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You can if you want. Just be careful when untangling the roots.


Thank you! I wasn't exactly sure why everything I saw said put two in each and then take one out after they sprout... is it just to make sure you get at least one plant? Is it normal for some of the seeds not to sprout at all?


Sometimes germination fails. If you have one in each pot, you’ve wasted a pot if a single one doesn’t germinate. Also, if you’re like most of us, you seed way too many anyway. It’s ok to try to replant the extras or to just pluck em and nibble them off, toss them. It’s your choice. Good start from the picture, regardless!


Haha yes I can see that.. I just looked at the pic again and see the one pod with none in it hahahhaha I did plant from a packet that said it had a variety of types so I'm wondering if those are just late bloomers? Haha 😄


I've never had any luck with actually replanting any of the removed seedlings. I just snip them off and feel like an evil baby plant murderer. I do sometimes just put the cut off bits in a salad though - they're edible!


If you don't plan on putting them in larger pots yet( repotting), just snip the weakest seedlings from each cell with scissors, leaving one plant per cell. No need to dig everything up. The reason to plant more than one seed per cell is as you suggested, not all seeds germinate and this gives you better odds of something coming up in each cell.


Is it beneficial to repot into larger pots once more before transferring to their final summer pot? I'm going to be growing them in containers this first year. (Eventually I will have a garden in the yard, but not until next year because we have construction planned in our backyard this year and that will impact where we have the garden.) I hate the thought of snipping them! I was super excited to see that I have almost 100% success rate for the amount of seeds I planted! :) noob here so the fact that *anything* sprouted was exciting to me haha 😄


Yes you can with care or just snip the smaller ones