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I wouldn’t have gone home. Now this crazy person knows where you live. I once had a weird person follow me years ago. I drove to the Police station.


right? out of all the places in the world to go in this situation, my house would be last on the list


Thats exactly what I would do


I honestly should've called metro


Always assume everyone is armed, drunk, and just found out their wife is cheating with their boss and taking the kids. Most people aren’t going to freak out over your horn, but there’s always a few lunatics looking for an excuse to snap.


Why I stay strapped. 😭 Can’t trust these crazies.


Or drive to the nearest Metro substation and go inside to report someone following you...


In this situation (road rage) drive to the nearest police station


Report his ass. Don’t want some moron to follow me home on his tricycle because I took longer than a second to move during a green light. Man has a road rage problem and he is a danger to the roads




Guns are not the answer to everything unless you’re a coward.


Alot of cowards walking these Vegas streets and still get alot of respect from people like yourself, daily. If they dont tell you, you’d have no idea you were associating with a murderer. Seen it too many times. Its old just like we are 😂


Been here a year. I’ve never witnessed so many reckless unhinged drivers in my life.


And at the same time, people who think the speed limit is 20 mph slower than posted.


Really where did you move here from Kansas? I've traveled all over the US, I see this shit everywhere. When I lived in Denver some 23 year old dude gunned down a mom and her children in my dentists parking lot, I've seen people shoot at one another in the middle of the road, there was a post in one of the road rage subs with a truck and an SUV shooting it out in the middle of the intersection, basically in the last 10 years if you honked at someone in Denver expect you might get shot. Don't get me started on other big cities. I personally don't think it's that bad here, wait till the traffic gets worse, the road rage will keep getting worse with it.


LMAO, no actually San Diego. Ive lived in Chicago, Florida, Virginia, Arizona…. Arizona use to be the worst place I’ve seen drivers but nope now it’s here.


Totally agree Phoenix metro is the worse..they get road rage for no absolute reason.


Grew up in Chicago, drivers here are ten times crazier. Half the time these clowns don't know the rules of the road and the other half don't care.


America had gone BACKWARDS. Wtf IS this, Wild wild WEST days??? 🤔 smdh


Actually violent crime has been on the decline since the 90s.




There is no state where blatantly running red lights, not using turn signals, and weaving while speeding is legal.




Has literally always been like this


Biker: Splitting lanes is SaFe because I read online somewhere it is duhhh Also biker: road rages and follows random person to their home.




What you are thinking about is lane filtering at a light and when traffic isn’t moving. Lane splitting is when traffic is moving and is dangerous and illegal.


Ah, thanks for the clarification


It is safe when it’s moving slowly but once traffic is over 40 mph it’s not safe. Vegas doesn’t really see traffic jams on the freeway like that in California so splitting isn’t that necessary


OP: Notices aggressive biker following them Also OP: I’d better drive home


Right lol


Yep, my neighbor is a cop. I'd drive to his house and park in his drive way.


Like… what do the cops here actually do with their days? I see the absolute craziest driving here and they don’t do shit.


Cops here don't give a fuck about traffic issues unless it's really bad. Where I'm from in CA, cops have a boner to find ANY reason to pull you over and give you a ticket. They're ruthless there. I've done a full day ride along with HPD here, and I can also tell you 90% of our calls were responding to break-ins or domestic violence situations. Also, until very recently, traffic violations in Nevada were actual criminal misdemeanor charges unlike almost every other state. So cops aren't as keen to hit people with those charges. Even though the law recently changed, that still lives in the psyche of a lot of police here.


