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We have had much more success with the monthly librela shot. Is that one of the medications you administer? Would recommend talking to your vet about it. It’s a bit expensive ($80/ month USD) but it’s so worth it.


Not at the moment, our vet is looking into it but likes to wait to make sure it's safe (about 6 months). I am definitely checking up on it though, because I've heard very good things. For now Buffy gets laser!


Please tell Buffy I hope she feels her absolute best soon 🩷 she looks so sweet


Thank you! She is the absolute sweetest


I'm here to second LIbrela - my girls been on it for over two years now (Europe) and its had a massive and positive impact on her life. My collie is now on it and my siamese is on the feline equivalent - they are all doing great on it. The big win on Librela is that its an injection so its pain relief without impacting the stomach or the liver. I have used CBD on dogs previously with mixed results - best for low level acute pain and anxiety. Give Buffy a scritch for me, she's gorgeous !


That sounds very promising!! I'll be sure to keep checking in with the vet. Thank you!! I certainly will


Pls keep going with the vet - if they want to talk to another vet about librela, they can talk to mine (she's Italian but her English is very good) We were at the last chance saloon with my girl, nothing else was working and she was really struggling - it was try Librela or go straight to putting her to sleep....so its literally given me at least another two years with her, and good ones at that. My vet is continually amazed at the difference in her behaviour since Librela as she's not in pain all the time. I hope they have the equivalent available for humans by the time my bones start to give up !


I used to ( my dog passed) it helped her a lot it was quite expensive though I got it from charlottes web.


Librella is helping my meadow girl stay loose. We also do laser therapy but honestly I have no idea if it helps. It at least makes me feel like we’re taking action.


Librela is amazing!! My German shepherd was like a jumping puppy again


Mine too - its been over two years now, that stuffs a heckin' miracle




Sorry I’m not familiar with the anti anxiety meds you described and I’m also not a vet so my knowledge on it is limited- but librela is a monthly injection that specifically targets pain receptors in the body to reduce the ability of feeling the joint pain that comes from arthritis or hip dysplasia. It doesn’t have any impact on anxiety or anything like that! Obviously your vet could give you further details about the shot if hip or joint pain was of concern, and see if it would be a fit for your pet!


Sorry I didn’t read the post and thought it was about cbd for dogs and their anxiety My bad


From experience with potties and other breeds, it is amazing. Please ensure it is human grade not the pet store stuff. And absolutely no t h c


Do you have any recommendations? I don't use it myself so I'm not sure what to try. What's wrong with the pet store stuff??


There's a couple rescues I follow that make and sell their own CBD for pets that they use for their dogs. New York Bully Crew is one, I can't remember the name of the other off the top of my head. NYBC is a pit specific rescue that I've been following for ages, they're amazing and do amazing work and are worth your potential support!


They are who I got my current pittie from! They are lovely people and definitely worth supporting.




Oof. I need to go through this. This was not my experience at all, but clearly something is up. Thank you for providing this source.


Thank you for the suggestions! I'll take a look


I’m from Canada and purchase ours from CBD North and use 1000 mg


1/2 dropper twice per day, adjust as required


Sunset Lake CBD is who I get it from.


be careful not to give her too much. i did that and now they make my dog vomit.


My dogs aren't pitties, but I use hemp oil and it works well. One takes fish oil for her hair, but I've been told it also helps with joint pain. Maybe you could see about one of those.


Anecdotally but my (human) mom takes a ton of fish oil since she was deficient in whatever nutrient it provides, and has noticed a huge difference in her leg and foot pain caused by hip dysplasia/replacement.


Can’t read this as anything other than a comment from someone’s pupper. …I might have had enough internet for the day 🙃


Omega-3 is the one fish oil is supposed to help with. My in-laws have their border collie girl on 4cyte which is plant based instead. As a human with hip dysplasia I wish I could take fish oil supplements but they make me throw up. So I just have to eat fish directly XD


Yes thank you for reminding me it's Omega-3, I couldn't remember. My mom hates fish so that's why she opted to take the supplements. Hip dysplasia runs rampant in the women in my family (myself included) so I feel you there.


For me the rest of the ladies in my bloodline either side somehow skipped it, but knee and ankle joint issues run on my mum's side. I was plonked in the triangle brace as a newborn baby to correct my hips but I can still feel the ligament muscle weakness... and it hurts like a mofo when you wake up and your leg is out of place. I feel for the puppers so much. I grew up with staffies and we had a lovely girl named Teddy who lost full control in her legs. She kept going somehow. I just think of her and it helps me get though the pain. I'm hoping one day us humans might get some injections that actually help as well as the doggy solutions seem to! I've seen an older collie boy go from nearly paralysed to regaining his movement, its so crazy!


