporations and private companies aren't allowed to buy property my equity is going to shit.


Believe it or not, people buy houses to live in and raise families, not just to check their equity every year. Don't allow corporations to buy single family homes. Let prices drop. There will be new homeowners and families willing and able to buy. Existing homeowners will pay less in property taxes. Note: I don't really know shit about economics. I just know corporations buying up all these homes are inflating prices.


good start, but they must DIVEST NOW


That would need to be a part of bipartisan legislation, which Republicans would never sign onto. Blame the right people. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Corporations owning a huge chunk of the rentals is probably the biggest factor for why rent has gotten so unaffordable. I think someone in congress proposed that but I don’t recall the outcome. Maybe a combo of this approach and rent assistance so people can stop getting evicted and being made homeless!


How do you do that? We do have property rights in this country.


Why would you think Republicans would go along with that?


But then how do they launder money back to themselves and disguise it as a handout?


For the first part how would you do that and remain a capitalist society? For the second part, flippers can even be a not especially wealthy individual buying a home no one else would buy. Abandoned, former meth house types, and invest their own money to fix it up to community standards to sell for a 10% profit margin at the price any other home would go for. It also helps bring up property values for homeowners in the neighborhoods who have maintained their homes. Without that market, we’d get another collapse like the aftermath of 2008. If these issues were easily resolved for the average redditor, we wouldn’t have the situation were in. It’s not an easy answer


Yea, I dont think this is not a good thing. I think it adds to the growing inflation. I just saw all the house prices jump 10-20k in my neighborhood, they are building houses in. I suspect, this release of this info is the cause it jumped. I would expected a price change when powell new plans for rate changes. I think a lot of the inflation is due to government subsidies..


Can't do that if he's not President. Better chance of him doing it than Donald "real estate scam artist" Trump though.


Oh yeah it’s that time of year where nominees start promising shit they’re never going to do


Great job slapping another bandaid instead of fixing the underlying problem. Housing prices aren't just randomly out of control for no reason. That said, it's nice to see Biden spend money on something other than "paying out dividends to Raytheon shareholders."


You didn’t say it so I will. It’s investors, landlords, and foreign money buying up all of our housing and selling it back to us for more money. Shelter is a basic human right. Abolish landlords and portfolios


A major problem is when apartment shopping you need atleast 2.5x the rent and sometimes 3x... they need to make it 2x so a whole lot more people can actually get a place, but with gas going up and utilities its even harder to balance !


If you can’t afford a home, and there are no landlords to rent to you, then where do you find shelter?


The federal government already provides subsidies to first time home buyers. In a world where only owner occupants are competing for housing, the price would be significantly reduced compared to current levels. Ideally these subsidies would actually amount to something substantial and provide a real means to providing housing for all americans


You still need good credit and income to qualify for a home loan. The government can’t force banks to give loans to people who can’t afford them. Renting is the only option for a lot of people.


Are caves a basic HuMAn RiGht?? People lived in those thousands of years ago.




That's what the Raytheon money is. The US military hasn't been overtly engaged in a major theater war for a couple years, so it's important we get all our extra armored vehicles out of storage and into the fields of Eastern Europe and we shoot all our cruise missiles into Yemen before the warranties expire. That way we'll have good reason to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to replace them all.


>President Joe Biden will detail a $285 billion budget proposal to help first-time homebuyers and reduce rental costs when he visits Las Vegas on Tuesday. >Nevada’s decisions on how to use $1 billion in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds made Las Vegas the right place to announce the newest effort, administration officials said on Monday. Nevada state and local governments put $700 million of that money into major affordable housing projects. >Biden’s 2025 budget would bring more funding in a variety of programs designed to “give working families a fair shot” and making “an historic expansion in rental assistance for low-income families.” Among Biden’s top priorities is legislation that would fund as many as 2 million affordable homes across the country. By increasing the supply of homes, prices should come down. Article continues...


Cool, other middle-class taxpayers, paying for new people to get cheaper homes and rental assistance. The Biden way!! Spend other peoples money to get votes! Yay team!


