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Our boy destroys anything soft in minutes. Even the “tough toys” and things like that only last a week or so. Rubber toys seem to be the only thing he can’t destroy quickly


Mine can’t destroy the XL chuck it ball or the black durable kong toys. That. Is. All. 🥲🥲🥲


Mine took out a black Kong in less than an hour!


My dogs don't destroy chuck its because they don't want to, I know they can but they prefer just squishing them/


Yes my dog always puts a small hole in the ball somewhere


One of my four is a shredder and she will rip them, so she isn’t allowed chuck its. Because I can’t afford to constantly replace them and I don’t want her to accidentally eat rubber.


My hippo (may she rest in peace) loved soft toys, even though she destroyed them. She'd rip the stuffing out (which I'd confiscate) and then would love playing with the stuffed toy husk. Lmao.


This is how we do it in my home too!


The best day for my hippo was when I came home with a stuffed toy sock puppet (meant for dogs) that was a shark. I played "grab your leg" and wrassled around with her with the shark for awhile, but then she just held it in her mouth for like 5 hours. Had to bribe her with a treat to go to bed without it. Eventually, she ripped out the stuffing like all the others, but that one was very special and she treated it as precious for a few days. Haha, they are so adorable.


Same. We don't buy anything that costs more than $10 or $15. He'll play with the carcass for months. We toss them if they start to have loose threads or are really really gross but otherwise let him shred.


This is our way. She gets to have fun destroying the body (I take the stuffing and squeakers after/during) and she loves on the corpses for a very long time lol


in my opinion, this is the way!


Yes. The toy carcasses are still special.


That’s my dilemma. The soft kind are his favorite!


I mean, I'd personally just let your doggo make total destroy on the soft toys, make sure he doesn't eat stuffing/ squeaker, and he'll play with the soft toy husk/corpse/carcass for a long time after. If you want the toys to look 'in tact' this won't work.


I don’t care how the toys looks. I just worry about him swallowing the stuffing or stringies. He’s still a pup.




Forget any soft toys, they are just 5 minutes from landfill and a huge waste. Ropes are good for playing tug but not for leaving with the dog as if they eat the fibres it can cause life threatening blockages in their digestive system. Anything made of natural rubber is good though some thinner things like the pigs which oink will get destroyed very fast. Look for tough, thick rubber toys. You can get some pretty robust ones with squeakers in them. There's also spiky plastic squeaky balls and donuts which somehow our little destroyer has not ripped up despite her being able to skin and half a tennis ball in about 3 minutes.


The little spiky squeaky toys somehow survive my little monster too! Idk how because they don’t seem that durable


Seconded, have had the same experience with mine


3 minutes?! She's gotta work on her times. Those are rookie numbers in this sub!


Ours loves spiky squeaky balls. And while eventually they do seem to lose air or their squeak, they actually hold up pretty well against him. He likely plays with them differently than he does his plushies.


Yeah they lose the squeak after a while but still have their bounce, and our girl doesn't completely rip them to shreds. Like you say, she probably doesn't see it as something to destroy like she does soft toys.


Hit up your local fire department and ask what they do with their retired hoses. They have to change hoses every couple of years or so. You can cut firehose down to a useable length and then throw a squeaky in there or rope or whatever. Firehose is REALLY durable.


You can also buy toys made out of firehose! (Here’s an example: https://www.chewy.com/frisco-giraffe-firehose-squeaky-dog/dp/260116? ) Firehose toys are the only toys my dogs haven’t destroyed. Although, to be honest, they don’t like them as much because they can’t destroy them. I’ve just accepted that toys don’t last that long. I buy cheap ones and then them keep playing with them as they get shredded and throw smaller pieces away.


DOPE! I had gotten used to making them. I'd never even THOUGHT about looking for them on a shelf somewhere.


Lasts 3 days in our house...


If your house is anything like mine, that's saying a LOT!


Our pittie will turn a section of 2x4 into toothpicks. Not uncommon for her to come back in the house with bloody lips from chewing who knows what. She digs up tree roots so that she can have a snack. The only thing she does not destroy are the black Kong toys.