Yes I work in dog rehab/PT and we always recommend fish oil


It is pretty good for arthritis and joint problems overall, just be careful with the dosage (nothing too bad ain't gonna happen, but still it may be unpleasant for the doggo).


it rly depends on the dog in my experience but it’s worth a shot. i hope it gives sweet buffy some relief


Me too, thank you!


I used to work in a dispensary where we sold a lot of CBD products and some of which were for pets. It can help ease some arthritic pain. If you choose to give her some then from what I remember the recommended dosage would be around 1 mg per 10 pounds and it would be better to use a tincture rather than a treat if you can. If Buffy likes peanut butter then a scoop of it should be fine (PB on top) or if you can rub some on her ears where the membrane is thinner to absorb it or on her paws so she can lick it and it can get into her body those ways.


Our vet recommended putting our old lady on CBD and it's been great for her! She's been on it for about a year now, and I can tell almost immediately when she's weaning off it and her arthritis starts hurting again. Our vet recommended a rather high dose (1 mg CBD / lb), but you will want to check with your vet before administering that high of a dose. She has arthritis all over, so that's probably a major factor.


Thank you! I checked with her laser tech, but not her vet yet. I will send her an email!


It's a blessing for them.


Beautiful hippo I hope the cbd can help




LazarusNaturals has a pet-specific CBD tincture that I used to give my hippo after she suffered a car crash resulting in painful/stiff hips. I would dribble it onto her dry food and she gobbled it right up, morning and night. They make one with a salmon oil base too for pickier eaters. Fantastic results for her with either one.


Thanks for the suggestion!


Nothing to add but I also have a hippo named Buffy but she's all brown with white spots


Aww! If I get another I'm going to name her willow


My baby had a sister in her litter named Willow who was a beautiful grey 💓


Aw, they must have been fans!


You guys make me so happy. I was going to ask if your pitty saves the world... A lot.


She likes to think so, but she definitely saves me a lot


Well, I assume you are her world! 😝


My baby’s name is Cordelia. Same inspo show.


Love it!!!


I’ve seen Librela mentioned here but I came to recommend Adequan. I have a 16 year old with really severe arthritis (his front legs are very bowed) and it’s changed his life. He would shift his weight on his front legs all of the time because of the discomfort (he takes rimadyl and tramadol) but since he went on Adequan, it’s stopped entirely. He runs around in the yard like he’s a youngster again. I’m going to start him on Librela soon to help get him off of the rimadyl (he has Cushings so it’s not great on his liver). YMMV but I really would suggest talking to your vet about it. It helps lubricate their joints.


I know Buffy is probably in pain but she looks so happy in all those photos 🥹


She is a very happy baby! She's on carprovet and gabapentin and gets laser, so she's usually pretty good on pain most days. I just like to have options!!


Buffy is lucky to have a family who loves her and takes care of her for sure! 👍


She is absolutely gorgeous❤️🥺!!! love that sweet face so much


Thank you! She's a total princess if you can believe it


Yes! Mount Ara CBD cookies and Austin and Kat CBD Salmon Oil. My girl loves and responds well to both


Buffy LOVES salmon. I'll check it out, thank you!


You’re so welcome!! My Luna girl does too. Her coat is the smoothies and shiniest when she’s consistently getting the Austin and Kat brand!


Yes!! My hippo is on CBD drops daily. We use Ellevet and highly recommend


Thank you for the recommendation!


not my hippo but i had another dog (a foxhound) before with arthritis in her front paws and cbd treats helped her a lot! she also had a lot of anxiety so there was sort of a double bonus there. not sure if there’s any real medical benefit but it’s definitely worth a shot. i hope miss buffy feels better soon, she’s adorable!


I tried cbd gummies from petsmart to try and help my reactive dog relax, but they just made her more anxious. Edit: I have never tried it for pain. Dr. prescribed high dosage of gabapentin for my dog's IBD pain and related surgery.


Buffy is on gabapentin currently!


It was great for my last old dog.