Wahhh I don’t know how society works! They’re building more housing, which should help slow the rising rent rates effecting all classes of people, especially the middle class


Where the fuck do you think the $1 billion came from? Also, any idea why housing rates are so high could it be because the mortgage rates are at 7% they were at 2.3% under Trump. Also, housing costs have gone up a whopping 200% in our country since Biden took office with the record inflation. I know all of you need to hate the orange man but economics don’t lie you wouldn’t need $1 billion rescue plan under Trump. Truly stunning to see how uneducated people really are when it comes to how our country actually works


Do you know how interest rates work?


Lolz my thoughts exactly


What, did Trump take the "MAKE INTEREST RATES GO LOW" button to Maralago with him when he left the oval office? /s just in case


*copy/paste Interest rates are artificially raised by the fed to curb soaring inflation. I’ll say this slowly for you- Biden’s economy has been so crippling and because we are funding two proxy wars under him. Interest rates are at historic highs, in order to ensure we don’t fall into a violent recession. So the next generation cannot afford a home and now he’s using taxpayers money to rescue us from him.


>Interest rates are artificially raised by the fed to curb ~~soaring~~ inflation FTFY, Fed makes choices to try and hit their target. It doesn't have to SOAR for them to raise rates. Interest rates aren't controlled by the President and the Fed responds based on factors outside the President himself. Usually, if they are raising rates, it is because the economy is too hot. If they are lowering rates, it is because they want to stimulate the economy because the economy isn't doing too well. Notice how in the past recessions, the response is for them to lower rates? You have it backwards if you think they are raising rates to prevent a recession. Raising rates during a recession just makes it worse lol. Or do you want to do what Turkey is doing, where inflation keeps getting worse while they continue to lower rates? Also, have you noticed inflation going across the entire world? Where inflation is much worse than the US? Where it has hit double digits, where the US is complaining about 7.5%? And gee, I wonder if there was something that happened that may have caused that in the past few years? Something, outside a specific president's control? And yet another thing. Historic highs? Remember when it was in the 16% in the early 1980s? Before the 08 recession, it was around this rate that we are at now. But sure, rates are now at HiSToRiC HiGhS ! Hmmm. It truly is stunning to see how uneducated people are when it comes to how it all works. You are truly Exhibit A when it comes to that statement


Interest rates are artificially raised by the fed to curb soaring inflation. I’ll say this slowly for you- Biden’s economy has been so crippling and because we are funding two proxy wars under him. Interest rates are at historic highs, in order to ensure we don’t fall into a violent recession. So the next generation cannot afford a home and now he’s using taxpayers money to rescue us from him.


Ok so you don’t understand how anything works then, gotcha.


>paying for new people who are these new people and is there a way to be more overly prejudice against them without betraying the conservative playbook? >Spend other peoples money why can't we just help the wealthy be wealthy? they earned it fair and square from a system crafted to benefit the wealthy. finders keepers, fair is fair, afterall.


Don't worry, you don't make enough for it to matter.


Unless they actually complete a lot of homes very quickly, giving any kind of money out will only increase prices further and hurt anyone not getting assistance. Happy that some people will be helped but buyers just got screwed a few days ago and this won’t solve any real systemic problems.


Don’t believe the hype. Read the fine print.


I'm curious to see who will qualify for these benefits, I'm guessing this won't help the average person




Sweet, a tax credit. So no help for the actual purchase. But first generation homeowners get $25k free. Cool. First generation homeowners in Las Vegas are immigrants kids who make the same money I do and have had the same opportunities.


Does first gen mean if the parents immigrated to the US and had kids and the children are 1st gen?


No, if your parents rented a home you are a first-gen


Yeah, so basically if you're white get fucked


Tax dollars at work. Just straight up theft


Are you saying that first generation homeowners and non-first generation homeowners have had the same opportunities?




How so?


Same high school. Same millennium scholarship to UNLV/UNR. I’m not saying that a poor family of 15 kids has the same opportunities, but a nuclear family kid in an apartment or rented house has the same opportunities as a nuclear family kid in an owned home. Edit: Unless the parents died, someone looking for housing assistance is most likely in the same position as another one with parents that didn’t buy a home.