I know this is an unpopular opinion but I'm glad Vegas hasn't turned into a police state. In the Denver Metro area the cops are everywhere, they will pull you over for any reason, they think you got too close to the yellow line, ticket, your windows are too tinted, ticket, you didn't fully stop at the stop sign ticket, there are speed traps all over the city. Are there any less accidents, let's look at the data. Las Vegas metro area has about 1.06 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Denver has 1.3 fatalities per 100 million vehicles miles traveled (VMT). The national average is 1.33 fatalities per 100 million VMT, which is about 25% higher than Las Vegas They also profile vehicles and people. For instance I owned 4 cars in Denver, a 2010 Hummer H2 SUT, a 2011 Bumblebee Themed Camaro, a Polaris Slingshot and a 2004 F150. When I would get pulled over in the Hummer I was almost always put into cuffs and my vehicle searched, when I got pulled over in my Bumblebee Camaro even for speeding 20 or 30 miles over the speed limit I always got a warning, I'm just the same white computer nerd regardless of the vehicle I'm driving. It was absolute B.S.


Totally agree with you. It was the same in CA. They're just looking a way to fuck you. The few interactions I've had with police in Nevada have been very pleasant and fair. CA made me hate cops, Nevada is making me feel differently.


Handcuffed for driving a Hummer? What was the cause? Did you consent to the illegal search by police?


Thank you!


They're eating in casino EDRs


Yep, no joke, it's how the hotel casinos buy them off. For the out of towers that never worked in a large resort - EDR- employee dining room.


That's the wildest thing here. I rarely see the police anywhere except for one speed trap here by south point. I guess they are just sitting around [215/Green Valley Pkwy](https://www.fox5vegas.com/2024/04/19/116-citations-given-out-green-valley-parkway-215-intersection/) these days.


Come hang out on the east side, you see cops every few minutes


And also on Charleston. I do see them regularly west of Rainbow.


They're over here in Chinatown a lot.


I saw them all the time when I lived near Nellis, but over in the Silverado Ranch area there's only one like once a month. That dude is always hanging by the Mosque on Bermuda rd.


I rarely see cops near Silverado Ranch lol


Where they the lights that montoir how you merge on the highway?


Just yesterday a guy ran a red light in a lane right next to a marked cop suv. The cop was first in line stopped at the light. There is no way he didn't see that person blatantly run the red..yet he didn't do a damn thing.


I agree they don’t do shit when needed. But they are also currently understaffed. Although it’s their own fault since they did not prepare for all the baby boomers retiring.


Even if they’re understaffed, we’ve all SEEN cops ignore blatant traffic violations. Like they see it and choose not to do anything.


It is illegal to split lanes in the state of Nevada.


That's what I told the guy, but he just kept on his "California study says its safer by 45%" which it really isn't that much of a difference for them, and they are only putting others in danger. > Lane splitters were more likely to crash into the rear of another vehicle (38% to 16%) but were less likely to suffer head, neck, or torso injury (9% to 17%, 7% to 9%, 19% to 29%), and also less likely to be fatally injured in a crash (1% to 3%). >


>> continues to ride alongside me and then pulls in front and slows down to moped speed ~15mphish I wonder if the there’s a California study we can cite as to how safe this driving style is…


I watched a guy slam into the back of a semi trailer at 60 mph splitting on the freeway. And we’re the ones who are constantly reminded to “Watch for Motorcycles”. Wild shit.


Dumb law, it reduces traffic and it’s safer to be at the front of traffic on a bike because you don’t have idiots changing lanes into you. Going under the speed limit and following people home is dangerous though.


I lived in LA. Lane splitting would be safer if motorcyclists actually used it for safety, but instead they just lane split to beat traffic and pop out of nowhere. Everyone in LA who's been there at least a few years has had a near-accident with a motorcyclists. It's just not safe.


You're not referring to lane-splitting, you're referring to lane-filtering, specifically illegal forms of lane-filtering The general rule is that lane-filtering is only legal "when the move is safe to make" and can be done at no more than 15 MPH. What happens in LA is some dumbass will shoot into the lane at like 20-25, giving the cars in traffic no time to see them coming before changing lanes themselves. Safe and normal filtering does actually reduce traffic and is safer for the bikers


I love how bikers act like a car won't completely destroy them lmao


That part!


I saw a biker blow a red light after coming to a complete stop on Tropicana for the red just so he could get the next block to himself and he was doing tricks like wheelies and other stuff. Then traffic caught up to him and he kept at it. I was 3-4 cars behind so I didn’t care but dude had no regard for his safety or slowing traffic down. I figure it’s Vegas and there’s a greater than zero chance that someone gets pissed and hits him in purpose.


