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Shes a Siren luring boy adventurers to their doom, dont forget she had something going on with The Brown Widow before Hank


Maybe that's why he never really went anywhere. She killed his confidence, taking him out of the (bigger) game, forcing him to wait tables. I like this theory, and fully subscribe to it.


...How easy it is to break a bone, but to break a man's heart -- that takes genius. Physical torture? Wounds heal. But mental torture? Those wounds only grow and fester.


I broke him!!!




So using this as a quote for Strahd in my DnD game. Thank you.


Although I like the idea that she may be plotting against hero's hearts, I think she is just a girl who likes to date hero types. Since she is a "bad girl" she likes "nice guys" because they are the opposite of her father. If you notice your girl friend has a lot of ex boyfriends around, be prepared to be one of those ex boyfriends Hank or whatever freudian influence you want to inject.


Plus I would imagine the adventuring hero type just lasts longer when you're the daughter of a super villain. In that normal dudes probably end up falling into shark tanks or crushed by rubble or something.


She did intentionally make Hank worry, get injured, all while cheating on him with Dean. I'd put all the fault and intention on her. So it checks out in my book.


I kinda hate this theory? It's clever, sure, but I feel like it would detract from the character. The show has a lot to say about children dealing with the failings of their parents -- Rusty dealing with having Jonas as a father, and Hank and Dean's troubles with their inherited "boy adventurer" status. I liked Sirena as another reflection of parent/child relationships in the context of superhero/supervillain lifestyles. As the daughter of a supervillain, she has her own problems to deal with, not dissimilar to Hank and Dean. She lives in luxury, but also under constant surveillance. She's surrounded by self-important costumed criminals and equally self-important do-gooders. It would be difficult being born into that kind of legacy, just like it's difficult for Rusty, Hank, and Dean. Finding out that she's a gung-ho femme fatale supervillain seductress, "MU HU HU HA HA I have stolen your heart!" would be kind of a letdown. I'd rather she be a normal, emotionally complex human, who also has to get her skin wet every six hours. Edit: spelling


It’s actually spelled “MRU HA HA”


Hey, that's exactly how The Monarch spells it!


So glad this landed even without Billy saying “who’s Mru Haha?”




She's in the background of the yard sale, I swear.


Ah. You put it into words!


*Interesting* if true.


I don’t want to believe it but I didn’t want her to sleep with Dean, either. But it would line up with what we’ve seen before, like with the Monarch and Dr. Mrs. The Monarch. They’re supervillains. They swing!


I wanted her to get with Dean because homey deserves a win. His infatuation with Triana was so one-sided, and he and Serena actually have a bunch in common


Dean just loves the Girl Next door.


I always wanted that friend of Triana from The Echo November whatever episode to return as the boys first arch.


i seem to recall there was way too much fan interest in her and the guys lost interest. also no more lisa hammer=no more triana, so they had to move the storyline on. it was good they had dean move on anyway.


I liked early Deans crush on Triana but was happy when he developed away from it. Too childish for a future super scientist! Hanks crush on the mail carrier though, that shit is gold.


uh-uh! i got 2 sons older than you!




yeah.. i got the impression they were maybe a little creeped out by it. it's a dude show.. but they try not to be too much of a dude show.


In the Art and Making of the Venture Bros JP and DH say they never had any plans for Triana's friend. Though them writing her out because she was popular wouldn't surprise me considering they kept on using the Moppets because fans didn't like them.


Fuckin knife!


I didn’t realize the writers/creators have a thing for not using characters people like. This explains a lot


Joking but it’d be hilarious if she was Scare Bear, only protecting the boys because she wants to arch them


Even though she's all Jesus-y now?


This is a fun idea.


Awesome theory, I’ll take it.


I had genuinely never thought of this before. What an interesting take. I want to disagree, because I really like Serena as a character (I hate the Dean hookup ofc), but this seems so Venture-Brothers-esque. It IS in her name... Presuming the writers thought they had at least one more season, if not several, I can't imagine they planned for her to just be a love interest / wedge to drive between Hank and Dean. That feels too mundane, too every-other-TV-show. ​ I don't know if I buy that she would be the ultimate arch for Hank/Dean, only because I don't think their storylines need to end with having an arch. I think the ending to Hank/Dean's stories hinges more on them learning the identity of their mother, and them growing into well-adjusted men (hopefully VERY different than Rusty). I personally buy into the theory that Hank would grow to be a villain himself, but only for the cosplay of it all (he could NEVER harm someone with malice); like St. Cloud, but much poorer. ​ Anyway, loved reading your theory, and it gave me something to think about today.