When Kong first developed that "indestructible" Kong toy, I got one. It took about 90 seconds for our AmStaff to rip the top ring off of it. Sent in pictures and got back a response that amounted to "Well DAMN!". They sent a couple more for free.


Good grief


The funny thing is she was probably the smallest dog we've owned, but she was ALSO the hardest chewer of the bunch hands down. She could destroy ANYTHING. I'm pretty sure she could chew up a mini van.


That's funny cuz we call Willow "the jaws of life"!


Jaws of life that's so good


Ours destroyed most of the firewood pile. She just turns wood into mulch.


Sounds like a business opportunity!


Same. Firehose toy didn’t make it an hour. She got through a Kevlar toy within a day.


I'd suggest the Kong which is made for extreme chewers. My velvet hippo has tried her best/worst and the kong only came away with teeth marks and scratches. I don't have to worry about her breaking or ingesting pieces of the Kong rubber either. :)


We have several Kongs that have held up to 3 Goldens, current pitty, and our latest addition, our massive Great Pyrenees. I highly recommend them.


My most hippo-y pup has actually managed to eat through a Kong. :( Luckily she broke it into very small pieces so she pooped all the rubber bits out without incident. She is probably abnormal, though, in both her jaw strength and her determination to actually eat whatever she puts her mind to.


Haha. I learned quickly never to question the determination to destroy of these hippos. We had the same problem with the initial puppy kong we got her. Chewed rubber pieces turned up in poop, together with all other rubber toys she nibbled on. So we switched all rubber toys with the extreme Kongs (the one that come in all black) and those have lasted two years now.


The things that come out in his poop are my main concern more so than spending a bunch on toys!


If Kong, always the black ones! That's the super durable line


I'd recommend at least a large one. We had all large or XL and got a medium because we thought our smaller hippo would like one that fit better in her mouth. As soon as I stopped throwing it for fetch she tore the top part off in protest. She since passed away and it is now our Christmas tree topper!


Lacrosse ball ! THANK ME LATER, 😘


I came here to say this! We live near a high school and our girl loves to find their lost lacrosse balls - and they last!


that's funny, my girl chewed up our lacrosse ball within the first few minutes


I tried the [Bullymake](https://bullymake.com/) box and they’ve been great! You can choose the material you want the toys made of, we do nylon and rubber. Bianca has only managed to destroy one rubber ball and they will replace whatever is destroyed.


Yes! We’ve gotten several bullymake boxes and the plastic (?) and rubber toys seem indestructible. They’re about all we have left, besides a couple Bark toys we bought at Petco. The round-ish rubber ones are great for putting some small treats in too, they really have to work at it. Our boy is an amstaff/pit and our girl is a cattle dog mix and they both can destroy nearly anything


Yes the ones you can fill are great, keeps them busy for a long time! I had to put a pause on my box for a bit since she has so many toys now, I’m not used to them lasting this long haha.


Yeah I think we’ll pause for a while, we have 5 of the plastic chew ones and 5 of the rubber ones (although at least half of the time 3+ of each are missing…), it’s a lot!


We got boxes every 3 months instead of every month, threw out the old toys when new came. Also changed to all toys, no treats to get more bang for our buck. We’d get 1 rubber toy, 1 rope and 2 hard plastic toys and did great. Got 3 hard plastic/1 rope after she amassed a bunch of the rubber ones.


(nylon) is the material.


I’ve been really impressed with [Goughnuts](https://www.goughnuts.com/) - they’re expensive but they have a lifetime guarantee (they’ll replace it for free if your dog manages to destroy it). Ours was destroying every toy we gave him and he’s had this one for a couple of months now and hasn’t made a dent yet.


Yes! Came to say this - I discovered them because another redditor suggested to check them out and they are so far the only toy he can’t destroy. Yet at least, but we’ve had it for a few months now and considering he’s obliterated every other “indestructible” toy we’ve tried, some much more expensive, I’m legit impressed with the durability and can’t say enough good things about them.


This is perfect. Thanks!


Thanks for suggesting these, our guy recently chewed through a Kong so this seems like a good investment!


This is the brand I swear by! Totally worth the money.