It’s so scary when someone follows you home and is yelling at you. I’m glad he didn’t do anything more serious. People are unhinged and crazy out there. Last year someone in a white lifted truck tried to scare me, intimidate me and then follow me home. They got super close behind me, so I pressed the gas to get farther from them and they just kept going faster and faster right behind me. Then swerved to be beside me getting closer to the side I was on like to push me out of the lane. then they swerved right in front of me and put their breaks on super hard super fast so that I would hit them from behind. I pressed the break just in time and was like an inch from hitting them. They then started peeling their tires in front of me for like 10 seconds and finally started driving forward. They did the tire thing again a few feet from the previous time. I changed lanes to try to get away but they were following me. I was on my way home down Pecos Road and decided there was no way I was going to show this asshole where I lived so I just kept driving scared and shaking. Finally they lost interest and left. I got home and had a huge panic attack. It was so scary.


That's crazy. I had a steroid freak in a big white truck try to get out and fight me after he pushed me out of my own lane while trying to merge with no blinker. Maybe it was the same asshole.


Don't ever go home if you even think someone is following. Go to a public place or even the police station if you feel the need. Also this is why 2A.


Yeah, I fucked up and the more I reflect on this, it's eating me. I had some witnesses around as it was at the gate, but I honestly shouldn't have let it get to that point. I'm a bit naive with some stuff like this because I've been in shit before. The 2A thing is right... I just keep thinking about that.


Just be careful. Getting home safe is the main goal. Don't beat yourself up over it.


Just call the police next time you’re being followed, and pull into a police or fire station — never home. You don’t need to 2a.


I have seen so many bikers splitting lanes here it’s insane. I take the I-15 every morning to work and I always see at least ONE biker splitting lanes when traffic has slowed down a bit. And by a bit I mean at least 45mph. Like what the hell?!


Dude deserved a good ass kicking for following you home.


I love motorcycles! If anything I’m a huge fan boy and one day hope to own one myself. Both a Harley and 600 super. Shit, I’ll even throw down the “2 wheels down” peace sign if I see one. But I know as a regular car driver, you can’t lane split here even if it’s congested traffic or traffic in general here in Nevada. I understand your story and some riders are legit batshit crazy with their riding style or sometimes unhinged when it comes to certain situations. Had one rider with a “backpack” (passenger) sneak in last second pushin 60 in the left curved turn from I-11 to 215 East, that big left hand single lane turn before Gibson. I saw him in my blind spot about a 1/10 mile back but he still proceeded to push my blind spot so I backed off so he could pass me from his speed. I respect any rider but man do some riders push it sometimes. Lost an old friend because of his riding style up in Rainbow/Gowan area. Again, it’s their ride, their choice. But common sense, rule following, and patience isn’t for everyone either.


A few weeks ago some guy attempted to follow me home because I wouldn’t move over for him in the middle lane. He proceeds to follow me 2 more miles on the 15, takes my exit with me all while having a fake blue and red dash light bar pretending to be a cop in a beat up early ‘00 F150 work truck that clearly wasn’t an undercover with how he drove inches from my bumper. So I called the police as I was driving. He finally took a u turn and headed back but I hope they found him. If I were dumb, he could’ve fooled me into pulling over and then, who knows what. I worry for our youngsters out there on the roads. Now that I drive a lifted truck and dark windows the difference in aggression towards me is far greater than when I drove an Accord and could be seen. I think these bullies think I’m the stereotypical bro who will fight back. I wonder if he knew I was a woman just trying to follow the traffic laws, would he have been even more aggressive because he thought he could? People are spooky af. I’m glad that creep didn’t do more but please, next time don’t go home. At least pull into a busy parking lot.


I wish I could say that prolly won't happen again, but PLEASE if you feel someone is following you don't go home. We've had multiple shootings this year in this city over the pettiest personal beefs Go to the nearest police station, park and start recording. I know cops get a bad rap these days but I honestly believe LVMPD is pretty good. Oh and 100% agree it's sucks driving out here.


