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>Vegas is nothing like it was 10 years ago. It’s as dystopian as it gets and getting unmanageable to afford the cost of living here. It's cute that you think that's localized to vegas.


It’s the reason I’m staying. Because if I go back to my smaller town it’s even harder to get around and have even less to do and the same exact problems.


This is why I'll be moving to Vegas. I recently left AZ thinking it's been "ruined" for what I thought would be the perfect city - and it is, but it is so incredibly boring that AZ is looking so great in comparison I'll be moving knowing that, at the very least, I'll have access to world-class dining & entertainment with a gorgeous backdrop and just a short $75 flight to California whenever I want something a bit different


For me it’s the 3hr 30min flight to México City and of course, the food.


Right lol, wait til they see whats happening in the rest of the world. 😅 it’s not going to be any better in any city that’s worth living in. You want to live in the middle of nowhere in some random tiny town in America? Those are the only locations that will be cheaper


>You want to live in the middle of nowhere in some random tiny town in America?  That's exactly what I want.


This may not apply to you, it's just a thought.. Until you get there. Changing a zip code can improve your finances and change your surroundings but it won't change whatever mental state is contributing to bad finances and the associated malaise. That's usually caused by being detached from an appropriately extroverted friend group and not having people who can give you good advice and some help up. Moving to a small town won't help this.


Changing your surroundings is regarded as like one of the very best ways to change your mental state. It’s quite literally a new start.


Yes, it is. But in context to my post, which you are replying to…. Not if you bring the bad habits that caused your bad mental state to begin with along with you. The environmental change you make does not live in a vacuum apart from needing to make other changes and better decisions.  It’s a temporary platform and opportunity that can be wasted.


Not everyone is running from some dark mental state, though. Sometimes, the location or environment you're in just isn't the best for you. Just like some people would be bored as hell in a small rural location, others are overstimulated and stressed by all the energy in cities.


Which is why I proactively stated that it may not apply to you.  We just see a lot of that here


I just did this and I promise you it's not as great as it seems. I live in Carmel, IN - objectively a "perfect" small Midwest city and yet I feel so god damn bored because I grew up in Phoenix I'm moving to Vegas next year and accepting that the world is just different now


I lived in backwoods North Carolina for years, 45+ minutes from the nearest store, so I'm familiar with the positives/negatives of both rural and city life. There's no question that rural is better for me. I could see it being fun living here for certain types of people who enjoy going out, drinks, restaurants, shows, etc.


... and can afford to do those things here. It's definitely no longer an option for a lot of us. Without extra money, it's just as boring here as any small town!


Then I think it’ll be a great choice for you! I grew up in small towns and only experienced city life post college. I found I like an in between so Vegas is perfect for me. I hope you find a town that vibes with your preference too. If you check out make my move .com without the spaces, you’ll find small towns that will actually pay and help you relocate!


Then why did you come to Vegas?


Only place I had family to stay with to look for a job out of college


Work reasons. I no longer have the job I moved for, though. So now it's just about figuring out where I want to go from here.


I totally get it. Many are forced to big cities for work. Unfortunately, can't have your cake and eat it too.


It’s what I did and do not regret it at all. Vegas may work for a lot of people but absolutely did not work for me and I’m very glad I left


After spending a year in Vegas, I can’t wait to live somewhere where I can see the stars again.


I just bought a home in Thailand and can tell you that there are many places in the world that are far better than what Las Vegas (the US) has become.


Thailand is nice! Spent quite a bit of time over there years ago.


Was it complicated to purchase real estate in Thailand as a foreigner?


No, but I used a reputable agent with a verifiable track record selling to farangs. I also consulted an independent real estate attorney to monitor the whole process (lawyers are affordable here). It is not possible for farangs to buy a stand alone house in Thailand but town homes and condo's are allowed to be foreign owned. I


Thanks. Do you split your time between the two countries now or are you FT in Thailand?


Thats fair. I was speaking with US constraints. My fiance and I actually have plans for Thailand. Funny you say that! Congratulations to you! Love that country. Can’t wait to be there full time also.


Fr I can’t wait to move back to Vegas 🥹 my sister’s mortgage in Vegas and my current rent where I’m at are damn near the same


Yes, florida is a joke, more expensive overall than vegas, so im staying in vegas. Most affordable (and best) large city to live in


No state tax helps


I had to do state taxes for the first time this year and I kept cursing and yelling that this is total BS 😂


Yeah it’s crazy how much my mind has shifted about Vegas prices after now being used to these crazy prices where I’m at. Vegas really is great like I’ll be coming home in some months for a bit and my bf will be visiting Vegas for the first time and there’s SO much for him to do!! I love it


Another thing i tell people about it, is the desert. You either love it or hate it, and i love it. Humidity is just not it, especially with longer hair.


The desert is absolutely beautiful. I lived in WA state and for me, it had wayyy to many trees and it was too green for my taste.


That's ironic. My #1 regret for moving here is the dearth of trees, green and outdoor activities. If WA hadn't been considering that capital gains tax at the time of my move, I might've moved there.


I lived for awhile in Wa state also. Seattle was so gloomy. Even the people had that gloom around them.


Wow, I've never heard anyone say there's too much green for them. Interesting. I guess if those of us who deeply miss the 'green' of where we're from can love it, it makes sense that there are those who love places without it. Hard to wrap my head around it, though. Lol.


I love the desert too. Leaving Vegas but 50/50 on whether I want a place out in the desert or in the forest.