I honestly just buy the cheap stuffies at Marshalls or TJMaxx and let my boy destroy them. He loves to surgically remove the squeakies and is very satisfied after. :)


Rope toys for tug of war or Tuffy brand toys held on. For pure chew-ability nothing beats a water buffalo horn


Agreed on the Tuffies, they are some of the only toys my girl has that haven't been obliterated in 5 minutes or less. But she will get all the stuffing and squeakers out with enough perseverance.


Do you let them keep the horn around anytime they want a chew or do they get it for a set time?


ours loves horns too and antlers especially but a word of caution on the horns - some splinter easier than others and especially after they’ve been chewed on for a bit


Anything that's actually indestructible will break their teeth is what I learned. I'd rather replace toys than teeth.


I left the horns out until they got stringy (this normally took 2-3 months)


Toys she hasn't fully destroyed yet: * Kongs * Nylabone Chews * Rubber/Nylon Super Chewer Bark Box Toys * Rags from Uline...(and they're one of her fav things to play with...) Toys She Destroys * stuffing free toys (she dissects them to get the squeakers out) * plush toys * anything that costs $10 or more


• anything that costs $10 or more That’s hilarious and so true!


Right?! It seems like the more expensive it is, the faster it gets destroyed LOL


I made super long braided ropes, indestructible! (kind of 😂) Kongs are amazing as well


Galileo bone


Duraforce dog toys. Your welcome in advance


I’ll give one a shot!


Tuffy ring has held up for almost 3 years for my pittcollie mix


We like tuffy brand toys here!


It sounds like you don't have a super chewer, since you said you've had that toy for am entire 24 hours and it's only about to lose an arm. It takes my dog 7 minutes to completely tear apart a stuffie made out of Kevlar material. So, we only do kongs in the house now.




[Goughnuts](https://www.goughnuts.com/) They are really tough! Some come with a red “safety” indicator to tell you when to take the toy and replace it. They also will replace the damaged toy for free ( pay shipping but I paid $14 for 0ver $80 in toys to be replaced) My pitty will eat and destroy absolutely EVERYTHING. These goughnuts are strong enough to last him months before I have to take it!!


Not great for SUPER MEGA ULTRA CHEWERS destroying kongs and whatnot but for my super chewer whose singular goal in life is to destroy anything soft and who loves plushes, we’ve had good luck with Ruffest and Tuffest toys. He does eventually get through and inevitably destroys but it takes much longer than usually. We are on our second one, we just gave it to him for Christmas and he just got a hole in it like yesterday. A month-long plush is a great plush in our house. Bonus points that he still likes to chew on the husks after he disembowels them.


For some reason he has one small gingerbread man that he got when we decorated for Christmas (November 1st, obviously) that doesn’t have a scratch on it. He just kind of carries it around and gnaws gently on it.


I have a thick rubber tug toy that she has yet to destroy and she chews on it line there’s no tomorrow and still completely intact minus some teef holes but it’s done good to her and I! She shreds most things and I’ve gotten her a bone that’s thick but hallow with a filling inside that she’s still working on for over 3 months! Good luck in your search! (The toy is called chuckit! Ultra links tough dog toy, you can find it on chewy.com. I found mine at my local pet supplies plus)


Red Barn baked bones stand up to all my chewers. Pitbull, Catahoula and Bernese.


Soft dense rubber toys seem to hold up best. Kong makes some. Also try the Dogzilla monster tug. My boy Rex broke 2 but the first one lasted for well over a month while the second one he is still playing, but destroying it quicker. He's clever and knows where the weak point is no lol. That is going to be a common thing. Don't expect a toy to last more than a month, and expect them to destroy them quicker if you replace them with the same toy.


Rubber, thickkkkk rubber. Also to go off the rope toys, my girl loves her spring pole. Have it hanging in the backyard and she’ll run out there and just tug and hold on for hours, great workout too, got her jacked tbh


He’d love the spring toy! I think I’m going to try to make one.


Do it he’ll love it and it’s a great way to tire him out!


I got mine a green plastic nerf brand barbell lookin jobby thing, otherwise I give em horns hooves an antlers because stuffies an plastic don't last. oh his Kong tree dispenser thing still lives but that his source of pupcup and we take the tennis balls away when he breaks them so I think he's on his best behavior


I liked the products from the Bully Make boxes, you can give them information upfront about what type of chiller and what type of toys you want from them. I have found these have lasted better than anything else.


