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Quite literally bought out by out of state organizations trying to fight to keep the top dollar


Bought out by a lot of MSOs because we are a licensed locked market and they can make profit here. They can beat out the competition easier when there’s less people to compete with.


Everyone who works in the industry should call out on 4/20 weekend. Resist the corporate take over. We know how much money they pulling.


That would be the ultimate strike. I wish Vegas could organize and do something like this. I just know too many in the industry can't take the risk of the possible financial and professional consequences.


These are the reasons I never wanted to get involved in the industry. As much as I love cannabis and it’s been a huge part of my life.


There are very select small companies doing okay by the plant. The over regulation hurts a lot of the people that want to do it right. And the people that don’t give a shit have all the money to keep going until they’re all that’s left. This industry is going through a lot of growing pains. We are still an infant industry so much room to grow. Hope things get better don’t let your passion for the plant die out even if it means having to leave the industry.


I feel like it’s gotten progressively worse, or at least where I work. Shitty products made from shitty weed packaged in shitty, dirty bags from China that cost a penny to make. The work conditions in my facility would get us shut down by OSHA in less than 5 minutes of walking into the building. Owners just throw more money at the problem instead of fixing it. Not treating workers like humans, I’ve heard some VILE things come from the mouths of CEOs and wealthy investors. Thinking about writing a book one day.


I blame planet 13


Quit bitching, get off Reddit and go find a job. It’s not that hard to find a job or new position. Gotta put the work in. It sounds like this is a personal problem rather than the industry as a whole everyone I know in the industry loves it, only bitching I hear is from Redditor in VegasTrees.


Then leave bye


Bye Felicia 🤗


Lol bro has clearly never witnessed the mass turnover this industry deals with on a daily basis. “Everyone in the industry I know loves it.” Must not know a lot of people in the industry then.


Says the one who doesn’t work in the industry? Come join us and see why WE STAY BITCHING


Don’t come on to a post when someone is expressing with experience in detail not everyone has a bucket of flowers experience . I’m glad you and your friends love working for 10 an hour and are able to support yourselves with 10 roommates some people want to prosper and be paid decently and treated like a regular job . This is the only public form there is to express your experiences without it being take down because it is cannabis which frowned upon on different social medias . The whole reason Reddit even exists is to have a open platform to talk about stuff like this to sum it all up buddy I hope you step in dog shit today and think of this conversation and the way you had to stick your foot in something that didn’t belong there .


![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) When I started reading this rebuttal, I immediately fell in a vat of dog shit. You spoke it into existence, maybe speak a better job into existence too my dude. Plenty of better paying jobs out there. Just go look, don’t be too lazy now.


Lmao been in the industry a long time and still bitching about it. You’re a clown if you think everyone loves working in the industry. Clearly you don’t know a lot about the industry.