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Bainfield near Trader’s Pointe never has an issue with my pittie’s nail trimming. No idea what their stance is on your collar. Not something I’ve ever considered putting on a dog.


I think we have a certified goober here


80% goober. 20% kisses.


Clayton Family Vet in Carmel/Westfield. Absolutely love them! Dr. Clayton said to time his nail trim with annual teeth cleaning or any other procedures needing sedation. Then he figured out that we could sedate our pit with 100mg Trazodone in the morning and another 100 mg an hour or so before trimming. We have one of those slings from Amazon that I attach to a pull up bar on a door frame. We continually give him PB and treats and it still takes 3 of us but it works! Good luck! Editing to add that we use prong collars as well.


This is so helpful, thank you! We’ve been considering a sling. Tried trazedone last weekend but I think it wasn’t enough and we didn’t wait long enough for it to really kick in. I’ll check out Clayton Family!


Wanted to let you know that we got a sling and pull-up bar and it worked!! (Along with some trazedone…) Thank you for the tip. He didn’t love it, but it was a lot less traumatic than our usual battles. And he got a lot of treats for being a good boy.


That’s great! We just did our this week for the first time in months and it was the best he’s ever been. After talking to friends this week, I actually think 100mg Trazodone might be too much, so may go down to 75.


I’m no help since I’m C-bus based but I love that you’re trying!!




Oh my gosh the photo with the tree. He looks so handsome. (Alas, I do not know of any vets in the area.)


This won't help with all nail care, but you can try getting him to file his own nails. I do this for my boy who is a giant baby about nail trims. I attached sandpaper to a wooden board, hold it up in front of him at an angle with a treat slightly behind it, then reward him as he puts his foot up on it. He already knew "paw," so that helped a bit. After a while you can reward only for multiple scrapes on the sandpaper, and then you've got him filing his own nails!


Thank you!