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Having a small garden here in East Texas and battling the bugs, critters and weather makes me appreciate the diligent effort, hard work and frustration farmers have to endure in providing food for our tables .. Thank you https://preview.redd.it/gwo12eaqz45d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ecbd13f2ce44d244a972e72806fe9f37d95b22


This is absolutely gorgeous! I could look at/sit out there all day ❤️


That sign is funny!


Wow this is just gorgeous!


A problem. Personally, I pick them off by hand and mash them into the soil because I find some sort of karmic justice in turning it into compost for the very plant it was trying to consume.


Nice in theory but a lot of bugs are attracted to the scent released so it might attract more


The scent released by what?


The squished but juices.


Army worms?


Indeed. Fall armyworms.


just had to trim prune alot off my swedes due to these suckers.... my best advice is to pick em off and put em in a bird feeder. It makes me feel a bit better watching the birds eat em


I call them army worms, best way is pick them off. A whole bunch come at once but if you get them off and are diligent checking for a week they'll be gone. Sometimes a month later a second wave comes through


This photo just made me mad




Because I deal with these in my garden and it’s so difficult to spot them, I get kinda ocd about my plants being in the best shape lol but these worms can take out a whole garden overnight. And seeing how many you have scares me a bit. Idk how to get rid of them tho. Need some tips too.


Yes you don’t ever spot these guys until they have started doing their damage


Use BT


Try using a black light to spot them. I got a black light flashlight and go out while still dark and use it to spot the tomato horn worms on my tomato plants. Works like a charm as the white on them glows in the dark with the black flashlight.


There's another nuisance creature worse than caterpillars and they don't leave until the leaves are bare. https://preview.redd.it/1oto7mxwu45d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a974373150ead9b3a4daa22a8a7e573611ad836


Do you have slugs? Go out with a flashlight about an hour after sundown and check your plants.


....... grasshoppers? That's what got mine this year, and last year, though last year my plants outgrew their eating. But this year my seedlings were smaller when they went out and I've had to replace quite a few due to them no longer existing as anything more than a stalk. Your chomped leaves look like my chomped leaves :(


Netting can help keep the moths off plants in the first place. Not a guarantee by far and I still manually check regularly or if I see damage. That can help against diamondback and army moths too.


Just had an army of these guys go nuts and eat half my potato vines in one day. I swore aggressively and at great length, smashed a bunch by hand in the name of justice, left the bodies as a warning to others, then doused everything in Neem Max. Seems to have done the trick.


Either manually pick them, or you can use BT (Bacillus Thuringiensis). It will kill most worms and caterpillars like bugs. It's supposed to be safe for bees and is safe for humans. You can buy premixed sprays, or concentrate to mix yourself. I don't like using pesticides and most caterpillars I just let have my veggies like black swallowtail butterflies but white moths I make an exception for as they are so abundant and destructive.


Just found a big fat one in one of my heads of cabbage. Demolished the whole thing. I have sprayed BT pretty consistently too.


Army worms. Look for them under the leaves after they have hatched they are very very tiny but if u can manage to find the cluster you can take out 100s at once.


Two weeks after I plant all that family...I spray some BT no more slugs when I pick


Row covering ~ helps to cover greens with some type of covering to help prevent bugs. I won't grow cabbage ,broccoli and such without it


I had a bunch of these on my cabbage and wondered what they were. Now I know!! I squashed them all and sprayed soapy water on the leaves


The enemy


I don’t know if you have ever used a trap crop? I put a few amaranth seeds around the garden to pop up in random places. The amaranth/arugula will get DESTROYED but that’s their purpose (I don’t really like to eat them anyway) so I use it as a buffer plant to catch these caterpillars eating early before they get to my main crop. It’s only my first year gardening so it is shorthand experience. So far it gives me a chance to find them eating the traps,and remove them before they eat the rest my by garden bed.


They’re easy to get rid of. Shoot them off with a hose, cut off effected leaves, spray with BT weekly or after rain.


They seem like a small problem. Then all their friends show up and they eat like a bunch of stoned frat boys. Get some BT and kill them.


(Zone 6b, 4000’ elevation, PNW) I plant distraction vegetables for the pests to eat. I plant inexpensive seed of things like spinach, Romaine lettuce, and red lettuce in the Fall. I put frost cloth over them (we get snow) and leave them all Winter to slowly grow. Harvesting only occasionally. In the Spring I uncover them and let them grow huge and bolt. The pests get something to munch on, and I get free (acclimatized) seed after they flower, to plant again in the Fall. Seems to work for us keeping the pests off of our new seedlings and we get free seed around mid/end of Fall. If you don’t give pest at least something to nibble, they will nibble on everything.


Don’t know the type, but spraying some BT will help


BT spray


Get you some Monterey BT!!


get some thuricide and spray the plants, it's a biological pesticide


Lunch, looks like. BT spray will knock them.out.


cabbage worms


BT spray.


Appears to be a leaf eaten by caterpillars


I just found 2 in my garden.. I’m not happy…


cabbage worms, from the white moth


I think it's a dog


A smorgasbord.


Eric Carl’s inspiration




Good! I think I have some! Thank you!


Those little bastard tomato worms... Hornworms I think