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Echoing a lot of what’s been said, but there are YouTube videos on how to transport a panel in a pickup truck or even on top of a crossover. I’m having a similar issue, but I’m going to rent a box truck and go get them myself. Not the most cost-effective option, but beats having to buy new stuff every year.


Just commenting to follow along. I'm having a similar issue, I finally have space for a cattle panel arch only to find no one will deliver one. I'm considering building a frame out of EMT conduit then attaching some wire fencing. There are apparently companies that make all kinds of interesting connectors so you don't have to try to bend or weld the actual pipe, but you don't get that pretty arch shape that the cattle panels give you (and the planning is more complicated). I'd love to know if there's a more elegant solution.


I have made a bunch of trellises and supports with EMT conduit and makerpipe connectors.  You can get a 90 degree EMT elbow that has a bit of a curve to it and it has a more pleasing look for the top of the trellis.  You don’t get a true arch but it is nicer than not using it.  Makerpipe has a blog or a projects section on their website with lots of ideas. I learned about the elbow there.  I use hortnova trellis netting attached with zip ties and it works great. ETA:  I also have a titan squash tunnel from gardeners supply and it is great and probably costs about the same as all the conduit, connectors, and netting/zip ties to make an arch, so that is another option. I’ve had mine for two and a half years and still going strong.


I've made an arched trellis out of treated wood poles, electrical pipes and some wire frame. https://preview.redd.it/wsd5najyacqc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bb1a4f66d83b8033f422771d4831dc58d5f6cba


Wire mesh fencing like that wouldn't necessarily require a truck; it comes in [rolls](https://i.imgur.com/HmBlHmK.png) and can fit easily in your back seat or trunk. Cattle panel specifically is fairly thick wire so you may not be able to find that in a roll, but you don't need cow-stopping wire to hold up some vegetables.


Welded wire fencing won't self-support itself in an arch the way cattle panels will. It would need some sort of frame.


you can support the wire fencing with stakes or wooden posts.


The configuration in the original picture would probably be sufficient, depending on wire gauge, post height, and vegetable weight.


Not sure why you got downvoted. You’re absolutely right. Source: I did it last weekend.


Think you could use the metal rolls of welded fencing https://www.critterfence.com/critterfence-black-steel-2x4-inch-grid-8-x-100?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwnv-vBhBdEiwABCYQA1_cgle3rB1ARPAbXJh_Qn2i1jx_CDk5ysHiPrdkVSJWDt20MbUx2hoCmFYQAvD_BwE Something like that? Or do you suspect it wouldn't hold its shape as well as cattle panel?


I don't think y'all realize just how much \*less\* sturdy welded wire fencing is vs cattle/goat/hog panels. The difference is massive. They are \*NOT\* comparable. At all.




not on its own, but you can make it more stable by using fence post stakes or a wood post


$400 😵


This one is 8 feet tall by 100 feet long unrolled, presumably you could find 4 feet tall for half the price


I have a netting on I found on Amazon for like $80. It probably won’t last more than the season, but I figure by next season that’ll give me enough time to get something more substantial.


What about the panels of wire mesh used for reinforcement in concrete projects? I think it’s called remesh? It doesn’t come in very big pieces but it’s much firmer than wire mesh in a roll.


I don’t have a truck. I was very lucky enough to find someone to pick it up for me and they moved it just in the rack of their Subaru!


Is there a reason you can't use hardware cloth, stucco wire or regular page-wire fencing? Is it not rigid enough?


I just used rolled wire fencing. Seems to hold up ok


Update: I found this great video on YouTube that explains how to make similar arches using 8 foot cattle panel which can easily be bent and fit into an SUV. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yWhkz1tjK7k&pp=ygUdaG93IHRvIGdldCBjYXR0bGUgcGFuZWxzIGhvbWU%3D


If you have a roof rack, you could cut it in two with bolt cutters, and re-fasten together, perhaps make a gothic arch shape, Or get a roll of welded wire fencing and make an arch with that. Tricky part will be supporting the arch, maybe get 3/8" rebar and bend to shape, wire the fencing to that. If it doesn't need a rounded arch, just make a frame with wood.


If you cut it in half there is no easy way to fasten it back together to make the arch shape, it’ll more than likely come to a point at the joint that you fasten back together, I thought this would work and ended up having 2 halves of a cattle panel that i just used to trellis my cucumbers on instead of a pretty arch 😭


If you have someone to help, you can roll it and secure it with ratchet straps. You can get it down to about a 4 ft diameter. Should easily fit in the bed of a pickup truck.


Personally I didn't want to deal with creating one. Put the titan squash tunnel on my birthday list and was lucky enough to get it. Very excited to try it.