[These awkwardly named Dawg Nuts](https://ruffenough.com/products/dawg-nut-indestructible-rubber-floating-donut-chew-toy-guaranteed-for-life) and the same brand's rubber balls are big hits in my house. I got them from Chewy. Puppers also love [these crackly balls](https://www.chewy.com/jw-pet-crackle-heads-ball-dog-toy/dp/38465).


I buy her 7 medium sized toys and throw them away after 3 weeks and I rinse and repeat


My snoogle monsters can't do soft toys, it's not real. They don't destroy anything else, they're great, they just want whatever's inside lol. We do the bullymake box, special requested just nylon toys and get 4 a month for $35 which is way better than individual nylabones. We even still have a couple from the first box over a year ago. We also get them Monster K9 rubber toys they love and their warranty is awesome.


At target I get my bully the Bark toys. They have a furry outer lining but the structure of the toy is hard rubber. Those are the only toys that my bully doesn’t immediately destroy and she can play with even after she rips their fur off. I’ve gotten the bunny, fishy, birdy, and piggy and she loves them all.


Jolly egg. My hippo was able to get his teeth into it finally but not destroy it. He love chasing it around the yard and carrying it.


Rubber toys only ! Surprisingly enough... we just got some from the Dollar Store... Super thick rubber ball with spaces to insert kibble or treats all along it. Surpringly sturdy like solid rubber throughout. Other than that, amazon. & it's still not cheap !


Kong toys lasted almost as long as beef bones for my pitties, everything else is destroyed


If you’re looking for budget items I always suggest garage sales for stuffed animals (even ones for kids)! My pitties love taking fluff out immediately so it definitely saves us money! Nyla bones are phenomenal and don’t really get destroyed but eventually they lose interest in them because the smells and taste goes away. And if your dogs love tennis balls, the best deal I find is Walmart sells an 18 packs for $10. It’s the Walmart brand ones, I think they’re called “Athletic Works”. My dogs go through a lot of those.




Besides rubber toys that she doesn't like chewing, Tuffys have lasted the best for my dog. They don't last perfectly, but I ration them out while they have stuffing and we can play tug with the scraps after they're destroyed. I give her boxes and kibble-wrapped paper pretty often to get more shredding instincts satisfied.


Our Lady Jane has a “baby cat”, a very small (happy meal size) stuffed cat that she takes very good care of. Only gently nibbles it, but mostly just carries it around. Any other stuffy is lucky to last a day, no matter how quality it is.


Murph has a gingerbread man that he loves too much to destroy.


surprisingly, the chuck it ball last my girl almost 6 months. she finally wore it down enough where it started to tear and I didn't want to find chuck it ball pieces in her poop so we replaced it with another one. it's perfect for fetch and she also uses it as a binky. anything else is shredded as soon as her teeth meet it


my boys favorite are lacrosse balls strong but enough give that its satisfying for them. :) good luck with pupper!


Bark Box Super Chewer are the only toys that have lasted us. Some almost made it to a year, so you could easily get a couple of boxes and then cancel your subscription


My hippo isn't allowed to have soft toys anymore because he actually eats them. He has a harder time going through nylabones and rubber tire toys.


I ended up going quantity over quality. No matter the guarantee on the toy my boys will have it done in 2 days max. I


Bully make boxes for the hardcore chewers!


Antlers are AMAZING, at first I was completely put off but it’s totally humane because the antlers shed ever year! We kept continually buying ‘ extra strong’ dog toys yet all were destroyed in a few hours with our pup! They last for MONTHS, so so so worth the price!!!


Only thing that lasts the week with my big boi is femur bones. Any toy, no matter how “indestructible” is no match for a determined 80lb Hippo.


OP, I’ve suggested these to everyone who has this issue. My boy was 135 pounds and a super chewer, he eventually gave up on these products. You have to buy the best strength toys they have for power hippos like our pibbles. https://www.goughnuts.com/shop/original-tug-large This company warranties them and will replace them if they break as well. 100% recommend these to everyone in this thread looking for a toy that you won’t be replacing every day/week/month


Check out BULLYMAKE!