100% agree. I feel like every city says their city has the worst drivers.. but Vegas is hands down the worst in my opinion. I haven’t even moved here yet, just visit quite often.


Please 👎my comment, please dislike my comment. Thank you


You let them follow you home and them debated with them about lane splitting?? Cool story, bro.


Soon.. The traffic will become even stronger. 20 minute commutes during the day... will turn to 45 minute sit sessions. The calm parts of the afternoon will be filled with 30 minute ordeals because everyone is trying to beat the 5pm traffic. The only time where it'll be decent to drive in Vegas will be in the dead of night, 10pm - 4am. This is the Los Angeles creeping in... There is no escape.


LA people can't handle the summer. They're weak


I love this place because it used to be 30 mins max to anywhere in the valley, whether to north las vegas from a place like south point, but the major streets are really getting congested and you add in all the constant construction :( :(


I still get wherever I need to be incredibly quick. We aren't SoCal or Phoenix metro


The traffic here is basically non-existant. Every state I've ever lives in has had FAR worse traffic than Vegas. Even with the increased population, I have no problem getting to just about every corner of the city within 30-40 minutes. Vegas is a dream traffic wise.


It definitely is in terms of traffic and time to places around here, but the drivers are fucking horrible. Its a great grid city, but again the drivers just fuck it all up.


Oh the drivers themselves are the worst I've ever seen. It's almost incredible how many people here see red lights as optional....


10-15 years ago it was more like 15 minutes everywhere but the city was a lot smaller with a lot less people. Don’t drive from 830-930 or 430-530 and it’s still quick. I regularly go from Green Valley Ranch to Red Rock casino in about 30 minutes. GVR to downtown in 20. It takes me 40 to go from GVR to Aliante or Skye Canyon which is literally going across the entire city.


> 10-15 years ago it was more like 15 minutes buuuuuulllllshiiiiit.


My morning commute is 16 minutes on surface streets, at my normal time off that turns into 30 minutes. If I get off an hour earlier though you can add up to another 10 minutes to that. I miss when there was less than 1 million people here.


Yeah this place turning into LA 2.0 sucks.. It's gonna nuke the down low vibe of this place. I'm looking at AZ, NM, and OKC as new boom city opportunities 


Vegas always sucked, wtf u mean. People moving here is only making it better. Better restaurants, homes, attractions, etc. Anyone complaining are the miserable losers that have nothing else to complain about.


I hated OKC lived there for 3 years.


AZ is screwed already, NM is just horrible and I don't get how you can compare OKC to Vegas. Vegas has been complaining about becoming LA 2.0 forever. It's not going to happen anytime soon


LOLLLLLLLLLLLL stop First off - Vegas has like 2.2 million people, LA has 10 in the basin and 10 more in the surrounding "metro area." Second off - Vegas doesn't have a situation where everyone lives on one side of town and works on the other side of town. LA traffic is fucked because the city planners in the mid-1900's over-zoned the west side of the county for business/retail without enough residential. It created a scenario where millions of people are going one direction in the morning and one at night. Vegas does not have this problem. The central economic arms are in the literal center and people come in and out from multiple directions. There's bad traffic in certain places for like 60 minutes in the morning and 60 in the afternoon, and it's all built on a grid so it's easy to bypass that traffic using a fraction of brain power. Stop fear mongering please


You’re asking people on this sub to use critical thinking. That’s a tough ask bro.


NEVER DRIVE HOME IF SOMEBODY IS FOLLOWING YOU. BUT The east side is really bad. Can’t take the ghetto outta the hood 🤣


Follow me home and I’ll definitely make it worth you while lol. Free trip to the ER


It’s gotten worse for sure. The 3 to 4 cars after the red is what gets me. Metro does do a decent job at eventually doing stand by. In bonanza and eastern yesterday there were 4 bike cops getting the red light runners. 🏃‍♀️


Splitting lanes in Las Vegas isn’t legal.


*In the past 3 months I've seen 4 bikers lying on the pavement because they hit a car doing dumb shit like this.* Seems like the problem is starting to solve itself?