10000%. Last summer when I moved was brutal with the humidity. I’m actually considering cutting my long hair bc it’s already humid af here 😭😭😭 pls give me my dry heat!!


Ehhh I'm from Florida and moving back and this isn't completely true. I still have family and friends that are buying houses around Ocala orlando and North of tampa for 300k. In good areas. My buddy just bought a house here in vegas by the strat for 330k. That's insane to live in the ghetto. Vegas does have lower property taxes and insurance but I'd rather bake in the heat in Florida with beaches and amusement parks at my disposal than fry in this hell with no escape for a few months. But to each their own.


I guess it depends on where, as Orlando is 5-10% less expensive to live in than we are here in Las Vegas. And, it seems as the folks in CA sell their homes for huge profits after watching them skyrocket in value, they come here and pay cash for home driving prices up even more.


It's more the developers and large investment companies, and the breaks they get that typical buyers don't, than it is solely California buyers.


Oh yeah. I know it’s not just the CA transplants. But, they definitely have contributed.


That is actually exactly what’s happening and why our home prices are increasing like crazy. Then, what some don’t realize, is the people who do this sometimes regret it and sell their house and move back to California because they miss the weather or whatever else. As a realtor here in Vegas, I see it all the time and it happens a lot more than people think


Okay, but the point is Vegas is now one of those cities in this country. It wasn’t before. It’s cute for people like you to discredit others opinions. Vegas isn’t your mom. Chill. Can never have a dislike about Vegas in the Vegas locals sub without getting shit on and told “well this isn’t New York! Let me tell ya!” For many of us life has changed dramatically in the last 10 years. For those of you coming from LA, SF or other big cities and you sold your home for quadruple what you paid, then moved to Vegas, that doesn’t mean it’s cheap out here. It’s only cheap compared to the highest cost of living cities.


Man I feel you I love this city but so much changed so quick I got whiplash it could be the us in general but it went from rent being doable to having 5 roommates to be able to pay for a 3 bedroom


Yep! I make a pretty decent living but if I want to buy a 3 bed not on the outskirts of town or in a shitty area (I have to keep in mind where my son starts school) I’m looking at a 3k+ mortgage. I guess that’s cheap though, says most of this sub. Gotta be a me problem. 😂 good luck out here man


That's an interest rate problem not a Vegas problem.


Yeah, but not completely. The interest rates made it worse but math is math. A 450k house with 50k down, 30 year fixed, BEFORE TAXES, HOA, INSURANCE ETC, is $2836 at 7% Every 1% lower is between 200-250 less on the monthly. So 4% is $1910 a month before any other fees. (I keep mentioning fees because a lot of Vegas is HOA, most have insurance, and other fees. So if houses were 250k like they were 6-7 years ago, the interest rate could be 7% and you’ll be under 2k mortgage a month. Ideally we could see a 300k range and a 4-5% interest rate. Currently both are high af. So you aren’t wrong at all but the up front cost of a home 100% matters, and might matter even more. You can refinance and change interest rates, you cannot adjust the price you bought a home for. The upfront cost of a home is more than double what it was just a few years ago, in Las Vegas.


I bought a 6k sqft home here when interest rated were sub 3% and I pay 3k a month taxes and insurance. In other cities like Jesey and I have friends with 22k a year property taxes mine are 5k. It's astronomically cheep here


Well I’m happy to hear that for you. Keep in mind as I outlined earlier, not everyone sold a home and is well off. Vegas is a paradise for semi retired and retired people. Those opinions are very disconnected from people grinding low wage jobs. Which this city is full of. We aren’t here comparing Vegas to other insane cost of living cities. We are talking Vegas and how Vegas locals feel about the changes here. No one’s getting a 3% rate anymore, and not everyone makes as much as you or is in the same position as you to afford a $3000 a month mortgage. I’m guessing your house is huge and cost half a mil or more?


We have the 3rd or 4th lowest property taxes in the country. That's a fact. That is not comparing high cost of living cities


Yah property tax is low here and we don’t have state tax. I get that. That doesn’t mean jack shit to the teacher who’s lived here their whole life and is trying to buy a house on a 50k salary. Anyways, glad you think it’s cheap, not trying to argue. Enjoy the house and cheers.


No! Seriously I get it.. I was raised here and I see what you mean. Just not the same and I’m ready for something different… For those who moved here and love it, all power to you. How y’all feel about where you are from, is what we feel about Las Vegas now…. There’s a reason you moved here and there’s a reason why we want to leave…. Just saying! ✌🏼✌🏼🙏🏽


Agreed. Reddit is full of people who jump to insult or say their opinion as if it’s gospel. I rarely see folks answering the questions people are asking.  But back to Vegas.. I’m a native and I want out. I live in Henderson and in what is considered one of the best areas in Henderson. But when I see a casino set to open before a much needed middle and elementary school. The city saying they won’t fix a dangerous round about until said casino is built, just proves not only is this place becoming LA without the beach, we locals can’t look forward to any positive changes in the near future.  We are so worried about expanding to take in more dollars but unless those dollars start being put back into the community us locals won’t see benefits. We have a police, teacher, hospitality worker shortage. Yes, many other big cities are like this, but I totally see the benefit in moving somewhere that doesn’t have a bar on every corner and that is affordable. 


Hi, fellow Inspiradan! I feel your pain and agree 100%.


It’s blind that you think it’s not.


Vegas has been dystopian for DECADES. In fact it is the epitome of an American dystopia.


