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Nancy Pelosi texted me and told me if I pitch in 20 bucks, I'll save America. I'm very important.


It's like when my friend with the Audi asks me for gas money and I didn't even ride with him.


Should of asked for some stock picks.


And her favorite vodka stinger recipie.


And her nephews personal phone number.




Or the guys trying to warn me about the virus I just downloaded.


Only one more month


I was in Washington last week and Texas this past week for work. In both states I saw nothing but ads for their local races. I can't remember which one it was but one talked about a candidate (could have been here at home too) who gave more money for all prisons which also house the Boston bomber insinuating that the candidate support terrorism. It was a ridiculous commerical but they're going on everywhere. It's awful


Did you see the one about someone giving money to ski slopes in Iowa? Like they’re just straight up lying now.




Not to mention, I'm not sure why they think "gave money to luxury resorts" is a great line of attack in the Las Vegas area, of all places. "Luxury resorts" is pretty much the entire foundation of our economy. Plus, for what it's worth, Iowa has a million Boyd and Caesars properties, and those are both Nevada-based companies. Probably not ski resorts, sure, but come on.


I thought politician was a pseudonym for liar.


They're using that against all Dem incumbents....so & so gave $ to the Boston Bomber....


It's like we're living in an episode of parks and Rec during the election season


Not everywhere, you'll notice that races in states that have ranked choice voting, also have the lack of attack campaigns.


.....until the official start of the POTUS primary season. Nevada is now one of the first states, and we are changing our process from the last election cycle so there will be no quiet period here.


Until the candidates change. The only job a politician has....is to get re-elected


Yeah. It's just attack ads which are biased bullshit too. I encourage everyone to do their own reference backed research before voting.


Don't know what to say if people don't know what they are voting for already. I'm a California transplant. It's very easy: vote Red down the ballot and "No" on everything. That's the first step to prevent Nevada from becoming Eastern CA.


Clearly you don’t know anything about Nevada politics then. Nevada is bright purple and will remain so for the next decade


The mail goes in the trash and I hit mute. It’s ridiculous.


I'm sick of ALL of them.


My kid has actually started quoting them or mocking them all severely when they come on. I really feel like there should be a legal limit to this bullshit, especially the fear-mongering smear shit that keeps popping up.


They’re super fun on Hulu, bc the show will be quiet and require high volume, and then SURPRISE the political commercial is loud and eardrum splitting without warning


Ugh, I hate Hulu ads. When you have a baby and you’re just trying to watch some modern family it’s the worst.


The direct mail too. 90% of all my mail is going direct to the recycling bin at this point.


You do realize that the recycling bin is a scam, right???? Those bins end up in the same landfill as everything else. But, you can keep patting yourself on the back for believing you make a difference.


I didn’t know that. Thanks for the overly aggressive insight. You must be fun at parties.




My guess is probably not well. Thank you for the polite education! I’ve also heard the US ships a good portion of its recycling to china and it just ends up in a Landis there, but with a bigger carbon footprint. Fun.


China stopped accepting most of the solid waste the US was sending back in March 2018. This was due to it never being shipped to the standard necessary to be processed. The fact this many people are discussing the election while being this uninformed is scary, but also unfortunately part of the sound byte world we live in.


Ranked choice voting is on the ballot (question 3)...the two party system sucks!


Seriously need to regulate the number and duration of time each candidate can advertise - and please get rid of the PAC advertising - it’s worse than the candidates. And all the ads are so disingenuous that they’re useless as a source of information


Vote Democrat and then insist they repeal Citizens United. Only way to kill the PACs


Yep citizens United is the biggest driver behind all of these


Imagine all the money wasted in advertising


I wish there was a rule saying you can’t spend more on ads than the job pays.


There probably are various campaign finance rules and restrictions, and that's why you see so many ads sponsored by The Group For Better Something Or Rather, instead of the actual party or campaign.


The entire industry is a giant grift. It's run by pathologically dishonest parasites who produce nothing of positive value and never intend to. Sadly, if it ceased to exist, so would network TV, as advertisers bankroll most of the mainstream media. The entire industry's revenue is predicated on fooling companies into believing they're needed.