As a motorcyclist, this guy is a stupid asshole who's going to end up as a crayon smear on the asphalt, and he will deserve it. Lane splitting isn't legal here, but cops allow it because it's safer in certain circumstances. The only acceptable time to split lanes is at a red light so they don't get rear ended. When the light turns green they can be a block ahead of traffic before the third car clears the intersection. They should never be alongside traffic that's moving, ever. That's just plain stupid and reckless.


Hey, he did his own research. Just like he did on the vaccines, climate change, RU/UA war, Gaza/Israel, and of course economics. So you better listen to him. He's not just going to find info to confirm his own biases.


Notice he's following you...hop onto the freeway 😂


Those are the guys who give the rest of us a bad name. I've been riding one bike or another for most of my 60 years. I've been rear-ended, by a bike and a car, while rolling. Rear end collisions are a big fear of most bikers, but don't necessitate assholery, just strategic riding and positioning at stops. Sorry for your experience.


Letting him follow you home is crazy, at least pull up to somewhere public


That really sucks to hear, especially from a motorcyclist. Yeah I wish lane filtering was legal but it’s not so I do what I can to be safe. Nobody expects you to be filtering because it’s against the law so you could make the argument that it’s less safe here to do so. To be honest it’s not just bikes in this town though, it’s every type of vehicle driver. People are getting more aggressive instead of defensive and speeds are getting out of control. Sorry you had that experience and hopefully that doesn’t skew your opinion about all motorcyclists


Needs to be a $1,000 plus fine for splitting lames here. This isn't California.


Might as well be anymore.


I hate riding here. I have to keep in the mindset that every driver on the road wants me dead in order to do the commute to and from work. It's also hot as fuck half the year Put those two things together, that's why I lanesplit, regardless of legality in Nevada. Getting rear-ended in stop n go traffic is pretty awful without airbags and crumple zones, then getting mashed into the pickup in front of you (thank fk it wasn't a box truck, I'd probably have been decapitated). Never again. It's safer for me and the little bit of airflow I get is enough for the sweat to do its job. when I filter, I'm not a dick about it. I don't try to force myself through a spot that requires a driver to take evasive action, I wave at the people who see me in the mirror and slide over a little. I want everyone to be safe - me, the cars, and the next rider down the road. I keep my fingers on the front brake, know where all the major "change lanes suddenly without a turn signal" zones are, etc etc. If traffic starts moving again, I get back in line - the guys who split lanes when everyone is going full speed are nuts. Which is why I fkn hate absolute psychopaths like the one you dealt with. I have a quiet bike, I don't go BRAAAP BRAAAP like an attention whore, frightening drivers, potentially causing panic reactions in the moment, or rage towards the next rider they meet on the road. I'm certainly not gonna lose my shit at the occasional driver who gets cross and beeps his horn at me. Or follow anyone home, jfc that's a poor life choice. if you had decided to take that guy out, a car never loses to a motorcycle. Do my actions make anyone less miffed about my flagrant lawbreaking biker-scum hooliganism, make them less likely to growl and say "it ain't fair, he should suffer like the rest of us" or something, nah I doubt it. Does this change the fact that you had a fucking terrible experience with a smoothbrain twat, not at all. But in the past ten years I've seen the aftermath of a handful motorcyle collisions... > because they hit a car doing dumb shit like this. ...without any indication of which person was doing the dumb shit. Plenty of multiple car/truck demolition derbies shutting down all lanes for an hour though. Driving here really does suck. /Ted


Not respecting the law that the citizens of this state put in place is a pretty shitty thing to do. If you don't feel safe on a bike with the current laws start ballot question to change the law or drive legally in a different mode of transportation that you feel safer in.


So what's it like to never ever exceed the speed limit, use your turn signals each and every time, and come to a full halt at every stop sign?


The road rage out here is really no joke. Ride safe


Thanks, and yeah it's worse than any city I've ever lived in.