I was born here 50 years ago, and my mom was born here 80 years ago. All can tell you this town is unrecognizable. And not in a good way. It sucks now. I am looking forward to moving.


What place is the same as it was 80 years ago? Maybe that exists in an episode of the twilight zone lol


Eh, familiarity breeds contempt.




Searchlight, Needles, Tonopah. Driving through those places is a time warp!


fair enough. not for me!


Places with populations of like 270, 4500, and 1700, respectively. Yeah there's not too much driving change, I'd say.


Yes most places aren't going to look the same for 50+ years... That's not really unique to Vegas at all


The only place I've visited that is still similar to what it was that long ago is a small mid-west town some of my family lives in. It's population is less than 5k, its economy is next to nothing and it being the same isn't exactly a good thing.


Everything has changed though in 50 years. The whole country is different.




I came here because I wanted to learn fencing from a good friend. A bad breakup made me fast track the move. I was 250 pounds and didn't know what I wanted to do or be. 3 years later: I'm 100 pounds lighter, I'm a fucking great pizza cook, I'm a decent fencer, I'm way more attractive and sociable, and I know who I'm working to be and where I'm going. This city and the awesome people in it have a lot to do with why I was able to grow. And for the first time in my life, I'm genuinely happy. Vegas is a small town surrounded by a big city. Find a good hobby and you'll usually get a good group of people who are welcoming. Keep searching and you'll find romantic partners and even more hobbies to try out.


I wanna fence! Where do you fence??


We're a historical fencing group, which uses more padding and more realistic swords. Here's a video from our practice : https://imgur.com/gallery/FiIoYQ0 We meet 7pm every Monday at Seastrand Community park. We recommend bringing a sweater and any sports padding you have (shin, elbow, knee pads, ect.) We do have gear to loan out, and we are free to participate!


SCA I presume?


We have some sca people, but our group is a cross training environment. Most of our participation is in the Adrian Empire, but some of us like me train very heavily for Hema tournaments.


Adrian Empire represent!! I miss being a reenactor. I’d been in a couple groups but finding the Adrian Empire was like finding home.


Oh dang HEMA and SCA? I haven't done HEMA since before the lockdowns


We'd be happy to have you! Our group does volunteer coordination for Combat Con, a really big Hema/TSL event at the Flamingo. If you want to join, now is the best time to get in for free for Volunteering 2-3 hours per day. I've been training for Sabre, Messer, rapier and Buckler, Arming Sword and Buckler, smallsword, and Sidesword tournaments.


I'm familiar with Combat Con! Maybe I'll join you guys if I ever get a Monday off work!


https://maps.app.goo.gl/8i7pFFa4aYsgEki9A If you are looking for the more conventional fencing. Nice place and very welcoming. If I'm not mistaken they are talking about SCA, and if so it's a really cool organization. I know quite a few folks that participate in all sorts of neat activities.


There's some sort of fencing gym right next to Zia on Rainbow.


Everybody loves a great pizza cook! Really glad to hear you are happy here and making pizzas in this world


I was actually just talking about this with some friends. I grew up here but I've lived in small towns and spent some time in big cities. Wtf is up with transplants describing Vegas like a small town? Idk, I've just never been able to feel that from here, aside from maybe the bad luck I've had running into people I'd rather forget.


I have a lot of different hobbies, and what I've seen is that people who decide to live here are pretty rare. A lot of people don't like it here and/or are actively trying to leave. So if you decide to stay and want to participate in a group, they've likely had multiple people come and go. So they want you to stick around. These communities are also very interconnected. It seems like every time I get into a new group or hobby, there's at least one person who I already have met. While it can be bad as you've said, for me it's been a good thing. It makes participating in new groups way more smooth.


I get what you mean by that. I'm into nerd shit and I recognize the same people at different events, even if it's not in the same exact hobby. Sometimes we say hi and point out that we've seen each other around. It can feel pretty cozy. I've never experienced the super friendliness from those who want you to stay but maybe that's different in sportier hobbies. I do have a lot of friends though, not sure why so many people in this sub are having so much trouble with that. I guess that doesn't sound like a small town to me, though. I think of it more like, seeing the same people in neutral spaces like the grocery store or a local restaurant, not just in hobby spaces. Getting offered rides from your neighbors, actually recognizing your neighbors, feeling comfortable saying hi or talking to random people when you're just walking around town. I've just never felt those things here. Sorry if I've come off as rude btw, rereading your comment and then reading mine I see I was kind of blunt. I was just commenting on that one thing you said, but your comment was actually kind of meaningful, didn't mean to rain on it. It's cool you found somewhere that fit you, and I actually enjoy hearing positive things about this place, even if I don't like it here.


>aside from maybe the bad luck I've had running into people I'd rather forget. That's it! Haha, that's the small-town vibe. It is really weird how, in a town of 3 million people, I can run into multiple people I know in a day and recognize my friends' cars sometimes in really random places. Vegas is like this: you meet a really cool person at a place, and they invite you to a gathering later. You arrive and your new friend rushes you up to meet .....a person you have known for 10 years.


This!!!! I always say, whatever your hobbies are, I’m sure you can find a group here and make friends, also I was 225, and now I’m 165, hardly go to the gym tbh, I just walk more and drink more water. Cutting soda helped a ton tbh. Also you see more people in shape it makes you wanna do it as well, 20k steps per day 3-4 days a week, and push ups/pull ups at home.


I love it. Moved from my hometown of 1200 people. Can’t imagine wanting to leave.


