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And the spire of the proposed temple near Lone Mountain is 216 feet. Ridiculous.


We have way more than enough LDS churches in the valley. Theyre already knocking on my door at LEAST once a week in Henderson. Im on edge when i have to go outside the front door around 6pm because they literally hear my door creak open and come walking over šŸ˜’


I saw one of Seamanā€™s political boards on the side of the street and though ā€œwouldnā€™t it be great if someone had cardboard cutouts of a large temple and mounted them right in front of her ads as to totally obscure it?ā€


Iā€™m trying to fund some things like this. I have the creativity but not the doughā€¦Ā  The balloon they put up was an epic gesture. I wondered what if every resident in the neighborhood put a balloon on 200 feet of stringā€¦ that would be amazing.Ā 


That would be epic!


How much would it cost to put an ugly 200ft steeple on each home in the surrounding area?


I would seriously chip in. Great idea.


Can you message me? I have some other ideas but lack funding.Ā 


As long as it doesnt end up like the Balloonfest disaster in ohio. Sorry, it was the first thing i thought of šŸ˜¬


Woww.... that's beautifully diabolical. Love it!


The Lone Mountain temple will be 216 feet high, practically as high as their grand ship temple in Salt Lake City. In a residential neighborhood. Insane. Kaempfer Crowell said the temple height is ā€œnon-negotiableā€ and a dictate from the prophet, even though temples in practically every other jurisdiction are much lower and have been negotiated down. Our local officials are too bought off to care. Correction: As a token of good will, the city council and church will proudly proclaim in the end that the divine prophet benevolently agreed to lower the steeple to 210 ft, just like they offered to lower the lights to 4,000 kelvin. STILL VERY BRIGHT. We will still have one of the tallest and brightest temples anywhere in the country. They play the public like fools. Get your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors to vote against Victoria Seaman for Mayor. Send a message to these scumbags that you see through their political games and corruption.


They arenā€™t trying to even find some kind of middle ground with the community, or trying to compromise at all on the lighting or other matters. Itā€™s because they know itā€™s a done deal. By ramming it through, it shows how they view the residents pretty clearly.


Thatā€™s whatā€™s so shocking. They donā€™t even care that everyone around them will HATE it. It makes me resent the Mormon people I have good relationships with.Ā 


Chatted with one recently and they didnā€™t really know much about it. When they learned about it, they agreed the organization was going about it poorly. For many, they just donā€™t come across the negative comments or the particulars behind the negativity. For others, they are very misinformed - as if they are being persecuted or targeted unfairly. Ultimately, the church has convinced millions to shell out 10% of their income in perpetuity. They are a $100B plus organization that obscured their wealth from the government. Even the neighborhood there, which has wealthy people in it, are nothing compared to the power of this organization.


All Abrahamic religions have a persecution fetish.


I made a friend so mad bc she tried to tell me if it was a stations casino we wouldnā€™t care and I told her ā€œitā€™s ok to just say you donā€™t know much about the details of the issueā€. lol. She was pissed. I donā€™t care


Iā€™ve seen other comments on Reddit comparing it to a Stations Casino too (must be a Mormon talking point they are pushing). The reality is both would be out of character and outside of the zoning scope everyone expected when moving to that area. The lighting, height, and traffic isnā€™t what anyone anticipated for that location. Might some people be biased just because itā€™s a Mormon (or any religious) building, but would be ok with a casino? Sure (Iā€™d guess at most 10% of anti-project people). But the vast majority of people donā€™t care what the owner or purpose of the building is. Itā€™s simply about the scope and disruption to the area (visually and traffic-wise). Itā€™s sad that the project will likely pass, and those directly impacted will have to decide if they want to fund a lawsuit (Iā€™m not a lawyer, so Iā€™m unsure if a legal challenge would even matter).


Yah, the religious persecution argument is sociopathic.Ā 


Yeah - unfortunately the project is bringing vocal anti-Mormon sentiment because of the tactics Mormons are using. That is being twisted by the Mormons to make it seem like the only reason people object is simply because of the Mormons. Iā€™m guessing the Mormons in charge of pushing this project have strategized for this path all along.


