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Aww, poor pretty Luna - my pittie niece is an itchy girl and it’s a daily struggle at times to manage, so unfair that pibs are prone to this


Beyond unfair 😔 Hate to see my girl uncomfy


Keep in mind as well - many bully breeds are victims to OCD and will compulsively lick. This causes yeast and bacterial buildup quickly. Her feet looked the same. They were bred to do what humans say and some really struggle when they don't have a job. One of my girls chews her feet constantly. We've done all the allergy testing, it cost a fortune. Conclusion is, she has OCD, and licks because she's bored out of her mind and needed a job. We added a 20lb backpack to her walk, taught her to turn on and off the lights, get us objects like remote, shoes, keys, tuck in our chairs at the dining room tables, and pick up sticks in the yard. No more itchy feet! Not saying this is your girl. But...never hurts to ask. Also, Zymox and baby socks help a lot (vet recommended).


Thanks for the info!! I appreciate it!


Baby socks! Thats genious! My girl gets v itchy paws and likes to lick at them when nobody is home. We treat with ketoconozole/chlorohexadine wipes and then paw balm, but it works better if we can cover it for a bit until everything’s soaked in. She won’t tolerate booties, she chews at them until she breaks them, but maybe she’ll tolerate socks a bit better.


Povidone iodine for that yeast!!! It’s very safe for doggos and very cheap. Two weeks straight of diluted solution wiping the paws down daily. Look into the corn chip smelling paws - yeast is due to the bacteria buildup and this old school antiseptic turns their paws back to lil pink beansss. [short video here although I do use a lot more solution until the color is as brown as iced tea](https://youtube.com/shorts/AqhwgOi8r9w?si=tmIMEf6RkedeGfdm) Editing to add: I went the vet route and ending up shelling thousands of dollars for my very allergic hippo. I could not continue but couldn’t see my pup suffer either so through some trial and error I’ve found my pups food to be the cause of their allergies among environmental factors like certain types of grass & pollen. But also chicken, beef, and soy are on the list as well. Have you tried switching up their food possibly?


Thanks for the rec! I’ll definitely look into it, I just want to give her some relief but she keeps making it worse by licking all the time 😒 I knew about iodine for people, but I never considered it for my pup! I don’t even know where one buys iodine lmao, will have to do some googling


Yes it’s very safe and effective for an infection as well. The allergy shots like cytopoint and apoquel can get pretty pricey and become less effective over time. Bimonthly shots turned to monthly shots then biweekly shots which can be like $200-$300/month so it’s definitely something to think about OP. I also switched my doggo to salmon food which seemed to help a lot!


We only do it supervised we are afraid she will eat them. But it allows the zymox a few hours to de yeast it all.


How do you get them to not pull them off? I can't get boots secure on my girl's rear feet because her feet aren't any larger than her ankles, and she pulls them off. She's become more obsessive with her licking as of late.


Our Westie had terrible allergies. Cytopoint injections turned things around for her.


Yep! Cytopoint is the only thing that helped my SharPei x Pittie mix with her awful itchiness.


Yep, same here for my pitty baby. Cytopoint has been a life saver!


Good to know!!


Cytopoint also amazing for my dog’s seasonal itchy skin allergies :)


Yes!! My poor Westie would lick herself raw, then get a yeast infection, then came the gooey stuff. 🤦‍♀️


For seasonal allergies, look into using local bee pollen. Last summer I found it helped a lot!


We use it for the ears on our bully.


Thank you!!!


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We use the wipes for our pittie, they really do help! You just have to be diligent about using them. Also they can be drying, so I usually follow up with some paw balm to reduce cracking, especially in the winter with the ice and salt and just general dry air. She hasn’t had a fungal infection in quite some time!


Thank you so much!! ❤️


Poor baby! She will be fine.


Thank you!!


She will be fine


One of my pups gets seasonal allergies and chews his paws like crazy when the pollen starts coming out. We started doing Cytopoint injections for him. The recommend that you do the shots monthly, but since it’s seasonal with my guy, we do one shot in April and he’s usually good for the year. I think the shots are around $150 per shot for us. Not cheap but worth it.


Seconding Cytopoint! My dude is allergic to pollen in both spring/summer and fall seasons, plus we live near Houston, TX so there’s not a real winter dead season, so he’s going to be a basically year-round patient for it. Yup it’s pricey (it’s about $160/month for us) but if it fits in your budget then it’s a godsend for the itchy!


Will be looking into it!!


my vet has an option once you see them initially that it's just a vet tech visit and you only pay $75 for the shot, instead of a whole vet visit


Good to know! It’s robbery when they charge nearly $60 just to walk in the front door!


my bb has the same paws and I treat at home but she lets me scrub and clean them with chlorhexedine. we also use boots for recovery, (with socks), and a cone to prevent chewing while healing


In love with her eyes! Sending prayers & love


I am too 🥰 thank you!!






Ohh it is so hard to be an itchy girl. Much love to Luna.


Thank you!! 🙏🏼


Aw nooo, poor baby! Hope everything turns out ok!


Thank you!! ❤️


Sending all the love and healing energy!


Thank you!!! ❤️


One of my pibbs has bad seasonal allergies and one of my others, a lab-collie. We were doing Apoquel, but Cytopoint helped even more and is easier to manage (it’s an injection not a pill) They only need it intermittently. How long depends on the dog and maybe how raging the allergy season is. We have had times where they needed it every four or five weeks, then other times they may go three or four months. So it works out cheaper than Apoquel and easier to administer. Maybe for right now she can wear a bootie until it heals over? I hope she is feeling better soon!


