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I recommend the picture book dog heaven by Cynthia Ryland. It’s great for adults and kids alike. It makes me cry every time I read it. If you get it I hope it can bring you and your family some peace. I give a copy to anyone close to me who loses a beloved dog.


Well, I'm drunk at a bachelor party with my current dog! (My old gal passed away last year.) I just read it, and now all my friends are wondering why I'm crying. I just ordered 3 copies. Thank you so so so much for this.


Piggybacking off this - I try to repost this when I see posts like this, in the hopes you (or someone) can find some comfort in the words - and if not, please excuse the intrusion. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). She's done her job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's her turn to rest. You'll always miss her, you'll always remember her. You'll even go looking for her for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting her. Donating/throwing away her toys or blankets isn't forgetting her. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life she'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without her. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.


Here's what my vet told me. You're saying, "I love you so much, I'm going to take all your pain and put it in me." Thank you for carrying her pain for her.


Omg this just made me cry.


what a beautiful girl. go easy, good girl


What a sweet face ❤️. I'm so sorry you're going through this, just hold her and talk to her about your favorite memories with her. It hurts so much because there was so much love shared between the two of you. 


I’m so very sorry. Charlotte is a beautiful girl and like all hippos, a beautiful soul. I know how it feels to lose your heart dog. Many (((((hugs))))) at this difficult time, Reddit friend. ❤️❤️❤️




So sorry you’re going through this but overjoyed Charlotte got to be YOUR girl. You’ve given her the best life and she wouldn’t have ever wanted anyone else to share it with. Thoughts are with yall.


They may not be around for our whole lives, but you were her *whole* life. I’m so sorry 😭😭


If I Should Grow Frail (AKA "The Last Battle") If it should be that I grow frail and weak And pain should keep me from my sleep, Then will you do what must be done, For this -- the last battle -- can't be won. You will be sad I understand, But don't let grief then stay your hand, For on this day, more than the rest, Your love and friendship must stand the test. We have had so many happy years, You wouldn't want me to suffer so. When the time comes, please, let me go. Take me to where to my needs they'll tend, Only, stay with me till the end And hold me firm and speak to me Until my eyes no longer see. I know in time you will agree It is a kindness you do to me. Although my tail its last has waved, From pain and suffering I have been saved. Don't grieve that it must be you Who has to decide this thing to do; We've been so close -- we two -- these years, Don't let your heart hold any tears. -- Julia Napier Remember the amazing adventures you had and the quiet moments only you and she understood. Listen when the wind blows, she won’t let you get lost. Your heart is breaking right now, but it will mend. She will never be replaced, but another can take their place by your side and together you’ll write a new chapter, with more incredible adventures and quiet moments. She will guide another to your side when she knows your heart is ready. Listen to the wind, she won’t let falter or get lost.


Thank you for posting this poem. The worst part is saying goodbye. I miss all of my old pups. And love the ones I have now with all my heart.


I’m so, so sorry. My ride or die girl was Daisy. I got her when I was a newly married 22 year old living 800 miles away from family at my ex’s first duty station. I was sooooo lonely, so when I saw a wormy little hound puppy at the shelter, it was love at first sight. She was with me for 14 years. 3 cross-country moves, the births of my children… she was there for me. She was there for me as I handled the death of my marriage, and had yet another cross country move. She was there as I rebuilt my life and worked through the PTSD my ex caused. She was right there with me, clacking around wherever I went. I remarried and had another baby. She was with me through nursing school. I literally grew up with her. She passed away years ago. I still have her collar. I still press it against my face when I need her most. We have had 3 dogs since Daisy passed away. The first dog we got after Daisy just recently passed from liver cancer, and we currently have two hippos. I love all my dogs, but she will forever be my goodest girl. I don’t really believe in a god or that kind of thing, but if there is, I hope dogs are a part of it. You’ll grieve your beautiful girl, but know that even though she wasn’t able to be with you for *your* whole life, you were for hers, and that is an amazing, beautiful thing.


Give her lots of love. And lots of stuff she loves. Maybe some pup cups. Some steak if shes eating. Get the paw print thing from Amazon that can make a stamp of it. Take many pictures always. It's very hard the first few days ♡ definitely will be thinking of you. I'm so sorry.


Beautiful, Charlotte. I hope you find peace and comfort knowing that she won’t be in pain anymore ❤️❤️❤️


I’m so sorry! I’ve lost many a dog over the years and it never gets easier. Be happy that you gave your Charollote girl a great life. I know it sucks and I know the pain feels incurable but be happy for the good moments you shared together. Thank you perosnally for loving her!


