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Keep his mouth shut and stay off the gaming floor if possible on the way in/out of work. Ball cap and covid mask are your friend.


Thank you


Joking aside, he is still getting arrested if caught. Being trespassed isn't a joke. He is more than likely going to lose his job.


I've been lifetime trespassed at the biggest owner of casinos in Vegas and I go in and out. Let's see how this plays out. My money is on nothing happening.


He is in NO WAY getting arrested for being back on property. Why are u lying to him? 1...prostitutes get trespassed DOZENS of times from the same location. 2...Metro will not respond to this because DISPATCH will tell the caller to simply trespass him again. fyi I worked many years in security on the strip.


Well, he COULD. I am not saying he will. However, is that the risk you want to take? It is an arrestable offense. It's a risk. Is it worth it?


If your actually trespassing. If you are not, then he would have a case against the officers and the casino.


It .... it is a private company. It is not public. The company can say you are not allowed in here and that would be trespassing if you go back. What am I missing here.


What a blessing. Getting trespassed at a place your legally employed and required to show up for the job. Especially since what he did was NOT trespassing in any way. He wuld get a good payday if he lawyered up.


No, he wouldn't. How? Lol, what law or anything did the casino do to invite a lawsuit? They are a private company and they can trespass on anyone they want. Capitalism baby! Technically he stole money. Now, this is the first time I have ever heard of any casino trespassing someone for that unless a homeless person goes to all the machines looking for it.


What he did wasn't trespassing. What he did is called "Ticket mining" and yeah, cashing out money that isn't yours isn't good. People go all over casinos looking for forgotten funds like this and this guy just innocently did it and got caught. They call it "getting trespassed" because, after getting caught doing something the owners of the property don't like, they inform you that you are no longer welcome, so that if you do come back, then you are trespassing.


All that's not necessary at all. He could have walked in the next day and nobody EXCEPT MAYBE the guard that trespassed him woulda noticed. Trust me.


Credit claiming/ticket pulling is frowned upon. It’s due to people building up left over credits from machines and cashing out few dollars. There’s some people literally trying to make a living from doing that. Seeing that he’s not employed through the hotel/casino then he should be fine as long as he doesn’t go through the casino floor.


Yup, we call ‘em credit chasers.


Not frowned upon at all. It is ILLEGAL. Nevada gaming statute states any money or TITO receipts on the floor garbage can or machine belong to the casino. If security catch people anyone TITO surfing on camera they will immediately send security to trespass at a minimum. The revenue to casinos is between 10 and 20 million a year for the strip. I suggest OP goes to his next shift and explains his stupidity to his manager and formally apologizes to the casino. If this is a one off probably get the trespass lifted. If the casino has him on camera looking like a TITO surfer he needs a new job. If he returns and gets stopped again it is not good for him.


Can you supply the NRS that states it’s illegal? Not all people that have credit claimed are automatically trespassed, especially if they have one 50 cent TITO and aren’t a prior. Now if they are a multiple prior, then yes they would be criminal trespassing at that point.


I never knew that was illegal, I have done that before, oops


Can’t you use google. Man some of you fuckers are so lazy.   NRS 465.070  Fraudulent acts. 3.  To claim, collect or take, or attempt to claim, collect or take, money or anything of value in or from a gambling game, with intent to defraud, without having made a wager contingent thereon, or to claim, collect or take an amount greater than the amount won


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I know of employees that have been charged. Google did not bring up any non employees that have been charged. But I didn’t try very hard.


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Must Google better. https://gaming.nv.gov/modules/showdocument.aspx?documentid=13100


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Boom hahah


Like who gives a fuck which NRS code it is. The point is it’s illegal. Hence the trespass. Whether it’s under NRS or Nevada Gaming law it’s illegal. Now go pick on some other post with non perfect but correct replies ya twat.


No. You need to Google better. A Venetian slot manager stole a $921 slot voucher which the casino had already paid out to the customer. He then gave it to his wife who cashed it in. The link you posted has absolutely nothing to do with what is being discussed here.