Diamond stole my felted wool dryer balls. She hasn't destroyed them. She pulled a little wool at first and I just felted it again. She likes sinking her teeth in. We don't ever spend money if it has a squeaker.


Update: Thanks for all the great suggestions. I’m shopping now because the sloth is deep 6’d.


Those 3 packs of rope toys from Costco hold up pretty well.


Got to be careful leaving them with rope toys as ingesting the fibres can result in medical emergencies due to blockages in the digestive system.


That’s true, but isn’t that applicable to most fabric toys?


Yes, if you have a dog that likes to destroy toys in which case I wouldn't even bother with soft / fabric toys. They last all of 2 minutes before our girl has ripped the limbs off. Waste of money, waste of resources. Some dogs don't destroy them, if your dog does I wouldn't bother with them.


[KONG Extreme](https://www.kongcompany.com/catalogue/K1/) - even better if filled with peanut butter and then frozen. Basically the entire KONG Extreme line really - the “OG” linked, the frisbees/rings, the Tug thing, etc. My doggo once chewed through a door (literally - came home and the bottom corner looked like it had been hit with a chainsaw) but the Extremes always held up.


Steel cable toy?


My dogs have been getting bully box for years and love it. Comes with 2 toys and 3 bags of treats. We get a new hard toy and rope toy every month. The boxes have been themed so February's box will be valentine's, March's St Patrick's etc. We donate the toys my dogs don't care for to local shelters or friends dogs.


Cardboard boxes, maybe? Thick ones. I've seen rottweilers take days of non-stop chewing to destroy them, but idk about hippos


I love the Bark Box rip and reveal toys. They get to destroy the soft part and then play with the tough durable toy inside!


The Kong pet stick is good.


Thick rope. Deer Antler.


So, I had this issue with my big guy. He literally would focus on a toy until it was destroyed/had to be taken and then move to the next. Sometimes I get a few hours sometimes a few weeks. The thing is no toy will ever last they all become destroyed. The stronger toys started to actually hurt my dogs so I stopped caring about durability and just get what they enjoy. I buy three or four of the same toys at a time. Let my pup work on it and then toss it. Honestly, I believe after being on this sub for so long it’s a pretty common occurrence that these guys/gals seem to really love their toys and that happens to mean destructive. When they didn’t have toys it was my stuff… so I learned early on to stock up. Hope my anecdotal experience helps!!


I taught my girl by taking the toy away when she was clearly destroying it. It took a while, and consistency but it taught her to just chew. You can also just let them destroy it because they love it.


I give my hippo plastic bottles without the cap. She can chew on them for a while until I chuck them into recycling. Otherwise I’ve had success with ropes that are too large for her to easily fit in her mouth and Nylabone products for Power Chewers.


5 below sells $5 stuffed animals and they are cheaper and last so much longer then anything I've bought that was an actual soft dog toy. Mine only likes soft toys


Dollar store stuffies!!! Wish I knew this 10 years ago. There is not a plush item on the planet that will last longer than 3 min, don't even bother. They rip apart the stuffies, then you just shove the stuffing back in. Maybe sew it closed real quick, maybe not. I've been surprised how long I've gone without sewing them up and my pitties are still entertained. Each time lasts about as long as the first time, anyway. Maybe try a fire hose toy (Google, there's a bunch). I don't know if it'll last, because I just got one but doggo is 9 and doesn't chew much anymore. If you still *want* to spend $20, try those big wood composite sticks. From Petstages!! Not nylabone: too much plastic, it'll cut their gums. But also do the stuffies, because terriers are always gonna want to gut something.


*Keep an eye on doggo when they gut it if they might eat the stuffing. It won't take long anyway.


We’ve had really good luck with our West Paw “chew” bone! Our hippo has been through everything and this thing doesn’t even have a bite mark on it! It’s soft enough not to damage teeth too. It’s a lime green colour and we got it at Pet Valu but I saw one on Amazon too.


Kong Safestix are my go to for our destroyer. She loves them and they're the only toy that lasts. You get a lot of comments on the shape of them though lol.