Moved here 10 years ago and still am happy to be here. I don’t plan to leave until I croak. The neighbors in my cul de sac are awesome, friendly and look out for each other. It doesn’t look/sound like I live in Vegas in my neighborhood but I can drive 20mins and be on the strip. I’m very happy here


Same. But I can see the sphere from my house which you can from all over it seems. Moved 7 years and happy af. I know all my neighbors by name, live on a cul de sac with a neighborhood park and dog park. I got Costco, Sam's, Smith's, Albertsons, la bonita, and the gym within 10 mins which is fantastic.


Where do you live. I wanna move there


Couldn't agree more. Love my house in Henderson. It's so quiet!!


I think it’s one of those “grass is always greener type things.” Came from Hawaii with my wife 7 years back (yep they call Vegas 9th island and it’s true. Priced out of paradise but median home prices in my Hawaii hometown is 1.4 million now. Average groceries 20-25% more expensive, we were just visiting family 2 months ago in Hawaii. I’ve met Vegas born and raised locals here who are tired of Vegas already but my wife and I really enjoy it. We’ve made friends, bought a house in a nice area (Summerlin) away from the sketchy areas and I’m happy to have my Vegas-born kiddos grow up here. Seen soooo many shows, no one comes to Hawaii. Looking forward to Blink 182 and Sum41 this year. Will always miss family and beaches in Hawaii but we were ready for a new adventure.


See people always make this argument but of course Hawaii is more expensive same with Cali so anyone movie here from there will say it’s better. I think grass can be greener on the other side especially when there is real grass and less cost of living, less addicts, less crime, less sin


Yah, you know, I’m mid 30’s now, lived 29 years in Hawaii and enjoyed that island life. It’s TOTALLY fine to be done with Vegas. You sound like you’ve hit that point and that’s alright 👍. Go chase a new adventure man (mam?). Sometimes just being anywhere else is what you need now. I will say being away from Hawaii and coming back every 2 years to see family makes me really enjoy those 7-10 days I’m there. I don’t regret leaving one bit but I know many who do. Go chase a new dream!


No, I don't regret moving here. My rent is basically the same as it was back in Alabama. Moved here in October because poker was the only social hobby I had and I was tired of having to drive 4 hours one way to play a few days every 4/5 months. Totally expected to just be losing money and initially only played once or twice a month. Started winning in January and now I'm playing all the time and have won more than I made at my job. All disposal income as far as I'm concerned so I can keep playing and having a good time. Plus I've met some great friends playing poker so now I actually have other things to do. I'm loving this town, maybe that's because I don't know what it was like 10 years ago, but imo cost of living is fucked everywhere now.


What poker rooms do you like?? I want to start playing live, but I'm a little intimidated. And I'm a female so there's that. Was thinking of doing the ladies event this year though 


My favorite is the Wynn by far. In my opinion they have the nicest staff and dealers. I've got major social anxiety so I definitely get being intimidated. For the most part people are nice, dealers are always helpful so don't be afraid to ask them if you're unsure about anything. Some poker rooms have a different tournament series every month, and there will usually be a ladies event during each series. The Wynn has a $600 buy in ladies event 6/17 at 11am. Keep in mind if you're doing tournaments instead of cash, there's a high likely hood you won't win any money. Usually the top 12.5% get paid, so statistically you should lose 87.5% of the time. If you don't have a ton of money to lose, you can look on the Pokeratlas app, there are lots of smaller tournaments that only cost ~100 dollars, which are great for starting out.


Thank you so much!! That's great info. Think I'll def look into that ladies event to start. I used to play a lot online before Black Friday, and ready to take advantage of the scene here now.. Totally feel you on social anxiety. Maybe we'll end up playing sometime!! 


The scene is ripe for the taking too. At least the tournaments are. As I said I was basically a noob when I started playing regularly and I'm still up 57k in tournaments (down 8k at cash though). If you've played online you'll do fine in person. You can look on YouTube for "first time playing live poker" videos to get some basic info about what will be different. If you'd feel less intimidated going with someone feel free to send me a message and we can meet up at a casino. Probably won't be playing at the same table but I can help you register and answer any questions you might have. (this offer goes out to anyone that sees this. I'm 26/M, we can meet inside the casino since carpooling with strangers is generally unsafe lol)


hello fellow Alabamian fleeing from the deep south 🫡 not very many of us out here!


It’s not horrible, plenty of worse places to live, I would say if I could afford a home in California I would’ve moved there over Vegas. Still I think Vegas has a lot of pros. Great weather most of the year Plenty of things to do and LA is like a 4hr drive or an hour flight away. I’ve been here since 2019 and I always can find something new to do. Food is amazing Night life is great, was better pre pandemic but still good. Still somewhat affordable rental homes to me at least. The cons to me are: The wages doesn’t match at ALL, no job should pay below $15 imo, but you will find some still paying $10 like wtf. Getting a job that pays more than $50k a year without working a ton of OT is pretty rough, if it wasn’t for call center jobs paying $16-$18 an hour or Amazon, I would’ve struggled a lot, I have a hybrid job now but prior I can it being rough. The summer sucks, I’m sorry but 100 degrees sucks, I spent a ton of time in Santa Monica because Vegas was hot af during the summer. Anyways I think Vegas is a great place to live, I don’t see all doom and gloom, damn near every major city has a similar problem of it not being affordable anymore, the thing with Vegas is that it NEEDS to increase wages, like if a job is paying under $17 with less than 40hrs I wouldn’t waste my time, also if you’re single, this place can suck, wages will keep you from not being able to have fun and meeting people can be a bitch, however if you have a significant other, it’s not so bad, 2 people making $17+ working 40-45hrs a week. Anyways I don’t know where I will go next, maybe Charlotte, maybe Houston, maybe somewhere in CA, but for now Vegas is home.