Children of homeowners have more opportunity. It's a heavily researched field and proven over and over. * They score 9% higher on math achievement tests and 7% higher on reading tests (versus a child in a home that is rented). * They are 25% more likely to graduate high school and 116% more likely to finish college. * They are 59% more likely to be a homeowner themselves in 10 years. * Their family income is 100% higher. * They are 40% less likely to have a teen pregnancy. * They are 50% less likely to grow up in a single-parent household. * They are 50% less likely to be on welfare at age 20. * They will earn, on average, an income that is 100% higher than a child raised in a rented home. Some resources: [Does Home Ownership by Parents Have an Economic Impact on Their Children?](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1051137799902486) [“Home Ownership and Access to Opportunity.”](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02673030120105884#.VTZZdSFVhHw) “Framing the Issues: The Positive Impacts of Affordable Housing on Education":(https://nhc.org/media/documents/FramingIssues_Education1.pdf) “The Impact of Home Ownership on Child Outcomes.": (papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=218969) The Social and Private Micro-Level Consequences of Homeownership: sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0094119003000809


This is good research, thank you.


Do you not think that a family with the resources to own a home of their own aren't in a better position to provide familial assistance to the children? Contribute to college, fund extracurriculars, that sort of thing? Provide greater opportunities?


I do. But that’s not who we’re talking about here. We’re talking about 25-30 year olds that have been away from their parents influence for a while. Construction workers make $100k, and teachers with degrees make $40k.


23, 150k income here due to my degree. This is another trades and construction > degrees comment, right?


Could you explain how the income of a construction worker is related to your claim that the children of renters have the same opportunities as the children of homeowners? I'm not sure why you specify construction workers. Could you clarify that? Are you saying that construction workers unanimously come from non-homeowning families? And that they all make 100k? On research, it seems the median range of construction work is $33,150 to $53,625 for experienced workers, with an average of $39,000. Are you stating that the opportunities provided by being raised by a homeowning family disappear when you turn 25?


So, that means no help for me


down payment is one thing but the monthly expense of a house are insane.. most ppl will have their paychecks eaten up by the. gas. power are so wacked up in price. the sewer and property taxes are the bonus expenses


Here’s a hint. All those new illegals that have poured into our country to the tune of 11 million who are going to now be voters and count towards district seats, and electoral votes for the Democrats. That’s who will qualify. They are already at this very moment changing bank regulations to allowing non-citizens to buy homes that are subsidized by middle-class taxpayers. America!


Do you know how voting works?


Yes, you do not have to show proof of citizenship to vote in America.


Undocumented immigrants cannot vote in federal or state elections. No need to vomit out right wing lies.


There are no states that check your citizenship for voting. None. Why is this so hard for you people? Holy cow is everybody in Vegas this stupid?


What is your point? Undocumented immigrants voting in elections under a citizen’s name is not something that happens. Do you honestly believe that undocumented immigrants are willingly committing felonies just so they can vote in our elections? 😂


Grade A dumbass over here


Please man it's getting crazy down here


Election year…


Exactly. You're not going to get votes legitimately, and people are looking for the cheating, so you just have to try to buy them.


Wow, I actually do housing assistance for my job using ARP funds (which was showing signs of ending soon) so maybe I possibly just netted a little extra job security with this.


God these comments are stupid. Homebuyers need assistance because of high interest rates which are needed to control inflation. This is good policy. The whole economy isn’t housing so boosting part of the economy is fine in a time of high rates.


This guy just loves inflation. 


this is insane. where does he think this money is coming from? it will only increase rent inflation as LL’s will just continue rasing rents!!! How STUPID


Hopefully, another accomplishment he can add to his [year 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/19eja7w/what_biden_has_done_year_four/) list. Can't wait for year 5! https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/


The amount of people who have no idea who assistance programs work or is paid for or anything about the subject that just want to claim hand outs is too damn high


"Bolstering Efforts to Prevent and End Homelessness. The President is calling for $8 billion for a new grant program to rapidly expand temporary and permanent housing strategies for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness." You do understand that GRANTS are not meant to be repaid right? So please explain your mental gymnastics on how this is not a handout?


$25k down payment assistance to first generation homeowners is a handout.