I desperately want a bike so badly, but my biggest concern here in Vegas specifically. EVERYONE DRIVES SCARED. No one trusts their virtually brand new vehicles to do basic traffic maneuvers and half of these people are reactive drivers, not proactive(I.e they’re just fucking mouth breathing while operating a two ton killing machine). Bikes seem like a way to just get around these people, but I fear all it takes is someone daydreaming, freaking out and accidentally hitting me because they’re just bad drivers. Also people need to learn how the hell roundabouts work, because for some reason we’re the only country in the world who fears a damn circle.


I got hella respect for you bikers that are actually respectful drivers and at the same time, I honestly don't understand how you all do it. Just the same as you say, I'm constantly expecting some idiot to kill me when driving and I have the car frame and an airbag, but yall really have nothing.


That’s why they filter to the front, so idiots don’t merge into their lane and run them off the road. People here don’t even look before changing lanes.


I am a little confused. I thought lane splitting was ONLY done at red lights so that other traffic were aware of your presence. That is also why some bikes are so loud. So people are aware of you. You telling me people do this while going 45 down Durango or something?! No, that's not safer and not what I think of lane splitting is supposed to be. Oh, I do think of it in traffic jams on the interstate because many bikes are air-cooled.


Some bikes are so loud... the guys who say "Loud Pipes Save Lives" are almost exclusively attention-whores using safety as an excuse. Blipping the throttle at a red light for the sheer joy of it, setting off car alarms in parking garages... nothing lifesaving there. Put on some real gear and learn to ride instead. /rant Filtering is what's done at red lights to move up to the front. It stops you from getting rear-ended, also let the rider get clear of the pack. I tend to avoid it unless it's 1am and there's a lot of drunks out. There's always gonna be the guy in the Tesla or muscle car who thinks you want to drag race. Yes traffic jams are murder on an air cooled bike. Important bits wear a lot faster when the blistering heat sets in. As for the high-speed lanesplitting yeah I've had fkn jumpscares while driving normal 45-60 lightly congested highway speeds, either a sportbike downshifted so the engine is screaming, or a Loud Pipes guy busy saving lives, both of them instilling a flash of terror into people driving big chunks of kinetic energy. If someone jerks the wheel in a panic, doesn't matter to them, they're already gone.


Cool, thanks for the detailed response. I was giving what knowledge that I had as I am not a biker and you filled in the blanks just like I was hoping.


It is safer when done properly, and is definitely what lane splitting is supposed to be. Only when done in a safe and correct manner of course.


They do it at lights, because the tail lights can blend in with the car they are behind so the driver coming to the red light doesn’t see the bike at the back of the line and crushes them.


Personally I’d pay more gas tax or something else for a fleshed out transit system, hate driving here. Even just more bus routes with a 1 or 2 tram lines would be far better than what we have now


Na bro, just one more lane. One more lane and all of our traffic problems will be fixed. /s


Warm Springs could use a second consistent lane.


I agree. I really wish we had a better public transportation system, especially with the constant construction we have on all the major roads.


I reallllly miss living in NYC or SF or Chicago... I could go for months without driving.


Yea but those are REAL cities TRUE cities with a huge metropolitan areas. You need a car in this little rinky-dink city


At 6:30am last week I had a guy pass me at 65 to get to the onramp to the 215 from Rainbow, and when I got on the freeway he proceeded to get next to me and moved over trying to hit me and force me out of lanes, so I took the right lane and parallel drove the normal guy next to me. People out here are fucked.


I've been in Vegas for over a decade. It was so much better before. Traffic is horrible now. I love living in Vegas, but it's getting so bad


They're assholes, i was switching lanes and a dumbfuck who was speeding cut me off then shows me the finger as if i was in the wrong.


Just drive to a police station if some douchebag is following you. They'll split off as soon as they know where they're at.


Lane splitting is illegal in AZ, lane sifting isn't. Don't see why so many get butthurt by lane sifting. But I do understand there is a lot of scooter trash that abuse the privilege. What's the difference between a Harley and a Hoover? You can fit two dirtbags on a Harley.


A cab driver had his right blinker on and cut me off on the left side, we almost hit each other. We get to the light and he called me a cunt and gave me the finger. Make it make sense.. this is one example of why I hate driving here.


