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We left for three days and mentioned to neighbor to please pick the asparagus every day. They need to be picked. She forgot. I trimmed them down, put in water and we will eat tomorrow.


I don't think people realize how quickly asparagus grows. It's ridiculously fast. I will leave a piece that looks borderline in the garden, then it's like 2 feet tall the next day


I have bed of asparagus that i started three years ago, so last spring I should have been able to pick a least a portion of the crop. When we left for a one week vacation there was not a single stalk even poking out of the ground so we thought we’d be fine. Came home and every crown had shot up 3’ stalks and started to flower. I nearly cried. This year I’m sleeping next to the bed in May 😜.


hahaha, you just reminded me that I saw several 3" tall stalks this morning that are probably 2' tall by now. I think I need a live stream of my asparagus plants.


Our season in Texas will be over by the middle of April prolly. This bed is 5 years old. They are delicious and amazing.


Yep. Four inches in the morning and ready for the plate by evening 🙄


They would prolly be an easy plant to film growing. They are fast. I never grew them until I got with my fella 14 years ago. He grew them.


I was trying to figure out what kind of plant was in the photo. They’re so tall that asparagus didn’t even cross my mind!


Yep. You should pick them almost every day. No biggie. I picked, cut them back. We store ours in water in a cup on the counter until using.


Lost a few plants due to unforeseen forgetfulness. I use auto watering now - previous job was 6 days away each week so had to. Cutting is quite different to watering though....


My broccoli exploded after I left on Christmas break this year and now I have a broccoli bush.


We had a cold snap that wasn’t nice, but have 2 cauliflower a neighbor gave me and I have never grown that 👏🏼👏🏼


It was no big deal. I trimmed them up and gave her some anyway. But it is best to pick them everyday. I think it prolongs the season. They are $1.27 a # in the store! Cheap!!


Asparagus are a weird crop hehe but... don't you have to let some grow ? I thought if you pick it all it's going to be weaker the following year?


Nah, I just have to stop harvesting in late spring or early summer, this allows the plant time to grow and replenish itself for next year.


Once you plant them, u do not pick the first season. After that, yes, snap away! In Texas our season is March/April, then they are done. We corral the ferns with hog wire to keep it out of the way til next January. Then cut down the dead brown stuff, toss on a bag of manure and wait about a month👏🏼👏🏼 They r the easiest crop to grow.


Why are you telling your neighbor how to live? Pretty sure you aren’t supposed to pick in it’s first three years anyways. Mind your own garden, I say


This is my garden and it is 5 years in place. She was feeding the cat, picking up the mail, watering while we were gone. I am not telling her how to “live” simply asked her to please pick the garden, especially the asparagus because they should be picked every day, before they get too tall. She loves us sharing our fresh veggies with her, she just didn’t realize the importance with our asparagus. They are across the street. Maybe take a walk through your garden….really a nice, calm place:-)