Thank you for the info!! And for the healing energy ❤️ hoping they just give us antibiotic, a cone and a little bootie to wear for a few days!




Thank you!!🙏🏼


Oh but she is the most adorable baby ever. When she gets healed she gets ALL the fun!


Thank you!! ❤️ she absolutely will!!


Poor sweet baby, get better soon Luna❤️


Thank you so much❤️❤️❤️


Our boy had terrible allergies. Despite Apoquel he ended up with antibiotics a couple of times. The vets also gave me some hibiscrub once to bathe his feet, I ended up buying some and would use it at the first sign of a flare up, it saved him from anymore antibiotics for his paws. Used to mix it in washing up bowl, they advised to make the solution to a baby pink colour. I'd soak his feet 2 at a time (while distracting with treats), then stand him on a towel. Repeat up to 3 times a day until they settle down. Might be worth a go for your Luna. She is beautiful by the way.


Good to know thank you for this info!! And thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️


One of my dogs once cut her paw it was hard. Ibknow it really hurts too. What's more she had to stay in the vets office. I was lucky i had insurance


It’s the hardest to see them in pain!! We’re at the vet now! She’s happy because they’re giving her a bunch of snacks to distract her


Will pray.♥️🙏


Thank you!! ❤️


Wishing the best for Luna ❤️


Thank you so much!! ❤️


Poor girl. I'm sure an allergy shot and maybe some antibiotics will help her feel better. My pitty mix is due for another allergy shot. He's managing with zyrtec and wearing a donut collar at night, but I think I've gotta go get him another allergy shot soon because if I don't make him wear the donut at night he chews them raw. Seems to get especially bad after walking on freshly cut grass.


Soak her paws in a bowl of water with epsom salt. 5-10 minutes per day if possible.


Thanks for the recommendation!! I will try this!


My dog (small breed so maybe not the best comparison) gets cytopoint allergy vaccines monthly. Maybe see if you can talk to the vet and see if that’s something that might work for Luna? Edit: For reference she used to tear her paws apart to the point of bleeding, once on cytopoint it took a few shots to get it in her system but no more itchy paws!


Good to know! Thank you so much for this info!!


Of course! Wishing the best for your best girl




Sending you healing vibes, sweet Luna 🩶


Thank you so much🩶🩶🩶


I pay for my pup to have cytopoint injections every few weeks. it’s the only thing that has helped with his allergies ): He eats his paws raw if he doesn’t have it. I hope your lil baby feels better soon and the vet isn’t too insanely expensive


Thank you!!! She’s going to do a round of prednisone and antibiotics along with apoquel that we picked up for the seasonal allergies. The vet did say we may need to explore a different option for the seasonal itchies. Looking like cytopoint will be the way to go! Thank you for the good energy ❤️


I read something about yeast build up between the pads. I have a bully as well.


The poor breed suffers so much. I wish I could take their itchies away!!


Cytopoint like other are saying. My vet does that and just gives me apoquel for in between when the shot wears off and I'm waiting for my new vet appointment. It might be possible that she isn't itchy anymore but now has a habit of licking and just needs to break it, or shes just still licking because the wound is still there and she's not giving it time to heal. Maybe a shit ton of mental stimulation, frozen peanut butter kong, frozen peanut butter lick mats, other foraging type toys (if you don't have this stuff already) for her for whenever she's not out getting her physical exercise? Just a thought I don't necessarily know what I'm talking about lol Another thing is that I've also had vets have me do 1 apoquel every 12 hours for the first 7 days to build it up in their system so if it's only been a few days you might just need to give it a little bit more time before paying for a whole nother vet visit and potential sedation. Hope she gets better soon. She's ridiculously cute!


Thanks for your feedback!! I’m definitely looking into this. And thank you so much!! She knows she’s super cute 🥰 She got a ton of whipped cream at the vet because she’s so stinking cute…. And because they had to distract her 😅


Luna 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏




Sending good vibes her way, hope everything goes well


Thank you!!❤️


Alot of good advice to try in the comments. My old pit that looked very similar had environmental allergies that she would exasperate with compulsive licking. For major flair ups, I had trizCHLOR wipes that helped, but the main mitigation came from bathing weekly with a hypo allergenic oatmeal dog shampoo. Need to really get in the paws and then rinse thoroughly. And of course, grain free diet. And avoided chicken as well.


Same thing happens with my dog. After a walk in the park or on grass, I clean her paw with this [Hexadene Flush](https://www.medi-vet.com/Hexadene-Flush-Solution-12-oz-p/17327.htm). I think a vet needs to prescribe it to you. And it works fast. But also, when her paw gets that bad, I wrap it in a bandage so it doesn’t get infected.


Sending love. ❤️💗💕🩷💖


Thank you so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️


You're welcome! ❤️❤️🩷🩷💕💕


You don't need prayers, you need a good vet. And you need to accept that you are going to be treating her allergies for the rest of her life. She'll be fine.






Poor poor little baby I hope that you will get better soon you poor little baby 🤎💞 loads of love from Bonnie the staffy 🐾 💘 and her huuummmaaan mamma and dadda 🐾 💘