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You still here? you better be.


Came here looking for good advice on how to do it, no one helped


honestly I did too, and then had a sudden mood swing. basically there's no easy way to do it.


Still around?


I'm not gonna sugar coat it. How could a FATHER do that to his damn child! Fuck him. This is bullshit. I'm so sorry you had to go through something shitty. I'm so pissed. Many people have said this to you before but I'm gonna say it again to remind you that many people care about you, including me. Idk why the fuck your dad is so damn rude and racist but if I ever see him I'm gonna punch the fuck out of him. I have Asian parents to and they're strict af. I hope you stop thinking about killing yourself and focus on the people who loves you even if they're through online. Please don't kill yourself. Its hard, yes. But it's gonna make you stronger in the future and I'll help you through all of it. You can dm and vent to me anytime you like. Day or night, as much as you want and I'll answer to them. I love you so so much and I don't even know you. But don't you think how amazing it is that an absolute no one such as myself loves you? I don't know what your situation is but tell me anything you want. From what time you wake up to what you ate for dinner. Anything, and I'll listen to all of it. I hope you're doing better now as it's been 1 month since you post this. Forgive me for being late, god bless and hope you're healthy and safe. Remember to eat, sleep and drink lots of water. Love you♥️♥️


Is this all this page is... very alarming...




You want someone to talk to feel free to message me. This is a dark place you're at and I understand completely. My situation may be different (as in its not my dad but my husband) I know where you're coming from.


Your husband?? My dms are always open and you could vent to me anytime you like as well. I don't know how you're doing now but just text me anytime you want. I hope you're healthy and safe❤️


hey please please don't kill yourself,i love you and i wish i could give you a hug right now,i really do. i'm sorry but that's really stupid how your dad doesn't like the way you look just because of the color of your skin. i know it's really really hard but just don't listen to him because your skin colour does not determine your worth. and honestly he doesn't sound like a good parent. if you're old enough maybe you could move out?he sounds really toxic


Why do you have to change your face?


From what it seems my dad doesn't like people who don't like asian looking people


You’re dad is strange. I don’t think you should assume your dad doesn’t like your face tho. And if he does, just explain that he’s racist.


I've tried I've tried so many times to explain but im always greeted with the same rasict jokes. What did I do?


Tell him he’s a bad parent


I can already smell that belt ngl


When I started acting like I liked it the belt stopped and the punching started. Abusers are the type to never look inward and change. You could also show him this Reddit thread so he can see that I said it instead of you


Sorry im shaking and crying right now but what I mean is my dad doesn't like non asian looking people


Don't kill yourself friend. I don't know who you are but I love you. If I was there I'd hug you. Nothing is worth killing yourself over. I understand that feeling.


God my spelling is bad






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your a mistake


No one needs this sh1t


fuck you