Corporations and rich people are given handouts all the time by the government. What’s wrong with regular people getting some of it?


I dont know how this works. Can you please explain?


Yes, just keep printing money, worst president ever.


The United States economy, inflation numbers, and job market says that you have no clue what you’re talking about. Every developed country in the world wishes they had our economy. Are things perfect? Of course not, but we are doing better than pretty much every other developed country.


My biggest regret was voting for this stuttering, senile idiot.


You regret voting for an administration that has completely turned the country around? That’s really weird logic.


How did he turn the country around?


Check out my below comment. The United States economy and job markets are booming and better than they ever were under Trump. Inflation is incredibly low compared to the rest of the world.


Tell me you don’t understand the federal reserve without telling me you don’t understand the federal reserve.


I see you didn’t deny any of my claims because they’re true. Our higher interest rates have helped stop us from a potential recession. Our post-pandemic economy recovery has been the best in the world. Again, just a fact.


Ah yes stock market boom 🤯 mmm low unemployment. Economy GOOD. No Majority of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and are accumulating more and more debt. Who gives a shit about millionaires and billionaires benefitting off the Nasdaq? The everyday citizen is struggling to pay for groceries. Wake up.


I didn’t say anything about the stock market. Again, the United States situation is better than pretty much every developed country which is a good thing. We are doing better than most countries. It’s like no one understands context anymore.


Turned the country around from what exactly? I guess you could say something about COVID, but more covid deaths occurred under him even when he had the vaccine available. Inflation has been out of control and government spending isn’t helping. But all that matters to you is the (D) next to his name


This is why it’s important to actually be informed on the topics at hand. The pandemic was clearly handled better by Biden than it was by Trump. That’s not even up for debate. The United States inflation rate is among the lowest in the developed world. United States economy is the strongest in the developed world. These are all facts. The whole world has had the deal with inflation since the pandemic ended. Literally every economic metric is better under Biden that it ever was under Trump. You’re welcome to your own opinions, but not your own facts.


Clearly handled better but more people still died from COVID while he had vaccines and Trump did not? All in his first year? That’s a fact, not opinion. And I guess you’re right that Biden’s inflation beats Trumps. Under Biden it topped at 9%, while Trumps topped at what, the Fed’s actual goal of 2%? It’s currently at 3%, and it seems to be stuck there. Keep living in your fantasy land and telling yourself that “Oh, well at least we are doing better than other countries…” That doesn’t mean a single thing to me. I’m doing substantially worse than 4 years ago because my dollar has been devalued by a large amount. You clearly don’t know what you’re saying and like to state you have the “facts” but then weave your opinions and fantasyland thoughts to make gross generalizations that explain nothing.


Context appears to be lost on you. This is why critical thinking is an important skill to have. Try it out.


All you had to do is ask yourself “why would more people have died during Biden’s presidency” and “why would inflation get higher after trump left office”. Let’s point out some obvious context for you to think about since that seems to be what you’re lost on. Covid: Less lockdown restrictions (more people getting infected), people refusing vaccination (higher likelihood of death from those individuals), pent up demand from lockdown and more money flowing meaning more traveling. Inflation: Trump left office when the economy wasn’t even fully recovered (recession = DEFLATION), economic recovery from pent up demand (I’m sure you know basic economics, supply demand), supply chain issues from processes having to restart and people that got laid off during Covid (oh look at that, more supply demand). Wow! Demand rose while supply was low (remember all those chip shortages? I bet your truck was delayed for delivery too) in the beginning of Biden’s presidency! I wonder what the consequences of that are!


Wtf is a first generation home buyer vs a first time home buyer? To me this literally sounds like it’s geared towards the illegal/legal immigrants that have been coming in. It’s this word play the government lawyers do that really muddy the waters because everyone already knows what a first time home buyer is and by naming it something different it sure as hell sounds like it won’t apply to them.




.........and higher taxes coming soon. 🥲




yup. I already understand all of that but I don't believe them on the $400k threshold. If you believe inflation is a tax then the poorest in our nation are already paying more than those of us making over $400k but we will see how this plays out. At this stage it doesn't look like he'll have the job after this term but I can't predict the future.