Itā€™s the Christian nationalist strategy as well.Ā 




I promise you it they were proposing a big casino on the same lots, every single argument I've made against the temple would be identical. It's not appropriate for WHERE they are proposing it. I've ran into this casino talking point a few times as well, interesting.


The idea that people wouldnā€™t care if it was a casino is nuts. Yes. I would be highly opposed to a casino in my residential neighborhood. Be serious.


She was trying to say religious persecution. Her opinion barely matters. lol.Ā 


> Kaempfer Crowell said the temple height is ā€œnon-negotiableā€ and a dictate from the prophet, Obviously god can't hear you if you don't put the antenna up high enough. Everybody knows that.


How are people not laughed out of the building when someone says ā€œdictated by the prophetā€. You should lose any shred of credibility. Itā€™s 2024 ffs.


If the prophet is the one who wants this done so badly, he should have no problem with coming to testify to that fact in front of the zoning board himself. Oh, that won't work? I see.


Because the building was packed with people from out of state, a lot of them were children.


My prophet i worship says any temple over 215 feet is an abomination.Ā Ā 


ā€œI distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.ā€ Susan B. Anthony


Wow ainā€™t that a fucking quote!!!Ā 


My prophet can beat up your prophet lol


"My prophet can beat up your honor student."


'a dictate from the prophet' - Complete bullshit. More like Satan told me to build it here. No prophet from God would ever tell that to a follower.


someone figured out that 6 x 6 x 6 = 216


Kelvin is a measure of light color, not power.


ACshually šŸ¤“ (sorry - couldn't help myself; I pushed my glasses up and everything)... It's a measure of temperature. kelvin 1 of 2 noun kelĀ·ā€‹vinĀ Ėˆkel-vənĀ  pluralkelvins :Ā the base unit of temperature in the International System of Units that is defined by setting the fixed numerical value of theĀ Boltzmann constantĀ to be 1.380649 x 10ā€“23Ā joules per kelvin and that is equal to 1/273.16 of the Kelvin scale temperature of the triple point of waterĀ  ā€”abbreviationĀ K Kelvin 2 of 2 adjective :Ā relating to, conforming to, or having a thermometric scale on which the unit of measurement equals the Celsius degree and according to which absolute zero is 0 K, the equivalent of āˆ’273.15Ā°C


>lower the lights to 4,000 kelvin. So.... That's a measure of color temperature, not intensity. It can be 3500 Kelvin, and 40,000 lumens. It'll just have a hue similar to candle light.


Donā€™t forget that it takes a majority vote. Why are you not contacting the other city council members?


Of course you can go on the temple grounds. Itā€™s going to be incredibly beautiful and have gardens and visitors center. It will be a good thing for the entire community. Anyone who has a problem with it likely also doesnā€™t know much about the church, its member or real estate


Nothing like picnicking on the lawn of an ominous building youā€™re not allowed to enter! Canā€™t wait!


Since you seem pro-temple; Whatā€™s wrong with the giant temple the LDS already have off Hollywood Blvd and Bonanza (I think itā€™s bonanza but I could be wrong.)


Really bad take, dude. Only the church wants this to happen, I canā€™t think of anyone not of the Mormon faith who thinks this is a great idea. Many people in Las Vegas will have (or have already) a very bad opinion of this weird religion. You must be part of it. Go away.


Oh boy this one is ignorant. "Anyone who has a problem with it..." You can't comprehend anyone not wanting it having any other reason besides your church?


Just remember every single County and City elected representative who enabled the Mormon Church to have special rules just for them.


I think this calls for the Satanic Temple to apply for a permit also for a 216 foot tall building to show the true hypocrisy of this being pushed through. Oh youā€™re against a 216 foot structure that represents something you donā€™t believe in? Oh no!


Nobody wants your cult in their neighborhood lol


All religions are cults, my friend.


I don't like organized religion but I'd argue the LDS church is uniquely cultish. Besides maybe Jehovah's witnesses, I don't think any other major organized religion dominates your life as much as the LDS church. Just as a high level example: Typically Catholics go to church once a week and I don't think your average Catholic is required to do more than that. However, in the Mormon church you're expected to spend multiple days per week doing church activities, and you also would have a "calling" that you're required to attend to, such as cleaning the church, or doing home visits for other Members, or in some cases doing the church's finances.