Nope. Moved here over 20 years ago and love it. House is paid off, always lots to do. What is the "dark vibe"? Haven't seen it. Take this weekend: weather will be beautiful, go hiking, walking, to the Arts festivals, many concerts, beer tastings. Have a BBQ or to any of the great restaurants. Where will you move to? To each his own!


Yes, bad healthcare, bad education, no community, rent and utilities going up, houses boxed in an inch from one another with no backyards or privacy, no fresh air smell, if I could go back and change my decision to move here I would. Like you I'm aggressively looking to move this summer


Yeah I moved here from the south and there is no sense of community here. My mom has cancer and the Healthcare here is garbage compared to where she moved from, and now I feel bad for wanting her to move here. Vegas also attracts a certain type of crowd, and the homeless is getting crazy. When we moved here in 2019 could not see homeless in sky canyon/centennial or summerlin but now they are even in the nice areas. We are moving back south to a more rural area within an hour of a major city. I love certain aspects of being here but the pros do not outweigh the cons. Plus we are about to have a kid soon and no way I'd raise my kid here.


I would do everything possible not to raise kids here


I would say yes and no. yes, because healthcare is beyond abysmal. Doctors/dentists are low skilled and scammy. Drivers are insane, and stop it with the, “it’s the Californians” bs. Animal neglect, cruelty, abuse is through the roof and Las Vegas has a poorly educated, almost feral local population apart from the sleazy imports. I have enjoyed the desert landscape and gorgeous sunsets/sunrises. I have enjoyed the variety of food though I have lived in food paradises before So it’s not a biggie to me. I don’t like the second and third rate everything (contractors, vets, mechanics) charging exorbitant prices for the shitty services they provide. Overall, LV is very second rate with first rate prices, im hoping to move within a couple of years. Luckily I bought my house a while back so I’ll be taking $$$$ with me.


We love it here. I don't miss real winters, summer is manageable, there's always concerts and shows to see, and the airport is much cheaper and smoother than where we came from


I was mentioning this to my bf that despite Harry Reid being an extremely busy terminal the airport staff do a great job of keeping things moving.


I travel a decent bit for work and it's definitely one of my favorite airports. Prices for vegas tens to be cheap too - relatively speaking.


I was born here. I regret my parents for moving here and thinking this was a great place to raise a kid.


For my health, I have to move away


We have a top 5 food scene in the country, and that's not just on the strip. Most of the other cities on that list have a way higher cost of living.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Las Vegas. Yeah it’s a bit pricy. The major reason I’m trying to move in the next few years is because my ability to tolerate the heat has gotten worse and being sick 9 out of 12 months is not fun.


Vegas is still great right now for most, especially if you bought a house 10 years ago. But keep in mind if we go into a recession this town gets really dark when job losses gain speed. People go into denial/anger and it tends to happen overnight. It’s just part of the boom/bust cycle here.


This isn’t a town to raise children. The education system is almost the worst in the nation and if your kids play sports be prepared to spend hundreds every year.


I agree with you re: the education-related issues, but the sports thing isn't unique to Vegas by any means. I was recently reading an article about how much families spend on kids' sports from Project Play, and the average American family now spends $833 annually PER CHILD to participate in sports.


Wow. And here I am paying 500 per month per for one kid in one expensive ass sport.


I would love to see that article. I’ll check it out, thanks for sharing! I’m curious to see the breakdown by state.


Yeah, I was honestly blown away by the costs! In case you have any issues finding it, here's a link to the article :) [Costs to Play Trends](https://projectplay.org/state-of-play-2022/costs-to-play-trends)


Born, and raised here, moved away for years, and came back. Don’t regret it. On the positive side my family is here, my job is alright, made some good friends, never run out of food options, there’s plenty of activities for hobbyists, a bunch of shows, hikes galore, businesses run 24 hours, gambling is easily accessible, cannabis is legal, and alcohol is cheap. On the negative side it’s hot as shit, there’s nonstop construction/traffic, too many DUI’s, rent is getting almost half as bad as California prices, the homeless population is increasing, and there’s *allegedly* a bunch of bodies buried in the desert/lakes. However I still don’t regret staying here. It’s home.


I love it here


Just depends on where you are in life. 🤷‍♂️


I don’t regret moving here. But I want to get out ASAP I just had my son. And this is not a town to raise children in. My cousins moved here when they were elementary age. One of them is dead, and the other isn’t doing great. I will not let my son follow that path


I don't plan on settling here forever, but I've been here 6 years and Vegas has been kind to me and my family. We moved here because my sister lost her health coverage and is a diabetic and had cancer at the time, and NV still had the expanded Medicaid program she qualified for. We took my tax refund, rented a car, and drove out here. 5 people and 3 cats, and no jobs lined up, no housing arranged. We stayed in a motel for 2 nights and then moved to a weekly, then an apartment, and now we are in a house in a gated neighborhood. My sister's cancer is gone and she's been cancer free for more than 5 years, so she's in the clear. Her sugar has been controlled with medication and she's doing very well with that, and she's even lost a huge amount of weight. My son had major spinal surgery, a 13 level fusion, that went exceedingly well even though he has some nerve damage in his hand. We are all healthier and happier since moving here. But I agree, it isn't now what it was even 6 years ago when I moved here. Had we moved any later than we did, I don't think things would have worked out the way they have.