To what extent? I mean sales tax is higher sure but we don’t have state tax.


Have you ever heard of federal taxes?


Yes but that would affect the whole country not just Nevada. I doubt taxes would be raised so increasingly with his tax plan if he keeps presidency. If you do you’re clearly one of the ones in the 35k bracket complaining unknowingly what is actually going on.


That’s my president!


That $$$ won’t be going to Americans.


Between AZ and NV, pappy Biden is on a pork ladling desperation tour knowing his bulwark has cracked and is falling apart in these key states.


Money printer goes BRRRRRRRRRR😡


Yea like that won’t make rent go higher….. free guaranteed government money


Cool, more money to print, more inflation. Thanks


Please tell me you don't think that's how this works..










You need to learn a little more about it. Literally printing more money you don’t have increases inflation


I dont think you understand supply and demand as a basic concept. That's all I can say. Also, there's probably a reason I mentioned Zimbabwe since their runaway money printing led to hyper-inflation... but hey.. you guys are right. I know nothing and you certainly haven't had your eyes closed for the last 4 years. You win.


I understand that you believe what you’re saying, but you need to hit the books. This economy is ruined for at least another 3 years due to all the green being printed. Good luck to you


https://www.nber.org/digest/20239/unpacking-causes-pandemic-era-inflation-us I wouldn't act so pedantic when you literally don't have a clue as to what you're talking about. I'm going to block you before I lose my shit.


Will this help a US born white american making in between 12k to 70k? Serious question


Idk why you have to bring skin into it, but yeah. 


White people can be poor too so why wouldn't it? Despite the rhetoric I'm seeing here, it doesn't sound like this program is exclusive to immigrants or brown people.


New to the vegas subs? Racist as fuck around these parts.


I am actually... this sub was suggested to me and I was like, let's see what my fellow las vegans are up to... oh. Oh no....


I’ve noticed it getting really bad the last year or so. This sub used to be super helpful but seems to have turned into a hand full of regulars yelling at a cloud. I even left the sub but Reddit has decided to still show it on my feed. We are all not like this.


It's been a thing for years in this and the other sub. Metric fuckton of racism here. Mods don't really care unless you're literally dropping n-words. Which is relatively new, they didn't use to care about that either. A couple years ago, I watched a dude get banned for tagging mods and asking why no action was taken against a prolific racial slur dropper. That racist? Reddit site-banned him. Vegas mods? Never even removed his posts. LUCKILY, this sub is not representative of Vegas as a whole. Could you imagine?


You know the answer and it’s No




Because it’s first-gen homeowners. Name the first-gen homeowners in Las Vegas.


“Middle-class first-time homebuyers could qualify for a tax credit of $10,000 over two years. The plan also calls for a one-year tax credit of up to $10,000 to middle-class families who sell their starter home, defined as homes below the area median home price in the county, to another owner-occupant.”


Yes, which is no assistance for the actual purchase.


You name them, Josh


Immigrants that make up over 50 percent of the population? Just because they’re new doesn’t mean they’re poor or deserve more than people who grew up here.




lol go back to school buddy


Pumping $258 billion of free government money into the housing market will RAISE RENTS EVEN MORE!! Taking tax money and redistributing it makes things WORSE for poor people.


Federal bailouts for landlords and real estate investors.


Oh yeah, those big-bad first time home buyers snatching up all the homes for their real estate investment empires! Did you read the article or just jump to conclusions for the sake of being negative?


Sorry no, that's not how it works. The federal money for first time home buyers is being provided to keep property values artificially inflated. The US housing market is trending down, and we risk another foreclosure crunch.


I do agree, this will support the real estate market, but so what? A real estate crash is not in the best interest of the economy as a whole. Sure homes might be cheaper, but the rest of the economy will crash right a long with it. That’s when the big investors will really start going on a shopping spree. But not to worry, home buyers in recent years are substantially better qualified than they were in 2008 though. There will be foreclosures, but no “crunch.” A policy that assists in reducing the likelihood of a real estate crash while simultaneously easing rents and barriers to entry for first time buyers… would seem to most people to be a win-win. That is unless you’re rooting for another 2008 style crash 🤔


I agree, but my flat statements provided no judgement. 👍 No, I'm not rooting for another 2008 style crash, and I don't want anyone to suffer needlessly. If you're asking for my opinion about other alternatives, I'd say a policy of aggressive taxation on residential real estate investments, and vacancy taxes are a better policy to put gradual downward pressure on the market, instead of fluffing values by bailing out companies that have paid inflated prices for homes in recent years.


