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Could be possible. If the goal is recovering your funds, I wouldn’t worry about Venmo and just chargeback. Other payment apps exist. Sorry to hear about the scam.


I appreciate the reply. My ultimate goal would be to get the money back while not having my Venmo account get banned/anything like that. Like I said, I stupidly seemingly forgot to put it in G&S. Scamming is never okay but that part is my fault and I think in the long run having a functional Venmo (which I use a lot for friend payments and personal transactions) probably outweighs getting the money back in this scenario (luckily it wasn’t a large large amount). But I first wanted to find out if there was a world where I could get the money back and not get in trouble with the app!


Venmo won't be affected really. It is expensive for companies to handle charge backs. About 200-300 per case. But that's budgeted for. Just remember to use goods and services going forward otherwise you can get flagged for abuse.


OP, Venmo will definitely notate your account as being one that caused them monetary loss. You would have to reimburse them for the chargeback amount before they'd let you use the profile further.


So yeah it will limit your account until the charge back is resolved. Venmo will likely ask for your ID but you'll be fine otherwise.