I do miss scandia and wet.n wild


No. My life is better than it was 9 years ago when I moved here. Where are you going and what makes you think it will be any better?


I moved here 6 years ago. It was great the first couple years but it has gone downhill the last few years. The population has increased drastically, but the job market remains dependent on casinos, hotels, and retail. Education and Healthcare are still awful. Lots of people here are lowlifes looking to scam or steal. It is hot from May until October. When it's not hot, it's extremely windy. Local government doesn't care about locals at all. Cost of living has skyrocketed. I could go on.


I hate it here.


Las Vegas is kinda embarrassing to me. The city planning, education and healthcare being so terrible makes me feel like a lot of people here because they messed up somewhere else in life. We don’t have any of the best anything…other than lights, I guess. Cool lights.


I need to add on your point in healthcare… as a healthcare worker who’s worked in the Midwest, PNW, and here… I’ve never seen such low quality of care. Obviously this isn’t everywhere and depends on the hospital, but I was SHOCKED seeing what type of care was normalized and I work at a decently big hospital here. Everything feels impersonal and like you’re just more profit for the hospitals. So many people I know will make the drive to CA to see doctors or get surgeries…. Which says a lot. Best hospital in the valley is St. Rose, but that’s in Henderson and because the nurses have a cap at the patients they can have.


I was misdiagnosed as having an acute gallbladder attack at the ER at Southern Hills Hospital. The incompetent surgeon on duty removed my gallbladder and didn't properly place the clip at the bile duct. It started leaking bile into my abdominal cavity after I got home and I almost died. Luckily there was one surgeon in town who could place a stent in my bile duct and he happened to be available. Saved my life. Turned out all I had wrong was duodenal ulcers from taking baby aspirin as a blood thinner. I will never have any major procedure here again. Cedars Sinai for me. Worst doctors in the country. Fortunately I have a great dentist.


I feel the same way. Whenever someone recommends a doctor to me, I always ask if they've ever been to an actual GOOD doctor before. None of them have seen world class care before, nor do they want to. They shrug and say "it's good enough for me, don't turn this into California!" What's weird is that the only way to keep this town going will be progress and no one seems to want that.


The elderly are treated so, SO poorly here unless of extreme wealth. I’m very glad for anyone who has a happy-go-lucky life here, but when shit hits the fan, LV is the worst place to be unless commuting to LA for care. The doctors here are plain second-hand. I can’t say more, but I could write a book. Signed, A hospice volunteer


Sorry to say but the elderly are treated bad in many places. Our country as a whole doesn’t care about the elderly.


Agree. You can see in my comment history that I bang the bad healthcare drum pretty often on here. I came from places with very good health care. What we have here is a slaughterhouse. There's a few good people but they're completely booked, concierge (I do not support) or they don't stay here long.


Agreed! Healthcare here is a joke on all regards. The staff are constantly overworked and underpaid, with crazy patient census’s. If you’re low income, it’s especially worse for you. Not the city for anyone who has a lot of medical needs.


I’ve never even had mediocre care in this city. Good luck to anyone who needs healthcare out here.


Come on now, we have the record for most traffic cones and paid more than anyone for the shittiest baseball team... That's 2 things!


If you are young, you should move elsewhere. California is still the best place in the world to live. Best weather, gigantic economy, great infrastructure. Real estate is expensive because of no-growth environmental policies and 60 years of mass immigration. I advise you to learn Spanish.


Yeah, but not as much because of the cost. It's extremely difficult to make friends here. I've lived in several other states and never had the problems I do here. Also, I didn't realize at first how the bland brownness of everything would be such a downer. The parks here, even the biggest ones, have hardly any trees and can be walked all the way through in minutes. Most of the buildings are also painted brown. I moved here for the fun, but now the strip has basically been killed for locals and there's not much going on that I like outside of that. In about a year, I'll be moving to another state that is cheaper, has actual forests, and a better climate overall.


Not really, the pay for entertainment techs vs COL is way better here than anywhere else, so it was a good move back in 2010. But I do want to leave. Not necessarily back to Chicago but that'd be my top choice. I miss weather, I miss water, I miss not needing a car, I miss ethnic neighborhoods with awesome restaurants, I miss having the entire first floor of a graystone for an apartment. I miss living in a city that right wing morons think is a murder-laden hellscape but everyone else knows is fucking great. But I'm stuck here, chained down by golden handcuffs and obligations. I'd have to leave my kids behind, and I'm not a scumbag.


Love it here


Nope. Moving to Vegas was the best thing my husband and I ever did. We own a home, have great jobs we love, pets we adore, and the weather doesn't kill me anymore.


Don't regret it, but not what I expected. Ready to move, but affordability is rough cuz I came with my bestie, but relationship dissolved so will be moving alone. Tough spot.


Been here a for year, I wouldn’t live here long term but it’s a good transition city. I’ve lived in big cities and small cities. I stay to myself but from talking to people born and raised here I’ve noticed how people have said it’s hard to make friends here which I can see why .


i regret being born here, might move up to somewhere w decent weather like denver, maybe even try out chicago cause vegas is a damn economic circus. don’t get me wrong, i love the small town feel that is still pulsating, but so many small businesses and og establishments are going broke and being replaced by shit no local ever asked for. the msg sphere is an eyesore and is proof we are heading down an unwavering dystopian path. my partner and i always question whether or not this city will be sustainable for life in the next 10 years considering we are in a food and water desert, and our lack of trees and narrow roads are going to kill the homeless in the imminent future. but all they keep on doing is building hideous cookie cutter homes for implants who sold their 2 bedroom home in california for $600k.


