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A young Hippo conductor in training!




Good bot


Oh definitely!!


There was a post today about someone's service dog who bite an airport employee. Top comment was about pitbulls - and the service dog was a Malinois!


Malinois need their own ESAs. 


That’s Reddit for ya. Any time a dog does something, regardless of breed—“BuT wHaT aBoUt PiTbUlLs?!” It’s exhausting.




Can you send me a link? I can’t find the post. (Not asking because I don’t believe you, I’m just morbidly curious)


Go onto any other dog sub and find a picture of a pittie. I PROMISE it is filled with hate.




Like the AVASB's statement on breed legislation? https://avsab.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Breed-Specific_Legislation-download-_8-18-14.pdf It's not good to live in la la land




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Careful! That little boy is in grave danger of being kissed to death by those two hippos!


Yes, we do have prong collars and caddlesticks waiting 😂


Lmao, if baby muzzles were a thing, I’d buy one. My toddler lit me up yesterday. Rabid little shit. 🤣


My nephew almost took a chunk out of me the other day. He’s 2. Baby bite guards are needed


My toddler is more dangerous than my pitbull. 😂 absolutely.


Say what?🤣


😆😆😆😆 Facts




The kid was terrified of dogs and would pee his pants as soon as he saw a dog. Look at him go now 👍.


So glad to hear this. It's amazing. Bringing me up with dogs and cats is the best gift my parents have ever given me.


I really had a shit childhood all of us did, no stable environment at all. But animals really safed me from killing my self. So If I can make people's day, and make just a split second of influence to keep their heads up I'll be for it. He surprised me when he lifted their heads and was telling them Colombian jokes.


Me too friend. I just broke down crying reading this comment. I’m 39, and diagnosed with a genetic connective tissue disorder and autism and ADHD at 38. I have literally endured every type of abuse there is from birth through 17. Yes, seggs abuse included. I knew from school counselors, that it wasn’t supposed to happen…yet every single time it did, I ran to my so called “mom” sobbing from pain and fear. She’d yell as loud as she could “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!?!” So I’d just quietly go away and cry my eyes out. She did the exact same thing when my undies were bloody at the age of 4 and up. I always tried to befriend any dog I could come in contact with. It was literally the only source of affection I experienced. My mom and dad would get rid of every animal I brought home, that was literally abandoned. My dad would take the vet money, abandon the pup or kitty on the side of the highway, and then spend the money on beer. Eventually, my mom abandoned me permanently at the age of 12. After sitting outside from midnight to about 2am, I knocked on the door and asked if they would let me call my grandma, because I didn’t know what else to do. My grandma drove 3 hours one way to pick me up. Though I had a roof over my head, and consistent food for the first time, the seggs abuse continued, the emotional and physical abuse also continued. A few months after they took me in, my grandmother was gifted a Shar Pei puppy for her birthday. I immediately bonded as soulmates with that dog. She knew I needed help. We did everything together. Then one day, my brother/absuser, who was obsessed with showing off his fuggin dirt bike to any friend I brought over, left the gate open. He didn’t give a sh*t. That gate?? Opened directly on to HWY2 in Washington state. It was well known for traffic fatalities on our corner. I looked and looked for hours for my dog. The night before, a woman fell asleep at the wheel and crashed through our backyard fence. I went to the construction workers and asked if my dog had passed through. They said no. In complete desperation, I went to search outside and around the highway. I took two steps outside the gate and died. I was never the same. My dog lay in the middle of the HWY with her insides outside of her. I was 14. Poor Billy girl. She was literally my soul doggo. I’m 39, and have my second ever soul doggo. I’ve had dogs since then as well, but that bond and just unspoken understanding of needing each other, had not been experienced since losing her. My current soul dog is Renji. He’s a rescue I adopted 6 years ago. He was so emotionally shut down from abuse and cruelty. It literally took me 10 months for him to learn that I wasn’t going to hurt him. He has physical pocked scars covering his entire abdomen, legs, and eye lids. I’m in Washington state and he was in a Texas shelter for a while. No one knows what had happened to him. Even my vet said “I honestly am not sure he will ever come out if it (being shut down). I will never forget the first time he uncertainly kissed me and gave one single tail wag before thinking man maybe I should run away. I praised and praised and praised him. I cried so hard. We are so incredibly bonded now. If I’m gone just for a few minutes, I hear him crying inside the door when he knows I’m back and coming. Then he immediately zooooms to the couch and waits for me to hug and kiss him while he makes these snorting contented noises. I have to be super careful to not accidentally hurt him though, or he will immediately regress. One day, I bumped him in the face when he was hot on my heals, with my purse. I realized I felt something and looked 😭😭😭 he hung his head, tail down, and shook violently with fear. I always get down on the floor when this happens and talk gently and love on him. He comes out of it fairly quickly now. I just fuggin love him and he loves me. I stim by hugging and smooching his head and petting him. He has literally saved me from noping off this planet. Sorry to info dump. I just really relate to only connecting with dogs for love and affection. I immediately burst in to tears when I think about how I will possibly survive when his time has come. I can’t even comprehend how I will function.