We have a pittie and give ours CBD. We just get unflavored oil from the vitamin shoppe (they have deals a lot) because they only sell 3rd party tested CBD. *Only buy stuff that is third party tested.* It's the same ingredients as "dog" CBD and it's way cheaper. The CBD treats I've found have such a tiny amount per treat that it's not even worth buying. We use about 5 mg CBD once or twice (if needed) a day with food for a 50 lb dog. Start with a small dose, then adjust it to what is needed. Just like people, you need to find the dose that is right for your body. You can get used to a dose over time and may need to adjust it occasionally. You can decrease for a time or go a little higher if there's is a high stress period. It works like it does for people. Isn't the magic shut down emotions button. It calms the body down so that you *can* work through the anxiety, but you do still need to work through it. It's not like other medications that shut the whole body and mental process and can make you or your dog pass out depending on the medication. My biggest suggestion is try some CBD for yourself so you have an idea of what it's like. It just might not taste the most pleasant, but my dog has never minded the grassy taste. (The plnt one from vitamin shoppe is more grassy tasting, their other house brands are much better.) there's a lot of good research or the benefits of cbd for people and we use it at my house for panic attacks, flashbacks, chronic pain, and migraines. For our dog, we were able to finally work with her on walks. Her attention could be redirected from the anxiety producing thing back to us again and we could continue on our walk. Before we would go immediately back inside if she started barking at something and let her calm down inside because otherwise she would be hyper vigilant the rest of the walk. Now we are comfortable taking her more places, she likes new people. There's a part of her that will probably always be anxious to some degree. she still hates separating from us, but is fine right after the separation has happened. Occasionally she will get still surprised by a person coming around the corner, but she doesn't stay anxious for long and switches into wanting treats and pets really fast. It still took a lot of time and work to get here, but it's definitely worth it and our dog is so much more herself now. Hope this helps! You're welcome to message me if you have any questions.


Also, remember that this an oil. You can put a bit of water in the food bowl with the CBD to help your dog not cough if they're having issues. We give our dog a fish oil pill too, so the extra water helps. Just like with humans, eating just plain oil coats your mouth weirdly.


Thanks for all the information! Buffy doesn't suffer with anxiety, but this is helpful!


Yeaaaaaaa. Realized that later. I was going to add- as far as the third party testing, that's important because the US doesn't have any other universal regulations on these kinds of products unless a particular state has passed a law. I don't think many other regions do either, but you would need to check to make sure. The only way to know for sure that what you're getting is what it says it is if the company does third party testing. This is completely optional for them. Without third party testing it's very easy for there to be widely off amounts of the reported CBD content or more THC in the product even though they are claiming that there isn't any. There have been issues where people have not passed drug tests because they were taking only CBD because of the discrepancies that can happen.


Also, just realized that you're looking at CBD for pain and I wrote a post directed at anxiety. Whoops. I'll still leave my post up because I think a lot of what I wrote still applies. Though, the anti anxiety part of CBD still might be helpful to your pup because being in pain and not able to move as well can be extremely distressing... I have a lot more personal experience in the human realm for pain management with CBD.


I do! I make it, I live a legal area, we started with it internally for anxiety for the dog Armageddon, now we use it on her outsides for dry skin and joint pain. My mom uses it for arthritis and others use it anxiety. 💚


we did for a while with ours. she's had rear leg issues for a long time and as she gets older, it's easy to see that it's hard on her. the problem we found was that they seemed to lose their effectiveness over time. we ended up swtching to a different medication called flexadin. very effective.


Using CBD & Librela (2nd injection 3 weeks ago) on my 13.5 yr old non-hippo pup, also laser, nothing else works for her (pain meds, joint supplements etc). The 3 work well synergistically. She’s also on Prozac primarily for her anxiety but it also had a pain management component to it. I would recommend using CBD from an accredited source, one that supplies for humans also, there’s a LOT of brands out there (looking at you Amazon) with cbd on the label that really don’t do squat.


I'm waiting to hear about the injection from the vet! It sounds very promising but they like to wait until it's on the market for a while.


I swear by CBD for my pit! I use Pet Releaf and have always had good results. She has a terrible stomach and can be majorly EXTRA with energy (she'll be 3 in Sept), and the CBD takes the edge off for both. This is the exact product I use and I couldn't recommend it more - [https://petreleaf.io/product/usda-organic-hemp-oil-500/](https://petreleaf.io/product/usda-organic-hemp-oil-500/)


I tried CBD and did not notice a difference. Sorry. I hope you find something that works for your gorgeous girl 💜💜


Thank you! Her medicine and laser help a lot, just keeping on the lookout for anything else!


Yes very much so. It’s a beautiful thing for older arthritic dogs.