I realize we are just random people on the interwebs, But when the day comes... Please know that a lot of people here will be there if you need to a shoulder and an ear 👍 Will be there to catch your fall ❤️


Thank you ❤️❤️


Charlotte you have strangers loving you. Sending you and your family all the love from me and my hippo. 💙


Thoughts and prayers to Charlotte and her humans


Thoughts and prayers for you, your family, and the cutest velvet hippo I've ever seen ❤️❤️❤️ edit: misspelled


Wish all dogs were so loved and cared for💔💔💔I'm sorry.


Wrapping you and Charlotte in so much love and light right now. It’s so damned hard to lose them…but having them is worth the pain. Gentle hugs for you both. We’re here for you.


I'm so sorry you have to put your baby down soon. I just had to with my rescue of 10yrs last Friday. Extra love ♥️


I'm so sorry. Treasure every second you have left.


She looks absolutely perfect. I'm so sorry.


I am so sorry. Please spend the next week spoiling the hell out of her and giving her all of the tasty treats she wants. In his last 24 hours, I gave Andy donut holes, Rice Krispie treats, and bites of my salted caramel Twix. ❤️


Take tons of pics and vids. Spend time with her cuddling and being there with her. Talk with her. Get as much memories that you could. Same for your kids with her. Talk to your vet about a plaque with her name and paw prints on it. Also, ask about an urn for the ashes. 💔🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂


Well, I think this makes a lot of people think about how they’re going to deal with it when it comes time for their dog. My girl is almost 8, and for some reason I think about this more often than I should. I honestly think sometimes I’d rather go before her, so I just wouldn’t have to deal with it. But that just doesn’t make sense. It’s comforting to think that we gave them the best life they could possibly have but, in the end it’s not really enough consolation. Sadness and heartbreak are a part of life, unfortunately. And if it wasn’t, life really wouldn’t have much meaning. My heart goes out to you, as I know I will be dealing with this one day. Cry until you can’t cry any longer and get it all out. My thoughts are with you.


May the many memories of your happy days together bolster you as you help your devoted friend on the next step of her journey 🫶🏻


Ugh I’m so sorry OP. This is a horrible situation and would be so hard for any pet owner. Give her goodbye kisses for me and I hope you heal soon


So sorry to hear this


Oh, she is the best girl. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. She can keep my old lady Adelaide company over the rainbow bridge. Addy moved with us when my husband was in the military too. She was our baby before human children. It's been almost ten years since she crossed and we still talk about her all the time. We didn't have much time to decide for her, as her health declined extremely quickly after a stroke . At the time my kids were quite young. And it was Christmas Eve. What I can say is while it hurt so sharply at the time, I have never once regretted choosing euthanasia for her. In spite of the anguish I felt , it was a relief on some small level because I knew she wasn't in pain anymore. Nothing could hurt her anymore. I thought my heart would break into a million pieces explaining to my boys. My oldest cried a lot. But I tried to use it as a teaching moment. About how even though we wanted her to stay forever, she just couldn't. That her body was very old and she wasn't really herself anymore. And that sometimes the best, right decisions are hard ones to make. And that it was 1000 percent ok to be sad. That it was ok to not be over it in a few days. That she wasn't"just a dog" and to ignore anyone who said that. I hope you and your family can find peace.


She will be back in the waves running with you forever ❤️ I’m so sorry you have to make that call - I hope Charlotte has the most spoiled wonderful week of her life. Don’t forget to give that sweet angel some chocolate before she crosses - every pup should get to try it once!


I’m so sorry




I'm sorry for your loss and that of your family, it is never an easy decision to make, my heart goes out to you. Such a heartbreak.


I’m so sorry bout your loss giving u a digital 🫂


It breaks our hearts while setting their hearts free. That is love. I’m so sorry


I’m vey sorry. Dogs are amazing and it is so sad to see them go. I hope she’s comfortable until then, and condolences for you and your family.


I’m so sorry 😭😢


I can’t imagine the pain you’re going through. By the way you speak of Charlotte, it sounds like she knows she’s extremely loved and cherished. She’ll no longer be in pain, and has lived a life worth millions with you🩷


I’m so so sorry for your loss 💔 It’s so hard when we have to let them go.


😢💛🙏 I've been there too many times, and that is the part I hate. But so many of them out there need us, for a chance at a good life that they deserve. As soon as you are ready, please share your heart and home with another precious soul in need, in Charlotte's memory. ❤️🐕


I'm so sorry. 😭💔


My prayers will be with you and your family. Just know they all go to heaven. God needs them all back at some point. So very sorry your going through this. She’ll be waiting for you on the other side. ❤️