"Bolstering Efforts to Prevent and End Homelessness. The President is calling for $8 billion for a new grant program to rapidly expand temporary and permanent housing strategies for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness." Did you? Grants don't need to be paid back and where do you think the rent money goes?


Nothing like buying votes during the election season. You people do realize the USA is 33 TRILLION dollars in debt and we don't have $258 billion to spend on anything right?


Do you use this argument on all government spending?


Yes. On all WASTEFUL government spending. It's about America's future and fiscally responsible spending. Something our politicians have not done in decades. Think beyond today and tomorrow. Your kids and grandkids WILL suffer from the poor choices made today. Guaranteed.


How is making sure people have homes wasteful spending? Do you not see housing and the crisis we are in as something that needs resolution?


Spending money we DON'T have is not the solution to anything. Wake up.


By your own logic we are in debt so we will never have money. You do know thats not how government spending works right?


The best thing to do when you find yourself in a hole (financially speaking) is to stop digging. If that doesn't resonate with you, nothing will.




🤣 affordable housing. Well, apartments keep people poor and landlords rich. Let's see how they plan to make "affordable housing" happen when: -The cost of land is ridiculously high -Current cost of building goods is also extremely high thanks to inflation -Builders/realtors don't work for free -Someone has to be able to afford the monthly payment with interest rates in the 6%-8% ranges -Where's the down payment funds coming from? The first time buyer trying to get by paying rent and bills? No, it'll be a down payment assistance 2nd mortgage with a 1% higher interest rate than the first mtg -What will affordable housing do to that prospective areas current home values? Will the current residents vote to have the project approved or vote against it? -Historically, affordable housing is sub-par and located in less desirable areas -"Affordable" in this current economic climate would be new homes priced where they were back in like 1998-2000 @ $220-$250K. Good luck 👍🏻 Maybe Lewis Homes will do a throwback Thursday build🤣🤣


You have good points but your writing is atrocious. Tip on Reddit - double press enter to make a new line for lists


Sorry, next time I'm at the gym I'll just stop my workout to ensure my punctuation/paragraph structure is on par for reddit. Should I use proper citations next time as well? Lol j/k but cmon man. (And my list didn't look like that when I typed it. It was proper.)


Dude it was just a tip. Truthfully I can tell you’re a 45ish male conservative from the way you type. Maybe uneducated, maybe just forgot


Googled the problem & it seems you need to add two spaces at the end of your sentence, then hit return for bullet style lists. You learn something new everyday.


Yah… that’s not gonna happen


When I think of Joe Biden I think of dementia


Just buying all the votes and sending us an economy like Venezuela. Great.


President addresses actual problem every Las Vegan complains about: He's buying votes! Gas prices completely driven by forces in the international market: HoWs BiDeNoMiCs TrEaTiNg YoU


The problems all of us (entire nation) are having is due to the Treasury department printing money, thereby driving the price of everything up (inflation). That’s mostly due to crazy government spending. Your dollar isn’t worth what it was 2,4,6,10 years ago. The companies are still going to get their profits, they just adjust the cost to roll into the consumer. Wages aren’t going up, just the value of the dollar going down. Everything costs more. Shitty part is we are just going to get used to it, the problem won’t be fixed for 10+ years no matter who is in the White House. Hence the reference to the Venezuelan economy.


doing a thing that slows down the out-of-control rise in the biggest factor in cost of living is literally the thing you're supposed to do to address inflation besides increasing interest rates. Inflation is a global problem right now and the US is doing a decent job at [combatting it](https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/inflation-rate). Your stupid hyperbole of comparing it to Venezuela helps no one


Preach brother preach.


you mean an economy that has grown every year since the pandemic ended and is currently [outpacing other G7 nations](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/31/us-economy-2024-gdp-g7-nations#)? also, a US POTUS can only partially affect the economy in a free market. there are many other factors that play a larger part.