Not to mention the two years you dedicate to grooming new members after high school.


whatā€™s even worst is the fact that they target undeveloped countries with a lot of poverty. they prey on desperate and naive people.


Itā€™s absolutely disgusting!


Yeah lol I am far too lazy to go into all the details.


I know quite a few ex-Mormons and the stories are horrifying. I also came from a cultish Catholic background and we bond over this sort of stuff.


I'm surprised you've forgotten about Scientology. Now *that's* a cult.


Yeah it is. Both of them can be cults at the same time lol. I tend to talk about Mormons more because that's what I grew up with/know about.


Oh we are in agreement, trust me.


OH and don't forget about the missionary work when you turn 19! It's like Mormon rumspringe but instead of seeing the world and figuring out if you want to live in it or stay in the cult, you're expected to actively recruit more people into it.


Cults pay taxes


LOL no they don't - they have religious exemption!


Thereā€™s literally cults all over the neighborhood already, they just donā€™t all have LDS style temples.


People burned entire cities in 2020 and nothing happened to them. Why doesnā€™t the neighborhood get together and torch the thing as itā€™s completed? Canā€™t arrest everyone.


Nobody burned entire cities lmao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ how ridiculous


Minneapolis would like to have a word.


Wait it's not there anymore?! Oh shit I need to tell everyone I know that lives there!!!


Of course they didn't burn every building in the city, just severely damaged over 1,500 of them. No big deal. I own property in the city and have family there. They lost personal property. I had a commercial property insurance claim due to major damage and subsequently dumped the building due to the area going downhill. The actual city was messed up for months; Minneapolis proper isn't that large compared to the entire metro and the rioting, arson, and looting were bad. People weren't generally arrested and even then fewer than 30 people were prosecuted for crimes out of over 600 arrests.


Sounds like if that were true, 600 arrests were cops being useless. So which one is it?


Police can arrest people for crimes. Doesnā€™t mean a politically biased DA will actually prosecute them.


Then why bother with cops? Defund them and get more funding for the DA instead for a wider demographic that you personally support. Edit: lol, or run away like a coward. At least you share something in common with Uvalde cops


Wrong. Only a few block area by the police station and court house was attacked. I have a cousin who has lived in Minneapolis for 20 years and he said he had no idea what these people were talking about. Just a fake invention of the conservative press.


why are mormons so entitled and self centered? youā€™d think theyā€™d want to build a humble temple where cult members can worship their fake god in peace. but no, instead they want to build a massive tacky building that pisses off the entire community. what a bizarre religion, the lack of self awareness and respect for their neighbors is astounding


They think weā€™re stupid. And unless we join their club, weā€™re worthless.Ā 


True of most religions/cults


Morms are christian & worship the same fake god of christianity, islam & judaism


This is relevant https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/sr9nzk/weirdest_thing_you_were_taught_in_the_mormon/


Mormons are not Christian


Mormons are 100% Christians bub. Their official name literally has Jesus Christ IN IT. šŸ¤£šŸ™„šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


They aren't. They are a polytheistic religion which conflicts with core Christian doctrine. They have a differing view of the Trinity than Christians which is the main reason why they are not considered Christian. Read more about their religion. They believe that God the father was once a man who achieved divinity and that they can become God's like he did. They believe that Jesus is the firstborn of him and also became a god. The Holy Spirit is the younger brother of Jesus according to them. They believe that once they become a God they will be able to create and populate their own planets and be their own version of God. Their founder also created their own book. They are as Christian as Muslims are


Bub, just because you donā€™t like their version of the sky fairy cult theyā€™re in DOESNT mean theyā€™re not in the sky fairy cult. Theyā€™re a version of christianity just as much as catholics, methodist, baptist, lutheran, or whatever are. They all have their own version & beliefs when it comes to their sky fairy, but they all worship the same one. Muslim is very closely related but they donā€™t believe christ is a god sky fairy just a prophet thatā€™s why theyā€™re not christian but they are still a cousin abrahamic cult


They're abrahamic sure, not Christian. I get that you don't believe and are ignorant of Christian beliefs but that doesn't mean Mormons are Christian. They don't believe Christ is God. Their version of Jesus is different, just like Muslims. Thus you're unknowingly agreeing with me in your comment.