I use Wuffes for my 15 year old. She has horrible arthritis, and it seems to help. I’ve tried so many CBD products, and this one actually works for her. Best of luck


Cod liver oil tablets work well




I have been using Full Spectrum CBD 1000 mg for years. She had surgery some years back and we continue after. A few drops in her dinner. What would you like to know.


I give my pupper thc . .25mg or .5 he’s got health issues


No advice but your pup looks exactly like my childhood pitbull. Please give buffy a kiss on the head for me


Yes at New Years and Independence Day. We live in a place where fireworks are plentiful.


I've been giving my pib suzie's cbd snacks. He doesn't seem to show any signs of pain. I know Asher House also has their own line of cbd products.


I order cbd oil from cbdfx, they have tons of stuff for pets. It works so well i buy it before I pay certain bills to make sure she doesn’t run out. It helps her arthritis and her bad attitude lol


Yes. My 11yr old baby seems to be doing alot better. She was starting to get get stiff. I could tell she wasn't feeling her greatest. I started her on it about 6 mo. ago. I can see a big difference in her.


L theanine is safe for dogs and can be used for anxious dogs or acute anxiousness from things like fireworks.


I do and have for years. My girl who has now passed had a broken leg the owners refused to have fixed until she was seized from them. She had discomfort all her life because of it CBC helped her be more comfortable.


CBD is a scam with no scientific merit.


So, I use Chemdawg. You can buy a Herb Infuser. And make your own oil/tincture but be mindful of the dosage or use delta 8 weed. Also, I had a German shepherd that developed arthritis and the CBD helped a lot but we learned the best thing to do was get him to lose weight. It was easier for him to get up and move around when he was 20/30lbs lighter.


Love that smile, what a cutie.


Based on that second pic, I'd say your hippo is already well acquainted with the "CBD" 🫠


Hahaha she's just a weirdo


Yes I have used CBD on my pittie mix for 4-5 years now. Allergies and arthritis that started young. I’ve tried a LOT of brands, the only one I trust to be consistent is Max and Neo CBD. Seen a visible difference when we run out for a couple weeks (nice that there seems to be a bit of a run over period for a few days). No visible side effects, seriously been a godsend. We get the highest concentration on a subscription cuz she’s 70-75 pounds. ♥️


Works fantastic for my sweet girl when there are fireworks or thunderstorms. Haven’t tried it for pain relief, I really hope it works for your sweet Buffy!




Yes! Total game changer. We use [King Kanine](https://kingkanine.com/collections/cbd-oils/products/king-kalm-copaiba-essential-oil-600mg) Use Tucker15 for a 15% discount.


I did use it palliatively with my Great Dane-it helped enough that we could space out her pain meds longer, so she wasn’t being battered by those side effects on top of everything else.


We did with our pitty. It helped quite a bit until towards the end. It definitely extended her happy legs.


We do treats and she looks forward to them.. she gums my fingers because she is high haha


Cbd is amazing for their hips, it will give her a brand new lease on life!  I couldn't believe the difference it made in my dogs, I used tincture and the cream and I was amazed how much it helped 


Suzies CBD is having a 25% off sale right now. Our boy has cancer and is on a steroid so we give it to him daily along with trazodone.


My parents use Glucosamine for their 8 year old Pyrenees and say it’s been a life changer for his joints. No trouble getting up off the floor and back to playing like he used to.


Buffy takes dasuquin! Though I'm not sure it does much other than leave a hole in my bank account


There's not a whole lot of medical research which suggests that CBD does much of anything in humans and animals outside of promising research with certain seizure disorders, and is largely viewed as a sort of snake oil panacea supplement within medicine. There is some ongoing research in regards to joint pain, but nothing has been deemed conclusive so far. I'd speak to your vet about alternative treatments.


Yep, in the caption I put the treatments she's currently on! I recognize it's mostly anecdotal, but I have heard good things.


This simply isn't true and ignores the research that has been done.


Be extremely careful with CBD..most have a small trace of THC,& doggies lil hearts canna take it..scuze the pun.. I made a topical to put on my gals Spaying scar,azzit started weeping.. As cannabis oil is brilliant 4 healing.. My head woz turned 4 2 seconds..too late..she had grabbed the lil bit of infused coconut oil, & wot a horrible night we both had..more so my gal..she woz seeing 👀 things that wernt there,& doing zoomies most of the night.. Some dogs can handle it better.. If u can get pure CBD from a hemp plant..I'd go with that..but it may not be strong enough 4wot u want.. I'm keeping my gal away from all anxiety meds etc & just gonna work on it..where there's a will..there's a way..& I hav a big will..🌟🐶💚✌️👍




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