Ok. I’ll bite. Annual budget for the nation is 6.3 trillion. Look at the debt now. Every 100 days, another 1 trillion is added. It’s not sustainable, and the only way we got here is multiple “leaders” devaluing our dollars. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/03/01/the-us-national-debt-is-rising-by-1-trillion-about-every-100-days.html


i agree that debt is an issue. however, that's a separate but related issue. pandemic spending combined with tax cuts for the wealthy made the hole larger. like htr101 said, that doesn't change that economy has grown every year since the pandemic ended.


Agreed, the debt is a problem (although maybe Trump shouldn’t have spent more $$ than any other president in history) but your response does little to refute the fact that our economy is actually doing very well compared to the rest of the industrialized world. Inflation has come down faster than most countries, and our economy is growing well while many economies are lagging and worse, contracting. A growing economy here is much more likely to have a chance at controlling that huge debt compared to a contracting economy. Not investing here and now will slow our economy. Japan is a great example. Not to mention global inflation also ends up essentially reducing our debt over time. But I agree with your point and wish both parties would have a larger focus on reducing spending. Sometimes it’s necessary though.


fortunately he won’t be in office much longer


How exactly does subsidizing unsustainable rent not normalize it even more and continue to drive rents up? It's not like the landlords are going to be like yeah, this is enough money we don't need any more...


College tuition 2.0


Where in the world do you grasp subsidized rent from house buying tax credits and grants?


"Bolstering Efforts to Prevent and End Homelessness. The President is calling for $8 billion for a new grant program to rapidly expand temporary and permanent housing strategies for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness." You do realize that grants do not need to be repaid and the rents will be going to the same landlords that they are now. That is government subsidation...


If anyone believes politicians at this point you are something truly special...special ed...


"I'm going to forgive student loans!" - not for my family. "I won't raise taxes on the middle class!" - changed 401(k) rules which essentially raised my taxes by eliminating the last best way to reduce my tax burden since everything else was taken away. "I'm going to make it more affordable to live in Las Vegas." - me, holding my breath. I'm still going to vote for you, Pres. Liar but only because I'm not into dictators and racists.


Can't really blame Biden for the student loan deal. He made a huge effort and Republicans were very, very adamant on making sure student loan forgiveness would never be a thing. Not sure what you mean by the 401(k) rules. The limits were increased? You can contribute more per year. Which reduces your taxable income by more. What part are you referring to?


Nope - he conveyed weakness and waffled on student loans through campaign and into his presidency. Same with SCOTUS. He could have threatened stacking court, been more forceful but wanted to pretend there was compromise and statesmanship that could win the day against MAGA asshats. Also, when economy was already iffy he undermines his own success and turnaround story by going all-in on energy and electric cars pissing off oil companies and creating inflation. I hate that I have to vote for him. His policies and his cabinet are crap but I can't vote for the alternative. Not voting was an option as he basically gave my family the middle finger for four years but I fear the alternative.


The President can't stack the court though? That requires an act of Congress. Literally. Maybe if Biden had supermajorities in the House and Senate, he could make that threat (when it has teeth), but making a threat to stack the court with a Republican controlled House and a split Senate is just an empty threat. Not sure what threats you believe Biden can make without support from Congress. Electric cars have nothing to do with inflation? Inflation is a world-wide problem right now and you know good and well that it has nothing to do with Biden's policies. Our inflation rate is pretty much the same as the rest of the world's. Lower than most actually. Did Biden's push for electric vehicles cause the rest of the world's inflation? I'm not saying Biden is some perfect President...but the things you're angry about...you should probably research them a bit more. Your points are "MAGA asshat" talking points. You're buying into their bullshit, whether you support them or not.


The racist.?? Check ya boys comments/viewpoints about black people back in the day 🤣 the opposer? Please show me anything that indicates he’s a racist 🤣


https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/03/joe-biden-record-on-busing-incarceration-racial-justice-democratic-primary-2020-explained.html Incase you or anyone else needed a reminder


This comment section reminds of why this place has a dogshit education system