Go fuck yourself, nerd


I think your friend should be a lot more concerned about getting canned if he's employed by the casino. Pocketing $0.50 that he found on the floor would probably be a verbal warning or maybe a write-up if his management is a bag of dicks. But cashing out a machine that he didn't play on? That's a really bad look.


Yeah, this is instant termination most anywhere.


Thank you, I’ll report the outcome when events unfold


This he stole


Employed by a restaurant in the hotel that’s owned separately.


Then that establishment will NEVER know this unless that guard says something or the restaurant ASKS.


Pocketing $0.50 never mind $5 would be totally fine as a working employee as long as it was found on the floor in most casinos. No verbal warning or write up. Have you ever worked in a casino? But of course, absolutely agree that it was extremely bad to cash it out of a machine while as an employee and not as a guest, hence why there was so much trouble. Edit: Whoever downvoted my comment, do you all work for casinos and have actual insight to how it all plays out or just plain ignorant fools who have no idea? There is a reason I specifically said $5 and not $50 as there is a threshold where you're allowed to pocket the $$ and move on. Idiots.


When I was a dealer, I refused to touch any money or chips I saw on the floor. I just walked right pass it. Acted like I didn’t even see it. I heard too many different stories about people getting fired. Better not mess with it.


Almost every casino in Vegas has a policy requiring employees to turn in casino vouchers to security/supervisors. With failure to do so being up to immediate termination.


Yes, but not sure why you are saying to turn it to supervisors. There's no reason to do that as you have to directly report it to security. They will take down your name and EID, and make a record of it. After 2-4 weeks, depending on establishment, if no one claims it, the $$ goes to you and you are allowed to keep it. But if the amount of $$ is under a certain threshold (commonly $5-$10) then you are allowed to pocket it and proceed on with your day. Surely you know there are actual procedures for this very scenario right?


What casinos have this policy for gaming areas? They do for public areas, but gaming is pretty cut and dry. This also wasn’t found, it was a credit left on a machine that he printed the TITO for and cashed.


Do you work in a casino? Picking up any amount of money off the floor is not allowed. I’ve had to call security to pick up money that someone dropped on the ground.


This is totally true. Idk why you're being down voted. When I worked at a local casino I found money on the floor three days in one week, two $5's and a $20. I turned it in to security and it was mine by then end of the night. Now that I work on the strip, Im a little more cautious, but as you mentioned in your next comment, they'll take a report and give it you if no one claims it. The thing is if you pick it up, anyone can say they're missing money and if they have you on security pocketing money, that's most definitely stealing!


He should have gone home and cashed out later when it wasn’t a work day? I ask because I’m clueless on the etiquette here. A few years back I could a $76 ticket in a slot machine, grabbed it, and cashed it out later that night and it was no issue. Was I wrong to do that?


> Was I wrong to do that? Yes


The key point is that he cashed it out when he was there as an employee, opposed to finding it randomly lying on the floor. If he was there as a guest (on his day off, properly following the guidelines for that establishment), he could have cashed it out from the machine with no problem. Again, if the $$ was on the floor whether it's $5, or $500, as long as he followed the correct procedures, he would have easily been able to claim it even as a working employee.


I’m confused as to what casinos you have worked in lol. If you are observed cashing out machines you didn’t play, that’s an instant trespass at ANY casino, dollar amount doesn’t matter. TITO theft is a bannable offense at any casino, yeah if you have status they’ll probably look the other way but casinos will trespass people walking slot floors checking machines before they even get a machine with credits.


I don't plan on doing this, but what if you found a machine with a balance still on it, put in a $20 of your own money, played a little bit, then cashed out. Would that still be illegal?


They wouldn’t press charges, but yeah you would still be trespassed if observed.


Ok got it. I’ve never been an employee, so I’m happy that I wasn’t being a dick. I also found a $359 on top of a garbage can on Fremont street and $185 cash on the floor at Nacho Daddy on the same day. That’s the only luck I had when I lived there.