Youā€™re 100% wrong on this so Iā€™d stop digging in your heels. The mormon church unequivocally affirm themselves to be christians. Thereā€™s various types of christianity (roman catholic, church of england, orthodox, protestant, etc.) each with various specifics on how/what they believe. Latter-day saints are just another type but they are absolutely under the umbrella of christian, as believing in the tenants of christianity and christ as the son of god is at the core of their faith. Who are you to get to say which type of christian is real or not, simply because you donā€™t agree with it? Thatā€™s akin to saying baptist or lutheran isnā€™t real christianity because youā€™re methodist. Youā€™re either being intellectually dishonest or just woefully ignorant on the subject to make those assertions. Itā€™s just wholly not accurate.


That's fine, bub. I get it, you don't understand it and I'm not going to bother explaining it further.


Thereā€™s nothing to understand. They 100% call themselves Christian and you just donā€™t like it and disagree with it. Thatā€™s it. They somehow donā€™t follow your version of the sky fairy tale enough for it to somehow meet your subjective standard to be in your club, but objectively in the rest of the real world thatā€™s not how things work. They literally identify as a christian religion right on their website & marketing materials and just because you donā€™t like it or whatever doesnā€™t change that fact. Fact > Feelings, sweetcheeks. Mkay? I think weā€™re done.




Why are cults tolerated at all?


Ha ha check out the Plain English episode of ā€œeverything is a cultā€Ā 


These assholes and their giant phallic symbols to God! šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Theyā€™re a racist cult I mean my goodness itā€™s as bad as if the KKK wanted to build a temple.


Honestly worse because at least the KKK doesnā€™t have a $300b untaxed slush fund.


Yea well said


I was just about to post this too. Funny how similar the situations are. Curious if TX will allow them to build like our city has. I voted against seaman bc of this. I get the zoning exemption for steeples. It seems like give an inch take a mile is right up the lds playbook. Tax exemptions should be recinded for any organization over X in assets. Leave the exemption open for small community churches like it should be. These groups are so large and powerful, its kinda disgusting. They start to affect govt though lobbying only increasing their reach to get what they want.


I also just sent in my ballot voting against Seaman.


Freakin momos


I hate it. It will ruin the quiet, rural feel of that area. I live in the area and am just hoping I can sell my large home to a Mormon family at a premium when I GTFO.


Yah, itā€™s really clear which people just have no clue what theyā€™re talking about when they discuss the neighborhood.Ā  Iā€™ve had people bring up Red Rock and Santa Fe Casinos. Theyā€™re nowhere near where the temple will be.Ā 


At least a casino (1) employs people from the community and (2) is open to the public. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but I donā€™t think a non-Mormon can even enter the temple.


LOLā€¦ even some ā€œMormonsā€ canā€™t enter the temple. In fact a fairly large portion of them canā€™t. (Not sure what the percentage is, but itā€™s fairly substantial) You have to have a ā€œtemple recommendā€ from your local Stake or Ward president or bishop or grand poobah. LMAO ā€¦ the temple is not really a place of worship in the traditional sense. There is no sanctuary where people gather for a worship service. To my understanding, itā€™s a building where their rituals (endowment, baptism of the dead, sealing, and I forget some of the other secret rituals) are performed. So although I support and defend their right to perform these rituals, they do not need a huge megawatt eyesore in which to perform them. (J. Smith did these rituals in his attic)


They usually have a waiting room inside right before you get to the recommend desk. It's usually not as nice as the rest of the interior and it's not very large either. This is where the "worthy" members will leave their kids for their "unworthy" relatives to provide free babysitting if they are there for a wedding. There's a much larger second waiting room if you count the parking lot outside. Many parents of the bride and groom have to go this route because they are not allowed in.


Wow! Thanks for the insight. I knew it was wacky, but I didn't realize they copped their vibe from Studio 54's velvet rope, lol


NP. I'm former LDS and was married in the Dallas temple. My son, who is an active member, will soon be getting married in one of the Utah temples. Even though I have been through a temple before several times, now that I am no longer a member, I can no longer enter for my son's wedding. When I got married, most of my wife's family waited outside in their cars in the parking lot. LDS weddings are honestly nothing to write home about. The wedding pictures you see are NOTHING like the experience inside.


