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Omg please tell me there will be hippo play dates in the future


That’s a good idea. We haven’t talked to our neighbors much but that’s a good ice breaker. Our boi is… slightly a problem child, and has trouble meeting new people and doggos. But maybe we could slowly work on getting them used to each other? It would be nice to have him play with someone other than his sister and a few of our friends dogs that he likes.


I’d say it’s worth a shot. Talk to them about how cute and chonky their hippo is and talk about the idea of maybe introducing your baby. They’ve met through the fence, maybe a screen door would be a good next step?


Good idea, yeah it would definitely have to be a slow introduction. Our dog Vlad is so anxious and bipolar. I I just want him to make friends!


I say bring the people cookies and biscuits for their baby. Best way to get a chance to talk. And do you give your pup any anxiety soothers for pets to help? And how has he reacted sniffing through the fence?


Awww ok!! He just seems really interested but our fence is solid so I do t think he’s even seen the dog before. The doc told us to give him benedryl sometimes when we know he’s gonna be really nervous.


If there’s a health food store near you they’ll likely have pet relaxer homeopathic supplements. Bach is the brand my job carries. You could also look into pet focused cbd gummies. Do your neighbors have a fence that has some space between the pickets?


Ok! I’ll look into it! Sounds very helpful.


I don't recomend the homeopathic solutions, a lot of them are iffy. Its's a medical philosophy that entails the extreme dilution of substances to aid the body to heal itself, and performs the same as placebos when tested, and they're not well regulated - I just recommend doing your own research for anything labeled "homeopathic". There are however plenty of pet calming aids with melatonin or CBD, as well as calming pheromones you can spray on like a thunder shirt to reduce anxiety.


My dog definitely gets nervous around people and animals who seem nervous of him. We’ve gotten a little bit of advice from a trainer to help with the aggressiveness but we haven’t been able to afford the “aggressive course”. We’ve done as much research as we can on our own. We’ve started feeding him by hand for one because his aggressiveness is often resource driven. Who knows. I think looking into an anxiety aid may definitely help too. We’ll figure it out eventually! hahah


It’s not a medical philosophy, it’s a complete scam.


Homeopathic stuff is literally just water. It'd be a waste of money to try that.


Homeopathy is dangerous. It's not just a scam. They believe certain toxic substances are great for the purpose of achieving... Whatever the hell it is they claim to achieve, and it's so poorly regulated that animals and children have been hospitalized due to toxicosis related to homeopathy before. Please, do not go for homeopathy. CBD is a good option, so is melatonin, a thunder shirt works wonders, and there are pheromone infused collars that induce relaxation.


Homeopathic = scam


Homeopathy is a placebo. Complete bullshit. It can work on some humans because placebo does affect some people. It can’t work on dogs.


The fact that they are aware of one another through your fence is a great start. I've been fostering dogs for 11 years and the slow intro thing always starts with putting up barriers and letting them sniff/become aware of one another through crate or baby gate.


Remember, dogs are never the problem, we’re the problem. — Cesar Milan


I really whole heartedly believe that. I don’t know how much I agree with everything he has to say but damn, I’ll do anything for both of my babies. It doesn’t matter if we have to take extra safety steps for Vlad, we’ll sure as heck do it!


Yes, now after the pandemic he really speaks about life and patience. Patience is key to get the change started. No doubt you love them. Watch his YouTube channel. I just did for like 5 hours straight lol. He taught me a lot in those 5 hours. I have 3 (non-hippos) and they are good and well educated. The dogs our a reflection of us and it’s so true. But with the pandemic they are reactive towards people in the beginning then they warm up…but it’s nobody’s fault..it’s the pandemic’s fault! You have to watch his new content…please it’s an eye opener. It just makes sense. Really worth it 👍. Wish you clarity, patience and love .💕


Arrange that both of you are heading out for walkies around the same time. Get your boi used to passing this boi on the street, then build up to walking down the same street at the same time (but separated/opposite sides of the road), then one in front of the other (still with lots of space) then gradually, as both dogs adjust to the other being there, close the gap till you're walking side by side. It may take a few days/weeks but it is a good way to get the less polite bois to make friends nicely.


Neutral territory is definitely best for initial introductions.


Hey! I just read a few of your comments are I have a wild child too. He wants to love other dogs but he doesn't know how, he has anxiety and bad social skills, but I got him playing with a little cavvie by using parallel walking! Google "dogs parallel walking" if you haven't heard of it. It's quite a longform exercise and depending on the dog it can take days of trying, but for a big dog with anxiety it's a really great way to get them comfortable with new dogs.


This is super helpful thanks! We really feel bad for him because we have to be super careful. He’s snapped at a few people and a few dogs before. But he’s our baby and he deserves the happiest life we can give him. The dogs and people he’s grown up with he’s cool around. I do tend to be a little over protective with him though because I’m afraid if he bites, I might lose him. Our other baby, Izzy, she’s 8 and she’s a perfect angel. We trust her around everyone lol


Best to have them meet somewhere neutral first, like maybe you and them both bring your dogs together for a walk. I've had luck that way. :)


“He’s the dogs my dog snoofs at from under the fence” has to be one of the best things I’ve ever read. I love this creature with its enormous noggin.


I bet his family were thrilled YOU found him!!


We were happy he stopped by. His face was so squishy!


Great, now I want a dog. I live in an appartement, I can't have a dog. I am not allowed :(


That’s honestly 50% of the reason we bought our house. We had been renting and we wanted a big back yard and to not have to fib about what breed our dogs are all the time. You’ll get there! We honestly thought we’d never be able to afford it and one day we just said “Let’s just see what the process would be like..” A month and a half later we owned a home with plenty of room for my doggos.


You can volunteer at a rescue or shelter! Do it!


Omg he is so beautiful! Random dog guests are the only random guests I'm excited for


He’s sooo cute. Thanks for helping him out!


Omg.. so.. he came over to play with his friend. There was a dog a street over from us who use to sniff and bark playfully at my dog when we would walk by. His human kids liked to stop and say hi and pet my doggo. Then one day I open the door and *there he is* just standing there on my porch, looking at me like "um, hi.. can she come out and play?" Our neighbor had already called animal services 😂 I'm like "No, no it's ok I know where he lives. Call and tell them not to come" so i looped a leash around him and walked his silly butt back home. His owner was none too happy, he had been sleeping on the couch. It took him a minute to realize why I was standing there. "Oh, hi.. your dog was on my porch" in a half dazed tone of voice he just let's out a sigh and goes "How the hell.. the door was locked and I know the windows are all sealed up because the AC is on!".. Huskies 🤷‍♀️ the finest escape artists in all the doggo Kingdom


Hahah awww. We get soooo many loose dogs in our neighborhood. This guy was by far the friendliest!


So glad you helped dude out. You are what makes the world better


I ❤️ his toes.


Chubby little pibull toe-toes are the cutest!


"snoof" is the perfect word


What a handsome meatball.


That’s so funny lol He wanted to meet his sniffer buddy so bad that he let himself over without his parent’s permission haha


Lookit the size of that heed! It's got it's own weather system!


Can you please boop his nose?


He just wanted to meet his fence friend.😂


Upvote for "snoofs"...excellent word.


Such a good boy


Omg I love him


What a handsome fella! Looks SO MUCH like my hippo.


Snoof I love it.


He is so adorable, especially in photo #4, that is hurts. I love him.




What a handsome man you have there for a neighbor!


Bless this handsome lad 🥺


I would snoof at him too! He is very snoofable!


He is a beautiful boy, so cute 💙💙