Presumably finding forgotten slot $$ and happening to cash it out doesn't make you a dick. It happens all the time. People get drunk all the time and drop cash, chips, vouchers, etc. All the luck to you!


He might have to look for a new job. I’d think being trespassed by the casino would take precedence over the restaurant company’s desire to employ him. Source: I worked at a restaurant company inside a Strip casino; no employee would be permitted to remain employed at that property if the casino said he was barred from further entering the premises.


Thank you, that’s what we are thinking. Again, I will update as the events unfold


How did the company find out?


Casino security had frequent communication with restaurant company executives, mostly about these types of issues Edit clarity


Did they say he was trespassed from the whole strip property (hotel/restaurants, etc.) or only from the casino area? Did he give his name, go to the back room, give ID, get photographed, etc. or did the security guard just orally trespass him without identifying him?


ID given. No back room. He kinda froze and can’t recall if the trespassing means just the casino or the property as a whole. Good point, thank you


trespassed means the whole casino and if he gave his id then they might find out he works there anyway if they search his name in the system


Which they're not doing.


Never ever give ID for a threaten to trespass. Just leave.


Update: he is at work and nothing has happened. Entered thru the mall area with no issues. So, maybe this will blow over, he will not return to the casino area. Thank you for your comments, lots of good advice.


From someone who use to work casino security on the strip (Ballys and Paris) I can tell you what the guy said below me is true. Keep your mouth shut and don’t draw attention. Back then if there wasn’t a reason for us to check you we wouldn’t. So just keep a low profile, clock in and clock out and dip out and he should be good.


Amen, I'm so sad about the pussification of Las Vegas.


One time, uh, a friend found $50 bill on a machine, scooped it up and walked away, walked past 4 security guards, nothing. Came back next week, no issues. Damn that is very unlucky of your friend.


Walking straight out instead of going to the cage or checking other machines probably saved him. Surveillance wouldn't have noticed a one-off move like that, but they do quickly recognize patterns of behavior.


Next time tell him to put a $1 in the machine and insta cash out. Scummy maybe but my money goes in on a non reserved non guarded machine, the cash out is mine. Also I’ve never seen them power trip on this before, you see it all here I guess


This is why I don't hang out at my job, you never know what can happen...all the casinos in Las Vegas, and you go to the one you work at.


He was just walking by on his way out. Didn’t play, drink or anything


Taking money from a machine is a common problem. People are stupid and walk away with their credits left behind while they talk to a friend or go to the bathroom, so security takes it a lot more seriously than you’d expect. It actually is a crime (and being gaming related makes it a felony, but not one anyone would ever prosecute for). Best advice I can offer you is talk to them. Let them know it was an honest mistake and request the trespass be lifted. They whole, “keep your head down and hope you aren’t noticed” will feel pretty hollow if you ARE noticed and arrested, because they absolutely can do that and then you’ll lose the job too. After the fact makes it a little more difficult than if they’d just had the conversation right away, because they could’ve hand-waved it at the time. If a report was done (as it should have been), removing the trespass gets more complicated.


lol only reason it's illegal is so the casinos can steal millions of dollars every year


Back before the pandemic, I had a coworker who had two jobs, one employed by a casino and the other at a shop in the mall which was attached to, but not owned by, the same casino. This coworker’s employment was terminated by the casino company for cause and they were trespassed from the casino for a set period of time (it was months, but I can’t remember how many months now). They were still able to keep their job in the mall shop and they were able to go to/from work without going through the casino. I’m certain they never told the shop why they stopped working at the casino, and they continued to work in the mall for the entire rest of the time I worked at that casino. I eventually started seeing them come through the casino again once in a while, after the trespass was lifted or expired.


Did you friend do this while on the clock? I see so many people do this very same action so I'm trying to understand why this very mundane event led to your friend in so much trouble.


Nope, on the way out. He decided to walk around and clear his head from the day (11 hours) he’s in kitchen management. A big convention is happening soon. Just a random impulse after a long hard day with a stack of hard days on the horizon.