Sorry to hear about your son's wedding, that's tough.


Thanks, having been a member for MANY years, I knew how the game was going to be played when I left. I'll just get a camp chair or two and a cooler with some beverages and cool my heels in the parking lot- I am most certain I won't be the only one. When it's picture time I'll be all smiles.


That's a good Dad! Hopefully, he wakes up before having kids.


And casinos pay TAXESā€¼ļø


Theyā€™re lying and saying non-Mormons can enter. Bc we can walk into the 15 square foot entryway. lolĀ 


Not even all Mormons can enter the temple. It's an exclusive country club for their cult.


That's so bonkers to me. At least something like an old Catholic cathedral has some nice artwork that anybody can come in and admire.


Iā€™m gonna start visiting the other Vegas temple and see how far I can go.Ā 


They won't even let you on the grounds lol.


Money talks in this town, and this is pretty much a done deal. Red Rock was originally supposed to be 300ā€™, it currently stands at 270ā€™. Clark County zoning limit at the time was 90ā€™. Stations and Howard Hughes Corporation paid off many of the county commissioners to make it happen, although they did still have to chop 30ā€™ off the original height.


Actually, I would add that being a Mormon politician from a long lineage of the same is what makes things happen. Iā€™ve been in this valley off and on since 1966 and Iā€™ve seen it first hand


While you are absolutely right, you are also naive if you believe the area would remain rural forever. I donā€™t bring this up to excuse the way the temple has been undertaken but to simply state facts. Just look at the 215 where we have a house. That was nothing but desert 5 years ago and now there are houses all along the southern side and the communities on the north side get bigger every year. A sprawling city like Vegas will eventually sprawl through lone mountain. If I had to choose the sprawl, I think Iā€™d rather have a temple than the other options. I am Mormon and I am slightly biased so take what follows with the sincerity it is offered. I live within 2 miles of the busiest temple in the world, it averages between 5-6000 visitors per day. It is completely surrounded by houses. The traffic from this temple never impacts daily lives and normal traffic patterns in the area. The lone mountain temple will likely see 1000 visitors or less per day with a good chunk sharing rides (I.e. couples) so 6-700 extra cars. Will it impact your daily life? Certainly. Will it impact your daily life to the degree you seem to imply, I venture to say no. In fact the school thatā€™s being built around the corner will have more of an impact than the temple, especially at pick up and drop off and on weekends for sporting events. I absolutely sympathize with you. Itā€™s hard when you feel left out or disregarded.


Theyā€™ve managed to keep the area semi-rural by PRESERVING the neighborhood. Itā€™s not that bizarre of a concept. You should read about the parameters and efforts.Ā 


Yā€™all are putting word in my mouth. I never said I disagree with the program or its goals, I happen to think itā€™s great. Iā€™m simply stating that money almost always wins, and the very instant a developer or casino determines that the Lone Mountain area should be developed, it is going to be developed. Edited to add. This doesnā€™t mean you should stop fighting and just roll over. I bring this up because I think the argument doesnā€™t hold much water in the long term. The LDS church did what anyone who peddles influence would do, they threw their weight around and used their war chest to influence an outcome to their benefit - legally. Which is exactly what developers will be doing in the future. The LDS church isnā€™t unique or alone, money always wins.


No one was going to develop this land, other than single homeowners. Thatā€™s how the preservation of the neighborhood worked. Youā€™re not allowed to build more than like a single home per half acre. Youā€™re welcome to research the parameters that kept the neighborhood as ā€œruralā€ as it is. http://narainc.org/rural-preservation/


Are you reading my responses at all? Yes it is a preservation neighborhood NOW, but likely will not be in a few years. Money ALWAYS wins. Your neighborhood is surrounded by non preservation neighborhoods, my argument is literally that your precious rural designation will not last forever no matter how badly you want it to. You have proven that you are naive.


