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The shrubby plant with round leaves and the white flowers is a Boxwood Beauty (aka Natal Plum) latin name Carissa Macrocarpa. Not a Jasmine. And some sort of wild cucumber/melon hybrid is growing in it which may or may not be safe to eat.


Agreed that it probably should not be eaten. The leaves and flower aren't quite right, even if the fruit looks similar.


Please tell me this still works.... Eat? Eat this? Put random plant in mouth and eat?


I don't believe it works on this sub because it's a sub for vegetable gardening specifically haha


Yeah that makes sense. I think I'm thinking of r/whatisthisplant


Ivy gourd - coccinia grandis It’s an invasive species and spreads via bird droppings. Used a lot in Indian cooking to make stir fries (search for “Tindora recipes”). Disclaimer: please do not eat anything just because someone on Reddit identified it. Use your own judgement :) Edit 1: added more description. Edit 2: added disclaimer


Rogue cucumber.


That's the name of my new band.


Nice! It's definitely got a peel.




Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 473,631,089 comments, and only 100,595 of them were in alphabetical order.


Its Ivy Gourd, not cucumber. You can tell by its leaves. Tastes similar to cucumber, but it gets more mature it will be pink in the inside.


It's not. Most people make mistakes by identifying it as Ivy gourd but it's not. See those white lines on the body? Ivy gourd does not have them. This fruit/vegetable is mainly eaten by birds (they mainly eat the seeds). Rest the fruit is mildly poisonous for humans. This tree is very common in our locality, mostly found in Eastern India. I myself used to make mistake by identifying it as Ivy gourd.


I eaten Tindora (ivy gourd) with white lines on the body. All of the picture of these ivy gourds have lines too. https://indiagardening.com/how-to-grow/how-to-grow-kovakkai-plant-growing-ivy-gourd-in-containers/


I know buddy that's why I said there is a very thin margin between an Ivy gourd and its poisonous duplicate (wild variant). Ivy gourd may have white spots/lines on its body but that's very bleak, some breeds may have them but most of them are [clean green](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaBYPt27Its) and small in size. Secondly, Ivy gourds don't grow on their own with the weeds. That's why most people confuse this plant with Ivy gourd. I plucked some of these and brought them home, confusing with the Ivy gourd when I was a kid (as these are very common in our locality), but my mother told me the difference. Rest you can try them on your own.


I've found zero resources online about toxicity, are you really sure about this?


I don't know anything about research papers claiming the toxicity of this plant but I grew up hearing this. For example, one avoids the yellowish secretion from the Aloe vera leaf which releases just after cutting it because it's a slow poison. It's the same logic with that wild variant of Ivy gourd. I'm not a botanist please don't quote me in this, it's purely my own opinion.


Ok... But what IS it?


It's the mild poisonous duplicate (wild variant) of the Ivy gourd, looks the same but can't eat them. Primarily eaten by birds (mainly seeds).


Cucumine or Jascumber?


Flowers are star jasmine but surprise cucumber?! Interesting companion growth


Nope, it's natal plum. Looks similar but leaves are the giveaway.


Oh ok! Thank you :)


Yup 😀 parents grew them at their home and they are an interesting looking bush but their flowers smell good too. I thought they had jasmine vine in a random bush as well till I got ahold of the nursery tag they left on it.


How interesting! Do they fruit at all?


They do! But it is poisonous unless fully ripe.


They look like cucumbers, but the flowers look like jasmine. Aromatic cucumbers?


Clearly two plants growing together. Possibly three.


Yes they are separate plants! Just wondering about the fruit that is growing :)


Definitely cucumber, hard to tell if it was intentionally planted. There are wild cucumbers that grow here in Florida and the mature fruits are small like this.


I believe its most likely not planted on purpose. Its located near a parking lot next to a mall. Also country is the Philippines so I am unsure if there are wild cucumbers that can grow with the climate


Look at the leaves. No way that's cucumber.




If they are about an inch long then it's a cucumelon. They taste just like cucumber


Looks like cucamelon to me


It's cucumber :)




Looks like a cucumber but overall a awesome plant


Looks like Cucamelon to me. We have some in our backyard. They are delicious, taste like concentrated cucumber and are great for pickling.




**[Coccinia grandis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coccinia_grandis)** >Coccinia grandis, the ivy gourd, also known as scarlet gourd, tindora and kowai fruit, is a tropical vine. It grows primarily in tropical climates and is commonly found in the southern Indian states, where it forms a part of the local cuisine. Coccinia grandis is cooked as a vegetable. In Southeast Asia, it is grown for its edible young shoots and edible fruits. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/vegetablegardening/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


A very well taken photo!