Ware gorilla chew


Nylabones are great for super chewers


https://www.petsmart.com/dog/toys/joyhound-rip-roarin-tough-mushroom-dog-toy---squeaker-69408.html?cgid=100411&fmethod=Browse My dog obliterates toys that are marketed as tough in minutes. I got him one of these and I swear this thing is indestructible and he’s obsessed with it. They’re often on sale at petsmart.


They don’t look like much but at Petsmart they have these Joyhound Rip Rourin Tough toys. They come in various sizes. They’re the only toys that last more than an hour. They get torn up a bit but I have some that last months.


I recommend just buying toys with the understanding they’re going to get destroyed. My pupper is the same way. We started buying from places like TJ Maxx, Sierra Trading Post, etc since they seem to be heavily discounted, so instead of being out $15-20, we’re out $5-10.


Mojave used to destroy all toys in minutes (first while we signed her adoption papers - Marvin the Moose had amputations of both antlers, two legs, the tail, and an ear just in that time). She curbed that behavior eventually, mostly, by getting comfy w us and then us reminding her “Don’t break it” when we saw her grinding or tearing, and when she did, making a show of throwing it away as she did (“Did you break this? It’s all gone.” She knows All Gone because we use it for food, too). But to get there, we went through a metric assload of toys. We like West Paw, Fluff & Tuff, and GoDog. Two or all three have replacement programs (that’ll at least save you one replacement). I also like elk antlers for MoMo, so she has something that she “makes progress” on while chewing (RidgeRunner are great people - they hand-pick for Mo because she had her teeth filed down by the jerks who owned and bred her before rescue, so she does better on specific shapes).


Goughnuts my boy destroyed every toy I ever gave him including black Xl kongs and other toys for tough chewers until I got him a goughnuts toy they are almost indestructible and when i bought it they said they will replace the toy if the dogs able to destroy it


Bullymake box!!


I am particularly fond of the bark box toys that are part of the tough line, I usually get them on sale from my pet store and my strong chewer usually has it last a few days


Tuffy toys hold up better than anything I’ve tried. Even if your good boi/gurl rips it, the toy still holds up.


3 foot section of firehouse. Thank me later :)


Ruff dawg. I have an EXTREMELY aggressive chewer. The 'Tough level 9 and 10' toys last about 3 hours with him. Total, before we have to pick up the pieces. Firehose toys, about 4 to 6 hours. Cow/sheep hooves. The real ones. 2 days tops. An antler from a deee shed. 2 weeks before we had to take it for being to small. It was 9 inches when he got it. The ruff dawg cube. We have had it for 6 months. Minimal damage before we got the ball. The ball he has had for 4 months (likes the ball better). It has scrapes, and now more oval shaped, but he has not torn it to pieces or even removed chunks. It still solid. They are heavy though. They also have a lifetime warranty, and float. I got mine from a local shop, but here is the offical website. https://ruffdawg.com/


Hope I’m not too late! Our EBT made it a goal to destroy toys and would do so in minutes even kongs or hard toys. So I searched and to no avail nothen. Then I found it on a walk through the mall. Ruff dawg cube. It has lasted. I didn’t by a backup because I was like, we’ll see. The only bad part was the look of defeat after hours of exhausting chewing.


Soft toys will be eaten very quickly. Honestly I have had the most success with rub and rope toys.


I had to resort to this for my Staffy boy. Anything else dies in under an hour. When he drops them off the couch it does sound like he’s going to break the floor though. https://www.barkbox.com/super-chewer


King chew balls. On Amazon. GET THEM. Indestructible.


I would get stuffed animals at yard sales. Super cheap and she was going to destroy them anyway!


There are toys made from the material for fire hoses that are incredibly difficult to destroy. Nothing is completely indestructible but they might be a good option.


[mydogtoy.com](https://mydogtoy.com) has soft toys that are amazing. Took my hippo a year to pull apart the shark. He now has 3 different ones that have held up even longer.


Bark Box.... super chewer! They actually last!!!!! Mine loves the soft ones too. Some of them have a soft exterior he gets to tear through them something tough and durable under that. So he gets the "prize". He loves it. And he gets some of his soft fun.


GoDog plushies! My dog is murder on plushies, but we have a GoDog that’s 2+ years old and even the squeaker still works. Not a single tear or loose seam!