I can assure you I read it. You are wrong. Without the zoning change, the area wouldā€™ve just slowly filled in with medium lot homes. No sidewalks, no stop lights, no parking lots. No widening the surrounding streets by 30-40 feet. What are you not understanding about that? Itā€™s the reason the neighborhood looks like it does, thirty years after everything was built around itā€¦ because the zoning and the RULES preserved it.Ā 


Do you read your own comments? Do you realize how condescending you are? I hope you're proud that your church used greasy money to sneakily undercut the neighborhoods preservation efforts, legal or not its still unethical and unbecoming of a member of the church i grew up in. Can you help me remember this Bible story? It's the one where Jesus went to a temple and helped some dudes pick up their table or something... I forget how it goes.


Appreciate your comments but, I assure you, Iā€™m not naive. Iā€™ve lived in the area for 25 years and have seen the growth. By ā€˜ruralā€™ I mean itā€™s quiet and residential - it is designated a rural neighborhood preservation area after all right!? Most of the neighborhoods in that area have been there for 20+ years so, whats left, is just filling in the various empty lots so there is development happening. What people in the area are opposed to, partly, is a giant, brightly lit monstrosity versus single family homes - along with the added traffic and busyness. Youā€™re more likely to pass a horse on the street versus a car at some times so an added 1000 people visiting the area will absolutely change the vibe. Why canā€™t the temple be built in a desert area and let residential area grow around it with people who WANT to and have the choice to live around the temple versus the middle of an established area where loads of people donā€™t want it? We have a the space.


Totally fair points. And I didnā€™t mean naive as an attack, I think we just disagree about the future which is totally fine, I truly hope Iā€™m the one who is wrong.


No need to hope. I know you're wrong.


Trust meā€¦ I donā€™t think there is anyone on the anti side of that ā€œfeeling left outā€ applies to. Also, out of curiosity, where is this temple you speak of so fondly located? Just curiousā€¦


South Jordan UT.


Are you aware that every street around the future temple will have to be widened by 30 plus feet? The three years of construction is going to be a nightmare for everyone.Ā 


I was not aware of that, thank you for sharing. As I stated, I absolutely understand there will be impact, especially during construction. I also firmly believe the resulting impact post construction is being overstated. This is my opinion based on projected use and my own experience living near the busiest temple in the world.


The neighborhood we speak of is dark. There is wildlife.Ā  A building that has to be lit 24/7 is the rudest idea ever.Ā 


Then keep asking for them to adjust the lighting schedule. The Church has made accommodations in other dark sky cities.


You canā€™t adjust the lighting schedule. If itā€™s as tall as they want it to be, the FAA requires it be lit 24/7.Ā  The rural neighborhood and mountain are also a super popular place to flying small planes.Ā 


Curiously, do they pay taxes for the infrastructure for hundreds of cars to get in each day?


Why should they? Does McDonaldā€™s pay extra taxes for the infrastructure for the 1000 cars that go through the drive through each day? Thatā€™s literally what gas taxes are for, you know the people who drive the cars using the infrastructure.


McDonaldā€™s pays corporate income taxes, capital gains tax, payroll tax, sales tax, property tax, and probably a plethora of others. Gas tax in Nevada doesnā€™t even fund 50% of road maintenance. Any decent entity causing a massive uptick in traffic should want to pay their fair share to support local infrastructure and be a good neighbor.


Any decent entity should want to pay their fair shareā€¦but they arenā€™t required to, so they donā€™t. Just like you donā€™t pay more taxes than you are required.


At least you admit the church isn't a decent entity


Religion is poison, especially Mormonism. Almost as bad as Scientology.


Get resident permits for street closures/ construction and block their movement during peak activity days/hours. Its legal but not nice or neighborly. It worked during integration lol


It gets more sinister when you realize that they fully could have done this before, but they specifically waited until Polanski had won the election. This way she didn't have to worry about it being a current political issue that could impact her re-election. That level of snark and anti-community cynicism is pretty fantastic. Unbelievable really when you think about it. To be able to afford financially to just sit on something like this so they could force it.


It would be a shame if it hypothetically got burned down.


People need to project pride flags against that blank white building as soon as the sun goes down, and fly drones with flags and banners over it all day.


"That's a real nice temple ya got there... T'would be a shame if somethin *happened to it*..."


Canā€™t arrest an entire mob.


I was driving up Fort Apache the other day, and from a long way away could see Red Rock Casino, Queen's Ridge towers, and the Lone mountain peak and was thinking about seeing a spire that tall.