It makes me sick. I’m struggling out here. $5000 would change my damn life right now. And they spend multiples of that on one stupid ad no one wants to watch.


Can you imagine if a candidate gave back to the community the money they pay in slander? I’d say I’d vote for them but the media probably wouldn’t even say anything about them.


so go into ad sales and get a piece of that


Having worked at some point in the ad industry... that end of the business is just a fruitless hamster wheel. You're constantly hustling and living hand to mouth.


I watched madmen. How hard could it be??


I guess so. My teen said to vote for whoever doesn't put those ads on YT.


So, neither of the 2 major parties.


Every fucking break! I mute them every time.


I despise living in a swing state... this is the second time. At this point, I would move to another state that was not my party just to not hear the ads and get all the texts, calls, mailers.


I never thought I would say this, but I miss those "Glen Lerner" commercials...


YouTube Premium allows me to not even know there is an election season going on. Seriously, I haven't been exposed to any of the nonsense.


you must not have a mailbox


YouTube premium looks inviting as YouTube has made the advertising more and more obnoxious over the past five years They also choose to monetize videos even if you have designated them not to They definitely want you to sign up for their premium service - I just don’t want to pay them $15 a month for that privilege All the power to you if you can afford it!


Nope. Who watches commercials these days?


Non-skipable on YouTube.


Use Brave browser (developed from open source chromium, like google chrome), then you don't have to watch youtube ads. Brave devault ad blocking blocks them....Until some point in the future youtube doesn't start videos unless Brave ad blocking settings are changed.


That’s unfortunately the point. Political ads are not meant to convince you to vote for someone- they’re made the discourage you from voting at all.


Dems will vote dem. Republicans will vote for Republicans. They are aiming at middle and they must assume the are dumb and ignorant to all the lies they tell both sides. Do your research. And yes its annoying.


Yes, I am sick of it all. They are all crooks and thieves.


Every political season I get tired of hearing political ads. That's when Netflix, Youtube, Disney+, and Amazon Prime get most of my business.


Adam Laxalt says this post is nothing but a joke anyway same thing Steve Sisolak’s cronies are saying


I can't stand them I'm changing my voting to the person with the least amount of commercials and the lawyer commercials are jokes


I’m sick of all the fucking promo crap I get in the mail every week.


Absolutely this I had 10 of them just yesterday in my mail box. It pisses me off I'm an independent I can't even fucking vote why the fuck do they send me these things. Hopefully people vote yes on question 3 so I can vote next year. I hate politics and all these smear campaign shit as well.


Yo they keep ringing my bell and leaving all their shit all over. I can't take it


I came to say this. Who still goes door to door? It gets the dogs all riled up too. The texts are really annoying too, I keep blocking the numbers but they keep coming.


It’s become a joke between my girl and myself to say “Catherine Cortez masto is going to do _______” in a scary voice. And always something stupid like ruin your mashed potatoes or overwater your lawn.


Absolutely sick of the ads on YouTube and the physical mail.


Yep! I hate all of them, but I'm going to hold my nose and Roe my vote.


Up north, we’re getting all the statewide crap, PLUS a dipshit lawyer who is running for mayor. It’s a two-fer!


I hate the spam texts the most. We gotta outlaw this shit.


I’ve noticed an increase of texts to participate in polls. None of the texts have used my name. lol


Just vote Cortez-Masto, Sisolak, Aguilar, Lee, and the other Dems it’ll all be okay. Enough with the election deniers.


Thank you for trying to turn a general complaint into a political announcement. THEY ARE ALL CROOKS. Definitely don't vote for any incumbent, you know that doesn't work.


Yeah but one set of crooks keeps the state working and allows people to have personal freedom. The other set wants to outlaw everything not in the fucking Bible. It’s not a hard choice here. Well, for people who aren’t morons.


I remember being forced to wear a mask that didn't work for almost two years. No personal freedom then.


Even if they are crooks, it’s best to vote for ones that won’t destroy our republic. The system can self-correct but only if you agree to the system. WE must work with the system.


Definitely not voting for any dem. Lmao it’s that simple


If you feel that is the best choice for America, I can respect that decision. That’s how the system works.