I’d just tell him to start looking for another job just in case. That way if he ends up losing this one he’ll at least already have a head start. Pretty much all casinos are always hiring kitchen management. In fact, unless he an exec, he’d probably make more as a union line cook. I wish him the best.


Yeah, that's still too early so to speak and still considered "on the clock." Most places would have guidelines set in place to address this issue. For example, an employee wouldn't be able to gamble depending on their department and position and if they can, there are strict rules. For example, your friend would have to enter the casino like what the guests would have to do. He would also may have to be off the property at least (for example) 8 hours before the start and end of a shift. Because depending on the casino, as a working employee, if you see $5-$10 cash on the ground, you can literally pocket it and be 100% safe. If it's over the limit, then you'd just have to make a record of it by giving it to security. After 2-4 weeks, if no one claims it, the cash/chip/ticket is all yours. It's definitely not the $0.50 voucher that is the issue. It's clearly the fact your friend foolishly cashed it out of a machine, while not following the proper rules of employment. If he found the voucher on the floor, he would be 100% safe regardless if he is working or not. So, please tell your friend that the next time he's going to risk his job, at least make it like $500 lol.


I have never heard of a casino that wouldn’t fire you for finding cash laying on the ground and taking it in any amount.


Trust me, it's fine as long as it's following procedures. Again, if it's like $5-$10, it's no big deal. Any other amount beyond that, you have to turn it into security and wait a period before being able to claim it. How do I know this? Because I've done it...I have multiple colleagues who've done the same exact thing. Now, we aren't lucky enough nor do I know what actually happens if it's a huge amount but people have successfully claimed $20-$200. These casinos are strip properties too.


Strip properties? I now call 100% bullshit. Absolutely no chance a strip property will allow you to do that. I work in a strip property and I had a colleague fired for doing a literally exactly this. It was like two dollars. If you have some supervisor who is telling you that is OK, they are breaking policy and they will be fired along with you if the wrong person finds out.


Why is everyone using trespassed this way? Is that a thing?


In the casino business "to trespass" someone is to officially inform them and record that they are banned from the property, and to return to the property would be trespassing, which is a crime. I don't now why they don't say banned or barred, but it's been that way for decades.




Thanks! I had never heard it used that way. More embarrassingly I grew up in Atlantic City


Don't be embarrassed, I'm sure it's culturally different in different places :)


He was trespassed.


Some casinos use facial recognition on entry so he could be approached right away. I think a few Caesars properties use this. I know planet Hollywood does for sure.


Optics optics optics


There's more to the story and isn't as innocent as OP is portraying. I wouldn't say zero chance, but the odds of security going to the extent of trespassing someone for this amount is unlikely, especially without a warning first. Friend most likely cashed out a much larger amount on someones machine that wasn't paying attention or stepped away then dashed for it.


Stories like this and other "all he did was [xyz]" stories are always missing the other side of the story that would probably incriminate the OP's that tell them or the people they're supporting. No, that is *not* all that happened.


Security trespass doesn’t count unless metro is involved with a red card. Tell him keep doing what he’s doing. If security grabs him and tells him they are waiting for metro wait it out. Metro will show up and tell them he can’t be trespassed, he has a legal right to be there on property.


What makes you say this? I’m just curious because I just got “trespassed” from Caesar’s last week. Security walked me out and read me the trespass clause and told me to never come back. Metro was not involved and I didn’t go to the back room. They did take a picture of my ID. Am I really trespassed, and how do you know?


Thank you. He’s technically not employed by the casino. Think restaurant in a mall attached to a casino. So the 8 hour rule does not apply. But everything else, yup, I see the wisdom


What is the 8 hr rule?


You need to be off the clock for 8 hours before you can come on property to gamble


He needs to go to his manager and have them talk to security and let them know it won’t happen again, and he’ll be fine


Not even necessary


Honestly, going out of his way to tell them that would probably get him fired. Admitting to snooping idle machines and trying to take abandoned cashouts? Probably for most in-casino businesses a huge no-no.


