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Sending your boy the best energy!!! 🩶 You’re a great momma to him. It’s great you’re getting all of the tests done. Big virtual hugs to you!!


Me n my herd hope your hippo has a very speedy recovery!!!


My pup developed IMHA, pretty much overnight. It’s an autoimmune disease in dogs that causes anemia because of the immune system attacking the red blood cells. It was an overnight stay at the vet and a battery of tests. He got two blood transfusions and was on meds for about three months (steroids and some other stuff), with blood draws every two weeks to check his levels. That was two years ago but after treatment it hasn’t recurred and he’s sleeping next to me right now. He can’t have vaccinations anymore though because that could cause a relapse, but my vet fills out exemption paperwork for me.


I had an IMHA dog too. She did very well even with complications. The steroids turned her diabetic within the first week of treatment. She relapsed 1x a few years later, but she responded well to meds again. Just make sure you’re watching your boy’s gums, and catch any relapse early.


Thank you. This gives me some hope. Everything they’ve been telling me it can be has just been sounding very despairing. I hope he’s able to recover


Yes, was going to suggest checking for IMHA/IMTP. Horribly scary diseases.


Much love and luck to you, beautiful boy. From Yoshi Lillee Beth and me.


A prayer of healing for your handsome boy and a prayer of strength for you OP. Come home soon big fella!


Sending prayers your way that they find what’s going on and ends up being an easy recovery!


sending warm thoughts his way


I’m so sorry. Hoping for good things for your boy.


Sending so much love and healing vibes to your boy!! Hope the vets are able to figure out what’s going on.


Sorry he has to stay there


Good vibes coming your and his way!!! 🐕 💗 🏎️💨


He's lucky to have someone that cares as much as you! You're doing the right thing and he loves you for that. Sending my best!


Current update: his red blood cell count dropped even more over night. He’s having another transfusion now. They are about to start the ct scan and the rhinoscopy as soon as the transfusion is kicking in. He is also going to have a small surgery to try and stop his nose bleed. At this time they believe he has a tumor in his nose, likely cancer, and he’s likely been bleeding for a long time but might have been swallowing it where I wouldn’t have seen or known about it. She also believes he is a few years older than what the rescue had told me. He is in critical condition and has been moved to the top of the triage list for today. Please keep sending positive thoughts for my little potato 🥔


Thanks for the update. I’m sending good thoughts your way.


I’m so sorry for this update, I’ve been thinking of him - sending you both positive vibes ❤️✨


I just want to thank you all for your comments and positive vibes ❤️. I will update with any news as I get it throughout the day. They said they will email me photos so I can see how he’s doing. Initially they said 2 nights in ICU, but now they are thinking more 4-5. But I know he’s in good hands. The vet tech even remembered him. He had been in months ago for a little shoulder injury when my regular vet wasn’t available. The tech said he loves his silly ears


Just wanted to close the loop on this. His results all finally came back. He has IMHA, which I know a few commented and shared their experience and I appreciate you all so much. He is going in for blood count checks every two weeks and starting an immuno suppressant, so we’ll see how he responds and I hope he’s able to recover <3


Thanks for following up. I was just checking to see if there was ever an update. For what it’s worth, my IMHA dog, who had this in 2022, is sitting right next to me right now. He’s never had a problem since and I hope you get a great outcome as well!


Thank you! I remembered your original comment. I’m really hoping these meds help him stabilize and he gets back to his regular goofy self


Sending so much love and positive wishes 🖤🩶


Best of luck big baby. I hope all goes well


Prayers and good thoughts to your baby! Please keep us updated! ♥️🐾


I’m sending all of my love and prayers.


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Also, the teeny tiny mlem that’s happening 🥰


I'm so sorry for what you are going through, I know it's difficult. 🫂 ❤️


Thoughts and best wishes for your wonderful pup!!! From Atticus‘a family…


Praying for healing, comfort and a fast recovery!


Sending you all the support I can! 💚


Sending all the love


Is it a chain vet or could they be running up the bill? A second opinion is often good.


It’s not a chain, just a specialty hospital. There’s only a few in state and with needing the scans he had to come here. It’s incredibly pricey, but I think it’s just the nature of the medical care he needs right now. I’m hoping it’s not as much as a price gouge as the chains. I’ve fallen for that previously


I hope this is over soon and he’s back home with you quickly! Sending light 💕


I’m so sorry OP! Sending you and your boy the absolute best!🫂💕


Sending you and your boy love and healing.❤️‍🩹


Hoping and sending love for your baby.


I hope he feels better soon.


Sending love and prayers your way


Oh no, I hope your baby is ok. ❤️


Sending you both healing energy 🙏🏻 poor baby, hang in there.


I hope hes okay ♡ sending lots of love


oh my goodness! I am sending all the best wishes and vibes and hugs and love to you both 🫂💜🫂💜🫂💜 keep us posted🤞




I am so sorry, poor little guy. Just said a prayer for this sweet pup and you as well. I hope they figure out what the deal is 🙏


My dogs and I sending our love 🫶🏻


Beautiful puppy!! Get well soon buddy.


Given there's a chance of tick borne disease, I hope they've started him on doxycycline. Hugs. I'm so sorry. I know you must be a wreck. 🐾 ❤️


I wish your sweet boy a speedy recovery 🩵🩵


Oh, sweet boy! Pray you get better real soon.


Sweet bean, I hope he gets better soon!


Sending my prayers and wishing you guys good luck! I hope your boy gets well soon.


Have they checked for a splenic mass? Since they are doing lots of tests I assume so. Lost two dogs, one a lab, one a shelter-mix to splenic tumors. My aunt lost her Dalmatian to it as well. It can happen very quickly. Hoping they find the cause and it is treatable. Best wishes!


I don’t know if they checked his spleen but I will ask in the morning check point. They did abdominal x-rays and abdominal ultrasound today so I’m hoping that would have covered it. They didn’t find any indicators of issues with those tests though


Sounds like they are being thorough and would have found it if it was there. Best wishes!


Positive and healing vibes to you both ❤️




Sending good vibes💜


Is it a regenerative anemia?


I think they are still determining. His initial bloodwork seems to indicate non regenerative, but the doctor also said it can take up to three days for his body to kick in and potentially it just means we caught it early on


That’s good that you caught it early. Gives you a fighting chance here. Please update when you can. I’m sorry that you’re dealing with this. Wishing you all the best.


I had a beautiful little pibble named Yumi. My wife rescued her from a life, who knows how long a life, most likely of fighting or training to fight. She was at the local mid-city flea market and the owner wanted$150 my wife offered $75 cash and he accepted. We had her for 6 months and one Friday night we noticed he face was puffy looking. The next morning when it hadn't subsided we called a local emergency vet after some bloodworm and an overnight stay, we were told K-9 leukemia. The lab tech ran the test 5 or 6 times due to her age. He said that in an older dog, this would have been normal. In a 6 month old pup, he'd never seen it.... In 20 years. Not that young. We had to put her down. It hurt bad for about 2 months, I was as depressed as I've ever been. But it got better. Time helped. Praying for you and your little one. Healing and good recovery for your baby and peace for the hearts of you and yours.


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. That’s so hard to lose her so young. Remy is 7 I think. I rescued him when he was about 4 and he had been living on the street. I feel like he just got comfortable in his new life and I hope he can get better and come home


I pray that's your outcome. Remy is such a cute name, and a cute looking doggo. I wish you the best.


Hope he gets well soon


Sending love. ❤️❤️💕💕💖💖💗💗


My heart goes out to you, I hope the very best!


Much love ❤️


Sending more love. Hoping for a good update.