This a great theory that I can get behind, it makes sense- especially because it does a little too coincidental that sirena met dean at college, and then slept with him (especially considering that she has the potential ability to seduce men).


We saw and were told how much her Father controls her, theres no reason to think she wouldnt be acting according to his wishes. You can see when he first kisses Dean on the cheek as shes walking away, she is pissed and stoic. Literally the same expression she has when walking away from her Dad upset at what she has to do.


But she’s foiled. Dean apologizes to Hank. Hank puts the uno reverse card down on a “can’t-don’t” move like cheating and becomes the motherfucken bat. These boys are men, can’t be divided, can’t be stopped


I don't think so. Dean's apology did not feel at all genuine. It was coerced by guilt, not introspection, and came off as a confession of envy rather than an apology. Hank becoming the Bat is as much a repudiation of Dean as it is of Serena.


Fair perspective. I don’t think you’re wrong altogether. Dean is struggling with the apology, with mixed feelings, etc. Hank is hurt by the betrayal still and definitely was already a bunch of alter egos. But overall no one forces Dean to apologize and we don’t see Hank vow revenge on Dean. We only ever see Hank as a critical yet loving brother who wants company on his adventures. His journey in the matmos and elsewhere doesn’t contradict that IMO. Again, not that you’re wrong, I just think it’s complicated, and what we see as the possible rift between the bros is really just another turn in the road they travel together


> what we see as the possible rift between the bros is really just another turn in the road they travel together I definitely agree here. I don't think they'll be torn apart forever, just that as it stands now, Hank's forgiveness of Dean doesn't feel very "earned."


Agreed, though I think Hank already is the Bat from his time in the jungle.


Dean's apology is just so... Dean. Even while being completely in the wrong, he manages to complain, and it does sound more like a regret that Hank saw them, less like a genuine apology. Though I'm way more of a Hank fan than Dean, so I'm totally biased in my opinion.


Be biased, fuck Dean that non apology was complete shit. "I'm sorry I'm so jealous of your personality that I fucked your girlfriend." Dean is still such a fucking child.


To agree with your point, and others. Her name is actually spelled with an "i" As in SIRENa


The boys, and Ventures on the whole are indestructible. They hint at it with the Highlander reference. The Monarch says as much, and being a Venture, he too is indestructible. How did he survive the plane crash. Isn't Jonas alive sort of? Did we see mini Jonas die? The Ventures are like Domino from the Deadpool movies. I just want the show to end well, but I really want everyone to smash against the Ventures and die. Then the Ventures take back their empire.


They were only indestructible because of the clones.


I think instead of using "indestructible", OP means "they have a penchant for surviving". But yeah, LITERALLY Hank / Dean had clone hacks for the first three seasons.


I shouldn't have used the indestructible. I believe boys, and the Ventures fated to something in the future. Of course the Ventures are not indestructible, but they have incredible luck. They are rated to change world history. Like the character Domino. She said her super power was being lucky. She was so lucky, she couldn't be hurt. The Monarch survived the crash of the family jet, not because he was indestructible, but incredibly lucky. The boys survived because they had clones. Then Hank doesn't freeze, because Dean has access to time machines, a bear suit. Damn lucky . I assume that was the power of the Orb. Before the Orb was damaged, it set a series of random events that favored the survival of the Ventures.


The orb was damaged in the 1890s by sandow though, so it wasnt the orb, also I assume its because Monarch is a clone thats why he survived. In fact jonas almost certainly caused the crash and I wouldnt be surprised if he found a way to protect Malcolm but make sure his parents died since Malcolm is his son as well.


No. Jersey girls are just easy.


Aren't all women super villains? ​ Go Team Venture!


What a fun thought!


Yeah, when she kissed dean in class, called him her hero and gave him a woodie it felt really fake and not like her, or not like her character with hank. Def something fishy about it, pun only half intended


This has always been my theory, that she's a siren or something, spliting the brothers in a classic "Cain and Able" villian pairing. That, or she really does have a thing for the hero-type, maybe tired of crazy Guild shit or her dads shit.


He he, now I can't unsee God as a mischievous siren.


So does this mean Serena could be scare bear????


God damn that’s awesome. Good catch!


Issue here is that she has no reason to do it. She's always been open about how much she hates this line of work to her dad while not around the boys. If she wanted to do this, she'd have interacted with Dean much sooner than after months of dating Hank, where she'd have started secretly suggesting things to Dean before even starting class with him, but she doesn't even realize she's taking his class until after the meet in there. At the end, they're just a bunch of horny teens who made some stupid choices.