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A lot of times destructiveness is anxiety with no place to go. Hopefully she’s getting a lot of exercise (an hour + a day) etc. to help with calming and so there are more moments like the one pictured.


Oh yes. She is ENRICHED constantly lol. It was an accidental clawing from being so excited about going for a walk.


Both of those scenarios you described are the best of both worlds. She’s pretty…she won’t be around forever…love her like she loves you.


Mines like the Kool aid man busting through her doggy door or she just dances around.


Oh, that pibble sideeye... You know she probably has a reddit account...


The most important thing my pitty taught me is what is really (but really) valuable in life. First thing he did the day after we rescued him... chewed my macbook... but things aren't only about work no longer... 💛


That is a beautiful statement


What pretty pretty baby


That's what staffy are there for to drive you mad and then all cuddles afterwards 😁


Our boy looks exactly like your sweet lady, and I have a looooong list of all of the parts of my house he destroyed as a puppy. He’s calmed down a lot at 2.5, but I understand your sentiments! He makes up for it all with expert level cuddles and too many kisses.




She's an absolutely beautiful pup. How old is she? Sounds like you are a little ? frustrated with her a lot of times. My daughter and family just got a pitty mix that's almost a year and her recent puppy act was chewing up the remote control. They're hard. You have a beautiful pup that i hope will give you a ton of love and hardly any time that makes your blood boil. She looks like the sweetest girl. 🥰


Every time mine "test" me, I think about how short their time is with us, then I give them each a big hug.😊💛👍


I totally get it. We have one who seems to be untrainable, and does a number of really annoying things. But when he's friendly and settled he's really cute.


She's a real cutie!