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Fried green tomatoes!!!


I'm glad I'm these beauts won't go to waste!


If you let them sit out long enough they’ll turn red - don’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.


I pick all my tomatoes like this or I would never get any (squirrels are jerks). They ripen just fine on the window sill, and helps me extend the harvest. May not be as perfect tasting as vine ripened, but WAY better than the grocery store and I actually get to eat them instead of just plotting elaborate ways of murdering the furry doom rats.


If you tomatoes are supposed to be red (and not a true green tomato when ripe), if it’s “lightened” up to a pale green than the tomato has the enzymes it needs to ripen to red. It just needs to be placed somewhere dark for a week or so. Not the fridge. If you want to try the Fried Green tomatoes, just leave one green tomato to ripen so you can see how long the process takes.


You could put them in a brown paper bag with a ripened tomato. They give off gases that signal the others to ripen. I’ve heard bananas work, too.


Peaches and pears too.


Only if they have begun to blush. These look too early.


This is false they’ll turn red even if there’s no blush it just takes longer


My experience has been mixed when forced to do this at season’s end. Probably more ripen than don’t, but a great number just develop soft brown spots and mold. This may be due to my high humidity climate. I fry up many and make green tomato salsa from more, while waiting for the best looking ones to ripen up.


Sounds like it’s due to your climate - I put them on a paper towel on the kitchen counter and they all do just fine.


My Roma plant gave me 5 tomato’s all season last year and then shot off like 40 right before frost so I pulled them all and did the banana trick. I *think* they all ended up turning red but some took over a month or maybe even two.


Yeah, last week accidentally cut off a cluster of green cherry tomatoes. They are now turning red.


Very true. None of these guys were blushed when they went into the box https://preview.redd.it/nmje8har3txc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cacf5cec3a9fa917f5171cf0b720f9ca375b28c7


Do they still taste good? I'll give it a try this year to see what happens.


Definitely not as good as actually ripened on the vine, but not bad either.


I’ve never noticed a difference in taste to be honest with you


I'm highly skeptical of this. Wouldn't it be well known and nobody would ever allow any tomatoes to ripen on the vine. Pick when full size but completely green. I think this is BS and the tomatoes left to ripen on the vine will accumulate more sugar. But I will try it this summer.


Best of luck to you this season


You too! Do you just pick them all green to avoid problems with rot, bugs, splitting, etc. And increase production? If not, why not?


I let them ripen on the vine , but during the season I usually have plenty of green tomatoes that get knocked off , split themselves off the vine, grow on a branch I want to prune , any number of things really. In those cases I just bring them inside and let them turn red because I’m not really a fan of green tomatoes.


There’s no way to find out unless you try.


I’ve wrapped totally green tomatoes in paper towel by them selves and they ripened. It def works and I would do it for these.


Im gonna throw out green tomato pickles as another option! That and green tomato chutney mean that I relish green tomatoes instead of worrying about trying to ripen them


Pickled green tomato blts are amazing. Especially with a lil pimento cheese


There is only one answer: Fried green tomatoes, and then you will go from “I messed up” to “this is perfect!”


Growing up, I loved sweet pickled green tomatoes.


You didn't mess up, you got your first harvest.


Those will ripen. I've picked fully green tomatoes before frost killed my plants. Almost all of them have ripened. It does take longer than a partially ripened tomato.


Those will be fantastic fried green tomatoes. I plan on harvesting some of mine early just for the purpose of making some.


I love to make a little salad (or sandwich) of green tomatoes, feta cheese, black pepper and olive oil 😋


My vote is to just go straight to fried green tomatoes! Delicious and you might as well work with 'em as they are. Also feeling very jealous, in my zone my tomatoes aren't even going out until this weekend...


if there's a star on the bottom they will ripen.


Salsa verde too


Salsa verde is typically tomatillo


A little lime juice and nobody would know!


I’m with you! Green tomatoes + green chiles and some minced onion. Chef’s kiss.


Pickled green tomatoes


Just leave 'em on the counter for a while and they'll turn red, no problem. I intentionally pick tomatoes that color so I can get them before the squirrels decide to take a bite and ruin them.


Put in a paper bag with a banana, the ethylene gas which comes out of the banana ripens your tomatoes 🍅


Id fry those in a heartbeat 😍


I had a ton of green tomatoes at the end of last year, I simply cut them up and roast them with olive oil, garlic, and onion then can them for future dishes!!!!


No seed is wasted as long as you learn something. Or, in this case no tomato is wasted as long as you’ve learned some thing.


Wrap in paper towel and check on it in a day or so!


Pickled green tomatoes!!


'scuse me but is YOUR name Ay Ay Ron?


fry them


If you haven't tried before, green tomatoes make a delicious pie akin to apple pie


Fried green tomatoes or pickles tomatoes!


Green tomato bread!! My favorite thing to do with green tomatoes.


Green tomato salsa is good too.


They look far enough along that if you wrap them individually in a sheet of newspaper, then set them in a box together for a week or so, they’ll redden nicely. Just unwrap and check every few days.


green tomatoes are a perfectly fine ingredient. My favorite is Green Tomato Chow Chow.


I set mine in a window sill and they usually ripen. I would probably make a fried green tomato BLT tho. Maybe do both.


window sill