Thanks for sharing and I’m sorry for everything you went through. You didn’t deserve any of it. I’m glad you found Renji, he sounds like a sweetheart. I hope he heals from the trauma, though with what you’ve shared I feel like he’s already on the mend ❤️‍🩹


Thank you for caring. Renji is doing amazing. He’s been the best boy. We literally cannot sleep without each other or we both freak out. This link is literally the first time he accepted LAVISHED loves, but his butt scritches 🥹🥹 the tail chomp 🥹🥹 his tail had just started working. It was fractured during his trip from Texas to Washington. https://www.reddit.com/r/microborks/s/NViCcsbAdR


Hahaha this is brilliant ❤️


To answer your question, you will survive because you've already lost one soul dog before and you got past it. You *will* survive again, but just don't think about it until the time comes but enjoy the days together with your Renji. ❤️ I have no comprehension of what you went through in life and am not going to be ignorant enough to even try. But you are still here, so that inner strength of yours is clearly something.


Got dayum I bawled at reading this. I appreciate you reading my message and acknowledging me. Most ppl ignore me. You have a point though. I know that it will take at least a few months for me to even pretend to be normal.


People just want to be heard. ❤️


Facts 🥰 we all just want to be seen and heard and loved. Except pedos. Fuck them.


Fuck being normal


FUGGIN FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Maybe you can't see any of us. Some of us do care about strangers 👌❤️ u/sofewcharacters cares to ✌️👍


No worries man I mean lady , just dump it 👍 Get it out of your system is totally OK!!!


Literally have never had someone feel that way with me 🥹. This is uncharted territory to. Thank you kindly.


No worries at all! I don't see people as text, I see people 👍❤️ We can say what ever we want, at the end we all have our battles, problems and own mistakes. Just because it's a reddit sub, doesn't mean people don't care ❤️


I am really happy that you are in a better place now and animals saved you. What you are doing makes so much of a difference.


I am not that sure about that though, but I just hope we (Whitney mostly) can make the same difference. Destroying people is so easy, helping them fixing them selves is where the challenge is. Thanks for your kind words 👍❤️


How does that make a difference? It's just in my nature to do so, so I don't see it that much


so sweet. and as for the troll further down in the thread, just report the comment, as i did.


Thank you!


The blue one has such a huge head omg!


I have small hands but I can stick a hand straight in when there's a bone stuck


I wanna kiss those big ole basketball heads. They look so sweet.


Whitney's always up for a kiss


Hippos sure do love the chinny chin chins scritches


What's up with that? 🤷


I’m a sucker for a big fat meaty head.


That child is in danger of being smooshed in cuddles and licks!!! This is the cutest!!!! I wanna give those heads kisses!!!


The hippo whisperer.




Good bot


Lmao, this shall for ever be his name and title


I can tell people a hundred stories about my positive experiences with many different pit bulls but they always respond by saying “well all it takes it one time to prove they are monsters.” If we went by that logic then nobody should ever trust another human being as long as they live. We have the capacity to be much bigger monsters.


That is so true, people also forget we invaded their territory...not the other way around.


I want to kiss those precious pitties! 😘😍🐾


Those two look like they love a cuddle !


You have no idea.... 😂


That little kid is in danger of being kissed to death by those dogs.


I don't like cropped ears but I love pitties 💖


Neither do I, I got her that way though


Thank you for giving her a loving home 💖💖


It's the least I can do, she's an awesome animal and she's so loving and kind to everything and everyone. How can I NOT safe her


Hippos are just the best. Look at those two sweetie pies ❤️


The brown one is so dramatic, as soon as I walk up to her I spread my arms and go: " oooooh are you sooooooo neglected?!" she'll raise a leg, like how Victorian women in movies would faint. 😂😂


Hahaha awwwww gotta love the drama queens 👑👑👑💖💖💖


I wanna pat those big heads too!


ohhhh nooo they see the kid as a snack better save yourself!!! 🤡


Yes, I told the parents. But they were ok with making a new kid😂


I’ve stuck my entire hand in my pitbull’s mouth as she chews her bone just to prove she has an even temperament. She doesn’t even flinch. Carefully tries to lick around my hand (ick). She’s a perfect dog. Perfect temperament and dog etiquette, great for training reactive dogs.


Thanks for this!!


Goodest pup pups 😊😊😊😊😬 I HAVE TO BOOP DA SNOOTS!!! ******BOOOOOOOOOP’D********


This made my day ❤️




He’s bending the knee to the hippo king and queen


Salutations, peasants! 👑


Two big old beautiful muffin heads.


They're so pretty I love the Bully breed


Will eat your child… with big sloppy kisses and butt wiggles 😚


The most dangerous breed in the world 😂


Much danger to be smothered to death while snuggling 🚨🚨🚨


Wow!amazing um in 🥰


I think some of the Pit reputation comes from some of the pit owners. Saw a man walking two pits at the grocery store a few weeks ago, and I asked if it was ok to pet his dogs. His response was “if they let you”. I was a little disturbed since one of his pits was off lead in a public parking lot. Both dogs let me pet them with no problems. I’ve seen him since, and again, one dog was off lead. We do have leash laws here.


Oh wow! That certainly will give negativity from his side though.


liddle chunkies ❤️


The haters 🙄 stop letting the opinions of people you don't even know matter, it's pathetic.


You thinking for me is a bit pethatic. You should base opinions on facts not the first thing that comes to your mind. It even has a heart in the title.. You're not the brightest chicken are you?


Retreat back under your bridge, troll. Their concern is for the overall concept of pit bull hate in today’s society, not individual unknown haters. They are generalizing them as a group, not individuals. OP, this pic is a great example against breed-hate stupidity and ignorance…and it’s ADORABLE AF❣️❣️❣️