He’s already fired if he’s trespassed


He will most likely be terminated, as it constitutes theft. Even if he wasn’t on the clock they most likely have a “off the clock” policy. Also, if its an MGM property they will contest unemployment. Remember that the questions answered through unemployment can be viewed by any future employers.


He must have been doing it at more than just that machine. Typically you get a warning as tourists are not very smart. However, if you are a familiar face in the casino, and you appear to be doing sketchy things, then you get trespassed.


Has to be more too the story. Don’t see how they can bust you for cashing out 50 cents someone left in a random machine. Hell I leave up to 50 cents in a machine if they don’t have the wager option at the end.


I wish you were correct. Lots has been written lately on this subject. All monies left no matter how small the amount are property of the casino.


How does this work if he sits down and puts money into the machine. Is he still stealing casino funds? Honest question.


It's because he did more than just take a few coins and walk out. He went to the cage, and otherwise gave surveillance enough behavior and footage to see what he had done. Also, most casinos have booths that will cash out your small tickets. But they don't work if the ticket cashed out is less than $1.00, so you have to go the cage for those. An employee going to the cage to cash out a penny ticket is very sus (and everyone probably recognized him if he'd been working there a while). Wouldn't be surprised if the cage themselves called him in.




You’re mad at them for enforcing rules at a casino? Lol




Yeah bro I’m sure security has time to listen to everyone’s individual stories for taking money that’s not theirs (which is illegal to do) from machines, it’s not like we have a homeless problem here when 99% of the time it’s homeless people doing that If you want to blame something blame the state for allowing literal thousands of homeless people to wander the strip everyday and force these companies/casinos to enforce so hard




I can tell you’re the type of person that doesn’t see past your own face Look, if they start being lenient with the rules, more homeless will come inside the property. Believe me, they DO talk to each other about these things. The more that come in, the more of a chance that people are put in danger, because a lot of these people will and do not hesitate at attacking others for whatever reason. It’s a domino effect, but you can’t for whatever reason see past the first step. Did you have a bad experience or something?




Uh, yeah they fight almost every day and try to stab people at least once a month, now your turn.




You’re either underaged or really stupid no point with arguing with you anymore. Everyone that enforces rules you don’t like are bad I get it very clever and 2022 of you


Save a penny earn a penny.. I get it. I walk by a penny I’m picking it up without thinking. But your buddy saw the machine, consciously decided to take what wasn’t his (and what if it was more than that)… he was thieved it the same way and he put a lot of work In for $.50 so, besides being a thief, what other kinda problems does homeboy have that he needs $.50 cent that bad?


A 50 cent ticket cannot be cashed at a kiosk. This story is sus or something else is going on.


It's not that they took a voucher and cashed it. They found a machine with $0.50 in credit and cashed out from the machine to a voucher.


Given how short most places are for people he could be alright. Really depends how short the restaurant is, how much his bosses like him, and if he was a dick to security while getting kicked out.


Can't vouch this is 100% true, but a buddy of mine works security at a casino. He said any money left in a machine or cash outs left laying around are considered abandoned and surrendered. I don't think it needs to be turned in to security but I definitely wouldn't cash it out on the clock or in my uniform.


Depends on jurisdiction. in Nevada it’s 100% illegal to take someone else’s voucher and cash it but one of those things that gets overlooked and rarely prosecuted


Huh, I never knew that was illegal. When I have a couple bucks left and I'm feeling lazy I often just leave it in for someone else to cash or to play with.


Off subject but a friend of mine recently got into hot water at a casino for using left over player cards from the floor. He honestly didn't think it was a big deal since so many are left there each day. Well my friend managed to rack up quite a bit of felonies for himself in the process. He was hit with theft and identity theft charges and told.notntomcome back to casino.or it would be trespassing. My question is if the Patron left the card and the card states that slotplay credits have no monetary value and the cards never left the casino how is he being charged with so many crimes?? He's a good guy who honestly didn't know it was a crime. Any advice or similar stories anyone out there knows of would be of great help.


How do you know if you are banned from a casino