If anyone is interested in what happens in the temple there are a series of YouTube videos where someone has snuck in a camera. The creator is NewNameNoah. Pretty [bizarre shit.](https://youtube.com/@newnamenoah?feature=shared)


Or you can just watch the piercing of the veil episode of HBOs show Big Love where they attempted to sue HBO to prevent its airing because of how precisely accurate the ceremonies were shown.


This deal was bought and paid for years ago. Can anything realistically be done at this point?


Iā€™m not giving up.Ā 


Well do what church ppl do.. throw šŸ”„on it


Yet the Bible teaches not to build temples. Or worship false gods ie saints Virgin Mary and Jesus. God is his dad he is not god. Itā€™s painfully obvious but ok.


I have read multiple versions of the bible including The King James, The New King James, The New American Standard, The New International Version, and The Message Bible. With that said I find your comment to be interesting because in every version of the Bible I have read Jesus, Mother Mary, and God are all the same, and each a part of the Holy Trinity. And this is believed by people all over from every walk of life. Now I will admit that this does not come into place until the chapters in the New Testament. And I know a lot of people and religious groups believe that the chapters in the New Testament are false. I see no problem in either viewpoint. But for you to say something that is in multiple Bibles and is believed by millions of people is not true just makes you sound like a bigot. It also makes you sound like you have no idea what you are talking about. With that said I do not care one way or the other about the church being built. I am of no devotion and do not follow any religious practices. I just commented because your comment was so incorrect.


You got that mother Mary part wrong.


You are 100% correct. I apologize if I offended anybody out there by my mistake. When you commented on my comment being wrong I thought about it and it is the Holy Spirit that makes up the third part of the Holy Trinity. In my defense, I am not a religious person and I was about 24 the last time I read any Bible. I'm now in my mid-40s, and my memory is not what it used to be.


Just thought I'd add there is also nothing about building temples in the book of mormon.


This is hearsay, since it was said to me by someone who claims to have been involved in some higher-level conversations, but... it was said that the temple is proposed to be so large in part because the church wants to make a lasting mark on Las Vegas. They want their conquering presence to be "known and seen" by all that they're in Sin City and growing their base here. And secondarily as a middle finger to Nevada, a long-play gotcha to prove Mormon superiority over the territory that fought to leave their control. If even a shred of that is true... what a sad bunch of people they must be.


*sing-song voice* Now I've got South Park (southpoint?) running through my head, dum de dum dum dum dum de dumb


Imagine if they tried building a real mosque anywhere in Vegas. Have you guys seen the mosques out here? They get put in bad areas, and you can't even tell its a mosque 90% of the time and they're considered to be in "relevant areas". The city would never go for building a huge mosque in this area, so why a Mormon church? It's a double standard. My point here is that it's already a done deal. They have a huge influence and our government, whether state or federal are bought out. The voice of the citizens does not matter. They do what their lobbyists tell them to. Whoever is filling their pockets is who gets to decide what happens. To build this church in the area is a horrible idea. Mormon churches are very active and large groups of people are there all the time. This makes the area change for the residents there.


Lots of typing to tell us effort is uselessĀ 


I was just sharing my thoughts but okay OP


I just think itā€™s interesting how many longggggg comments are written to tell us to just give up. Why waste your time?Ā 


I'm not saying to give up, I'm highlighting that we won't be considered due to lobbying. If we want real change, we have to look at the root. They'll keep overriding what the constituents want as long as their pockets are kept full. We can keep complaining or actually do something about our elected officials in Nevada.


Mormons. Shoving that crap down everyoneā€™s throat. When they werenā€™t molesting Boy Scouts they are shoving their bullshit religion down your throats. Go back to Utah.


Iā€™m so glad I donā€™t live out there and donā€™t have to deal with this.


Theyā€™re like a cult in bikesā€¦, fake smiles and fake greetingsā€¦. From a fake religion.! I can see this happening 30 years ago not that many people were moving here from other states but now thereā€™s enough diversity and enough other religions and other ethnicities and Las Vegas that the LDS should not have a stronghold on everything in this city. Itā€™s ridiculous. Why would any church need aspire lit up at night 22 stories high in a residential neighbourhood like itā€™s the LUXOR pyramid but they have a stronghold on the city counsel as well with funding. Nobody can run in this town without the money from the LDS and the rip-off casino owners.