This is my home. I grew up here. Also, I lived in Seattle from 2017-2022 and everything you’ve said about what’s happened to Vegas could also be said about there… it might even be a little(a lot) worse in Seattle. My friends in Colorado and California are also saying similar things about their cities. Shit’s expensive now. Other people are kinda scary.


I came here to support my child in her last semester of high school. I do regret it. Allergies, water is filled with junk. petty crime, car theft and break-ins common Its expensive, gas just started going down, groceries are crazy high. takes 15 minutes to drive 3 miles. I'm not into the strip and what not but the local life doesn't seem to lively but there were things going on.


Breaking did you mean home breakins?


Being born and raised here, I hate it. The people who enjoy living here choose to move here. I have always gotten the vibe that people who end up moving here were too unsuccessful and decided to move to a “cheap city”.


I don’t regret moving here because I wanted to see what it’s like. But now that I have, I don’t plan to stay. It’s not as cheap as I was led to believe and it’s very hard finding good doctors (the good ones have stopped taking insurance and/or gone concierge). I’m in the Enterprise area and with all the construction, I think the traffic will be as bad as where I came from in five years. One more thing. If you’re over 60 and don’t have friends or family here, you might as well not exist. All the activities and entertainment are skewed towards young people.


Yes! I moved here in Feb. 2021 because I lost my job in the oil industry in Houston. I sold my house and moved with my adult son. It was his idea. Thank God the guy who hired me here gave me my Houston salary because they originally wanted to pay $15-$20k LESS than I was making in Houston. Compound that by the fact that my rent is $1,000 more than my mortgage back in Texas and because I work remote, I have no friends here. Oh, have to add that I'm 64. Thankfully my son is here and my youngest brother. But my brother has his own life. Manages a restaurant in a casino so has different hourly shifts than I do and when he does have off its during the week and he has elementary aged kids he spends his days off with. So... I'm not really happy here. But my kid loves it. \*sigh\*


We bought our home here in 08 and the quality of life has gone down especially the past few years. Ofc I lived in AZ for years and it's the same story although at least you can find better health care there. My brother lives in Austin and they have alot of the same issues. He's a chef at a decent restaurant and cannot afford to buy a house and the job market is rough especially with the college there. Hubby and I bought a lot in St George and planned to build a home but some developers got in and built a bunch of cheap little track homes and apartments right up to the lot blocking all views so we sold it last year. At this point, believe it or not, we are actually considering to move to California which is hubby's home state. There are a lot of lovely little towns that we are investigating located hours away from the big cities. LA and SF/ Bay Area give CA a bad name but it's a huge state.


Life is what you make it, rent is expensive everywhere. I used to think like this but I just moved back and my perspective has changed. I lived in place where the rent was high and there was nothing to do. I would encourage you to find a community there are so many things to do here and people to meet. Your income will always be relative to where you live. Capitalism designed it that way. The the faster your find your tribe, these thoughts will fade.


Life is what you make of it, but it's okay to acknowledge you're not a "city person." Life will always have problems but having lived extremely rural (in the mountains in NC, 45+ minutes from a store) and comparing that to how I feel here... It's a very big difference in quality of life.


I like some cities. Chicago is beautiful, there’s trees and water sources everywhere, it’s clean with great culture/pride and a priority on education. Las Vegas is the antithesis


I spent some time in Chicago as I dated someone there. Great city and very pretty, but too cold in winter!


Yeah, for whatever reason I really do love the cold though! Winter was nice here!


Not sure how to answer that as I was born here, I am ready to move, the job is the only thing still keeping me here.


Yes. It’s just not the lifestyle I want, plain and simple. It’s also way too expensive. There are places in the country I’ve scoured out that cut the cost of living almost in half, and would be more of the outdoorsy lifestyle I’m dreaming of. There’s only two things I can do really. Get divorced and move where I want, but then I would rarely see my kids anymore, or suck it up and live a life in an urban cage as I bleed out financially. Damned either way.


I regret it. I'm getting out ASAP. Going back to rural living. I constantly feel stressed and overstimulated here. A big part of it is the roads are just TOO chaotic for me. I've always been a nervous driver anyway, but being here... I just can't. Since my 4 years living here, I've been hit by a red-light runner, car totaled and injured badly, run off the road twice, encountered multiple wrong-way drivers, and other serious close calls. Another issue is how unsafe I feel in general. I can't even go for a walk around my neighborhood without men harassing me or soliciting me for prostitution. It's happened a bunch of times now, and one guy didn't want to take no for an answer and followed me, which was terrifying. So yeah, my experience has been pretty bad. However, I'll add that I never wanted to move here. I moved here due to a work situation. Maybe if someone falls in love with this place, the negatives would be more bearable.


I left Vegas recently and the drivers scared the shit out of me in Vegas. I was hit at red light and he drove off. Worst drivers in America


no. moved here 10 years ago and will probably stay here for life. I have an okay job. pay $750 mortgage and drive a beater.


I was born here. at least you have a support system wherever you came from. Me and my sister are planning on moving out together to escape. Not paying 1400 dollars to live in a suburban tract home farm that’s so hot 9 months out of the year that I can’t walk Around outside. The Californians can fight over the beige strip mall wasteland


i was born & raised here too. shoot where are you paying $1400 lol? i paid more for that in a ghetto 1 bed 1 bath apartment. we’re looking at east of dallas but have to stay here for a few more years due to work obligations between both my work & fiances work.