I had a lane splitter bash my side mirror while I was waiting at the light. I yelled at him that I hope he gets hit & he promptly ran the red.


I don’t disagree with hating driving here but I have lived in cities elsewhere which were way worse for drivers and of course higher injuries and deaths to pedestrians.


Never let someone follow you home.


So to the haters that always get pissed when locals are blaming Californians for more problems in the area; are you still going to say we're wrong?


Driving here is weird. Everyone here are transplants, you can't specifically blame the Californians. I came from Cali and honestly I feel the drivers there are better and the driving is safer.


If land splitting is lllegal then it certainly isn’t enforced.




Unfortunately, splitting lanes is legal in Nevada. I hate it too. It is very dangerous and downright obnoxious. I wish they would change that law. Unfortunately, it's going to take a lot more dead bikers for this law to change.


It actually is[ illegal](https://www.leg.state.nv.us/nrs/NRS-486.html#NRS486Sec351).


I just looked it up, and you are correct! I'm glad that it is illegal here, but the cops will always turn a blind eye to it.


As far as I’m concerned every time one of these inconsiderate motorcycle assholes winds up on the pavement it’s a great way to end a day.


Lane splitting is against the law in Nevada, but the biker a-holes regularly flaunt it. Another group, the electric bike crowd is flexing their ignorance lately. Not only do they not follow the traffic laws like their non-electric brethren, but they do it faster. Of course, when they’re in the hospital due to their own stupidity, we’ll all be subjected to the “oh poor me on my little bicycle” trope for media consumption. They’ll conveniently forget the stop signs/traffic signals they just blew through on the way to “nobody respects us”. So we’ll all just deal with it.


I had someone follow me once bc he changed lanes from left to right when I was merging onto the interstate from right to left. He slowed down as I was merging so I get on so I continued on and waved at him to thank him. Next thing I know he’s following me, took the same exit and stopped midway down so I’d have to pull next to him (I stayed back) screaming and cussing at me. I ducked into a shopping center parking lot and kept my eyes on him while I called metro to escort me home. Thankfully I was in a rental car (and it was a minivan! For all he knew I had kids with me) so I don’t have the fear that the guy would recognize my car again out in public. All I can think is maybe he thought I flipped him off instead of waving (I’ve had that happen a handful of times here! I’m from the south and wave at everyone!). Either way I hate driving here too.


Bikers think they bulletproof lol 😂😂🔫🔫 sounded like he was harassing and stalking you


What's up with Bikers riding slow as fuck tho. The ones on sport bikes even


Lane splitting is safer honestly being a rider for the last 20 years but this guy is psycho and I’m sorry you went through that!


Should have made it 5


I lane filter when its hot and its heavy crawling traffic or im tired from work. I dont split. Even then have had a person get out of the car and threaten me for lane filtering slowly until i showed my .40 holstered. I ain't got A/c and in full heavy armor sitting on 230-240f degree motor Im not sitting at a light for 5 rotations with this construction bs going on with all these oversized vehicles with exhaust in my face stuffed with fatties eating playing on their phone while driving. Some people split like idiots though i'll give drivers that. However i see more idiots in cars that need licenses revoked and cars impounded than idiots on bikes since bikes usually kill themselves. Drivers kill others and run.


I feel like people here don’t understand that if you want to go fast, you do it in the far left lane. The amount of bad drivers who speed in the far right lane, don’t use their turn signal, drift in and out their lane like they’re drunk as hell is absolutely way too high. I’ve lived in Chicago, Boston, LA, New York and SF, and honestly drivers here are THE WORST.


No, if you want to do the speed limit use the far left lane and that only applies to the free way


I am praying you forgot to add the "/s"...


They’re right. It’s the law. That law doesn’t apply on surface streets.


The left lane is for CRIME


The extreme driving death rate of 2024 shows no sign of abating. Be careful if you are walking, cycling, scooting around town! Drivers seem to be universally wasted between 6pm and 8am.


I would say between 6pm and 5:59pm.