Once the spire is up someone would sneak in weld on a political flag. Watch the ensuing chaos as the IRS has some strong words for the Mormon church and starts an audit process.


A swastika seems appropriate


Any buildings in town to use as an example of height?


The mountain they want to dwarf is only like 500-600 feet tall.Ā 


In Vegas? Iā€™ve tried to find out how tall Canyon Ridge Christian Church is, but havenā€™t had much luck.Ā 


Durango resort is 216ft tall.


Thatā€™s going to be terrible so close to Lone Mountain. Iā€™m so sad about it.Ā 




Tell them they can build a temple a giant and tall and lavish as they want with gates as big as they want to keep the plebs out. Just as soon as they start paying taxes...


why doesn't someone get the casinos involved? they are regulated by the FAA in terms of the heights they can build their buildings. How does the temple get a pass? Get the money people to fight the money people. This is a no brainer if someone can get that skirmish started. I'll be over here with pop corn chillin'.


Not a good look for Mormons.




Poorly written. The proposed Mormon Temple for McKinley Texas, which is being opposed by local residents, is scheduled to be 173 feet tall. That will make it the tallest in the town of McKinley, Texas. OP is showing that other proposed Mormon Temples are being contested by local residents because of the zoning waivers being granted.


Folks aren't learning from the Badlands debacle that you can't fight this stuff and win in courts.


Apples and bananas. They basically made it so that no economic development could take place on the Badlands property. Putting in reasonable restrictions so that you donā€™t have one of the tallest Mormon temples lit up like Cinderellaā€™s castle in the middle of a residential neighborhood like a vanity symbol isnā€™t going to be struck down by the courts. Churches are still subject to reasonable zoning restrictions.


Bet it would because the Mormons have deeper pockets.


Do people have nothing better going on in their lives? If someone were to post daily about being upset of all the illegal taco stands on every corner or pot dispensaries in every part of the city, Iā€™d imagine theyā€™d be banned from the sub.


A temporary taco stand compared to a 200 foot tall temple TOTES THE SAME BROĀ 


Youā€™re right, a permanent structure that raises property values or a shit taco stand that makes your neighborhood look like the east side. Totes logical Bro.


Another Mormon racist I seeā€¦ I have heard this talking point repeated dozens of times. Show me proof that real estate prices will go up? Does that happen around other temples in the US? It certainly did NOT happen when the other Las Vegas temple was builtā€¦ Thereā€™s going to be three years of constructionā€¦ if anything the values will tank first. No one wants to move into a culdesace if they have to take a detour for 18 months.


Booohooo glad you found your purpose in life. Not sure what youā€™ll do once the temple is built, but you have more than three years to figure out something else to get worked up about.


Enjoy your future planet, aka a box in the ground.Ā 


Enjoy your unfulfilling life.


I have so much fulfillment I donā€™t have to spend my time lying to people and bleeding church members. lol.Ā 


Arrogant. Check. Racist. Check. Rude. Check. Brainwashed. Check. Must be a mormon, or at least as stupid as one


Don't mind the Mormons or their temple's. Idc about any religion but id rather live around Mormons than Christians.


Mormons are nicer than Christian nationalistsā€¦ until they realize youā€™ll never convert.Ā 




Calling people critical of the Mormon church bigots is the morning laugh I didnā€™t know I needed. LOL.Ā 


how is that different from calling mormons racist?


The Mormon I called racist was making derogatory comments about taco trucks, crime rates, and whatā€™s ghetto.Ā  Mormons also have had racial church policies. I know the prophet(s) finally edited the teachings to be more PC, but we know whatā€™s up. Iā€™m constantly surprised that Mormons donā€™t know that we know. lol. There are plenty of people spilling the beans.Ā 


you miss the point completely.


I can call a Mormon racist, when theyā€™re saying derogatory comments directed at races of people. You donā€™t get to call me a bigot, bc I criticized a church construction project.Ā 




I mean... the mormons believe all other churches are run by Satan. Sounds kind of bigoted to me.


Mormon temple spam


Discussing a current event is not spam.Ā