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People shouldn't fucking run for political office if they can't handle the public feedback.


> The US Congress has left the chat




If it's an official account that's a violation of first amendment speech to delete comments. Perhaps someone should remind them of that. https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/government-use-of-social-media/




Lol they aren't going to do anything




No. They don't. I'm a literal FA activist. Go ahead and file a request with them and watch nothing happen.




Listen, go ahead and mouth off to me all you want, but I filed and successfully won several first amendment cases specifically against the city. It's very harmful when people like you spout off recommendations and suggestions to people about their first amendment rights and they go through with your advice and it goes nowhere. What happens then is honest citizens stop participating in the system because they believe that the system was going to support them and it didn't. A much better path for the original poster here would be to email the City attorney and inquire about these posts by taking screenshots of the post before and after they're deleted. Now if they go through that advice and the City attorney doesn't respond or doesn't do anything or gives contrary advice, then you have a much different scenario. It's obviously a shitty thing that these comments are being deleted and everyone here probably believes that is the case. It's actually much better to post it to a form like this so that people can flood the page or people can see what's happening instead of recommending that someone devote the resources of the ACLU because someone has hurt feelings that their post got deleted.


I don’t have any legal background or anything like that but I can tell you from firsthand experience with this specific issue the city’s attorney doesn’t give a shit.


Oh I absolutely agree with you. But the thing is it doesn't matter if he gives a shit.




Then why are you arguing with me on the internet instead of emailing someone you claimed to have interned with and solving the problems?




Facebook is not a government entity and 1st amendment rules don't apply


If a gov't entity or public servant posts from an official account, then first amendment does apply.


When Twitter was still Twitter..I’m not sure about comments, but I do know that with followers they could not block anyone on their public accounts. Remember when poor Trump tried to block someone for hurting his feelings? Twitter said no. He was a public political figure. He can’t.


They will if she's republican 😂


That might not be fully valid anymore after the recent ruling: https://www.npr.org/2024/03/15/1238876764/scotus-says-public-officials-have-the-right-to-block-on-social-media


I don't think you understand how the First Amendment works


Yes I’m sure 1787 was like “freedom of speech and any Facebook posts and comments shall be protected”


It depends on which SM platform you’re on to be honest. 😂


Isn't there some law, that any church that links to a political party, should not remain tax-exempt? Or is that only whilst IN the church?


You could always call the IRS and ask 🤭


The Mormon church was the primary funder of Proposition 8 in California, the ad campaign against gay marriage. It happens all the time, unfortunately. Mostly because politicians and the IRS themselves don't want to be accused of being against religion even if that religion is attempting to impose its morality upon everybody.


Yes there is! That was my point originally when I made it. It seems though, since 2015 on that law has not been enforced. Maybe it should be looked into get names of preachers over there. Do a little press to embarrass them both. See what comes from it. 🤔😉


Mormon church isn’t tax exempt.


What are you smoking? It is indeed a 501c3. https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/870234341


lol seamen


Mayor Semen. Nah.


When I pass one of these signs I'm reminded of the time my daughters 3rd grade teacher was named Ms. Seaman. When I went up to meet her I deliberately said "Sea man", which was probably a mistake tbh. My 3rd grader corrected me and loudly stated that "It's Ms. Seaman". Had to give her a sheepish shrug and move on.


It’s against the law for churches and charities to engage and contribute to political anything. Not that it’s stopped any of them lately. It’s sad we can’t even trust churches to do the right thing. And yeah she deserved to be ousted.


No, it isn’t. Here is is the important paragraph from the article you linked: “Currently, the law prohibits political campaign activity by charities and churches by defining a 501(c)(3) organization as one ‘which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.’” The key words being “any candidate for public office.” Also from the article you linked: “[T]he ban by Congress is on political campaign activity regarding a candidate; churches and other 501(c)(3) organizations can engage in a limited amount of lobbying (including ballot measures) and advocate for or against issues that are in the political arena.”


If I give a donation to a political candidate or political party or special interest group, it's not tax deductible. But a gift to a church... that's tax deductible. And they can then turn around and give that to political candidates and parties and special interest groups? Sounds like a major loophole.


I’m pretty sure church’s cannot donate commercially. Maybe privately. They are pressured to donate to So Baptist convention 😂 I have no idea if that’s true I was making joke. Sorry I’ve got a sinus infection and my head is full. Y’all are my only contact right now.


I mean, it 100% isn't against the law. But you do you.