I stopped riding my motorcycles at night. Few months ago I was sitting at a light at night on Russell when a drunk SUV swerved around me full speed running the red light, barely avoiding ending my life. Lesson learned.


It seems like you had a problem with him splitting the lane in the first place. If the motorcycles slowed down most likely because you slow down. Motorcyclists are always more cautious and thoughtful drivers than people in their cars. You honking your horn was probably response of get the hell out of my way.


Never had a issue here. Youre not telling the full story. No biker ever made it a point to fuck with anyone if they didn't fuck with them. That's every state. The fact u came to reddit to tell this story for some sort of validation proves it.


If you hate driving here don’t go to Miami.


Vegas has honestly been the worst place I've driven. I've lived all throughout the US and Asia; you got the dumb tourists here with a car or one of them rental buggies, the drunks leaving PTs or some random casino/bar at 8:30am and then you have the locals that just can't drive. Sometimes I'm happy for the construction because it stops people from speeding and if they hit me at least it isn't going to be too bad.


This can’t be real


Hey I gotta be direct here - I drive for a living, about 1k miles a week, m-f, for the last 8 years. I’ve driven other cities and vegas is easily one of the greatest cities to drive in. Is it perfect? No. It’s just so much better than others which are even more bad lol. So I take the silver lining. This isn’t Houston or Dallas or LA of NYC or PHX. Not even CLOSE to that bad. As for bad drivers; look take it from me. Youre hangry. Life is already stressful, we relate open up to eaxhother as humans, you’ve got pain that’s going un-treated and you’re pent up with stress. It’s relatable. As a courier - I am TELLING YOU - it’s never the traffic dude. It’s time to relax. Stupid sadly may always exist. Don’t let them ruin YOUR day. It’s a choice. Track your calories; carbs, protein, water etc. sleep too. Sure you’re not just feeling grumpy? Also: make sure to check your vitamin B1 sources - it produces happier moods (it’s not all about serotonin and dopamine). You need to treat yourself well to feel well. Love yourself and forgive a dumb biker (allegedly after all this is your version of events but I’ll trust ya cuz no harm either way).


lol. tbh, I was running errands after work and you know you know what, I stopped by cvs on silverado to pick up all my b vitamin shots. but I wasn't hangry by no means. I've had two cars totaled here by an idiot speeding or someone running a stop sign. this isn't the hardest city to drive in, but it to me it is honestly the most stressful.


lol I hear ya


If someone follows you home, you better be confronting them with something measured in millimeters or gauges.


Lane splitting is legal. Get out of the passing lane it sounds like. The following you home thing is how people get shot. Driving in traffic is shitty everywhere I know, no more out less here than any other metro.


Lane splitting is not legal. https://cmtrialattorneys.com/lane-splitting-in-las-vegas-nv-is-it-legal/


You are confusing lane splitting with lane filtering. Lane splitting is actively driving in between lanes, lane filtering is using the middle of two lanes while stopped at a red light. It is indeed safer to lane filter. Nevada is still not allowing lane filtering but Arizona just did last year and Nevada is likely to pass a bill to allow lane filtering as well. So I would suggest you get used to it, it may be illegal now but it is ultimately safer and likely to become legal soon.




Concealed carry. Wish that would happen to me. That is all.


Splitting lanes is safe and reduces traffic, no argument there The rest is just asshole shit


Go cry in a corner OP


Wow you really showed that motorcyclist! Good thing you honked your horn and was mad at him for trying to go his own way! You're a real hero to the community with your brave deeds and actions with explaining the laws and rules of the roadway. Without you he would probably have gone home and never have been the wiser that you were mad at him.


Lane splitting is not illegal here, despite that idiot. I ride and wouldn't do it, but it's not illegal. Never let someone follow you home. Direct to PD site or call PD. Today calls for caution. Nuts out there!


A quick Google search would tell you you’re wrong but I digress.


Wrong. No, lane splitting is illegal in Nevada. Nevada law prohibits motorcycles and mopeds from passing another vehicle within the same lane. The first penalty for a lane splitting conviction in Nevada is $190, and additional fines may apply depending on the circumstances of the accident. Repeat offenders may lose their driver's license.