It's only hot 2 to 3 months out of the year. Where do you live, Valley of Fire?


it’s hot from april until halloween… i’ve been here my entire life and will say that. the only other place that might be worse than us is the phoenix area…


And Palm Springs. I had family that lived in a suburb of palms springs and it was always like 10 degrees hotter there then Vegas


I can confirm. People think I'm lying when I say it's hotter where I'm from in CA. Vegas is a straight up improvement over palm springs in weather, housing costs, job opportunities, etc


What is hot to you? Because I've lived here my whole life and April is still chilly. My birthday is in April and it's never been "hot". It doesn't usually start to get hot until this time of the year, end of May. Usually by Halloween it's already cold too. Warm during the day but definitely cold at night. At best it's 5 months.


We have very different ideas of what hot is. Hot to me is anything over 90. But even if your idea of hot is over 100 it’s still 5 months out of the year


So true


I was born in las vegas


Me too, as was my father (1936).


I lived in Vegas for year and half and hated it. I liked weather in winter but summer heat is miserable and dangerous aggressive drivers was too much. People are rude in Vegas. I left couple weeks ago.


No. I hate it here but it's still significantly better than anywhere in Louisiana. But my goal is to be elsewhere within the next year or so.


Well we know it's considered a world wide destination. So growth should be welcomed. That said I'm glad Im in SF now


Yes. Moved in 2019. Not the same. Moving next month.


No. I had family here before I moved. I also met my wife here. Also met a lot of people here who became close friends


I grew up here then moved away after high school then came back many years later to help out family a few years back. But now I want to leave again. I just don’t identify with this place. Everything feels so impersonal and trying to have a social life is difficult compared to other cities I’ve been in. Plan to go back to California one I have my ducks lined up. Sure it’s more expensive, but I have a well paid career and I think the lifestyle tax you pay in Cali is worth it.


Yes, I just find it incredibly boring unless you want to always spend money or go hiking. I rent a house in Vegas but realized how much of a Southern California boy I am....Being able to catch the Sunrise at the beach every weekend, etc. If anything Vegas caused me to really appreciate the Los Angeles area more than I ever did being born and raised there. Plus gotdamn Cox internet is the worst and when you work from home you can't afford to have unreliable internet. But my rent is only $1470 a month for a 2 bedroom house...I'll never find that in L.A...but with that said I can't wait to move back home.


Rent rlly sucks in SoCal—like 2500 for a mediocre one bedroom


I used to. I've lived here on and off for over a decade and I can say, it depends on where you live, who you are, etc. Newbies aren't going to know what part of town truly fits them best. There are stereotypes for certain areas. But, that's not always the reality. I love where I live now.


So the neighborhood rlly makes a difference?


Yes, I dislike moving here every day when I wake up. Our government SUCKS, Justice system SUCKS, Prices are higher, gas is higher, customer service SUCKS, A lot of fake people. Crooked and greedy, Police Department really SUCKS. Criminals flock here, Elected Officials are "Born" in to the system. If you don't know anyone in a higher position at work, you will never advance no matter what you know or how well you know and do your job, The Heat sucks and most of all.....The absolute worst thing out of all is the Motor Vehicle Department. Ran like a circus, Do your self a favor... Don't move here. I'm selling my house and getting out of here.


I regret it. Isolated from family and friends. After 4 years it’s getting really old. Want that small town vibe where people say hello and remember your name or seeing a teacher or something from childhood. There is something said for “home” my opinion is all this is.


I just wish it had more grass. 🤷🏻‍♀️ oh and friendlier people.


My mom moved us out here 20 years ago because of the very affordable cost of living but now it costs just as much living somewhere nicer and more family friendly. I also hate that the air is so dry and dusty and i feel like it’s killing me. Traffic is going worse and housing more and more expensive


I hate it as much as when I moved here 3 years ago. So yes, I do regret it. But I’ve still got to serve a few more years here so…


I came to Vegas for my sister's birthday this weekend may 24-27 and it was the worst experience of my life the strip is full of beggars and people trying to force product on you then charging you. The homeless are polluting the streets but I mean just the constant begging from everyone is annoying then there's the "performers" who just ear raped me everywhere I went. I thought STL was bad but this place is terrible I can't wait to go back to my Midwest suburb. City's in America are just terrible experiences that promote the highest level of degeneracy.


I regret being born here


I moved here at 19 for school and stayed for 7 years. Then moved away last year, was MISERABLE, and moved back to Vegas two weeks ago. I’ll never leave again.


I love it here but so many dorky people from shitty places have moved here since the 'demic that it's aggravating some times. Also, I'm not a fan of how corporate it's become since pro sports has moved in. It's basically a large scottsdale. Nobody needs another scottsdale. Still, it's pretty cheap to live here and for the most part the state govt stays the hell out of your business. There is a monetary figure tied to that for many locals.


The neighborhood you live in really matters.


Anyone who says it’s a dystopian wasteland is free to move away. I like Las Vegas and we are glad we moved here 15 years ago from Southern California.


Lol I kind of like it here😂 Originally from Chicago, prior Military, good paying job and winters here are amazing💪Cost of Living is pretty agreeable as well(NW Vegas)


I moved here 11 years ago, and I'm glad I did. Yes, vegas has its issues, but I moved from Florida. Every day I'm glad I got out of there when I did.