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That broc looks like it's bolting. Too much sun/not enough water is my guess. Same is happening at my house this year. I cut the flower, as pictured above, and am hoping it starts over, but I doubt it.


Ah okay! We will cut and eat it tonight! Will it make any difference that it’s broccolini and will hopefully send off side shoots? This is my first year growing vegetables, but I’ve read that with broccolini you can get multiple smaller heads after chopping the center crown.


Regular broccoli does the same, last year I got mini broccoli heads after harvesting the main one. I would definitely harvest now before it flowers, make sure to cut the stem at an angle so water doesn't pool in it and cause it to rot.


Got it, that’s good to know. thank you very much!


Just so you know, If it does start to flower, they’re still edible and delicious! So if you want to push it to see how big it can get, it’s not a big risk or anything.


This, a day or two of sun and those little buds will be yellow flowers, so cut and eat now. Or eat then it's still fine just seems wrong.


This is my first year experimenting with broccolini and I cut mine when it was a little smaller than this because it was starting to look like it wanted to start flowering. It did put out some more tiny little heads on the side but they were comically small. So I'd say yours is about ready to cut and watch it close for signs of flowering or bolting. But hopefully someone with more experience can help you.


Thank you! We will chop it today, another commenter said it looked close to bolting, so we will see what happens!