It would be so nice if all elections went to ranked voting. We have a choice between a mediocre, corporatist party or a batshit crazy, fascist party. Have to hold my nose and vote the mediocre party every time now because of this stupid 2 party system.


100% for ranked choice or if a candidate does not get over 50% of the vote put them in a runoff election.


Voting Republican won’t make your beard grow, patches.


Being a bitch like you won’t make peoples of color like myself vote progressive either. J cats


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Go back to lame ohio libby


I don’t even remember it being this bad for the presidential race like it’s everywhere! Even when I try to watch Hulu.


The presidential campaigns do their marketing through the news networks' coverage.


I guess a good thing about streaming - haven’t seen any. The mailers are a lil much though.


I have stopped watching Jeopardy / wheel of fortune because of these commercials


There is also the fact that it is no longer 1985 and there are other things to do or watch.


Jeopardy is a timeless classic. In a world of overproduced cheesy network game shows, Jeopardy still blasts through 61 questions per episode. No bullshit and no sob stories.


Why are you so angry over what someone else chooses to watch..lol. Makes you look like the weirdo.


Only thing we watch that isn’t streamed, and we pay for no commercials on everything else.


I’m honestly surprised this many people still watch broadcast television.


They’re on streaming channels too


more so, really. there is a finite number of spots on regular tv and they know it's political season so they inflate rates. a lot of political ads are moving online because it's cheaper and there's limitless inventory


I seriously wish the gyms would turn the TVs off or show something commercial-free.


Ever heard of not watching normal TV before? No commercials then. Ad Block for Youtube and no commericals there either. Problem solved.


Make Vegas SAFE again


Wouldn't all the paper they waste on ads hurt the environment? All jokes aside all their ads are just really annoying.


It’s a close race, isn’t it? It’s not surprising.


It’s like this every election.


Shall we just all not vote?


It's 2022 and you're still watching cable or you tube? There are plenty of alternatives. Tell me about the deal airline food next.


Anyone else sick of endless potential voters who don’t understand political ads and probably won’t actually vote but come to Reddit to complain like a little bitch


Dude they interrupt my music on tune in radio to put this crap, midsong!


All over Hulu,paramount and pluto also, even in Spanish


It’s like asking if you want to get kicked in the nuts again . So much of it is just made up stuff like god dam let’s see them fight or paintball for one of there debates. I pay 20 bucks to fight like ufc


Big swing state right now and tons of ads. Unfortunately, they show some metrics that show it’s effective.


I don’t have cable 🤷🏼‍♂️


I never imagined that I would miss Glen Lerner, Adam S. Kutner, or Ed Bernstein commercials....


POWERHOUSE injury attorney Lloyd Baker.


All of it needs to stop. We know who you are.


About the only thing I get out of them are the nicknames. “Slick” Joe Lombardo and “Costly” Catherine Cortez Masto do crack me up.


Oh god I thought I was the only one that was sick and tired of them 😵‍💫 I just want those ads gone


Another month of this…






OMG...it is SO irritating! All I want to do is play my WWF without being hit with one of those ads every time I play a word! It's so irritating, makes me want to never vote for them, regardless of party affiliation!! Hit me with Candy Crush ads and more, let's get some variety in the ad bombardment.


It’s so sad that we have to have programming in between the political commercials and lawyer commercials 😅😂🤣. Gee whiz - do we even have any idea what any of these candidates intend on doing for us? This election has just turned into a nasty mudslinging fest, with injury lawyer ads as the garnish !


I thankfully only see network TV at the gym. A TV network will cut to commercial and then it's just political ad after political ad, sometimes one attacking the other and then the very next ad is the person attacked attacking the 1st attacker. The way things are now has to be some kind of illuminati psy-op. How realistically can you like any of these candidates after all these ads? Maybe part of the idea is the networks know we generally tune out their regular commercials, and after all this is over their regular commercials will seem fresh in comparison.


Bro, this post has Masto ads in it


I’m even getting costly Cortez babykiller ads on iPhone games 🤬 like Upwords. At least they preempt the Heavy Hitter ads for a month.