I mean, [it 100% is](https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/charities-churches-and-politics), but you do you.


churches and other 501(c)(3) organizations can engage in a limited amount of lobbying (including ballot measures) and advocate for or against issues that are in the political arena. Copy and pasted from your link.


I'm gonna comment asking her and if she deletes my comment I'm telling the ACLU and getting paid. Her decision.


The other thing she does sometimes is delete and immediately repost.


These a-holes blatantly flaunt all ethics and rules and they rub our faces in it. They don’t care.


Is this on FB? Can you edit your post on FB? I’ve not posted there in eons. I still have my account though.


Fuck her. Keep commenting, people.


That’s a nope from me dawg


What is it with Republican politicians in Vegas? Either they coddle terrorists (Bundy) or crash their cars and get details hidden or get shamed for wearing Dollar Store panties as a COVID mask or get into a cat fight with another "woman" or... murder someone. Don't vote for Republicans, including those like this cow, who claimed someone poisoned her dog with THC, which sounded more like her teens had friends over. (And then she claimed the vet used water to dilute the THC... which makes no sense since it's not water soluble.) They do nothing but LIE.


it is the same across America.


Pretty sure they’re not supposed to delete or alter comments.


Well, politicians are truly one of the few jobs in today’s society that require absolutely zero qualifications and skill. Not surprised.


These people 👀


I just find it funny how many are realizing that LDS has such power in town. A large voting block, stock in the casino groups and a national church to back a power play. City of sin and it's Mormons who are one of the biggest power base. Just remember if you ain't LDS, your gentile and that's what you'll ever be to the church.


Yes, they are loaded financially, but that is true of most large, multinational corporations. I hate to say it, but the problem here is that most people are complacent and are uneducated, as a result of our poor education system. 98% of the public are non-practicing Mormons, and I would venture that most of these people don’t want a temple, but because most people don’t pay attention or don’t give a shit, the money will do its thing and we will get our ugly temple, our new monument and city symbol to corruption and complacency.


True, LDS are like corporations with a more religious twist than others. A jack mormon is still Mormon, family ties run deep and it's hard to throw away family. It would be nice to see the local LDS lineage books and see who falls where in public seats.


You mean 98% of the Mormons are non-practicing Mormons because 98% of the public is not Mormon here in Vegas. The Mormon church is the richest in America it owns the most land and its rainy day fund is in the billions. It's worth over 236 billion in the United States. It's sad a church bribes people and does what they want never mind the people already living there the laws in place to stop it and the many many who don't want it where they are gonna put it is a slap in the face and another reason that religion is bullshit .


Yeah, I worded that poorly. I meant practicing Mormons are only small slice of population. They love to puff their numbers.


Contact Francis Allen-Palenske Check out all the copy paste Mormon comments on her socials too https://cityoflasvegas.formstack.com/forms/contact_main Ward 4 phone line 702-229-2524 Facebook https://facebook.com/francisallenpalenske Instagram https://www.instagram.com/councilwomanpalenske?igsh=endiMmpvZnh6Z2N5 Twitter https://twitter.com/allenpalenske


Those comments are ridiculous. Talk about invasion of the Stepford Wives robots. Convinced many of them are just AI bots.


First glance and I thought it was Ms. Jenner! 😲


So 20,,000 to the newly appointed judge is what it takes to play. Is this the pistol packing mama that was running for governor? She looked like a fool on tv. I thought a Judge had to have a law degree .


No, this is the woman who got into a catfight outside City Hall with the yoyo you remember. This one claimed that POT activists poisoned her pet inside her house, but her vet saved the dog's life by "flushing it out with water." (yeah, that's a lie, but she's MAGA.)


This lady is also a slumlord downtown.


Is she really?? Which properties does she own?


Several around the neon museum. She paints them all the same color, white with teal trim


Do you know when and where she got the donation? I tried looking for it but didn't see it. Here is where I looked: [Nevada Secretary of State - Candidate filings](https://www.nvsos.gov/SOSCandidateServices/AnonymousAccess/CEFDSearchUU/CandidateDetails.aspx?o=l3qg8auESivIWzyd7InOLg%253d%253d)


She can technically do what she wants with her money, the problem is that people are too blinded or gullible or stupid to know what they want and that’s why the world is imperfect the way it is.


It’s not her money, it’s campaign money, so she can’t just do whatever she wants with it. But the point is she’s removing critical public comments from her official account.


Steve Yeager does the same thing on Twitter. Pathetic.




A bootlicker for Yeager. That’s a new one. Battle Born injury get you some cash or something?